Thanks Zappen, downloading now![]()
Hi @all,
welcome back to "Garrett's Young Years XTra":
I've overworked the 3 existing missions (especially the first one has been totally air brush reconstructed) and added a
new bonus mission "GYY 1½"
to this campaign. There are better sky effects, new cool mediveal textures and the loot requirements are less strong now, all missions are available in german, english, french and italian (that made a really huge ZIP file).
The bonus mission is a small FM but nevertheless I hope you'll enjoy it ... just skip to it if you don't want to play GYY I again.
Remember: These are "Thief 0" missions, Garrett is still young and has no sword. And there is nooo blackjack hidden in GYY 1½, I swear!!!
Here's a walkthru and a lootlist.
Let me take the opportunity to thank all testers and language correctors!
Last edited by zappenduster; 21st May 2022 at 13:08. Reason: Mirror mirror ... and preview
Thanks Zappen, downloading now![]()
Thank you for this!
WOW! Downloading! Thanks![]()
Congrats & big thanx for this, zappen- really looking forward to finding the time to play this series!
(Wow - that is a big .zip!)
Nice reissue and with a new mission thrown in, great.
But i'm quite stuck in the new bonus mission. I can't figure out how to find the secret tower treasure? I have the seal cristal and a chisel but no idea what to do with them? Please help.
I'm searching for the third secret, my possible clues are the two notices on the north gate and the guard room and the chisel.
go to the sewers (near your entry point)
detailed hint: in the sewers swim through a passage and place your crystal on the cache by the wall picture.
Hi Zappen!
I am playing your XTra and I 'm loving it so far! ( finishing mission 21)
I like so much the wall textures and the atmosphere... I just have to clear something out for people like me who play it for the first time and correct me if I am wrong: mission 21 IS the bonus mission and not the second one of the series, right?
The second one is in fact the third in the row?
It was confusing to look for a hint last night about what I thought was the second mission and reading for an elusive cousin while playing in fact the bonus one .Thanks to the Elusive One's comment I cleared it out.
Anyway it is, it is very good, thank you for your hard work!
[QUOTE=zappen;1968686]That's why I called this bonus mission GYY 1½ ... ;QUOTE]
Of course, stupid me! reading with my eyes closed.
Is there something I can do with the framerate problem in mission 22 by the way?
O.K Don't answer this, I have to find the cousin first of everything else.
Last edited by nightchild; 2nd Mar 2010 at 20:19.
Hello tryed to install this twice and when i goto play it starts the first thief 2 mission with basso ???.
How do i fix this.
Great looking mission with lots of details
Is there a BJ somewhere here in this mission?
and where is the Pagan cemetary key ?
Gloria Creep![]()
There're angels who playThief and angels who don't ........ both go to heaven ............
Dare to join .............
Gloria the key is nearby in the chapel look for a button on the pulpit on the left side! The BJ is in the pagan cemetary but only after you complete an objective
You all seem to do well without a BJ. Is there one in mission 2 and 3?
I really need it now
Gloria Creep![]()
There're angels who playThief and angels who don't ........ both go to heaven ............
Dare to join .............
Whats the deal with brother Silas and earth? I think that the chisel might have something to do with it? I even tried to use the rubble. Anyway I'm stuck here, I just cant think of anything to do.
Boy do I feel silly now![]()
Even though I must admit that needing one arrow to solve a puzzle in almost arrowless mission (is the moss arrow only arrow in there?) is a bit strange but then again who said that I must play in expert mode
Thanks fibanocci!
That chisel "doesn't do much" as Garrett said. Nothing.
There are several moss arrows in green aereas.
There's definitely no BJ hidden in GYY 1½, but ...
I've tried to play the pack, but after installing it in Garretloader, when i press play, the original Thief interface appears. The one with "Start game" and Running Interference...
It's odd, because Garret the young years 1 (as a separate mission) works just fine. Any advices?!
Still doesn't work.
I don't have a dark2 folder.
I have a Thief2 folder, in which there are all the files of original thief game and in which the fan missions install various objects, scripts, etc.
I manually copied the missions miss20, miss21, etc and made a string folder. Pressing play, it enters the missions but it looks very odd, all blue, probably beacause the garret loader doesn't load any of the new textures.
In my Thief 2 there is a RES folder, in which are many .crf files, for example books.crf. And no Books folder.
In your zip files, there is a folder called Books.
I suppose it's hard to install manually all of the features.
So my next question is: it's possible to install Darkloader, without unistalling Garretloader?
Yes, it's perfectly ok to have both Garrettloader and DarkLoader installed at the same time, I had them on my previous rig because I needed DarkLoader for some FM which I dont recall what it was.
Just remember to uninstall the FM when changing loaders. Fex. playing GYY on Garrett and switching to Dark then uninstall GYY on Garrett and then reinstall on Dark. A bit silly example but the principle is there to avoid any install errors.
GarrettLoader 1.42 works perfectly fine with Garrett's Young Years XTra, I'm playing it right now and I currently use only GarrettLoader. So IMO there is no need to switch from GL to DL.
I have Garret Loader 1.41. Didn't know about 1.42.
I will try to install the new version.
later edit: I didn't find it on the
I saw an announcement (from 2008) that they will release 1.42, but no download link.