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Thread: 11/20/09 T2 FM The Night before Christmas

  1. #1
    Registered: Dec 2002

    11/20/09 T2 FM The Night before Christmas

    Last edited by fibanocci; 21st Dec 2022 at 08:45.

  2. #2
    Registered: Aug 2008
    Location: behind your second eyelids
    Same author releasing an FM just a day after his first? I hope it's gonna keep up at this rate.

  3. #3
    Registered: Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Thor02 View Post
    Same author releasing an FM just a day after his first? I hope it's gonna keep up at this rate.
    I don't know what you are talking about

  4. #4
    Registered: Aug 2008
    Location: behind your second eyelids
    Oh, just 2 really similar nicknames. Sorry.

  5. #5
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Texas
    Well it took 3 trys to get the links to work but I finaly got it. It said smart screen is no longer working during the download. Whats that? Thanks for the release, I am off to play.

  6. #6
    Registered: Feb 2007
    Location: South Coast,England uk
    unbelievable !

    another so soon...well done that man!

  7. #7
    Registered: Aug 2006
    How do I operate the switchbox?.

  8. #8
    Registered: Jan 2009
    Location: In your house, looting
    I just managed to get myself stuck on the
    . I can't get a hold of the

  9. #9
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Many thanks Darkshadow,

    Finished, but still missing 80 from the total loot.

  10. #10
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Texas
    Just finished and this was an excellent christmas mission. Thanks for all the hard work.

    Cattmer: I never saw a switch box you had to use. Where is this?

    Kabatta: I never had a problem with ladders. Did you try the jump to grab option of thief 2?

  11. #11
    Registered: Aug 2006
    [QUOTE=Stingm;1933055]Just finished and this was an excellent christmas mission. Thanks for all the hard work.

    Cattmer: I never saw a switch box you had to use. Where is this?

    In the room where the secret switch is. It gets highlighted but nothing happens when you frob it.

  12. #12
    Registered: May 2008
    I had alot of fun with this one, my thanks to the author!

    I also posted screens and a review here if anyone is interested.

  13. #13
    Registered: May 2003
    Location: West Seattle
    I've explored the ground floor of the Hammer compound and rode the elevator to the the bell room. from the courtyard I can see a balcony above the cathedral, do I need to get up there, somehow? where are Santa and the list?

    I also rope arrowed up to the thief's hideout and found his secret stash. the switchbox doesn't do anything, look behind the spare door.
    at the end of the first alley, there are some pipes I can climb onto, from which i can see a balcony with a ladder. is it possible to get over there?
    Last edited by MrMunkeepants; 20th Nov 2009 at 20:08.

  14. #14
    Registered: Aug 2003
    Location: Jafaville New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by MrMunkeepants View Post
    I've explored the ground floor of the Hammer compound and rode the elevator to the the bell room. from the courtyard I can see a balcony above the cathedral, do I need to get up there, somehow? where are Santa and the list?
    I don't think you can and check the priests rubbish bin

    Quote Originally Posted by MrMunkeepants View Post
    I also rope arrowed up to the thief's hideout and found his secret stash. the switchbox doesn't do anything, look behind the spare door.
    at the end of the first alley, there are some pipes I can climb onto, from which i can see a balcony with a ladder. is it possible to get over there?
    I could not gain access to those areas. The first had a locked door and the second looks like it needs a crate to get up to.

  15. #15
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by bob_doe_nz View Post

    I could not gain access to those areas. The first had a locked door and the second looks like it needs a crate to get up to.
    there is a window over the pipes, try to find an alternative way into that room.

  16. #16
    d. Dec 2017
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: Pacific Northwest
    Thank you for the Christmas FM. I enjoyed playing Santa Claus.
    I Will go back and play again for more money. Also missed a secret.

    Couldn't get an ending as the wish list wouldn't check off.

    Nicely done on the architecture and storyline.

  17. #17
    Registered: May 2003
    Location: West Seattle
    Quote Originally Posted by bob_doe_nz View Post
    I could not gain access to those areas. The first had a locked door and the second looks like it needs a crate to get up to.
    Hammer area: left door is unfrobbable, right door can be opened by hitting it. the guy inside will open it, but can't hurt you.
    alley: I couldn't find any crates in the mission, maybe it's just set dressing - an exit point for the thief mentioned above?
    where does Birka live?
    EDIT: found her! look past the cathedral doors, to the low-ceilinged space with the man standing under it. there are stairs in the corner
    Last edited by MrMunkeepants; 20th Nov 2009 at 22:45.

  18. #18

  19. #19
    Registered: Feb 2007
    Location: South Coast,England uk
    There is a crate in the basement of the rich guy,in Florentine square!

  20. #20
    Registered: Nov 2006
    Location: Melbourne
    Dawggon - checking off gift objective
    You have to place the gifts in the right spot. You know when you hear the sound.

    Excellent mission, lots of fun, love the angry guards.

  21. #21
    Registered: Jan 2009
    Location: In your house, looting
    The mission is great.
    Stigm: Trying the ladder was the first thing I have done. maybe I'll get lucky now.

  22. #22
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia
    Thank you, DarkShadow Downloading!

  23. #23

  24. #24
    Registered: Aug 2005
    Location: The limbo region of hell
    Nice little mission, loved the atmosphere.

    Only issue was at the beginning it seemed that I was being led to crawl across the pipes and into a window, but no matter how I tried I couldn't get in. Actually that would be my issue in general. It seemed a lot of the places it looked like I should or could get to, I couldn't.

    Which leads me to questions.

    Can you get into the first window from that pipe over the guard with the helmet?

    Can you, or are you meant to, get on the other side of the locked gate near the pub?

    What's with the pipes outside the one window that seem to lead to a balcony with a ladder?

    Why is there an elevator that goes nowhere useful behind the little alehouse?

    All in all a nice little mission however.

    Oh yeah, and a bug. You can lure the guards into the pub, and crush them with the elevator, but the no kill objective doesn't fail. I didn't play through after doing that to see if it would fail at the end or not, just reloaded from my last save.

  25. #25
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Great. Now I can't get back in
    Quote Originally Posted by canetoad View Post
    Dawggon - checking off gift objective
    You have to place the gifts in the right spot. You know when you hear the sound.
    I got the 'completion' sound & the coloured light went off after dropping the right gifts in all 3 locations - gift objective didn't tick off for me either

    Anyway, nice mission with thoughtful layout & pathfinding (&, being summer here, the snow was great!). Thanx very much, Darkshadow

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