Knocking out an AI in Dromed:
R Soul and LarryG, both tutorials are now added to the list (see here at the top).
Many tutorials in the list are at risk of dissapearing forever, either because only one website currently hosts it or because only one website contains the most complete version of a tutorial. Notice the * characters and texts like "(includes picture)".
I don't know which ones are worth saving from oblivion and which are not, but I urge any hosters who come across a tutorial they deem useful, to store it at another (more permanent) location. Please PM me if you've done so.
Last edited by LarryG; 1st Nov 2013 at 02:13.
One tutorial entry that is missing is a step by step guide for complete idiots like me on how to upgrade your existing dromed installation to the newdark box of delights.
I have a seperate dromed setup away from my T2 game installation.
I have the newdark 1.21 downloaded and all those zip folders and no idea whatsoever where they go, which ones I use for dromed or what go's where.
Remember you are dealing with a sixty year old idiot that thinks all mobile phones should be drowned.
Please put me out of my misery..what do I do.
Thank you.
I'll see if I can successfully guide you (and anyone else who may need help.) Here goes:
Step 1. If you don't already have a zip extraction program, such as Win-Zip, WinRar, or 7-Zip, then your first step is to download one of these. I personally use 7-zip and it's free. Secondly, once you've done that, you'll want to double-click on the zip file you downloaded (assuming your zip program associates the .zip with it) so you can view it's contents.
Step 2. Here's an excerpt from the release_notes.txt in the zip file:
You have an additional zip( to extract because you are trying to patch dromed. First of all, I'd recommend backing up your dromed.exe, menus.cfg,DromEd.cfg, darkdlgs.dll before upgrading. You can do this by just renaming these files so they don't get overwritten. Secondly, extract the contents of into your thief 2 base directory.Code:Installation ------------ Requires Windows 2000 or later. You must have a valid install of either T2 v1.18 or v1.19. If you have an old CD/DVD version of the game, which is older than v1.18, then you need to update it to v1.18 first. Extract the contents of the "" and "" archives into your T2 directory, and you are done. If you are updating an install that has already been patched to v1.19 or newer, then you are well advised to make backup copies of the configuration files "cam_ext.cfg", "cam_mod.ini" and "lg.ini" before installing the new update.
Step 3. Launch dromed. That's it! recap,
as you would to upgrade T2 for game playing
Unzip as well.
Thank you...I will see if it works.
Thank you very much indeed.
I'll have a look, Larry, and see if I can figure out what needs doing. I may well need help.![]()
A complete tutorial on how to set up a pre-mission loadout store (including both basic and advanced settings and examples) plus a demo-campaign:
The Complete Loadout Store Tutorial
Updating is going pretty well (elsewhere) and these last few tutorials will/have been included.
Just found that the described link for the Camvator in The Dromesday Book is wrong. I imagine that most of the links to that wiki are wrong, as it was reorganized a year or so back.
Tannar, mostly, with me as general assistant/dogsbody have checked every link in the OP and updated where necessary. But I will go and double check that one again.
Yeah, I'd already fixed that link. All of the links are correct now and we're at the stage of adding all new tutorials to the list. Once that's done (hopefully soon), well do some last minute clean ups and then post the new list. We think you're gonna like it.
We finally finished updating the tutorials list in the first post of this thread. It was a lot of work but we think you'll be happy with the result. Among other things, every tutorial now has a link so they are only a click away. Also, we've added all the new tutorials we could find but if anyone knows of any that we missed, please post here or send me a PM and I'll add it.
It should be much easier now to keep this thing up to date but we need your help. If you write a new tutorial (or find a new one that isn't listed here) let us know by posting in this thread or send me a PM (posting in this thread is the best method because then everyone can see it). For that matter, if you notice anything that you think needs changing, let us know.
I'd like to thank Nickie for the tremendous amount of work she put in on this project. I would never have been able to tackle this whole thing without her help.
Brethren has been kind enough to copy over to Southquarter all the tutorials that were only hosted on sites available using the Internet Wayback Machine. So, thanks to him, these all now have a more permanent home. Thank you, Brethren, that was mighty generous!
I'll be adding links to them all at his site as I get the time.
Woot, woot! \O/
I thank you both!
Very nice...Thank you!
I noticed that Salvage's map and automap tutorial linked to is missing its images and is older than the one I have, so here's a newer version with all images intact:
Another thing to consider is that some of the old automap tutorials (like the ones written by Caeyr and Zaccheus) don't make use of cutout and makerect, which are tools that make the process a lot simpler (especially if one is not all that comfortable around hex-editors). Salvage's tutorial do, however.
Last edited by qolelis; 9th Mar 2015 at 18:31. Reason: The upload proved to be redundant.
Thanks for that, qolelis! Now if anyone would be kind enough to host this file, I'll add a link to it in the tutorial section.
This is the same as the new one I uploaded, but I forgot I did this. The new upload isn't needed then and with R Soul's new tutorial it's even less needed, so I'm going to remove it now.- DromEd Map tutorial for GIMP (DromEd Maps Tutorial V 2.0) by Salvage, converted by qolelis
Description/keywords: How to make maps for DromEd in GIMP.
Found at:
Between Dreams and Shadows: DromEd Map tutorial for The GIMP
Thanks for letting us know.