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Thread: Screenshot Thread

  1. #1
    Registered: Jul 1999
    Location: Beta Grove

    Screenshot Thread

    Reactor level:

    By golan2072 at 2009-06-29

    By golan2072 at 2009-06-28

    By golan2072 at 2009-06-29

    By golan2072 at 2009-06-29
    Last edited by G'len; 2nd Jul 2009 at 14:10.

  2. #2
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: New Zealand
    Medical level (slightly out of date)

    Interface/ Map

  3. #3
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: New Zealand
    Research (new as of 28/06/09, first architecture/ object pass)

    New as of 27/07/09, first architecture/ object pass)

    Last edited by Zygoptera; 26th Jul 2009 at 19:03.

  4. #4
    Registered: Jul 1999
    Location: Beta Grove
    W O W ! ! !

  5. #5
    she/her ⚧
    Registered: Dec 1998
    Location: Lyon
    Second screenshot on the top post is X for me. Odd thing is, it wasn't a day or so ago. Imageshack is odd.

  6. #6
    Registered: Jul 1999
    Location: Beta Grove
    Quote Originally Posted by Digital Nightfall View Post
    Second screenshot on the top post is X for me. Odd thing is, it wasn't a day or so ago. Imageshack is odd.
    There seems to be a server error on Imageshack with it... If it won't correct itself by tomorrow, I'll re-upload it.
    Last edited by G'len; 2nd Jul 2009 at 14:13.

  7. #7
    Registered: Oct 2000
    Location: Massachusetts
    Quote Originally Posted by Zygoptera View Post

    What's with the HUD in these two pictures?

  8. #8
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: New Zealand
    I changed the HUD to something I liked more a while back. For the new screenshots I remembered to change it back to default.

  9. #9
    Registered: Jul 1999
    Location: Beta Grove

    By golan2072 at 2009-07-04

    By golan2072 at 2009-07-04

    By golan2072 at 2009-07-04

  10. #10
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: In His hands
    That bed in the last screenshot: is it just me, or does it look a little long?

  11. #11
    Registered: Jul 1999
    Location: Beta Grove
    I think it might be just the perspective but I'll check it again. At worst I'll resize it later on...

  12. #12
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: New Zealand
    Added a couple more research screenshots (edited into the third post)

  13. #13
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: In His hands
    Love 'em, especially the computer node room!

  14. #14
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: ZylonBane
    That computer room texture (the black-white gradient one) is in dire need of a reimagining. But I can't begin to imagine what it's even supposed to represent.

  15. #15
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: In His hands
    Which one?

  16. #16
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: ZylonBane
    Quote Originally Posted by Enchantermon View Post
    Which one?
    The one covering most of the walls in the room you were just talking about.

  17. #17
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: In His hands
    Oh, that one.
    Good only thought at the moment is that they're conduits of some kind, but since none of them really connect, that doesn't make much sense.

  18. #18
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: ZylonBane
    It almost looks like it could be padding, with little access windows to the circuity underneath.

    Hmm, the ingame description for that texture is "sensor grid". How unhelpful.

    EDIT: I wonder if it's a callback to the corridors of Alien's Nostromo?

    System Shock does love its sci-fi references, after all.
    Last edited by ZylonBane; 21st Feb 2010 at 11:36.

  19. #19
    Registered: Sep 2006
    Location: California, USA
    They look like steam-rolled greebles to me.

    If you turned that texture into a height map (and SS2 could actually support them), I bet it'd look very high-tech and cool.

  20. #20
    Registered: Jul 1999
    Location: Beta Grove
    The computer node room (from Research, isn't it?) looks uber-cool, especially with the colored lighting.

  21. #21
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: New Zealand
    And some pictures from flight:

  22. #22
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: ZylonBane
    Architecture is looking good, but I'm not loving those new floor arrows. And what's up with the Greek letters on the map?

  23. #23
    Classical Master 2008
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: Civitas Quinque Ecclesiae HU
    These recent screenies are very promising. Love the view of the cargo bay and the corridor in the fourth shot.

  24. #24
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: ZylonBane
    I'll have to give it a wander-around in game, but judging from the screenshot, the updated flight deck -- while very pretty -- looks as if someone said to himself, "How can I take this nice wide-open bay and turn it into a navigational death trap?"

    I always freaking loved the vast, cavernous flight bays of SS1, especially compared to the dinky little porthole-access shuttle bays of SS2. They really helped suggest the vastness of Citadel Station. But now I'm looking at a screenshot where the entrance has been shrunk down, and the bay has been crapped up with tons of platforms and ramps.

    Furthermore, this version contradicts the intro video:

    Just say no to porthole shuttle bays.

  25. #25
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: New Zealand
    Frankly? Tough noogies.

    I'd take your criticism more seriously if (1) the shuttle in your still wasn't sitting rather obviously on a platform and (2) the equivalent hangar from SS1 resembled the cutscene one, which it doesn't, possibly because (3) the hangar in the cutscene isn't the same one as in the screenshot, it's this one:

    (taken from a point which obviously you can't ever get to in game) and which (3a) has a hangar entrance a staggering 8 units less than that in the original level and (3b) I now need to go back to add platforms to to make it match the cutscene...

    More seriously though, much as I'd like to make it look more like the cutscene the practicalities of the Dark Engine's limitations and the potential for being able to "fly" in SS1 means that the potential extra work to do the external stuff necessary with high fidelity just ain't worth it. And to clarify fully, one of the reasons why the entrances are marginally smaller is that that allows the views to be blocked without being completely obvious about it.

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