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Thread: S.T.A.L.K.E.R Lost Alpha

  1. #1
    Registered: Sep 2008
    Location: South Africa

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R Lost Alpha

    So Lost Alpha is getting closer and closer to being finished!

    Anybody else looking out for this mod? It really looks like the best mod to be unveiled for SOC!

    Don't know what I'm talking about? Then read this:

    Have you ever dreamt about playing the old, forgotten S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ?

    We were amazed by GSC's work when they released the first S.T.A.L.K.E.R. screenshots in 2002. The old design, and atmosphere was stunning and we couldn't believe in our eyes. Later in the end of 2005, beginning of 2006 something has changed. Maybe data loss? ... who knows. They redesigned almost all old levels. Some of the levels became smaller, simpler (still nice but some areas can't be compared with the old ones), and some levels were removed. After the release in 2007 we played the game a lot, and noticed that some areas are missing. We opened forums, and talked countless nights about it for almost a year. Nowdays we could say, we have a full vision about GSC's old levels, due to the collected materials, videos and forgotten screenshots. We decided to remake those stunning areas, maybe they wont be the same, but we will try everything to make them very similar and also we will add our own creative parts. However GSC released a build, called 1935, which contains many old maps. We will use them, but also adjust them for our liking, but we wont throw out our own remade levels. From now, you will see many old maps in many mods, but you shouldn't worry, our maps won't be simple copy-paste compiles.

    However this addon is not just about levels and levels. We will try to remake the old somewhat, but not fully restricted alife, and return a lot of cutout features. If you are interested in, we have an interview with more details in the Features menu. All comments and suggestions are welcome! Please do not ask for release date, it is yet unknown.

    Finally, we would like to thank to the old stalker team for this wonderful game. Without them, stalker wouldn't be a "dream-game". Big respect to: Glory, Karma, Lex, Prof, Rainbow, Frodo, Narrator, Dach, Koan, Mike, Jip, Jim, Yuriy, Terazoid, Tuz, Haron, Stohe, alexmx, chugai, Oles, Zmey, Iov, Sidorovich, CyLLlKA, dandy, Descruo, dima, LeSTAT, MadMax, Man0waR, Shyshkin and many many more

    So how does that sound? They have a full FAQ available too!
    They say it'll be released Q2 2010!


  2. #2
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Vienna, Austria
    yeah, they say this. and yes, I think every stalker fan is looking forward to this. it's the team behind priboy, one of the best stalker mods.

  3. #3
    Registered: Dec 2007
    Location: Finger paintings of the insane

    For those of you still reading. I have been following this one for a while now, and hope it is 1/2 as good as it sounds 'on paper'.

  4. #4
    Taking a break
    Registered: Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Axon1988 View Post
    They say it'll be released Q2 2010!
    No. 0.9 will be released Q4 2010, and 1.1 in Q3 2011.

  5. #5
    Registered: Sep 2008
    Location: South Africa
    Quote Originally Posted by Koki View Post
    No. 0.9 will be released Q4 2010, and 1.1 in Q3 2011.
    OMG serious? That is a long wait! Well I don't understand Russian so I cant go on to dezowave's site...most of it is russian. But yeah I am very excited about it.

    What do you guys think about hte Stalker editing tools? The whole package was released in 2007 am I right here?

  6. #6
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Vienna, Austria
    posting about years old mods everybody knows of that don't even get released in the near future and now you can't even change the language on a website or type a few words in google:

    good luck with whatever

  7. #7
    Taking a break
    Registered: Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Koki View Post
    No. 0.9 will be released Q4 2010, and 1.1 in Q3 2011.
    lawl, and it turns out LA is supposed to come out later this year.

    Now I really shouldn't, but...

    ...those are the guys who made Priboi Story, so it's not like it's a random bunch of nerds who decided to make TEH BESTESEST MOD.

  8. #8
    Registered: Sep 2008
    Location: South Africa
    Thanks Koki for posting those,

    The mod has developed quite a bit since I've posted this thread. It's getting better and better!
    With huge maps and unbelievable attention to mapping and structuring.

    They've come far since the days of Priboi story. Really, it's going to be much better then that.

  9. #9
    Registered: Sep 2008
    Location: South Africa
    Thought it's about time I updated this thread a bit.

    I'd love to share some screenshots with you guys, however I do not wish to reveal too much. Also I'll have to ask Dez for permission first. I'm currently busy doing just that.

    But I give you some options for now:

    - Some in-game screenshots
    - More Info on the game itself
    - Text examples of what "could" happen while playing LA

    Seeing as this forum has always been friendly and still small enough to be personal I want to give you guys some extra attention. Most of you guys are mature players and as such appreciate it more. So let me know by replying here!

    I'll try and update as much as possible.

  10. #10
    Registered: Oct 2002
    Location: London / London / London
    I don't really need to hear any more info on the game itself, I think. Just the release info, and the (fantastic) news that it's still happening!

  11. #11
    Registered: Sep 2008
    Location: South Africa
    Quote Originally Posted by Vivian View Post
    I don't really need to hear any more info on the game itself, I think. Just the release info, and the (fantastic) news that it's still happening!
    Release info: September 2012

  12. #12
    Registered: Oct 2002
    Location: London / London / London
    Ha, awesome! It's that soon? What was all that about it being cancelled then? Never mind, not important, I guess. I've been looking forward to something like this since what, 2003?

  13. #13
    Registered: Sep 2008
    Location: South Africa
    Quote Originally Posted by Vivian View Post
    Ha, awesome! It's that soon? What was all that about it being cancelled then? Never mind, not important, I guess. I've been looking forward to something like this since what, 2003?
    Yeah it's next month. It all depends on how internal testing goes though.

    Well what happened with that was the head developer has been extremely busy. And recently he took a little break as he was doing almost 70% of the mod's coding. Which is a lot. So he took this break and kind of just disappeared off grid. So some other team mates (one specific young guy) thought he'd left and posted that message on our website. Screwing us around a little with it as there was a lot of retaliation from fans, as you can imagine!

    However he's back and refreshed and working like a badass.

  14. #14
    Registered: Sep 2005
    Location: Not Kansas
    Definitely good news! Thanks again for the update, Axom.

  15. #15

    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: 100 Rads Bar
    Awesome news. I still keep playing SoC regularly, as I consider it the best game of the the series, so I'm looking forward to this.

    Considering what you said in the other thread, about armour being extremely expensive, I hope that we have the possibility of repairing our items. The absence of that option was the one thing I never liked about SoC, so it's the mod that I always use.

  16. #16
    Registered: Sep 2008
    Location: South Africa
    Quote Originally Posted by D'Arcy View Post
    Awesome news. I still keep playing SoC regularly, as I consider it the best game of the the series, so I'm looking forward to this.

    Considering what you said in the other thread, about armour being extremely expensive, I hope that we have the possibility of repairing our items. The absence of that option was the one thing I never liked about SoC, so it's the mod that I always use.
    My friends you have so much more then that in this game! Think SOC and COP mixed together. I'm talking you'll be able to do upgrades and repairs like in COP. I've tested it and it's awesome, works like a charm.

    The next part isn't really a spoiler as the word implies but still if you want it to be a surprise then skip it.


    Also even though armor is more expensive it does last you much longer. Same thing applies for ammo, it's rare to find enough ammo on a body. But with a good aimed shot you'll be able to save on ammo. you'll get about 2 to 10 bullets of whichever weapon the NPC was carrying on their body. Which makes the game harder.


    Look for our FAQ on the Moddb page, it'll answer most of your questions I hope.
    Last edited by Axon1988; 24th Aug 2012 at 03:47.

  17. #17
    Registered: Sep 2008
    Location: South Africa
    Here's a link for those of you who are lazy like me:

    Looks like the FAQ got updated two days ago, perfect timing!
    Last edited by Axon1988; 24th Aug 2012 at 03:45.

  18. #18

    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: 100 Rads Bar
    I do hope it comes out in September. The timing would be perfect, since I'm taking a couple of weeks off work then

  19. #19
    Registered: Jul 2001
    Location: cesspool
    I'm interested.

  20. #20
    Registered: Sep 2008
    Location: South Africa
    Quote Originally Posted by 242 View Post
    I'm interested.
    What exactly do you want to see 242?

  21. #21
    Registered: Jul 2001
    Location: cesspool
    Quote Originally Posted by Axon1988 View Post
    What exactly do you want to see 242?

    I want to relive the great great SoC experience, or at least something close to it. More precisely I want SoC, but with new maps and objectives/quests. I hope the atmosphere will be close to that of SoC, more lonely than in other two games. Coz it's probably in my top 3 games of all times.

  22. #22
    Registered: Sep 2005
    Location: Not Kansas
    I'd love to see the combination of SoC & CoP, as you mentioned, Axom. After playing all three (SoC, CS, & CoP), I remember wishing that SoC had contained some of the options of CoP, such as being able to 'sleep', food that would increase your health, and weapon/armor repair & upgrades.

    I am SO looking forward to September!

  23. #23
    Registered: Sep 2008
    Location: South Africa
    Quote Originally Posted by Dia View Post
    I'd love to see the combination of SoC & CoP, as you mentioned, Axom. After playing all three (SoC, CS, & CoP), I remember wishing that SoC had contained some of the options of CoP, such as being able to 'sleep', food that would increase your health, and weapon/armor repair & upgrades.

    I am SO looking forward to September!
    Okay so you guys want info then.

    Let me put it like this:

    1. Survival plays a much bigger role, taking bigger chances rewards more... but your chances of survival is slimmer.
    2. You are human, you need to eat and drink and sleep.
    3. Each and every map in this game is completely new, even if it does resemble some old build, we've added loads to it.
    4. Side quests are nice, they have meaning behind them. And if I'm correct, can alter the main storyline.
    5. Maps are big, and not VERY lonely. Most of the time a map would start out with about 30 other people in it, but within minutes there will be less then 10 left.
    6. Your reputation in the game is everything!
    7. Military are much smarter now, they adhere to the general military rule of not firing unless fired upon. If you provoke them, you're on your own.

    Anything else?

  24. #24
    Registered: Oct 2002
    Location: London / London / London
    Is there a good reason to carry a pistol, and can you put some shotguns (like the sawn off) in the secondary slot? I've always felt the pistols were a little pointless in Stalker. I used to carry one for seeing off the little bipedal rat things, but it generally wasn't that big a deal. I guess because AR ammo was so plentiful.

  25. #25
    Registered: Sep 2008
    Location: South Africa
    Quote Originally Posted by Vivian View Post
    Is there a good reason to carry a pistol, and can you put some shotguns (like the sawn off) in the secondary slot? I've always felt the pistols were a little pointless in Stalker. I used to carry one for seeing off the little bipedal rat things, but it generally wasn't that big a deal. I guess because AR ammo was so plentiful.
    Well yeah, for one you'll get a lot more pistol rounds compared to rifle rounds. Shotgun rounds are also a bit more plentiful. Only pistols can be equipped in the first slot. This is very much a remake of what the original S.ta.l.k.e.r should have been, so it won't cater for every person's needs. Though so far I'm loving it.

    Also keep in mind when you finally get the game, to find ammo in the first 2 maps is extremely rare. So every single bullet counts. EVERY SINGLE BULLET!

    Most of the creatures have also had a bit of a revamp. There are new creatures also. New sounds have been added to them. And most of them fight differently now. Bloodsuckers are very mu7ch the same as the one's from COP for instance. Don't turn your back on them!

    Oh also... rats. RATS! They are evil, camp in groups of 20 or more and can hurt a lot in a large group like that. Shotguns are preferred in these situations.

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