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Thread: Integrated Terra Nova Demos and "Operation: Stone Henge" Addon

  1. #1
    New Member
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Crystal River, FL USA

    Integrated Terra Nova Demos and "Operation: Stone Henge" Addon

    The following ZIPs contain a modified pack of files of the Terra Nova demos 1 and 2, as well as Joerg Fischer's old "Operation: Stone Henge" addon.

    These files allow running the demos and addon from within your existing retail version Terra Nova game installation directory. Normally they would have to be installed in completely seperate directories (one for the first TN demo, one for the second TN demo, and a seperate one for the SH addon; which FYI is a patched version of the first TN demo), which is really unnecessary as the demos and addon use many of the existing file that are already included with the retail Terra Nova CD.

    Note that these are *NOT* the complete standalone versions of the demos and addon... they will *NOT* run on their own, and have to be installed along with the rest of the full retail game's files in the game's main installation directory in order to run.

    Simply unzip the files in verbatim (maintaining the directory structure of the ZIP files) into your main Terra Nova game installation directory. Then, run TNDEMO1.EXE, TNDEMO2.EXE, or STONEHNG.EXE to start them

    Here's yer ZIP files:

    P.S. Some of the demos and addon's files have been renamed, and the EXEs have been hex edited to point to these new filenames... so's they can co-exist with a full retail installation of Terra Nova.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    New Member
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Crystal River, FL USA
    I figured I'd go ahead and post those ZIPs, as then, the directory listing that I posted in this thread makes a bit more sense <G> ->

  4. #4
    Registered: Dec 2005
    Location: London, UK
    Thank you thank you thank you!!

    Just what I always wanted! have to give kudos to LG for making demo's with missions not in the game - meaning more gameplay for your dollar!

    Mind you, if you play enough retro titles from pre 2002, you soon realise there were only 35 hour plus gameplay games, and almost zero games with the 10-15 hours we get so often in today's games!

    I will never forget, however good the game actually was (and I loved it), that it was HL2 Episode 1, with it's 5-6 hours gameplay and a $20 retail store price that started this trend and led to the Oblivion horse armour and the DLC day one we get nowadays!

  5. #5
    New Member
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Crystal River, FL USA
    Quote Originally Posted by uk_john View Post
    Thank you thank you thank you!!
    Glad you found the packs useful

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