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Thread: What have you watched lately?

  1. #276
    Registered: Jan 2000
    Location: sup
    Quote Originally Posted by Aja View Post
    you gotta give it time.
    We like it, we're sticking with it. It's just not compulsive viewing or anything (yet).

  2. #277
    Registered: Jun 2005
    Location: Vantaa, Finland
    Watched Stargate Universe pilot, the closet violation scene was a bit odd, but was pleasently suprised, acting was good, looking forward to the next part.

  3. #278
    Registered: Jul 2009
    Location: South Dakota, USA
    The new Stargate's begun already?

    I'll have to take a peek.

  4. #279
    Registered: Apr 2008
    I'm currently watching The Armando Iannucci Shows. Seriously awesome existential comedy/satire sketch show.

    Random clips:

    Village Sniper

  5. #280
    Registered: Jul 2009
    Location: South Dakota, USA
    I watched half the Stargate: Universe pilot.

    If not for the title and returning characters, I'd not have even recognized it as being Stargate. Have to admit, I'm not a fan of the shaky cam, and the jumping back and forth between times storytelling device is a bit jarring. I can't speak for the plot, because, thus far (about halfway through), there's nothing to speak of.

    Anyone else see it?

  6. #281
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Tatry Mountains, Poland
    Quote Originally Posted by thefonz View Post
    Fringe is far superior to FF. Mainly because it keeps the underlying storyline constant through each episode. While the concept of FF is clever its based off a book and that book isnt particularly good.
    I haven't read the book. But Fringe's story looks really pale and rubbish in comparision to what I saw in FF so far. I have no idea where this whole blackout riddle leads, but I am hoping it is more interesting than Fringe's theory of alternative worlds and mysterious typewriting.

    It's just that Fringe is (for me) far less interesting. Just my opinion.

    The acting and music and filming and downright direction of Fringe is far superior to FF.
    Music, filming - perhaps. Acting - hmmm...

    The second episode of Flash Froward is by no means disappointing.

  7. #282
    Registered: Aug 2003
    Location: Sydney
    Ok, weak pilot. And I enjoyed the second episode. As usual with new shows I'll give it a while but for sure the pilot was much much poorer.

    Give Fringe a chance; I like how in season 2 alot of the "jokes" and innards follow through so it feels like you actually know the characters.

  8. #283
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Tatry Mountains, Poland
    Quote Originally Posted by thefonz View Post
    Give Fringe a chance.
    I certainly will. I just got tired with season 1. It was more and more boring. Not funny, not scary, not brillant. Fortunately, season 2 seems to be much better.

    Anyway, there are many interesting shows right now.

  9. #284
    Registered: Nov 2004
    Location: Mu
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt_BFG View Post
    Watched Stargate Universe pilot, the closet violation scene was a bit odd...
    I loves me some architecture pr0n!

  10. #285
    Registered: May 2009
    Location: Hurr Durr
    Second episode of Flash Forward far better than first but its still a bit hmm...
    Just about gonna stick with it.

  11. #286
    Recently seen:

    Knowing - because I had to have something to test the BluRay and new TV with and Watchmen was out at Blockbusters. It was ok I suppose, looked great (especially the 'plane bit) but had a totally wtf ending in that there is no way you can see it coming and "twists" like that are lame.

    National Treasure 1 and 2 - because 1 was on TV and I wanted to see it and 2 was lent to me so meh why not. Both of them are ok turn your brain off flicks but the amount of wish fulfillment jingoism in them just made me and think "Get over it USA, the history will come eventually without you over-egging it."

  12. #287
    Registered: Aug 2005
    Finally started watching Dexter, a culmination of getting several several recommendations for it over the past year or so. Just finished the first episode, and it's really bizarre, but the good kind of bizarre. I'm definitely interested to know what will happen next.

  13. #288
    june gloom
    Quote Originally Posted by Subjective Effect View Post
    but had a totally wtf ending in that there is no way you can see it coming and "twists" like that are lame.
    As opposed to twist endings you can see coming a mile away?

  14. #289
    Registered: Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dethtoll View Post
    As opposed to twist endings you can see coming a mile away?
    Well, I'm sure what he's referring to is endings where you COULD HAVE seen the twist coming if you paid attention but didn't, as opposed to twists where they blindside you, have little to no connection to the previous parts of the film, and generally have no merit other than being a twist for twist's sake.

    Example: In Sixth Sense, if you pay attention, you WILL notice that Bruce Willis never actually interacts with anyone other than the boy during the entire film.

    Or in Memento, when he's describing Sammy's story, if you watch VERY CLOSELY you can actually see that he was the one in the mental hospital.
    Last edited by Taffer36; 6th Oct 2009 at 20:35.

  15. #290
    Registered: Mar 2000
    Location: tall bikes and tattoos
    A writing teacher I once had said "twists only really work if you can't see it coming and yet once it happens you realize it couldn't have happened any other way."

    Only he probably worded it better as we was a published author.

  16. #291
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: Near Brisbane, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Taffer36 View Post
    Example: In Sixth Sense, if you pay attention, you WILL notice that Bruce Willis never actually interacts with anyone other than the boy during the entire film.
    I suddenly realised what was going on half-way through that movie, and blurted the "twist" out in surprise, therefore spoiling the movie for a lot of others.

    I wasn't the most popular guy over the next couple of hours ...

  17. #292
    What Stitch and Taffer36 said dethtoll. Way to kneejerk it. "It bain't be A so it must be.... B!" Ignores rest of alphabet. Sounding like Koki-lite, seriously wtf.

  18. #293
    Registered: Mar 2006
    Location: Hamilton, New Zealand
    It's called Deus ex machina, right? Or does that only apply to a subset of crap twists form left-field?

  19. #294
    Registered: Mar 2000
    Location: tall bikes and tattoos
    Kind of. Deus ex machina is Gandalf in The Hobbit.

  20. #295
    Registered: Jul 2009
    Location: South Dakota, USA
    To quote anyone-can-edit-it-so-it-must-be-false-pedia,

    Quote Originally Posted by [url=]wikipedia[/url]
    A deus ex machina (pronounced /ˈdeɪ.əs ɛks ˈmɑːkinə/ or /ˈdiː.əs ɛks ˈmękɨnə/, or day oos ayks mokinah [1] literally "god from the machine") is a plot device in which a person or thing appears "out of the blue" to help a character to overcome a seemingly insolvable difficulty. It is generally considered to be poor storytelling technique.

  21. #296
    Chakat sex pillow
    Registered: Sep 2006
    Location: not here
    I'm pretty sure the people talking about deus ex machina here already know what the term means.

  22. #297
    It's not so much that its a deus ex machina but that it's the solution to the mystery and it's just so whats-the-point?

    I was kind of wondering what it was all about and there were these black stones, one of which is given to Nic Cage's son, another that is left somewhere else. Wth was that all about? They weren't clues to us or any characters. When you look back at events throughout the film its clear they are just there to "ooooh wtf is going on?" you out. Its totally incoherent. What was the point of the voices? It just irritated the "chosen" ones. Wtf was the point in giving the info to the girl 50 years ago? It only made her insane. Heck you were going to "choose" her grand-daughter didn't you perhaps think you might turn her into a nutter who wouldn't HAVE kids? Oh wait you knew the future right so what wait - why the hell would they bother with all this crap? You just don't think this stuff at the time because SHIT IS BLOWING UP AND OMG ITS ANGELS/ALIENS hey hey hey maybe that's all angels are hey hey theological angle what wait where just stfu ffs.

    The more I think about this film the more I hate it.

  23. #298
    Registered: Feb 2004
    Location: Israel
    I thought that the whole point of them 'giving' the paper to the girl 50 years ago was to show that they have the future figured out in a sort of deterministic way, and they did it so that in the end Cage's character would be there to... give his kid the confidence he needs in the new world or something.
    It was still a bad movie, though, and there are still other things about it that make no sense whatsoever. The best thing about it was that it reminded me of Childhood's End.

  24. #299
    Registered: Jul 2009
    Location: South Dakota, USA
    I liked the Knowing well enough. I'll certainly admit it had its flaws, but when I left the theater, I felt satisfied with my five dollar purchase.

  25. #300
    is Best Pony
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Location: The magical land of Equestria
    Saw Surrogates last night with a young lady, as we couldn't find Creation on at a decent time locally. Interesting idea with unfortunate Hollywood ending tacked onto it.

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