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Thread: My fm "Mansion of Chaos" (MOC2) is out!!!!! (7/6/2001)

  1. #1
    Registered: Jul 1999
    Location: Los Angeles, CA

    My fm "Mansion of Chaos" (MOC2) is out!!!!! (7/6/2001)

    I'm proud to present MOC2: The Mansion of Chaos.(For thief:TDP or thief gold)
    After about one and 3/4 years and many many bugs and problems it's finally out to the public!
    Please keep in mind that this is my first mission so some of the areas seem rather plain or odd looking because they were the first area's I created and I had little experience way back then. This is a large file so there are a few versions: Without the briefing, with the low quality briefing, and with the high quality briefing. You can also get the high quality briefing seperately.

    You can now get the fixed version of the mission at
    KoMaG's site:
    Cheap Missions:
    The Circle:

    It's worth trying again, it seems many are experiencing a significantly less number of crashes on it.

    Make sure you watch the briefing one way or another because, trust me, its not something you will want to miss. (Thanks to Loanstar and Lazarus)
    There is one bug I could never fix so I will tell you how to get around it. For some players (not everyone for some odd reason) the game boots you out when you exit the first room. To avoid this simply save it and reload before you exit the room. The problem should then be gone (also mentioned in the mission text).

    There are a few really really good secrets that I'm sure no one will find. In order for me to tell you these secrets you need to find a password hidden somewhere in the mission. E-mail it to me and I'll let you in on a few very cool secrets. I'm almost finishing the walkthrough and loot list, so expect that in a few days. If you get stuck for some reason or another post here or feel free to e-mail me at
    Don't forget the THREE underscores.

    That's about all I can think of at the moment. I seriously suggest playing on expert since you get to see a few more things and the extra goals aren't really that hard. And if you're looking for the secret password you can only find it on hard and expert.

    I wish you luck on your journey through the Mansion of Chaos. And remember, its all made for your enjoyment so try not to get frustrated.

    Last edited by nickie; 17th Dec 2012 at 10:41. Reason: Updating links

  2. #2
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: Lexington, KY

    I assume it's for Thief TDP?

  3. #3
    Registered: Jul 1999
    Location: Los Angeles, CA

    Ah yes, I forgot that!
    Its for TDP or thief Gold.

  4. #4
    Registered: May 2001
    Location: Earth Prime

    Thanks Sharga, I've just downloaded and I'm ready to play.

  5. #5
    Registered: May 2000
    Location: Thunder Bay, On., Canada

    I'd love to play your mission, but it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to. I downloaded it, and read your note about freeze-ups, etc., so when I got bumped to windows the first time, I re-loaded and got into the next area, but unfortunately, my computer just keeps freezing up. I've only got a few minutes of play time, and I've had to reboot my computer with the little emergency button (I don't know what it's called) 3 times already, so, unless you have any suggestions, I guess I'll have to pass. It's too bad, because it looked like a very interesting mission.

  6. #6
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Sacramento, CA

    I'm in the courtyard with the fountain, but I can't find anyway to go from here. All the gates are closed (including the underwater ones)and I can't figure out how to open any.

  7. #7
    Registered: May 2001
    Location: Earth Prime

    Sharga, your mission appears promising and the note in the town hall indicates that you have an intriguing storyline.

    Unfortunately, the mission is not ready for Public use yet. By the time I got to my 9th guard I had been kicked out of the program 10 times. Three of these resulted in screen reconfigs and Oerating System errors which required shutting off the computer cold turkey (seems like some of the guards don't like to be picked up once you knock them out).

  8. #8
    Registered: Jul 1999
    Location: Los Angeles, CA

    Nightwalker- thats bad. I don't know what to tell you. I've been trying to fix the freezing problems for months and it just doesn't work. For some reason it doesn't work for some people and does work for others. All my beta testers we able to make it all the way through. If you know about dromed you could try placing the start marker outside the starting area, a little farther along the mission.

    bohemian- Where the fountain is follow the brick tunnel with the two market signs hangin over it. You will come through a few turns and end up at a gate with two statues next to it. This gate is not locked and you can open it and continue on.

  9. #9
    Registered: Jul 1999
    Location: Los Angeles, CA

    Dreamwalker- sigh, major crashing? Oh dear. There's not much I can do to fix it besides deleting a whole lot and redoing many areas. This I'm not planning on doing, I'm tired of this mission and never want to look at it again in dromed. Its just so bugged up. I suppose thats what happens when you start making it without much dromed experience and do some things you shouldn't do without knowing that its wrong.

  10. #10
    Registered: Nov 2000
    Location: Calgary

    This mission is awesome! It's really too bad that not everyone has the same opportunity to try it out because of some lousy bugs...

    For those who can play it however, you're in for quite an experience The architecture is awesome, and the storyline is very intruguing.

    Maybe the crashing has to do with system specs? I'm not sure myself but Moc2 only crashed twice on me the whole time that I was beta-testing. Hmm...

  11. #11
    Registered: Nov 2000
    Location: Calgary

    For anyone who wishes to enjoy a high-quality mission....

    Download this mission now!

  12. #12
    Registered: May 2001
    Location: Earth Prime

    Sharga, I can understand the frustration. I've just started to learn DromEd and I find it daunting to do even the simpliest things. Now that you have all this experience behind you and know how you want the mission to look and work you may want to recreate it or a similar one from scratch. It would be a shame to have all your great ideas go to waste. I'd be more than happy to test it throughout the creation process. That way we can clear the bugs earlier on.

  13. #13
    Registered: Jul 1999
    Location: Los Angeles, CA

    DreamWalker- Its good to know that people understand. I've been working on this so long and have had so many dissappointments that I don't wan't to fix this level anymore. But at least some people can play and enjoy it. And I have gotten one very good thing out of this: experience. I've learned a lot (even if it was the hard way). And I'm planning on creating a second mission with Doaal that I guarantee will have less bugs and be even better than my first. We're already started and have many great ideas for it. Plus with him and I working together it won't even take half as long to make as this mission did.

    Anyhow I hope there are a lot out there who CAN and DO play this mission. And I wish you better luck in your dromeding than I have experienced in the past.

  14. #14
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Chicago, IL

    cant get it to work...I tried leaving it zipped and using darkloader, but I got some error messages, most notably " is not a valid Zip archive....

  15. #15
    Registered: May 2001
    Location: Earth Prime

    posted by Doaal

    Maybe the crashing has to do with system specs? I'm not sure myself but Moc2 only crashed twice on me the whole time that I was beta-testing. Hmm...
    I have a 1Ghz, 256RAM P3 with 6G max virtual memory running on WinMe. I'm also using Thief Gold with Darkloader 3.07. Since I encountered a few problems earlier today due to adjustments I was making to Diablo II, LOD. (yet none at all with the Thief FMs) I tuned up my system by cleaning out the temp files and running Norton Win Doctor and Speed Disk.

    After refreshing my system I played MOC2 again until my first encounter with a guard (the one in front of the town hall). The results were similar to those I had previously.

    I got 4 different programme/system reactions within a few steps after picking up the unconscious guard.
    1) best case (everything is fine) - turn south & drop the body near the perimeter wall.
    2) walk east - get kicked out to windows - just need to restart MOC2
    3) walk west - programme/system freezes and stays frozen; have to turn the computer off & restart before can replay MOC2
    4) step backwards (south) and then walk forward - get kicked out to reconfiged windows screen, need to turn off computer and restart to correct system problem before can restart MOC2

    It could still be a system problem. Or, it could be the results similar to those encountered by a gamer who is blindly feeling their way through an exciting new mission and who is not aware of which bugs to avoid.

    A walkthrough of the bugs to avoid/get around would be very helpful.

    [ July 07, 2001: Message edited by: DreamWalker ]

    [ July 07, 2001: Message edited by: DreamWalker ]

  16. #16
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: The Realm of Forgotten Souls


    Was there a MOC1?
    I am a Kwyjibo - A big, dumb, balding, North American ape.
    Wielder of the Slippery Potassium-Rich Stumbling Blocks of Death or Really Painful Dislocation
    Clan Larcenio Haul - "We Haul Assets" - Clan Larcenio Haul Website

  17. #17
    Taking a break
    Registered: Dec 2000
    Location: Orem, UT, USA

    Originally posted by Kong:

    Was there a MOC1?
    If you played Thief, it was the last level

  18. #18
    Registered: Jun 2000
    Location: North Carolina

    i'll try it later sharga....i promise....
    Member of the Lost Foofie Clan - Chief Builder, Collector of Magical Weapons

  19. #19
    Registered: Nov 1999
    Location: Boulder, Colorado, USA

    I clicked the link and got spammed by a zillion pop-ups.

  20. #20
    Taking a break
    Registered: Dec 2000
    Location: Orem, UT, USA

    Apparently the server was overloaded by too many download attempts of such big files, because it aint there anymore!

  21. #21
    Registered: Jun 1999
    Location: Dothan, Alabama, USA

    Sharga's FM is pretty awesome. Unfortunately, I cannot get the final release at Doall's page since now it says that the site cannot be found.

  22. #22
    Registered: Nov 2000
    Location: Calgary

    Damn! Sorry guys, guess crosswinds didn't like the overload of bandwitdh... now my MM site is gone too Oh well I'll try to find something else for MOC and MM

  23. #23
    Registered: May 2001
    Location: Earth Prime

    The zip made available is most likely an older, more buggy version of the FM.

  24. #24
    Registered: May 2000


    You know that bug you mentioned about crashing out when you leave the first area? Well, it's driving me nuts! I saved the game about 2 steps before it crashes, yet it still happens every time when I reload from there.

    What's worse, I sometimes need to hit reset to recover from the lockup. Could you please post specific, step-by-step instructions on how to bypass this bug?


  25. #25
    Registered: Jul 1999
    Location: Los Angeles, CA

    Oh man! It seems the site went down because too many people downloaded from it
    I'm not sure but the mission only file might be here:
    I'm planning on making a CD with all the versions and sending it to KoMaG.

    MOC2- Mansion of Chaos is the sequal to MOC- Maw of Chaos, the final mission on thief 1 (TDP and Gold). Its completely different from all the other missions with a grand ending. Mine has the same sort of theme as Maw of Chaos.

    Rommel- Many are experiencing it and you might not be doing anything wrong. It could just be your system specs because this is a very large mission. While all my beta testers managed to get through it (some with only a couple crashes) then some people can't even get past the town area or even the first room! I'll tell you in detail anyhow just in case it helps: start a new game and hit continue for it to load and then take you into game mode, the moment you enter the game save it. Then exit that game and load the save that you just made. It worked for a lot of people but apparently not for everyone. I have searched high and low and asked many experts (including Apache) for a solution and so far nothing really has worked. I'm really sorry for this but there isn't much more I can do but hope that many people will get past the bugs.

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