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Thread: Screenshot Thread

  1. #26
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: ZylonBane
    Quote Originally Posted by Zygoptera View Post
    I'd take your criticism more seriously if (1) the shuttle in your still wasn't sitting rather obviously on a platform and (2) the equivalent hangar from SS1 resembled the cutscene one, which it doesn't, possibly because (3) the hangar in the cutscene isn't the same one as in the screenshot, it's this one:

    (taken from a point which obviously you can't ever get to in game) and which (3a) has a hangar entrance a staggering 8 units less than that in the original level and (3b) I now need to go back to add platforms to to make it match the cutscene...

    More seriously though, much as I'd like to make it look more like the cutscene the practicalities of the Dark Engine's limitations and the potential for being able to "fly" in SS1 means that the potential extra work to do the external stuff necessary with high fidelity just ain't worth it. And to clarify fully, one of the reasons why the entrances are marginally smaller is that that allows the views to be blocked without being completely obvious about it.
    That video is so low-resolution that it's not at all obvious what exactly is inside the bay.

    But even granting that there may be platforms in that shot, it's much more likely that they would be maintenance lifts, not permanent elevated fixtures.

    What view is there to block at the hangar entrance anyway? They look out into empty space.

  2. #27
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: New Zealand
    Part of the platforms are lifts. I was thinking aircraft carrier, but when it comes right down to it for a bay that size and considering how relatively small the shuttles look it doesn't really make sense for a carrier like lift system, just a quick throughput unload/load system with parking space.

    As for the view, the still shows it pretty well, you ought to be able to see down to view the 'top' of the lower levels: med/research etc which is really unnecessary detail from a design pov.

  3. #28
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: In His hands
    Quote Originally Posted by ZylonBane View Post
    Architecture is looking good, but I'm not loving those new floor arrows. And what's up with the Greek letters on the map?
    Several (if not all, can't remember) of SS1's levels are divided into quadrants: alpha, beta, gamma, and delta.

  4. #29
    New Member
    Registered: Feb 2003
    Location: Auckland, New Zealand
    This looks totally awesome! Keep up the good work.

  5. #30
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: In His hands
    Thank you very much for your support!

  6. #31
    New Member
    Registered: Mar 2010

    this looks amazing. keep up the good work.

  7. #32
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: In His hands

  8. #33
    Just noticed this forum today. This is an excellent idea, and I hope it is left alone by ...those who don't like to leave this type of project alone. Might be safer not being public till it's too late...

    As a big fan, I'll dare to say: I hope you won't try to remain too purist with regard to adhering to the original level design, verbatim. Example: all of those diagonal floors and ceilings are the way they are because they couldn't do much else in the engine. Without going outright crazy and changing everything, I hope you'll take liberty to enhance design and details as the dark engine will allow.

    Keep up the great work all.

  9. #34
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: ZylonBane
    Quote Originally Posted by SneaksieDave View Post
    Just noticed this forum today. This is an excellent idea
    You've never heard of the Citadel Conversion Project before now?

  10. #35
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: In His hands
    Quote Originally Posted by SneaksieDave View Post
    As a big fan, I'll dare to say: I hope you won't try to remain too purist with regard to adhering to the original level design, verbatim. Example: all of those diagonal floors and ceilings are the way they are because they couldn't do much else in the engine. Without going outright crazy and changing everything, I hope you'll take liberty to enhance design and details as the dark engine will allow.
    The basic floor plans will remain the same, but the levels will be enhanced with more detail, architectural and otherwise. The screenshots in this thread are a good indication of what we're trying to do.
    Thanks for the encouragement.

  11. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by ZylonBane View Post
    You've never heard of the Citadel Conversion Project before now?
    Yep. I don't stray much from the Thief forums if at all. In fact, I only noticed it today because someone (Nameless Voice I think?) posted a link here, on the Thief forums.

    It's a shame that System Shock (SS2 being one of the best games ever created, in my opinion) doesn't get more attention here, but I think Thief is so huge here and in general that it just gobbles up the majority of visits.

  12. #37
    New Member
    Registered: Aug 2010
    Any screenshots of Cyberspace yet?

  13. #38
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: New Zealand
    I'll upload a couple when I do Storage, though whether they will actually be used as is is undecided- while the current version of cyberspace is fairly faithful to the original it's also a lot of work and some things cannot be done as it is in SS1, there's no way to get a fully rotateable camera for example.

  14. #39
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: In His hands
    Ah, so you have been doing it. I wasn't sure if you were or not.
    I think what we'll end up doing is redesigning cyberspace to fit our needs. Hopefully it won't be too much of an overhaul...just enough to make it easier to navigate with the fixed camera orientation.

  15. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Enchantermon View Post
    Ah, so you have been doing it. I wasn't sure if you were or not.
    I think what we'll end up doing is redesigning cyberspace to fit our needs. Hopefully it won't be too much of an overhaul...just enough to make it easier to navigate with the fixed camera orientation.
    Hack water to be invisible, and not force a "swimming" motion. This might allow for something close to the "6-degrees-of-freedom" cyberspace had.

    Oh, and it's shocking and depressing how little attention System Shock 2 is getting these days. Much as I love thief, I can't be the only one that's crying out for more fan-campaigns for SS2.

  16. #41
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: In His hands
    Weightlessness isn't the problem; that was figured out long ago. The problem is that SS1's cyberspace was designed with complete axis freedom; that is, there was no real "up" or "down"; and the player could turn 360 degrees in every and any direction. This is impossible with SS2; the engine is designed so the player's head only rotates so far up and so far down. Therefore, cyberspace will likely be somewhat redesigned in order to better fit with the way player orientation works in SS2. It's pretty much unavoidable.

  17. #42
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Melbourne, Australia
    Damn I totally forgot about this thread. Some DAMN NICE pics throughout. Keep up the great work guys .

  18. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Enchantermon View Post
    The problem is that SS1's cyberspace was designed with complete axis freedom; that is, there was no real "up" or "down"; and the player could turn 360 degrees in every and any direction. This is impossible with SS2; the engine is designed so the player's head only rotates so far up and so far down. Therefore, cyberspace will likely be somewhat redesigned in order to better fit with the way player orientation works in SS2. It's pretty much unavoidable.
    Though you know, and I'm quite possibly milking this topic for what it's worth, the Dark Engine sources discovery could lead to some wonderful modifications, that could make the camera seem more like the old System Shocks.

  19. #44
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: In His hands
    Yes, I've considered this possibility. We'll see what actually comes out of all of this; hopefully there will be some sweet modifications that can be made to the Dark Engine due to it.

  20. #45
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2011
    Location: Dallas
    I want to play this so bad. ><
    The lack of posts here is worrisome though.
    Even if it isn't finished until 2020, I hope you guys keep working on it when you can.
    This mod is worth making, if any mod is.
    Everything I see so far looks superb.

  21. #46
    One year later and I must know,
    if this project is dead or slow?

    I didn't plan on such a rhyme,
    but now that I've amused myself,
    I've felt it to be worth the time.

    Um... (Syllables) Elf.

  22. #47
    Registered: Oct 2000
    Location: Massachusetts
    G'Len hasn't even signed in for a year and a half, so I'd assume dead.

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