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Thread: What have you watched lately?

  1. #5351
    Registered: Feb 2002
    Location: In the flesh.
    Love and monsters. I almost didn't watch it because, you know, Luuuuuuurrrrve. But I really luuuuuuurrrrved it. It's not some treacly love story. It's like what would happen to humanity after The Mist. The monsters have driven man into isolated colonies and Joel manages to reach his high school girlfriend on a ham radio. Since he feels useless to his current colony he sets out to meet up with her over eighty miles away, which is far when you have to do it through monsters and on foot. Joel is a good guy and he turns out to be better at things than he thinks. He meets interesting people who teach him things and it's obvious he cares in his haphazard newbie way.

    I don't want to give too much away but it leaves you feeling good about our chances against all sorts of monsters. And there is all kinds of love, all of them worth making the trip.
    Last edited by Tocky; 25th Oct 2024 at 23:20.

  2. #5352
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Location: Netherlands
    My Halloween horror movie that I rented tonight: Late Night With The Devil. A movie to watch if you think they don't make horror movies with original premises anymore.

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