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Thread: What have you watched lately?

  1. #551
    Registered: Jul 2000
    Location: The Buckeye Nation
    I had a touch of class this evening by going to see "The Nutcracker Ballet." Not a cheap date, I'm here to tell you. And I tried to avoid the whole coat check thing, and ended up freezing my ass off waiting for the Trax Train in Salt Lake City, since there's not a cheap place to park downtown. You must park far away at a park-and-ride lot, and catch a $4 round trip light-rail train. That's if you'd like to avoid the $25 parking downtown, which I'm not paying for.

    Ballet tickets - $128
    Light-rail tickets - $8
    New shoes, dress, and baubles for the ole lady - $150

    Standing in the cold, without a coat, waiting on the train to avoid the $1 coat check - PRICELESS!!
    Last edited by TBE; 20th Dec 2009 at 04:34.

  2. #552
    Registered: Aug 2003
    Location: Sydney
    Wow, Dollhouse has gone all matrix with this week's episodes.

    Jolly good show - Joss Whedon certainly knows how to do his end of the world stories, I'm almost tempted to say that the networks should cancel every show he does since it brings out the best in him...arf.

  3. #553
    Registered: Jul 2001
    Location: cesspool
    Why did you try to avoid the coat check thing?

  4. #554
    Registered: Jul 2000
    Location: The Buckeye Nation
    Every other time I've used a coat check at places, they take forever, or my stuff ends up smelling funny when it's returned. Didn't want to wait on them. Turns out they were really fast, and would highly recommend the coat check at the Capitol Theater.

  5. #555
    june gloom
    I just watched 1408.

    I don't know what I was expecting, though I sat through the whole movie hoping they'd do the creepiest telephone sequence since "Daddy? Daddy help me" and was not disappointed.

    As adaptations go it's pretty solid all around, rather a surprising pick honestly as it's pretty much a one-man show. I wish there'd been more Eldritch Abomination like the original story, but what I got was pretty good!

  6. #556
    june gloom
    Heh we just got back from seeing 2012. It's pretty obvious that this movie would make 242's head explode but I still had fun with it. And it stomped the shit out of The Day After Tomorrow, which I realize isn't saying much but eh.

  7. #557
    Mister Science
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: Amersfoort, Netherlands
    Just saw 'Let the right one in', go see this. A swedish teen-anxiety vampire love story and it moved me to tears.

  8. #558
    Registered: Feb 2003
    Location: On my bicycle \o/

    Loved it when I saw it in the summer; very European. Never clear where the line between innocence and manipulation is with that one - it's a smart, smart movie.

  9. #559
    Mister Science
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: Amersfoort, Netherlands
    They are making a remake, however it turns out I hope it will make more people watch the original because it's truly something special. Such a sad story, she ends up much more dependent on him then the other way around, she's scared and lonely, but she's a predator.

    vampire hug = most heartfelt moment ever

  10. #560
    PC Gamering Smartey Man
    I <3 consoles and gamepads

    Registered: Aug 2007
    Location: New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by dethtoll View Post
    Heh we just got back from seeing 2012
    Willinglly seeing a Ronald Emmerich film on purpose? Did you lose a bet or something?

  11. #561
    june gloom
    Mom was insisting on taking me to a movie for my birthday and there was literally nothing else I gave a shit about seeing, so 2012 won by default.

  12. #562
    Level 10,000 achieved
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Finland
    Just watched A Christmas Story. One of my co-workers who's from Canada was shocked that I'd never heard of it(apparently it's something of a classic over there, probablly in the states too) and lent me the DVD. Very funny movie, I especially like the scene with the Shoppingmall Santa. Little Ralphie is wishing for a Red Ryder BB Gun for christmas but gets told repeatedly by adults that he'll shoot his eye out. Finally he realises that if he's gonna get the gun he'll need to bypass the adults and go straight to the source: Santa.

  13. #563
    Registered: Mar 2000
    Location: submarine seamounts or islands
    Quote Originally Posted by EvaUnit02 View Post
    Willinglly seeing a Ronald Emmerich film on purpose? Did you lose a bet or something?
    It sounds like he just has a crush on John Cusack

    or numerically-titled films?

  14. #564
    june gloom
    Ironically I didn't even know Cusack was in either film until I went and watched them. Bit of a trip.

    Quote Originally Posted by henke View Post
    Just watched A Christmas Story. One of my co-workers who's from Canada was shocked that I'd never heard of it(apparently it's something of a classic over there, probablly in the states too) and lent me the DVD.
    Oh this movie is definitely a classic here in the States, right up there with Christmas Vacation among others. TBS actually puts it on loop for most of the day on Christmas.

  15. #565
    Mister Science
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: Amersfoort, Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by henke View Post
    Just watched A Christmas Story. One of my co-workers who's from Canada was shocked
    Never heard of it as well, It's normal Canadians are shocked by the way, had a few working here we have a different sense of humor.

  16. #566
    Registered: Jan 2000
    Location: sup
    Qualified John Cusack Mancrush Here.

  17. #567
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Location: Edmonton
    I did some good Christmas watching this year, and I learned a few things:

    1. I hate Chevy Chase
    2. Vera-Ellen could dance, holy hell
    3. don't care if I ever see A Christmas Story again
    4. Alistair Sim is, hands down, the best actor to ever star in a Christmas movie, and
    4. b) possibly the best actor EVER

  18. #568
    Registered: Apr 2006
    Location: Melbourne, Australia
    On TV I just watched an episode of Stargate:Universe and so far it's doing a good job annoying the hell out of me. I felt like I was watching Battlestar Galactica, the camera operators seem to be drunk or something(not a single stable shot in the entire episode and the cuts sucked). Too much drama, not enough Sci-Fi and doesn't have that epic Stargate feel. The series is ten times better than this imitation rubbish.

    The last film I watched was Bolt.
    It was ok, not excellent but not terrible either. The 3D aspect of it is very well done, especially fur rendering. The story was quite well done(except for that cliche happily ever after ending, well it is Disney).

  19. #569
    Registered: Nov 2004
    Location: Mu
    So the other night I was flipping channels, and suddenly I saw some opening credits on the screen with the words "A Uwe Boll Film". At that point I had no choice but to watch it, being a fan of hilariously bad movies. Turned out that it was BloodRayne, and I was not disappointed. Bad, bad to the bone. Bad acting, bad scripting, bad costumes, bad hair. If it could be bad, this film had it. Some of the comedic high points:

    • During one scene the guy playing Vladimir started channeling William Shatner.
    • Near the beginning, one of the actors was being so annoying that I said out loud "someone please kill her", and someone immediately did! Awesome.
    • Continuity glitches everywhere.
    • Meatloaf! Just Meatloaf.

  20. #570
    Gone, but not forgotten

    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: Seaside, Oregon
    "Pump up the volume"

    Perfect for most of the TTLGrs under 30.

  21. #571
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    Pretty soon we won't have any of them left.

    If we're posting about random movies we saw recently, I saw an apparently critically acclaimed '80s French movie Retour de Martin Guerre. I didn't know what to expect, but I liked it for what it was ... sort of an interesting picture of medieval France that reminded me at times of a certain game that shall remain nameless. I mean, like Name of the Rose, it actually got into the politics and squabbles and domestic or inner life of the medieval world that you won't see in many other movies.

  22. #572
    Gone, but not forgotten

    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: Seaside, Oregon
    Quote Originally Posted by demagogue View Post
    Pretty soon we won't have any of them left.


    We keep getting new ones so I don't think we'll lose them all.

  23. #573
    Registered: Aug 2003
    Location: Sydney
    Did anyone catch the Day of the Triffid's on BBC this week?

    Its on BBC Iplayer if you missed it - hugely enjoyable stuff and while it strayed from the book I liked it.

    Got David Tennant's Hamlet to watch this new year's day aswell...YES.

  24. #574
    Registered: Aug 2008
    Location: behind your second eyelids
    Rewatched 11 or 12 episodes of Friends today, half the 4th season of Doctor Who yesterday (including the epic finale... took me till 6 AM).

  25. #575
    Registered: Mar 2000
    Location: submarine seamounts or islands
    Quote Originally Posted by thefonz View Post
    Did anyone catch the Day of the Triffid's on BBC this week?

    Its on BBC Iplayer if you missed it - hugely enjoyable stuff and while it strayed from the book I liked it.
    I've got it on Sky+ but as it's my favourite book ever I think I might be too "rarrrrgh not like the book" to enjoy it.

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