Watcher said it all:
If you promise not to post a question to this thread again:
Thief the circle tut on conversations
another conversations tutorial
Where i can find tutorial of Creating New Conversation?
(or i missed it in list below my post)
Watcher said it all:
If you promise not to post a question to this thread again:
Thief the circle tut on conversations
another conversations tutorial
Is there any tutorial on how to trigger an event only when levers are turned in a certain order (or something similar to this)? Search gives only pieces of advice but no complete tutorial.
I ask this because I write a document on Dromed (in Russian, for Russian-speaking taffers) and want to know - should I translate an existing tutorial, or should I create a new one on my own?
Edit: Don't need help anymore, wrote a tutorial on my own.
Last edited by Dront; 26th Feb 2011 at 18:08.
It's been a while since I've edited the tutorials list.
These are the changes that were implemented:
- One new tutorial - Creating a 'Mission Start' trigger - by R Soul
- New links to The Ranstall Keep tutorials
- New link to Curse of the Carnival tutorials
- New link to The Nameless Tower tutorials
- Fixed the link to The Dromesday Book
I've also included notifications to indicate that the following sites with tutorials expired:
- DromED Tutorials, Model Maker's Vault Tutorials.
Temporal links (using the Wayback Machine) are available, but it would be recommended if someone can host them on his/her own site as a precaution.
An old tutorial by Nathan, about Replacing AI Skins, has been recovered.
Originally announced in this thread, the download link expired long ago and it was lost until now. Luckily the author saved it, re-formatted the tutorial, and was willing to share it with the community once again
The file is available for download on The Watcher's site:
Last edited by The Phantom; 3rd Sep 2011 at 16:25. Reason: updated link to The Watcher's site
Hi Phantom,
I just created a tested : Two-Way-Camo Button Book Tutorial.
In this thread:
Last edited by darthsLair; 13th Sep 2011 at 00:39.
Thanks for the reference, darths. It's now added to the list
Also added: Renzatic's Photoshop Tips & Tricks Thread.
The tutorial How to dynamically change the colour of the world by Haplo is now listed in the tutorials overview (see page 1).
New tutorial: The 3 Cylinders Trick:
Thanks for telling, Robin. Added to the overview.
Here is a simple demo I made for anyone wanting to implement an Ai to Run, then return to normal walking motion.(speed) This is utilizing a conversation technique. It is RunWalk.mis
Demo here: Small zip under 1/2 meg.
originating from the thread :
******** width="480" height="360"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="360" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
Enjoy the music from the Hammerite Imperium used in 7 shades of mecury, and Cataclysmic Revelations.
Here is the list of instructions, in case someone cant watch the video due to bandwidth.
1.Right Click on the desktop and create a new win zip file. Right Click it and name it.
2.Double click on it, and a window will pop open.
3.Click on "Add"
4.locate the directory where the Primary folder is, and then double click on the folder.
5.Now you should see all of the sub folders.
6.At the bottom left, make sure that "Sub Folders" is checked.
7.At the bottom right there is an option to include system files. Dont select it !
8.Look at the file types just below the Win zip window, and it should have 2 asterisks in a blue field.
9.Click on "Wild Cards " and it should zip up all of the sub folders. You will be shown the contents when has finished zipping. It basically added all of the files to an archive and compressed them.
10. Done !
Last edited by darthsLair; 30th Jul 2012 at 01:42.
Hadn't look at that list in ages, but I see several things that say "hosting required". As always, folks are welcome to send things to me and I will put them somewhere. Or with some effort I can slurp down an entire web site if I know it's going to go away. Getting things out of the wayback machine is often possible but doesn't always give a complete or useful result.
I was looking for a tutorial on how to make round brushes (towers, spires, arches etc), as well as rooves.
Here is a link to start :
By R Soul Three Cylinders to smooth arch :
Some really good info. If you see Architecture you like, open it up in dromed and note how it was done, then experiment to see what works for you. There is the 3 arches trick using wedges, and by rotating brushes to get smooth effects.
Last edited by darthsLair; 7th Oct 2012 at 02:11.
I'm currently revising the tutorials overview on the first page.
Instead of listing each website and putting the tutorial titles beneath it, I've now picked a different classification that displays each tutorial individually with right below it the locations where it can be viewed. And each tutorial is now put under a certain category, if possible (like architecture, light & shadow, textures, etc). See the bottom part of the overview for the new look. It should be an improvement (just look under a category or use Ctrl + F to search).
I appreciate any feedback or suggestions about this classification. Let me know if you have a better idea about categories or where to list a certain tut.
Also, in case you notice any missing tutorials, feel free to mention it here.
Some old websites are revived using the Wayback Machine - notice "(revived. Hosting needed?)" behind the link. It might be a good idea to have these transfered to a more permanent location. Jason has expressed interest to host any sites send to him (see his above post of 14 Sep). I'm unsure if it's needed to save all of them from oblivion though, as some of the tutorials might be hopelessly outdated.
My offer still stands. Unfortunately pulling things out of the wayback machine and fixing up all of the links takes more time than I have at the moment, but if anyone else wants to do that and send me the result I'd be happy to give those old pages a home somewhere on thiefmissions.
I think this is a great idea. Organization by topic will be very useful. I suggest that as you read through each tutorial that you assign one or more key words to the tutorial describing the content. Some will only get one keyword, others might get several because the tutorial touches on more than one topic. If you do this in excel, duplicating a tutorial's row for each keyword assigned, you should be able to take a list which is sorted by tutorial and resort it by key word easily. That way the topic list for the 1st page will create itself with no extra work on your part.
Thanks for the feedback, Larry.
Up until now I browse each tutorial, copy lines that describe it's content, and put this below the tutorial title.
So you propose to make an excel-file with all tutorials listed, with a keyword in each row and use that to create the categories. That's an interesting approach. But the consequence would mean you'll mention the tutorials that receive two or more keywords multiple times, once under each category. Or did you mean putting the keywords under each tut, in certain order of category instead?
What I was suggesting would result in the tutorial getting referenced in each category that applies. People will be looking up tutorials for a purpose, and the ability to find pertinent tutorials, which is what I thought you were proposing, will be a great boon. I was just suggesting a method which would make your job much easier. Once you did the hard work of tagging each tutorial with keyword / topics, generating the list by keyword would be automatic. Yes, some tutorials would be listed in multiple sections because they pertain to multiple topics. And that makes finding what you need much easier.
I was thinking the list might become too long when categorizing this way, but you're right that it should improving searching and gives a broader picture of what each tutorial delivers. I'll see what I can come up with, Larry!
One thing I'm questioning is how far should I go with collecting keywords from a tutorial. Taking this one as example, I can imagine putting it under "water" and "lava" but do you think more dromEd related terms, such as "brushes" and "particle", are needed for searching ? I hope the latter won't be necessary as I'm no dromedder myself (making it hard to judge what is a usefull term) and the number of keywords would become too large this way.
As a FM designer, what do you and others consider usefull words in the above tutorial, to get an idea (and preventing me from implementing keywords that nobody cares to look for) ?