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Thread: Tutorials

  1. #1
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Museum of the Ancients



    Welcome! Please read the How You Can Help and User Manual sections below.

    Latest Addition - September 14, 2015:

    - Updated links added to The Complete Loadout Store Tutorial by qolelis in the Weapons and Equipment section

    Last Major Update - April 3, 2014

    - Complete update of this resource with the following changes:
    - Added links to every tutorial listed here
    - Added new tutorials made available since June, 2012
    - Added new sections for New Dark tutorials
    - Added new sections to better differentiate tutorials
    - Added new download sites
    - Moved many tutorials from "Miscellaneous" to appropriate categories.
    - Reorganized layout.


    How You Can Help
    We welcome your assistance in keeping this thread organized and updated. See below for what you can do to help.

    Announcing a tutorial
    Have you written or found a new tutorial? Let us know (either by PM or post in this thread) and we'll list it here. Be sure to include a link to the tutorial. Also, we recommend that you start a new thread about it for discussion purposes.
    Missing tutorials
    Are we missing a tutorial? Let us know (either by PM or post in this thread) and and we'll list it here. Be sure to include a link to the tutorial.
    Better category
    It can sometimes be difficult to determine the best category for a certain tutorial. Many tutorials relate to more than one topic and so are listed in more than one category. But if you notice a tutorial that is in the wrong category, let us know.
    Obsolete/outdated tutorials
    Do you know of a listed tutorial that is actually rendered obsolete over the years or is outdated (for example, with the release of DromEd 1.19)? Let us know and we'll make note of it in the tutorial entry.
    Tutorial discussion
    Do you have a question or do you want to discuss a particular tutorial? Please do so in the forum thread listed for that tutorial. If no thread currently exists, start a new thread yourself. Let us know if you do and we'll add a link to it.
    Additional tutorial info
    Do you know of any useful information about a tutorial that is worth mentioning here (for example, the experience needed for understanding it - Basic, Intermediate, Advanced - or whether or not one written for DromEd 1 is comparable with DromEd 2 etc.)? Feel free to let us know.
    Expired links
    If you find an expired link, please let us know by posting in this thread.

    User Manual
    Below you can find information about how to use this thread and how to search for a tutorial.

    The tutorials are categorized under topics (e.g AI, EDITOR etc.), as seen below. Clicking the links will instantly bring you to the tutorials listed under that topic. If you can't find what you're looking for, try another topic (one more "common" or more "specific" than initially tried) or alternately use Ctrl + F to search for a specific keyword.
    Direct links are provided for all tutorials listed here. Most of the time these links lead to a webpage with the tutorial. Occasionally a link will lead directly to the download of a .zip or .doc file instead. In these cases, a download dialogue box will open. If you find a broken link, please let us know.
    Occasionally a mention of a demo is visible right behind a tutorial title, indicating either that a link to an accompanying demo is visible on the page/in the tutorial text (with ref. to demo) or that the tutorial text is stored in the zip file of a demo (stored in demo zip). If you have difficulty locating/downloading a demo, consult the thread Demos Overview.
    Wayback machine
    On a website displayed via the Wayback Machine (such as Thief Underground), it can occur that when clicking a certain tutorial the page can't be loaded. If this happens, try using the time bar at the top of the screen to get to another capture/time period. Moving towards the first captures should do the trick.


    Tutorial Categories
    Click a link below to go to that category:

    <a href="#ai">AI</a>
    <a href="#architecture">ARCHITECTURE</a>
    <a href="#briefing">BRIEFING, CAMVATOR & VIDEO</a>
    <a href="#brushes">BRUSHES</a>
    <a href="#conversations br">CONVERSATIONS - BLUE ROOM</a>
    <a href="#conversations">CONVERSATIONS - SPOKEN IN-GAME</a>
    <a href="#design">DESIGN / MISSION BUILDING</a>
    <a href="#doors">DOORS & LOCKS</a>
    <a href="#dromed">DROMED</a>
    <a href="#newdark">DROMED: NEWDARK</a>
    <a href="#structure">FILE STRUCTURE</a>
    <a href="#imports">IMPORTS / CONVERSIONS</a>
    <a href="#shop">IN-GAME SHOP/STORE</a>
    <a href="#lantern">LANTERNS</a>
    <a href="#light">LIGHTS / LIGHTING</a>
    <a href="#lists">LISTS</a>
    <a href="#maps">MAPS</a>
    <a href="#goals">OBJECTIVES / GOALS</a>
    <a href="#objects">OBJECTS / MODELS</a>
    <a href="#fx">PARTICLES / FX</a>
    <a href="#prop">PROPERTIES</a>
    <a href="#scripts">SCRIPTS</a>
    <a href="#skins">SKINS & MESHES</a>
    <a href="#sky">SKY & WEATHER</a>
    <a href="#sound">SOUND</a>
    <a href="#stimulus">STIMULUS / RESPONSE</a>
    <a href="#textures">TEXTURES / TEXTURING</a>
    <a href="#tips">TIPS</a>
    <a href="#traps">TRAPS AND TRIGGERS</a>
    <a href="#water">WATER, LAVA & FIRE</a>
    <a href="#weapons">WEAPONS & EQUIPMENT</a>
    <a href="#misc">MISCELLANEOUS</a>


    The Tutorial Sites:

    A Thief's World -
    And's Thief 2 DromEd Stole My Life site: -
    Between Dreams and Shadows -
    CotC Tutorials -
    Dark Arrow's Thief 2 Site -
    Liquid Dream Design -
    Low Poly Guild -
    Model Makers' Vault -
    R Soul's Website -
    Ranstall Keep Tutorials -
    Sneaksie's Fan Missions -
    Southquarter -
    Taffers Tavern -
    Targa's House 'O Thief Stuff -
    The Builder's Academy -
    The Dromesday Book -
    TEG: -
    The Nameless Tower -
    Thief - DromEd -
    Thief Underground - - -


    <a NAME="beginners"></a>BEGINNERS / INTRODUCTORY

    - Absolute Beginner's Guide to Creating a Mission for Thief 2 by nicked
    Description/keywords: An in-depth beginner's tutorial that takes you from installation of DromEd (NewDark) through to publishing a mission.
    Found at:
    Nick's Games: Absolute Beginner's Guide to Creating a Mission for Thief 2
    File-Upload: Absolute Beginner's Guide to Creating a Mission for Thief 2 in PDF.
    Forum thread: Absolute Beginner's Guide to Creating a Mission for Thief 2

    - Official DromEd Documentation (Thief 2 Docs All) by Looking Glass Studios
    Description/keywords: Filename ''. Contains materials which may be good for training new designers or as references for experienced designers. Zip file containing these documents.
    Found at:
    The Builder's Academy: Official DromEd Documentation

    - Official Docs by Looking Glass Studios
    Description/keywords: filename ''. Zip file containing these documents. Same as above, without the optimization tutorial.
    Found at:
    The Builder's Academy: Official Thief2 Docs

    - Basic DromEd Tutorial (or DromEd Official Tutorial) by Looking Glass Studios
    Description/keywords: The official tutorial document which comes with all versions of DromEd (out of date regarding DromEd 2); designed to walk you through the basic functions of DromEd. This tutorial, written by LGS, explains the steps involved in creating your very first FM.
    Found at:
    The Builder's Academy: Official DromEd Tutorial Note: Out of date regarding DromEd2

    - Official DromEd Tutorial for DromEd 2 by Looking Glass Studios
    Description/keywords: A version of the above tutorial with information injected to bring it up to date with DromEd 2; designed to walk you through the basic functions of DromEd. This tutorial, written by LGS, explains the steps involved in creating your very first FM.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Official DromEd Tutorial (Divided into 9 parts)
    Southquarter: Official DromEd Tutorial for DromEd 2 (Divided into 9 parts)
    Taffers Tavern: DromEd 2 Tutorial
    The Builder's Academy: Official DromEd Tutorial for DromEd2

    - Quick Start Beginner's Guide by Despot
    Description/keywords: Some quick tips and suggestions for new authors; how to get started with DromEd.
    Difficulty: Basic
    Applicability: DromEd 1 & 2
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Quick Start Beginner's Guide
    Southquarter: Quick Start Beginner's Guide
    Thief Underground: * DromEd QuickStart

    - Dark Engine Level Design - Stepwise Refinement Method by GayleSaver
    Description/keywords: A step by step guide to the process of level design, from initial plans to placing that final piece of equipment; partially based on Tim's Building Principles document; standard design strategy. Based on a Looking Glass Studios design document.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Stepwise Refinement Method
    Southquarter: Stepwise Refinement Method
    The Builder's Academy: Dark Engine Level Design - Stepwise Refinement Method
    Forum thread: StepWise Refinement Method: Who's read it?

    - Beginner's Guide (or TRA'HARI'S HAPPY HOTDOG BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO DROMED) by Tra'Hari
    Description/keywords: A getting-started guide for new authors; covers many of the subjects beginning DromEd users should know - such as brushes and multibrushes - that aren't covered in the DromEd tutorial.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Beginner's Guide
    Southquarter: Beginner's Guide

    - Basic Tips for DromEd by macros56
    Description/keywords: A list of easy to understand tips for beginning authors.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Basic Tips for DromEd
    Southquarter: Basic Tips for DromEd

    - DromEd 2 Tutorial 01 - Interface by sNeaksieGarrett
    Description/keywords: Video tutorial for DromEd 2 1.19; explains the interface of DromEd 2 for those who are not familiar with DromEd.
    Found at:
    Youtube: DromEd 2 Tutorial 01
    Forum thread: DromEd 2 Video Tutorials

    - DromEd 2 Tutorial 02 - A Look Into Brushes, Mission Templates, And More by sNeaksieGarrett
    Description/keywords: Video tutorial for DromEd 2 1.19; a more in depth look into DromEd. Covers brushes, the mission template file, object placement, tools/editors, and lighting.
    Found at:
    Youtube: DromEd 2 Tutorial 02
    Forum thread: DromEd 2 Video Tutorials

    - Complete DromEd Tutorial by Spike14
    Description/keywords: The biggest DromEd tutorial on the web.
    Found at:
    Thiefmissions: Spike14's Complete DromEd Tutorial
    Forum thread: Spike14's Complete DROMED Tutorial Version 1.2 RELEASED!

    - KOMAG TUT vT2 by Komag
    Description/keywords: How to make a Thief 2 Fan Mission - Beginning to End! Will take you through the entire process, step by step, of making a very small and simple Thief 2 fan mission.
    Found at:
    Jabberwocky's Thief Site: KOMAG TUT vT2
    Southquarter: KOMAG TUT vT2
    Forum thread: New KomagTut vT2

    - New DromEd Tutorial by Xarax
    Description/keywords: Xarax's hacked-up, revised (very informative) version of the Thief Gold DromEd tutorial.
    Found at:
    Thief Underground: New DromEd Tutorial

    - Problem: Garrett Doesn't Die by EvilSpirit
    Description/keywords: A solution to a problem that faces most beginners.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Garrett Doesn't Die
    Southquarter: Garrett Doesn't Die

    - The Book of DromEd by Melan
    Description/keywords: When I was learning to make a mission, I assembled a collection of tutorials and useful references from various authors into a single document, which I then printed and used while I was building things. Not all of it is up to date (no additions have been made since 2007, and a lot of limits have been lifted by NewDark), but you may find it useful.
    Found at:
    Web Host: * The Book of DromEd


    <a NAME="ai"></a>AI

    - Knocking Out an AI in DromEd by R Soul
    Description/keywords: How to make an AI in DromEd that will be in the knocked out state when the mission begins.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Knocking Out an AI
    Forum thread: Knocking Out an AI in Dromed

    - Making an AI Pause on Patrol by R Soul
    Description/keywords: How to make an AI pause during a patrol route.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Making an AI Pause on Patrol

    - Guards Who Pause On Patrol by Koobze
    Description/keywords: Teaching your guards to pause in the middle of a patrol.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Guards Who Pause On Patrol
    Southquarter: Guards Who Pause On Patrol
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See p. 51-52)
    The Builder's Academy: Pausing Guards and Secret Doors

    - Alerting Friendly AI with Lockpicking by R Soul
    Description/keywords: Puts back some of the tension that is lost when AI don’t automatically attack you.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Alerting Friendly AI with Lockpicking

    - Making an AI Pick Up a Weapon by R Soul
    Description/keywords: Making an AI run for a weapon if they see you.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Making an AI Pick Up a Weapon
    Forum thread: Making an unarmed AI run to get a weapon

    - AIs Following the Player by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: Will show you how to make a character who follows the player & demonstrates how to make the Follower move at different speeds.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    The Nameless Tower: AIs Following the Player

    - Disarmable Archers by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: How to make an archer with a quiver full of arrows which, when stolen, will force the archer to disregard his bow and attempt to murder the player in hand-to-hand combat.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    The Nameless Tower: Disarmable Archers

    - Lights On, AI Turning Lights Back On (Flipping Lights On) by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: AI "notice" that the light is off and proceed directly to the switch, flip it on and the light turns back on. No hiding in that convenient shadow for thieves anymore.
    Found at:

    - Undercover Mission Workaround (AI only angry when seeing me act) by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: How to make AI only respond to Garrett when seeing him do something suspicious.
    Found at:
    Forum thread: AI angered only if they see me acting

    - Custom Archer by The Avatar
    Description/keywords: A guide to giving archers different types of arrows, making archers fire different arrow types and how to customise an archer to have him/her fire a different projectile.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Custom Archer
    Southquarter: Custom Archer

    - Non-Hostile AI by Taxi
    Description/keywords: A small guide describing different ways to make an AI non-hostile.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Non-Hostile AI
    Southquarter: Non-Hostile AI

    - Practicing AI by Dashjianta/Jyre
    Description/keywords: Making AI practice with dummies and targets. The idea of practicing guards was one of the first things I implemented when making Ranstall Keep.
    Found at:
    Ranstall Keep Tutorials: * Practicing AI
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See p. 2-7)

    - Sitting by John_The_Taffer
    Description/keywords: Make an Al sit!
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Sitting
    Southquarter: Sitting

    - Make AI Go to Point X by Apache (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: Making an AI go to wherever you want them to; will explain everything I did to make the Goal-Bring this AI here with adding new goals afterwards.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Make AI Go to Point X
    Southquarter: Make AI Go to Point X
    Thief Underground: * Bring AI to Place X

    - Setting An Object On A Guard's Belt by A Little Mouse
    Description/keywords: How to place an object on a guard's belt; putting an object on a guard's belt.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Setting An Object On A Guard's Belt
    Southquarter: Putting An Object On A Guard's Belt
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials(See p. 50)
    The Builder's Academy: Placing An Object On A Guard's Belt

    - Thief 2 AI Vision Parameters Explained by Targa
    Description/keywords: Attempt to detail for you the basics of AI's vision parameters in Thief 2. Explanation of the terms, settings and flags found when you add AI > AI Core > Vision Description to an AI.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Thief 2 AI Vision Parameters Explained
    Southquarter: Thief 2 AI Vision Parameters Explained
    Targa's House 'O Thief Stuff: Thief 2 AI Vision Parameters Explained (includes picture)

    - Pseudo-AI Creation (for AIs attacking arch targets, for instance) by GayleSaver
    Description/keywords: Pseudo AIs must sometimes be created for AI to store important information about objects ... and for certain interactions, such as AIs attacking non-AI objects.
    Found at:
    TEG: Pseudo-AI Creation

    - Alerting AI at Will by Anarchic Fox
    Description/keywords: How to alert a guard using the AI->Utility->Sound value property
    Found at:
    TEG: Alerting AI at Will

    - Servants Tutorial by MasterAssassin (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: How to make them run away when they notice you; demonstrates AI fleeing when they see you.
    Found at:
    DarkFate: (d/l and open .rtf file) (version with pics)

    - Sleeping Servants (How create a sleeping servant) by Thiefs_Pawn
    Description/keywords: Explains how to make sleeping servants. This is an alternate method of implementing sleeping servants in Thief.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Sleeping Servants
    Southquarter: Sleeping Servants
    The Builder's Academy: Sleeping Servants
    Forum thread: Sleeping Servants

    - Make Rotating/Turning Guards by Zaccheus
    Description/keywords: A full description of how to cause stationary guards to change the direction they are facing.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Make Rotating/Turning Guards
    Southquarter: Making Rotating/Turning Guards

    - AIWatchObj Face Directions Tutorial by Fidcal
    Description/keywords: Generally used for walking then stop, i.e., when patrolling it can be used to get an AI to pause and look in different directions for different periods.
    Found at:
    TEG: AIWatchObj Face Directions

    - Making a Drunk Guard by Spike14
    Description/keywords: Make drunk guards, just like in the OMs!
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Making a Drunk Guard
    Southquarter: Making a Drunk Guard
    Forum thread: My New Tutorials!

    - ReSpawnPoint Tutorial by Dark Arrow (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: To go with the ResSpawnpoint demo; will guide you on how you can build a respawn point to your mission. Shows that making respawning AI's is very much possible in Thief 2.
    Difficulty: Advanced
    Found at:
    Dark Arrow's Thief 2 Site: ReSpawnPoint Tutorial
    Forum thread: ReSpawnPoint demo!

    - Locational Damage by Visitingnurse (Avalon)
    Description/keywords: To make an AI receive different amounts of damage from being hit in different locations. That is, locational damage; making a creature receive different amounts of damage when hit on a different part of their body.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Locational Damage
    Southquarter: Locational Damage
    The Builder's Academy: Locational Damage
    Forum thread: Avalon, about your locational damage guide...

    - How to Fool Guards with a Magic Whistle or Spell Scrolls (stored in demo zip) by MadBull
    Description/keywords: A demo and tutorial of how to fool guards; if a guard starts investigating, simply use a spell or the whistle and he should return to his original place immediately as if nothing happened.
    Found at:
    A Thief's World:
    Forum thread: New demo's released


    <a NAME="architecture"></a>ARCHITECTURE

    - DromEd 1.18 Architecture Tutorial (Ze Architecture Tutorial Supreme ) by Alexius
    Description/keywords: Collection of most useful DromEd functions regarding architectural creations (textures - tips - multibrushing - objects - sky - distant art)
    Found at:
    TEG: Dromed 1.18 Architecture Tutorial

    - Basic Architecture - A Nice Hallway (Basic Steps to Better Architecture) by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: Some simple steps can create a much more interesting room.
    Found at:

    - Architecture Tutorial chapters 1 and 2 (The basics of creating BSP architecture in Dromed) by Dark Arrow
    Description/keywords: a very basic tutorial on how to make more interesting architecture in DromEd.
    Found at:
    TEG: Architecture Tutorial chapters 1 and 2

    - Breaking the Cube by Dark Arrow
    Description/keywords: To help some of the new members make some interesting architecture; to show examples and methods of breaking the boring cube to an interesting room.
    Found at:
    TEG: Breaking the Cube

    - Smooth Curves Using the 3 Cylinders Trick by R Soul
    Description/keywords: Effectively double the number of sides in a cylinder. Explains how to make a smooth archway that is 8 feet wide, and a pillar whose size is up to you.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Smooth Curves using the 3 Cylinders Trick
    TEG: Tutorial: the 3 cylinders trick (for smoother curved shapes)

    - LGS Optimization Guide - Revised (Building Efficient Levels) by [unknown] with annotations by Telliamed
    Description/keywords: Creating a level which renders efficiently (gives good framerate); an excellent guide for understanding portalization and optimization.
    Found at:
    The Builder's Academy: Official DromEd Documentation LGS Optimization Guide - Revised

    - Python part 1: The Floor Planner by Mortal Monkey
    Description/keywords: Have your floor plans transformed into a building.
    Found at:
    TEG: Fun with Python part 1: The Floor Planner

    - Python part 2: Rolling your own staircase by Mortal Monkey
    Description/keywords: How Python can be used in conjunction with DromEd's commands to construct things.
    Found at:
    TEG: Fun with Python part 2: Rolling your own staircase

    - Floaters and You by Camelhammer
    Description/keywords: How to decrease the amount of polygons through unconventional means. A great guide for reducing polycount in levels by using floaters and some tips for optimizing polycount in your level.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Optimizing Polycount - Floaters
    Southquarter: Optimizing Polycount - Floaters
    The Builder's Academy: Floaters, and you
    Thief Underground: * Floaters, and you

    - How to Build a Ship Using the Shipping & Receiving Method by nicked
    Description/keywords: Some info on the ship-building technique I deconstructed from Shipping & Receiving.
    Found at:
    TEG: How to build a ship using the Shipping & Receiving Method

    - Making Object Roofs by R Soul
    Description/keywords: Make rooftops out of objects to allow greater complexity. Describes how to use an object editing program to make a rooftop, and in particular, how to map the texture(s) so that it looks like a terrain feature.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book Making Object Roofs


    <a NAME="briefing"></a>BRIEFING, CAMVATOR & VIDEO

    - Making Movies Using Ulead Videostudio and DivX (Making Movies in Ulead Videostudio with multipass Divx encoding) by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: Small movie clips are really cool, people love trying to edit together a video briefing or a preview clip for their missions.
    Found at:

    - Creating a CamVator Sequence by [unknown]
    Description/keywords: How to create a CamVator sequence. A CamVator sequence can be used as an alternative to using an .avi file at the beginning or the end of a mission.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Creating a CamVator Sequence

    - Making a Briefing by Trimfect
    Description/keywords: How to make a briefing that feels like "Thief".
    Found at:
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See pp. 21-24)

    - CamVator Cutscene by Silentsleep and Saturnine (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: To give an example of a smoothly scrolling cutscene-style view of a conversation or some sort of fly-by sequence.
    Found at: CamVatorDemo
    thief_age.republika.p: CamVator Cutscene

    - Setting Up Missflag.str by nicked
    Description/keywords: Setting up mission order, briefing videos etc.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Setting Up Missflag.str


    <a NAME="brushes"></a>BRUSHES

    - Room Brushes as Control Devices by Despot
    Description/keywords: This guide explains how to set up so-called 'concrete' roombrushes for triggering various events. How to set up so-called 'concrete' roombrushes for use in triggering conversations, traps, and goto objectives.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Room Brushes as Control Devices
    Southquarter: Room Brushes as Control Devices
    Thief Underground: * Room Brushes as Control Devices

    - Creating New Types Of Roombrush by R Soul
    Description/keywords: These are good for automaps, ‘go to room’ goals, event triggering etc.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Creating New Types Of Roombrush

    - Area Brushes by Chibboleth
    Description/keywords: The benefits of making Area Brushes and how they can speed up mission development.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Area Brushes
    Southquarter: Area Brushes

    - Using Multibrushes by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: The multibrush is a collection of brushes that can be manipulated as a whole; a new piece of brush work that has been quickly added or moved.
    Found at:

    - Operation Brushes (Water to Solid, Flood, Etc.) by Komag
    Description/keywords: A brief explanation of Operation Brushes with a couple of examples.
    Found at:
    Eidos Forums: Operation Brushes
    Thief - DromED: * Operation Brushes

    - Dromed 2 Tutorial 02 - A Look Into Brushes, Mission Templates, And More by sNeaksieGarrett
    Description/keywords: Video tutorial for DromEd 2 1.19; a more in-depth look into DromEd. Covers brushes, the mission template file, object placement, tools/editors, and lighting.
    Found at:
    Youtube: DromEd 2 Tutorial 02
    Forum thread: DromEd 2 Video Tutorials

    - Room brushing improvements! by R Soul
    Description/keywords: Some useful new room brushing features of New Dark.
    Found at:
    Forum thread: Room brushing improvements!


    <a NAME="conversations br"></a>CONVERSATIONS - BLUE ROOM

    - Conversation Face Direction Codes by Fidcal
    Description/keywords: The reason for doing this is because I got sick and tired of trying to make sense of the 'face direction' option and determined to try to pin it down.
    Found at:
    TEG: Conversation Face Direction Codes

    - The Use of Genies (or 'Helper AIs') by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: Explains how to use Genies to replace dedicated conversation AIs, freeing up system resources and avoiding problems caused by overlapping conversations that all rely on the same AI as the actor.
    Difficulty: Master
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Genies – Helper AI
    The Nameless Tower: Genies
    Forum thread: Tutorial: Genies (or 'Helper AIs')


    <a NAME="conversations"></a>CONVERSATIONS - SPOKEN IN-GAME

    - Conversations Tutorial by Deep Qantas
    Description/keywords: An extensive and highly detailed guide and tutorial to making conversations, both from character to character, and Garrett to character; implementing conversations in a level.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Conversations
    Southquarter: Conversations
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See pp. 26-33)
    The Builder's Academy: Conversations

    - Overlapping Conversations (or "Single Wav Conversations") by Dashjianta/Jyre
    Description/keywords: Creating a conversation in which the speech overlaps; the single wav conversation allows for more realistic conversation flow.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Single Wav Conversations
    Ranstall Keep: * Overlapping Conversations
    Southquarter: Single Wav Conversations

    - Conversations by And
    Description/keywords: Lists all T2 conversations and motions and how to implement them; the entire list of conversations in T2, taken from the schema file. Each conversation now has ALL the narrative of the conversations.
    Found at:
    And's Thief 2 Dromed Stole My Life site: Conversations

    - Conversation Subtitles using OnscreenText by Yandros
    Description/keywords: This tutorial will show you how to put subtitles on the screen during conversations, and have the text tightly synchronized to the audio. Also things like coloured text, tailoring the onscreen time and splitting a long line into several texts will be covered.
    Found at:
    TEG: Tutorial: Conversation Subtitles using OnscreenText


    <a NAME="design"></a>DESIGN / MISSION BUILDING

    - Dark Engine Level Design - Stepwise Refinement Method by GayleSaver
    Description/keywords: A step by step guide to the process of level design, from initial plans to placing that final piece of equipment; partially based on Tim's Building Principles document; standard design strategy. Based on a Looking Glass Studios design document.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Stepwise Refinement
    Southquarter: Stepwise Refinement
    The Builder's Academy: Dark Engine Level Design - Stepwise Refinement Method
    Forum thread: StepWise Refinement Method: Who's read it?

    - Usefulness of the Multibrush by HansCz
    Description/keywords: Overall planning versus construction of separate features.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Usefulness of the Multibrush (with pictures)
    Southquarter: Usefulness of the Multibrush

    - The Paradigm of a Thief Mission by GayleSaver
    Description/keywords: The conformist [tried-and-true] Thief mission possesses distinguishing characteristics. A Thief mission is distinguished by emergence, fluidity of movement, elective gameplay, and reuse of space.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL * The Paradigm of a Thief Mission
    Southquarter The Paradigm of a Thief Mission
    Forum thread: Gaylesaver's The Paradigm of a Thief Mission

    - A Few Creative Ideas by Minas
    Description/keywords: These are just a few creative ideas that I made up. Check it out; a tutorial about how to make a few things. 1. Climbable trees 2. Rotating rotisserie chicken 3. Making “solid” buildings.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL * A Few Creative Ideas
    Southquarter: A Few Creative Ideas

    - Using the Time Value by Telliamed
    Description/keywords: Use the Time value to change the appareance of your terrain. This tutorial will show you how you can change the order in which DromEd builds your brushes, and how useful it can be.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Using the Time Value

    - R Soul's Time Tutorial by R Soul
    Description/keywords: Will show you how you can change the order in which DromEd builds your brushes, and how useful it can be.
    Found at:
    R Soul's Website: R Soul's Time Tutorial
    Forum thread: I've written a tutorial: Time

    - Convert World Rep to Model (Using New Dark’s Terrain Export Feature) by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: The most powerful feature of DromEd 1.19 has to be exporting the world rep to a model. Use New Dark's Export Terrain feature to create prefabs that you can use as simple objects such as buildings; DromEd 1.19
    Found at:
    Forum thread: Convert World Rep to Model - DromEd 1.19 Tutorial

    - Creating Virtual Worlds by Tels
    Description/keywords: CoW (CoWgen) Tutorial. I will write about the final stage, getting the level into the computer; want to bring your level to life. That's what this article is all about.
    Found at:

    - Shanty Towne Buildings by Schwaa (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: Shanty buildings for decor, can't be entered (pic); basic set-up tut.
    Found at: Schwaa's Demo Mission (d/l and open readme file) Schwaa's Demo Mission (d/l and open readme file)
    Full text of readme file here: Schwaa's Demo Mission readme
    Forum thread: Schwaa's Demo Mission - Breakable Lamps, Bugs, Many new objects

    - Thoughts on Story by [unknown]
    Description/keywords: Things to consider when developing the plot of your fan mission; questions to ask yourself when developing the story for your fan mission.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Thoughts on Story

    - Atmosphere Guide (stored in demo zip) by Z
    Description/keywords: Not a tutorial, but rather a collection of suggestions and examples useful for making your mission 'scary' or have an otherwise tense atmosphere.
    Found at:
    DarkFate: The Serpent's Eye Demo


    <a NAME="doors"></a>DOORS & LOCKS

    - Creating Doors That Don’t Alert the AI by R Soul
    Description/keywords: How to create doors that don't alert the AI without lowering AI hearing.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Creating Doors That Don’t Alert the AI

    - Turning Objects into Doors! by Spike14
    Description/keywords: Will explain to you how to create doors out of ordinary objects.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Turning Objects into Doors
    Southquarter: Turning Objects into Doors
    Forum thread: My New Tutorials!

    - Object Names by Caradavin
    Description/keywords: A tutorial on Custom Object Names; naming your objects what you want them to be.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Object Names
    Southquarter: Object Names

    - Guide on Doors And Brushes by Imposter (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: Creating double doors that both close simultaneously; a description of how to make double doors open properly.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Double Door
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See pp. 16-20) (version with pics)
    The Builder's Academy: Guide on Doors And Brushes (DromEd 1 & 2) (version with pics)

    - Unlock a Door Without Opening It by Fidcal
    Description/keywords: To stop a door opening automatically when you unlock it.
    Found at:
    TEG: Unlock a Door Without Opening It

    - Door Rotation and Orientation by Fidcal
    Description/keywords: This tutorial only covers rotation and orientation door issues.
    Found at:
    TEG: Door Rotation and Orientation

    - Double Doors in T1 by Thorndike
    Description/keywords: An alternative way to create double doors.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Double Doors in T1
    Southquarter: Double Doors in T1

    - Double Doors in Thief 2 by macros56
    Description/keywords: A simple guide to creating two doors that open and close together.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Double Doors in Thief 2
    Southquarter: Double Doors in Thief 2

    - Automatic Elevator Doors by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: Any mission with elevators that would be enhanced by a working gate, it's great almost anywhere and doesn't require a custom stim.
    Found at:

    - Barred Doors (How to Set Up Barred Doors) by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: A short tip on how to set up barred doors so that AIs cannot see the player through them unless he is visible through the bars (Thief II only).
    Difficulty: Basic
    Found at:
    The Nameless Tower: How to Set Up Barred Doors

    - Barred Doors Tutorial by Yametha
    Description/keywords: How to create a set of doors barred (locked) with a beam across them.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromED * Barred Doors Tutorial
    Eidos Forums: Barred Doors Tutorial

    - Glyph Doors by Yandros
    Description/keywords: will explain how to make secret doors which are opened by frobbing a glowing glyph in front of the door, like in T3 and What Lies Below.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Glyph Doors

    - Spooky Door Tutorial by William the Taffer (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: Enter the game, walk up to the door and try to open it...darn, it's locked! Walk away, CRASH, the door opens!
    Difficulty: Basic
    Found at: Spooky Door Demo

    - Doors (Doors n Locks) by And
    Description/keywords: Locked doors, keys n locks, secret doors using objects.
    Found at:
    And's Thief 2 DromEd Stole My Life site: Doors n Locks

    - Pausing Guards and Secret Doors by Koobze
    Description/keywords: A brief description of how to make a simple secret door that matches the wall it is in.
    Found at:
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See pp. 51-52)
    The Builder's Academy: Pausing Guards and Secret Doors

    - Secret Door by TheCapedPillager
    Description/keywords: I made the secret door for my upcoming mission Soul Searching; differs from most secret doors because I made the control device a Gaslight which dims when you frob it and then lights up again the next time you frob it.
    Found at:
    Liquid Dream Design: Secret Door

    - Secret Doors by St.Patrick
    Description/keywords: Making secret doors. NOTE: This is the same tutorial as the one listed above as "Pausing Guards and Secret Doors" by Koobze.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Secret Doors
    Southquarter: Secret Doors

    - Two-Way Camo-Button Book Tutorial for TG-T1 by darthsLair
    Description/keywords: (TG, TDP, T1, secret door) No more button-book mystery.
    Found at:
    TEG: Two Way Camo-Button Book Tutorial for TG-T1

    - Secret Passageway Entrance by Dashjianta/Jyre
    Description/keywords: How to make the hidden entrance to the secret passage in Lord Dalkstan's private room; the secret passageway ... is entered via a trapdoor opened by a switch.
    Found at:
    Ranstall Keep: * Secret Passageway Entrance

    - Complex Doors by St.Patrick
    Description/keywords: Explains how to create secret doors and doors locked with keypads as in Shipping and Receiving; how to make more complex type doors such as Secret doors.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Complex Doors
    Southquarter: Complex Doors
    Thief Underground: * Complex Doors

    - Lock Boxes by Spike14
    Description/keywords: The comprehensive lock box tutorial!
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * LockBoxes
    Southquarter: Lockboxes
    Forum thread: My New Tutorials!

    - Combination Locks by R Soul
    Description/keywords: Just like Shipping and Receiving; this is a modification of a DromEd Central tutorial.
    Found at: [
    The Dromesday Book: Combination Locks

    - Banshee's Tutorial for A Combination Lock (or "Combination Lock") by Banshee
    Description/keywords: How to make one of those cool combo-locks used in the second mission of Thief 2; describes how to create a combination lock.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Combination Lock
    Southquarter: Combination Lock
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See pp. 25)
    The Builder's Academy: Combination Lock - DromEd 2 Only
    Forum thread: How To : 'Shipping'-like Combo Lock

    - Combination Lock 'button texture' fix by DaveDogg
    Description/keywords: This is how you fix the texture problem with the buttons in Banshee's tutorial.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Combination Lock 'button texture' fix
    Southquarter: Combination Lock 'button texture' fix

    - Advanced Lock Pick System by Telliamed
    Description/keywords: Use the Advanced Pick System to make more challenging locks in Dromed 2. Advanced lock-picking is expanded from just three stages to eight; learn how to make 8-stage locks that move both forward and backward.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Advanced Lock Pick System (no pics)
    Southquarter: Advanced Lock Pick System (no pics)
    The Dromesday Book: Advanced Lockpick System Advanced Lockpick System

    - Keys and Locks Tutorial by dvrabel (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: A small demo mission and short tutorial on specifying keys and their locks; demonstration of the use of keys and locks.
    Found at: Keys and Locks Demo (d/l and open txt file)
    Forum thread: Keys and Locks demo mission

    - Locked Door with Key by Komag
    Description/keywords: How to make a door that is locked and unlocked with a key.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromED: * Locked Door with Key Tutorial
    Eidos Forum: Locked Door with Key Tutorial

    - Keys and Locked Doors by Apache (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: This tutorial explains how to set up locked doors and keys to open them.
    Difficulty: Basic
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Keys and Locked Doors
    Southquarter: Keys and Locked Doors
    Thief Underground: * Keys and Locked Doors

    - Lock Picks by Ishy (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: Setting up locks so that they can be picked; explains how to set up lockpicks and pickable doors.
    Difficulty: Basic
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * LockPicks
    Southquarter: Lockpicks
    Thief Underground: * Lockpicks Howto

    - A Quick and Easy Third Lock Pick by Manny
    Description/keywords: A Beginner level tutorial for making a custom third lockpick in your thief world without adding in custom made objects.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * A Quick and Easy Third Lockpick
    Southquarter: A Quick and Easy Third Lockpick

    - Doors by Master_Designer
    Description/keywords: Here is a tutorial to help you make doors!
    Found at:
    The Builder's Academy: Basic Elements of a Level (Scroll down to "Doors")

    - Lockable Light Switches by The Watcher
    Description/keywords: Create lockable light switches like those in Mission X. This tutorial provides a brief introduction to lockable light switches based around the technique used in CoSaS Mission X.
    Found at:
    Between Dreams and Shadows: Lockable Light Switches
    The Dromesday Book: Lockable Light Switches

    - Resizing Doors, Switches, and Other Moving Objects by CyberFish
    Description/keywords: Rescaling switches, doors and other moving objects is not actually all that hard if you know how the movement controls work.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Resizing Doors, Switches, and other moving objects
    Eidos Forum: Resizing Doors, Switches, and other moving objects


    <a NAME="dromed"></a>DROMED

    - DromEd 2 Tutorial 01 - Interface by sNeaksieGarrett
    Description/keywords: Video tutorial for DromEd 2 1.1; explains the interface of DromEd 2 for those who are not familiar with DromEd and are wanting to learn.
    Found at:
    Youtube: DromEd 2 Tutorial 01
    Forum thread: DromEd 2 Video Tutorials

    - Command List Maker by A Little Mouse
    Description/keywords: A guide to making a list of all Dromed commands.
    Found at:
    The Builder's Academy: How to get a full list of DromEd Commands

    - Commands by Zail
    Description/keywords: A large list of all the DromEd commands; a command reference file; a complete list of DromEd 1 & 2 commands, along with a description of each and guide to usage.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Commands
    Southquarter: Commands
    The Builder's Academy: The Semi-Complete Guide to Commands (Or download file in Rich Text Fomat)
    Forum thread: Command List

    - DromEd Grid Sizes - Purposes and Explanations by Komag
    Description/keywords: Each grid size in DromEd simply doubles the snap size of all brushes, plain and simple.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd * DromEd Grid Sizes - Purposes and Explanations
    Eidos Forum: DromEd Grid Sizes - Purposes and Explanations

    - Grid Sizes by Spike14
    Description/keywords: Just a chart detailing grid # > grid size > grid snap! Here's a grid size chart, which shows all the grid sizes, and their appropriate size and snap size!
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Grid Sizes
    Southquarter: Grid Sizes

    - DromEd Maximums (Rooms, Objects, Etc.) by Komag
    Description/keywords: The 'maximum limit' is not so much a matter of total file size, as much as whether or not you're over the line for different entity types.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * DromEd Maximums
    Eidos Forum: DromEd Maximums

    - Thumper DromEd Magic #1 - Who Am I? by Thumper
    Description/keywords: Now create or save a mission and your nickname will appear in the appropriate spot.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Thumper DromEd Magic #1 - Who Am I?
    Eidos Forum: Thumper DromEd Magic #1 - Who Am I?

    - Thumper's DromEd Magic #2 - Safer Keyboard Keys by Thumper
    Description/keywords: Fairly frequently I would start typing a DromEd command only to find my view rotating and who knows what else happening because I had forgotten the initial ":" or hadn't clicked in the command window first.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Thumper's DromEd Magic #2 - Safer Keyboard Keys
    Eidos Forum: Thumper's DromEd Magic #2 - Safer Keyboard Keys

    - Thumper's DromEd Magic #3 - Playtest Commands by Thumper
    Description/keywords: There are some commands for playtesters that allow them to report bugs without leaving game mode.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Thumper's DromEd Magic #3 - Playtest Commands
    Eidos Forum: Thumper's DromEd Magic #3 - Playtest Commands

    - Thumper's DromEd Magic #4 - Monolog by Thumper
    Description/keywords: The monolog is something that you should look at every single DromEd session. It can show you information you can't get any other way.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Thumper's DromEd Magic #4 - Monolog
    Eidos Forum: Thumper's DromEd Magic #4 - Monolog

    - Thumper's DromEd Magic #5 - Snapping with set_grid by Thumper
    Description/keywords: The set_grid command (DromEd shortcut: shift-S) modifies the current brush so that all of its vertices snap to the nearest grid intersection.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Thumper's DromEd Magic #5 - Snapping with set_grid
    Eidos Forum: Thumper's DromEd Magic #5 - Snapping with set_grid

    - DromEd Troubleshooting Guide by [unknown]
    Description/keywords: Helpful tips for those who can't get DromEd to work.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * DromEd Troubleshooting Guide
    Southquarter: DromEd Troubleshooting Guide

    - .cow .mis .gam files Explained by Komag
    Description/keywords: An explanation of some aspects of these three files. Perhaps not aimed at the beginner.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * .cow .mis .gam files Explained
    Eidos Forum: .cow .mis .gam files Explained

    - The Three Save Files by EvilSpirit
    Description/keywords: The three save file formats explained.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * The Three Save Files
    Southquarter: The Three Save Files

    - Menu Customizations by Datoyminaytah
    Description/keywords: How to make a customized GUI for DromEd. e.g. different menus etc.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Menu Customizations
    Southquarter: Menu Customizations

    - Assertion Errors by GayleSaver
    Description/keywords: A description of Assertion errors, their purpose, and how to handle them.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Assertion Errors
    Southquarter: Assertion Errors
    Forum thread: Assertion errors tutorial

    - Anatomy of a Crash Dump by [unknown]
    Description/keywords: Learn how to read the crash dump from a monolog.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book Anatomy of a Crash Dump

    - Gamesys Tutorial by Jocke
    Description/keywords: A small beginners guide; covers T1/TG and T2. The mechanics of the Gamesys are identical in each.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Gamesys Tutorial
    Southquarter: Gamesys Tutorial
    Forum thread: Gamesys guide!

    - Using a Custom Gamesys by R Soul
    Description/keywords: Something to link to whenever some set of instructions includes telling the reader to use a custom gamesys.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Using a Custom Gamesys[B]
    A related thread: Useful changes to your Gamesys

    - Using Custom Gamesys by macros56
    Description/keywords: The steps needed to make a custom gamesys.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Using Custom Gamesys
    Southquarter: Using Custom Gamesys

    - Oddlot of Information by Mazur
    Description/keywords: Some Odds and Ends and helpful DromEd related bits (mostly deals with coplanar and other errors).
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Oddlot of Information
    Southquarter: Oddlot of Information

    - Custom Menus by R Soul
    Description/keywords: How to make your own menu.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Custom Menus
    Forum thread: Custom Menus Tutorial

    - Deleting All Objects From a Mission by [Unknown]
    Description/keywords: Delete all objects from a mission, or delete all objects of a certain type. This is useful if you want to re-use an old/abandoned mission.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Deleting all objects from a mission

    - Mucho Macho DromEd Reference Compiled by Chibboleth
    Description/keywords: An assortment of (usually) short tips and tuts for DromEd.
    Found at:
    Thief: The Circle: Mucho Macho DromEd Reference


    <a NAME="newdark"></a>DROMED: NEWDARK

    - Absolute Beginner's Guide to Creating a Mission for Thief 2 by nicked
    Description/keywords: An in-depth beginner's tutorial that takes you from installation of DromEd (NewDark) through to publishing a mission.
    Found at:
    Nick's Games: Absolute Beginner's Guide to Creating a Mission for Thief 2
    File-Upload: Absolute Beginner's Guide to Creating a Mission for Thief 2 in PDF.
    Forum thread: Absolute Beginner's Guide to Creating a Mission for Thief 2

    - New Dromed Video Tutorial Series by Dale_
    Description/keywords: A video tutorial series on DromEd, NewDark version.
    Found at:
    Youtube: Let's Tame Dromed the Beast part 1
    Youtube: Let's Tame Dromed the Beast part 2
    Youtube: Let's Tame Dromed the Beast part 3
    Youtube: Let's Tame Dromed the Beast part 4
    Youtube: Let's Tame Dromed the Beast part 5
    Forum thread: New Dromed Video Tutorial Series

    - Upgrade Existing DromEd Installation to NewDark
    Description/keywords: Convert your existing DromEd installation to NewDark.
    Found at:
    TEG: Upgrade to NewDark

    - DromEd V1.19 : Tutorials & new features
    Description/keywords: The idea of this thread is to create a list of all the new things and improvements this outstanding patch adds for FM authors.
    Found at:
    Forum Thread: DromEd V1.19 : Tutorials & new features

    - Did I miss something??? Thief 1.19???
    Description/keywords: An early thread created shortly after version 1.19 was first released and discussing the new features. Some useful "how to" info in the thread.
    Found at:
    Forum Thread: Did I miss something??? Thief 1.19???

    - DromEd 2 Tutorial 01 - Interface by sNeaksieGarrett
    Description/keywords: Video tutorial for DromEd 2 1.19; explains the interface of DromEd 2 for those who are not familiar with DromEd and are wanting to learn.
    Found at:
    Youtube: DromEd 2 Tutorial 01
    Forum thread: DromEd 2 Video Tutorials

    - DromEd 2 Tutorial 02 - A Look Into Brushes, Mission Templates, And More by sNeaksieGarrett
    Description/keywords: Video tutorial for DromEd 2 1.19; a more in-depth look into DromEd. Covers brushes, the mission template file, object placement, tools/editors, and lighting.
    Found at:
    Youtube: DromEd 2 Tutorial 02
    Forum thread: DromEd 2 Video Tutorials

    - Convert World Rep to Model (Using New Dark’s Terrain Export Feature) by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: The most powerful feature of DromEd 1.19 has to be exporting the world rep to a model. Use New Dark's Export Terrain feature to create prefab buildings that you can use as simple objects; DromEd 1.19.
    Found at:
    Forum thread: Convert World Rep to Model - DromEd 1.19 Tutorial

    - NewDark: Particle effects - Bitmap Disk Fire by The Watcher
    Description/keywords: This is a very quick and dirty tutorial covering setting up a new, particle-only Flame replacement in DromEd for v1.19.
    Found at:
    Between Dreams and Shadows: NewDark: Particle effects - Bitmap Disk Fire

    - Making a list of all .bin files in your mission! by R Soul
    Description/keywords: There are loads of objects in your obj folder and you've no idea if you need them. Here's a technique that can tell you which ones your mission uses.
    Found at:
    TEG: Making a list of all .bin files in your mission!


    <a NAME="structure"></a>FILE STRUCTURE

    - The Mods Document (Or, Once the Foundation is Laid.) by Looking Glass Studios
    Description/keywords: A guide to making your Thief level playable by other thieves; instructions on FM File Structure.
    Found at:
    The Builder's Academy: The Mods Document

    - Folder Setup by Apache (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: This guide describes the Layout of a folder that can be zipped and run from ThiefLoader; folder layout for ThiefLoader/DarkLoader-ready FMs.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Folder Setup
    Southquarter: Folder Setup
    Thief Underground: * Folder Setup

    - Setting Up Missflag.str by nicked
    Description/keywords: Setting up mission order, briefing videos etc.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Setting Up Missflag.str


    <a NAME="imports"></a>IMPORTS / CONVERSIONS

    - DromEd 1>2 Conversion by Gonchong
    Description/keywords: Gonchong's guide to bringing Thief 1 OMs and FMs into Thief 2; converting a T1 mission to T2. How to convert a DromEd 1 mission to a DromEd 2 mission.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * DromEd 1 to 2 Conversion
    Southquarter: DromEd 1 to 2 Conversion
    The Builder's Academy: CONVERTING Dromed 1 -> Dromed 2: a rough guide
    Thief Underground: * DromEd 1>2 Conversion

    - Combining Two DromEd Projects Into One Mission by Komag
    Description/keywords: Combining two DromEd projects into one using multibrushes.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromED: * Combining Two DromEd Projects Into One Mission

    - Objects from Thief 2 to One (Garrett TTDP's Tutorial) by Sailor Thief
    Description/keywords: A guide to porting objects from Thief 2 into Thief 1; how to import Thief II models to Thief I.
    Found at:
    The Builder's Academy: Objects from Thief 2 to One


    <a NAME="shop"></a>IN-GAME SHOP/STORE

    - In-game store/shop using tnhscript by Brethren (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: Creating an in-game shop using the the tnhscript module by Telliamed. It's all done by creating objects, editing their properties, and creating links.
    Found at:
    TEG: In-game store/shop using tnhscript
    Southquarter: tnhscript In-game store

    - Sources and Receptrons 2: Temporary In Game Store by Totality
    Description/keywords: The second installment of a 4 part S & R tutorial; to highlight the necessary steps to make an in-game store where the player can buy objects mid-game at the cost of loosing some loot.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Sources and Receptrons 2
    Southquarter: Sources and Receptrons 2
    The Builder's Academy:Sources and Receptrons 2: Temporary In Game Store

    - Sources and Receptrons 4: Permanent In Game Store by Totality
    Description/keywords: The final installment of a 4 part S & R tutorial; to achieve a fully functional in-game permanent store, where you can come back later and continue to buy things if you want to.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Sources
    The Builder's Academy: Sources and Receptrons 4: Permanent In Game Store

    - New permanent in-game-store for Thief II by MadBull (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: Based on the one from Totality. I got his permission to create a different one because I didn't want the objects just being teleported in front of you. In this demo mission the seller brings you the item and if you haven't enough money for the most expensive item, you are still able to buy cheaper ones.
    Found at:
    A Thief's World: PIGS
    Forum thread: new permanent in game store is up

    - In-game Shops by Nameless Voice (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: Explains how to create a fully functional in-game shop in Thief 2, in which the player can spend his loot to purchase items (Thief 2 only).
    Difficulty: Master
    Found at:
    The Nameless Tower: In-game Shops
    Forum thread: New tutorial: Ingame shops in Thief 2

    - A permanent store in game V 1.2 by sterlino (tutorial in demo)
    Description/keywords: A real permanent shop in game; it's really easy and fast to build.
    Found at:
    Southquarter: ShopInGame_Demo
    Forum thread: Hi, Shop in game Tutorial Update


    <a NAME="lantern"></a>LANTERNS

    - Player Lit Lantern Tutorial by LarryG (accompanied by demo file)
    Description/keywords: The lantern (lit and unlit) can be picked up and dropped ("R" key), and if frobbed in inventory, it will turn on and off. When turned on, it is suspicious.
    Found at:
    TEG: Player Lit Lantern Tutorial
    (Direct link to Demo file.)

    - Portable and Switchable Lantern Tutorial by Spitter (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: Portable lantern, Spitter-style; a portable lantern which you can turn on and off.
    Found at:
    DarkFate: lanterndemo
    Forum thread: Portable and Switchable Lantern Tutorial

    - Improved Portable Switchable Lantern by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: Improvements to Spitter's Portable, Switchable Lantern.
    Found at:

    - A guard…with a lantern by Hidden in shadows
    Description/keywords: My own version of a tutorial regarding a guard with a lantern; note that the Dynamic light ability cannot be used in DromEd 1 only DromEd 2; The Lantern Guard (T2)
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * The Lantern Guard (T2)
    Southquarter: The Lantern Guard (T2)
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See p. 1)
    The Builder's Academy: A guard…with a lantern (most complete version)

    - Guards Dropping Lanterns after KO by Vlad Midnight
    Description/keywords: Ever find it strange when frobbing a lantern guard only to see the lantern floating right in front of you as you carry him? Well this tutorial will fix that.
    Found at:

    - Walking Lantern Guard by Sneaky Acolyte & Thiefs_Pawn
    Description/keywords: A more thorough and in-depth description of how to make one of these. For making a guard who carries a lantern and lights up your visibility gem; made for Thief 1/Gold only.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Guard with Lantern
    Southquarter: Guard With Lantern
    The Builder's Academy: Walking Lantern Guard Tutorial
    Forum thread: Walking Lantern Guard Tutorial

    - Guard with Lantern by Blutch (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: A brief tutorial for creating a guard with a lantern.
    Found at:
    DarkFate: Lantern


    <a NAME="light"></a>LIGHTS / LIGHTING

    - Controlling Lights by Difficulty by R Soul
    Description/keywords: Lights can be turned on or off depending on the difficulty level, making certain places harder or easier to sneak through on Normal and Hard.
    Difficulty: Easy
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Controlling Lights by Difficulty
    Forum thread: Easy Tutorial: Controlling Lights by Difficulty

    - Lighting for Drama by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: To help level designers understand some of the principles of lighting which can make a level more interesting.
    Found at:

    - Schwaa's Electric Lites by Schwaa (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: New Electric lights with transparent glass/light bulbs that can be broken (extinguished) with arrows, blackjacks and swords (pic1 - pic2); can also be used like regular lights/animlights and be operated by switch.
    Found at: Schwaa's Electric Lites (d/l and open readme file) Schwaa's Electric Lites (d/l and open readme file)
    Full text of readme file here: Schwaa's Demo Mission readme
    Forum thread: Schwaa's Demo Mission - Breakable Lamps, Bugs, Many new objects

    - Thief 2 Colored Lights Guide (or "Custom Lighting") by Hamish
    Description/keywords: A guide to setting up colored lighting for T2. Multiple uses for colored lighting, DromEd 2 Only; custom lighting.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Thief 2 Colored Lighting Guide
    Southquarter: Thief 2 Colored Lighting Guide
    The Builder's Academy: Thief 2 Colored Lights Guide (version with pics)
    Forum thread: Thief 2 colored lighting guide

    - Lighting Tips by Master_Designer
    Description/keywords: Will show you a couple of basic lighting techniques to make your level look 5 times better than it normally would; a guide to Hacklights, Spotlights etc.; some tips on lighting.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Lighting Tips
    Southquarter: Lighting Tips
    The Builder's Academy: Basic Elements of a Level (most complete version)
    Thief Underground: * Lighting Tips

    - Lights Buttons Window Action! (Dynamic Lights tutorial) by Zaccheus (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: Explains various techniques for switching lights on and off, including lights shining through a window.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Lights Buttons Window Action!
    Forum thread: Dynamic Lights tutorial (and demo!) - Lights Buttons Window Action!

    - Using Multiple Switches to Turn Off/On Lights by macros56
    Description/keywords: A quick and easy guide to creating multiple switches with lights.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Using Multiple Switches to Turn Off/On Lights
    Southquarter: Using Multiple Switches to Turn Off/On Lights

    - Light Batches by macros56
    Description/keywords: An easy and quick guide to creating one switch to control multiple groups of lights.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Light Batches
    Southquarter: Light Batches

    - Coronas by Z
    Description/keywords: How to add coronas (glow effects) to lights. Applies only to Thief2.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Coronas
    Southquarter: Coronas

    - How to dynamically change the color of the world by Haplo
    Description/keywords: How to dynamically change the color of the world by putting colored glasses in front of Garrett's eye; can be a powerful tool for creating a unique atmosphere in your mission.
    Found at:
    TEG: How to dynamically change the color of the world

    - In-depth exploration of Light settings by The Watcher
    Description/keywords: Getting a proper handle on the various settings available for lights in a controlled environment; done in NewDark with 32-bit lightmaps but the general behavior applies in 1.18 as well.
    Found at:
    TEG: In-depth exploration of Light settings


    <a NAME="lists"></a>LISTS

    - List of Object Properties by R Soul
    Description/keywords: A list of object properties.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: List of object properties

    - List of Link Types by [unknown]
    Description/keywords: A list of link types.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: List of link types

    - List of Mission Variables by [unknown]
    Description/keywords: A list of mission variables.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: List of mission variables

    - List of Gamesys Variables by [unknown]
    Description/keywords: A list of gamesys variables.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: List of gamesys variables

    - List of AI Behaviors by [unknown]
    Description/keywords: A list of AI behaviors.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: List of AI behaviors

    - List of Receptron Effects by [unknown]
    Description/keywords: A list of receptron effects.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: List of Receptron Effects

    - List of Garrett's Comments (T2 and T1G) by Komag
    Description/keywords: A list of Garrett's comments.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: *List of Garrett's Comments (T2 and T1G)
    Eidos Forum: List of Garrett's Comments (T2 and T1G)

    - Garrett's Comments (A List of Garrett's Comments in Thief 2) by SilentButDeadly
    Description/keywords: A list of Garrett's comments in T2.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Garrett's Comments
    Southquarter: Garrett's Comments

    - Garrett Sayings by And
    Description/keywords: Garrett sounds; Garrett voices.
    Found at:
    And's Thief 2 DromEd Stole My Life site: Garrett Sayings

    - Commands by [unknown]
    Description/keywords: A large list of all the DromEd commands; a command reference file.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Commands
    Southquarter: Commands

    - Conversations by And
    Description/keywords: Lists all T2 conversations and motions and how to implement them; the entire list of conversations in T2, taken from the schema file. Each conversation now has ALL the narrative of the conversations.
    Found at:
    And's Thief 2 DromEd Stole My Life site: Conversations

    - Thief 2 textures by Looking Glass Studios, compiled by Jesse Adams
    Description/keywords: Showing all the Thief 2 textures, grouped by family. Quite useful!
    Found at:
    The Builder's Academy: Thief 2 textures

    - Thief 2 Textures by And
    Description/keywords: All the family textures; thief 2 DromEd V1.18 Textures.
    Found at:
    And's Thief 2 DromEd Stole My Life site: Thief 2 Textures

    - Ambient Sounds List by And
    Description/keywords: A list of all ambient sounds in the Thief 2 OMs.
    Found at:
    And's Thief 2 DromEd Stole My Life site: Ambient Sounds List

    - Thief 2 ambients by Inkyape
    Description/keywords: A text file that lists all the Thief 2 ambient sounds, along with some explanations for the more obscure titles; Complete list of Thief 2 ambient sounds, with some descriptions.
    Difficulty: Basic
    Applicability: DromEd 2
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Thief 2 ambients
    Southquarter: Thief 2 ambients
    The Builder's Academy: Thief 2 ambients
    Thief Underground: * Thief 2 ambients
    Forum thread: Here you go: A list of all T2 ambient sounds.


    <a NAME="maps"></a>MAPS

    - Map Drawing Tutorial by R Soul
    Description/keywords: With only the most basic drawing skills you can make some very nice looking maps.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Map Drawing Tutorial
    Forum thread: Map Drawing Tutorial

    - AutomapPNG (program with tutorial included) by R Soul
    Description/keywords: A stand-alone program for creating automaps in PNG format for New Dark.
    Found at:
    catmanofiowa: AutomapPNG
    Forum thread: New Program: AutomapPNG (tutorial included)

    - Map Drawing Tutorial by Zaccheus
    Description/keywords: How to draw maps for Thief.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Map Drawing Tutorial
    Forum thread: Simple map drawing tutorial

    - DromEd Map tutorial for GIMP (DromEd Maps Tutorial V 2.0) by Salvage, converted by qolelis
    Description/keywords: How to make maps for DromEd in GIMP.
    Found at:
    Between Dreams and Shadows: DromEd Map tutorial for The GIMP

    - Creating Automaps - A Tutorial by Caeyr
    Description/keywords: Creating maps that show the player's relative location; a step-by-step guide to creating automaps.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Creating Automaps
    Southquarter: Creating Automaps
    The Builder's Academy: Creating Automaps - A Tutorial

    - Maps and Automaps by Salvage
    Description/keywords: A comprehensive guide for making automaps; how to create maps and automaps.
    Difficulty: Advanced
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Automaps
    Southquarter: Automaps
    Thief Underground: * Maps and Automaps (version with pics)

    - Automap Tutorial by Zaccheus
    Description/keywords: See your position highlighted on the map.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Automap Tutorial
    Forum thread: Automap Tutorial - final version now online


    <a NAME="goals"></a>OBJECTIVES / GOALS

    - Objectives by And
    Description/keywords: Steal something, Don't kill innocents, Don't kill anyone...
    Found at:
    And's Thief 2 DromEd Stole My Life site: Objectives

    - Objectives, Described by Apache (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: Describes the different types of objectives available to FM authors; the 4 goal types explained in detail.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Visible Objectives
    Southquarter: Visible Objectives
    Thief Underground: * Objectives

    - The Escape Objective by Phoenix
    Description/keywords: How to make the mission end when Garrett enters a certain room.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * The Escape Objective
    Southquarter: The Escape Objective

    - Creating Mission Objectives by Looking Glass Studios
    Description/keywords: Excerpt from the 'Official DromEd Documentation' by Tim Stelmach (LGS).
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Creating Mission Objectives
    Southquarter: Creating Mission Objectives

    - Objectives: Text Description by Taxi
    Description/keywords: A short guide on a help file that should have been included in the tutorial, but they didn't add it; how to make text descriptions for objectives.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Objectives: Text Description
    Southquarter: Objectives: Text Description

    - QVars, the omni-objective tool! by Spike14
    Description/keywords: Learn to use QVars, the greatest objective tool ever! QVarTraps, which is their full name, more commonly called QVars, are a way to make invisible/visible objectives.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * QVars, the omni-objective tool!
    Southquarter: Qvars – The Omni-Objective Tool!

    - The Pixie QVar Tutorial V1.0 ... Including Mission Objectives by The Pixie (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: A QVar (Quest Var or Quest Variable) is a game parameter that holds a number and can be changed and checked in-game; it also has (I think) the very first combination lock with random numbers (uses the new scripts by Nameless_voice).
    Found at:
    Forum thread: New tutorial on QVars (inc objectives)

    - The ConVict Script (Or, A Novice's Little Helper. Hey! No Talking You!) by Looking Glass Studios
    Description/keywords: A guide to creating conditions of victory.
    Found at:
    Taffers Tavern: The ConVict Script
    The Builder's Academy: The ConVict Script

    - Triggering events when the player is carrying an object, using invisible objectives (Triggering events via hidden objectives) by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: Explains how you can trigger events on the completion of hidden objectives. Although this method can be used for any type of objective, for this tutorial we will use Type 1: 'Steal an Object'.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    The Nameless Tower: Triggering events via hidden objectives

    - Setting up a Ghosting objective by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: Explains how to add a Ghosting objective to your mission; how to set up a simple Ghosting objective.
    Difficulty: Advanced
    Found at:
    The Nameless Tower: Ghosting

    - ‘Bring Object to Location’ Objectives by R Soul
    Description/keywords: There are two ways to think of such a goal; place the object anywhere in a room (e.g. drop a body in a room), or place it on another object (e.g. drop a scroll on a desk).
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Bring Object to Location’ Objectives
    Forum thread: Tutorial: ‘Bring Object To Location’ Objectives

    - Steal Multiple Objects by R Soul
    Description/keywords: Stealing all specified objects, or a certain number of them. There are two variants of this goal: Stealing all objects from a group or stealing some of them.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Steal Multiple Objects
    Forum thread: Tutorial: stealing multiple objects


    <a NAME="objects"></a>OBJECTS / MODELS

    - Reducing Object Count by R Soul
    Description/keywords: Getting as much out of your objects as possible.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Reducing Object Count
    Forum thread: Reducing Object Count: Tutorial

    - Objects With Moving Parts in Anim8or by Mortal Monkey & Sluggs
    Description/keywords: 12 easy steps to making your first object with moving parts in Anim8or.
    Found at:

    - Creating a Crate in Anim8or (Creating & Texturing a Crate in Anim8or) by Sluggs
    Description/keywords: To help you with texturing your models and learning to make them quicker.
    Found at:
    Low Poly Guild: Creating & Texturing a Crate in Anim8or

    - Creating a Book in Anim8or by Sluggs
    Description/keywords: Creating a book is probably the easiest and quickest model that you can make!
    Found at:
    Low Poly Guild: Creating a Book in Anim8or

    - Gem Tutorial by Sluggs
    Description/keywords: Creating a gemstone using Anim8or.
    Found at:

    - Working Out Which Files Are Associated With An Object by R Soul
    Description/keywords: Extracting an object from some package for use in your own fan mission. This will explain the process of determining which files a particular object requires. (AI - sounds -textures - voices)
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Working Out Which Files Are Associated With An Object

    - Creating a ‘Mission Start’ trigger by R Soul
    Description/keywords: Useful for triggering doors/conversations etc when the mission starts; there are all sorts of things that you might want to trigger when the mission starts.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Creating a ‘Mission Start’ trigger

    - Jointed objects (Creating Jointed Objects in 3D Studio Max for Thief 2) by Targa
    Description/keywords: Creating an object for use in Thief 2, via DromEd, that rotates on an axle.
    Found at:
    Targa's House 'O Thief Stuff: Creating Jointed Objects in 3D Studio Max for Thief 2

    - Jointed Objects: a new tutorial by LarryG
    Description/keywords: This is my attempt to explain what I have learned about the subject. Hopefully between what Schwaa has to say and what I have to say, you'll be successful in building your own jointed object models in whatever 3D modeling tool you use.
    Found at:
    TEG: Jointed Objects: a new tutorial

    - 3dMax Object Creation Tutorial by Schwaa
    Description/keywords: How to make an object specifically for Thief II - The Metal Age using 3D Studio Max and Photoshop. This will be a multi-part tutorial. (texturing)
    Part 1 - how to create simple 3d objects for converting into Thief format
    Part 2 - delving deeper into modelling, learn how to create a goblet and apply a simple texture
    Part 3 - complex Texture mapping, get the most out of your objects
    Part 4 - converting custom .3ds files into .bin to import into Thief II/DromEd.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
    Low Poly Guild: 3dMax Object Creation Tutorial
    Model Makers' Vault: 3dMax Object Creation Tutorial
    Southquarter: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

    - VHOT Attachment for door handles and particle effects. Axles for switches by Schwaa
    Description/keywords: There are certain objects in Thief that need to have VHOTs and axles to work right. Examples would be doors with handles, switches, and torches. This is a basic tut but will help you understand them.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Creating objects with VHOTs, axles (outdated + pics missing)
    Low Poly Guild: VHOT Attachment for door handles and particle effects
    Southquarter: Creating objects with VHOTS, axles (outdated + pics missing)

    - Creating an object with Anim8or by Phantom
    Description/keywords: Creating an object in Anim8or. (textures)
    Found at:
    Model Makers' Vault: Creating an object with Anim8or
    Low Poly Guild: Creating an object with Anim8or

    - Fiddling with models by Cricket God
    Description/keywords: Learn how to change models so that you use items that don't look normal.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Fiddling with models
    Southquarter: Fiddling with models

    - Making objects glowing or invisible by Phantom
    Description/keywords: Transparency/Illumination Properties; aka Invisibility and Glow. Once you have converted a model from .3ds to .e, you can make any of the textures on models transparent or illuminated.
    Found at:
    Model Makers' Vault: Making objects glowing or invisible
    Low Poly Guild: Making objects glowing or invisible

    - Make Anything a Light Source - Frob it Directly too! by Komag
    Description/keywords: To make an object light up by frobbing it.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Make Anything a Light Source - Frob it Directly too!
    Eidos Forum: Make Anything a Light Source - Frob it Directly too!

    - Unwrap UVW: 3d Studio Max (Using Unwrap UVW in 3D Studio Max) by Schwaa
    Description/keywords: Lets you adjust an object's texture to make simple corrections that would be difficult to adjust in a paint program.
    Found at:
    Low Poly Guild: Using Unwrap UVW in 3D Studio Max

    - Using View.exe (Using View.exe to view objects) by Schwaa
    Description/keywords: A useful tool to view objects in Thief's .bin format. It gives you options to check out the properties of most Thief objects like textures, rotations and polycount.
    Found at:
    Low Poly Guild: Using View.exe to view objects

    - How to import files into Thief by Totality
    Description/keywords: A guide to importing objects that you have made in a 3d modelling program into DromEd; importing custom 3d objects into your fan missions.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Importing Custom Objects
    Southquarter: Importing Custom Objects
    The Builder's Academy: How to import files into Thief

    - Basic Object Editing by The Blind Man
    Description/keywords: How to edit already existing objects with DromEd; for creating special custom objects in Thief.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Object Editing
    Southquater: Object Editing
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See pp. 14-15)
    The Builder's Academy: Basic Object Editing

    - Enabling Object Shadows Tutorial by Fidcal
    Found at:
    TEG: Enabling Object Shadows Tutorial

    - Advanced Alarm System by MacNokker/Apache
    Description/keywords: Making location based alarms; describes in detail how to make an advanced alarm system. How to build an alarm that goes off when the player enters an area.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Advanced Alarm System
    Southquarter:Advanced Alarm System
    The Builder's Academy: Making a location based alarm

    - Alarm System Part 1 by Apache (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: A two part tutorial that explains how to set up a basic alarm system.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Alarm System Part 1
    Southquarter: Alarm System Part 1
    Thief Underground: * Alarm System

    - A Mouse Certified Alarm System by A Little Mouse
    Description/keywords: Part 2 of the Alarm System tutorial; creating alarm systems.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Alarm System 2
    Southquarter: Alarm System 2
    The Builder's Academy: A Mouse Certified Alarm System

    - Autolights - Lost City by Apache (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: How to create autolights with roombrushes, Lost City style.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Applicability: DromEd 1
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Autolights - Lost city
    Southquarter: Autolight - Lost city
    Thief Underground: * Autolights

    - Autolights - Lost city by Apache (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: How to create autolights with roombrushes, Lost City style.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Applicability: DromEd 2
    Found at:
    Thief Underground: * Autolights

    - Disabling Light Objects by macros56
    Description/keywords: A quick guide to disabling the lighting on some of the more picky lights such as the glass chandelier.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Disabling Light Objects
    Southquarter: Disabling Light Objects

    - Lights and Switches by Despot
    Description/keywords: Here are the steps to get a light to work with an On/Off lever or switch; how to solve the switch/light problems in D2.
    Difficulty: Basic
    Applicability: DromEd 2
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Lights and Switches
    Southquarter: Lights and Switches
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See p. 49)
    The Builder's Academy: Introduction to Simple Devices
    Thief Underground: * Lights and Switches

    - Rotating Windows by Despot
    Description/keywords: A guide to making windows that open and shut; how to make rotating glass windows.
    Difficulty: Basic
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Rotating Windows
    Southquarter: Rotating Windows
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See p. 49)
    The Builder's Academy: Introduction to Simple Devices
    Thief Underground: * Rotating Windows

    - How To Make An Elevator In Four Steps by Bumbleson
    Description/keywords: This tutorial shows how to make an elevator in four steps.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Elevators
    Southquarter: Elevators

    - Elevator How-To by Cleaner
    Description/keywords: This tutorial is for people who actually read the LG main tutorial as well as tried to actually build something in Dromed.
    Found at:
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See pp. 45-47)

    - Raising water and complex lift by Gregorius (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: Explains step by step how to make 1) REAL rising water which floods a closed room, 2) A Complex elevator with walls, ceiling and buttons inside.
    Found at:
    Thief-thecircle Downloads: The Sinking Demo
    Forum Thread: The Sinking Demo

    - Books, Screen text, and "Readable" Objects by Kevin Goodsell
    Description/keywords: Intended to teach the basics of creating books and the required elements; a detailed book creating guide and how to make objects readable.
    Found at:
    Southquarter: Books
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See pp. 42-45)
    The Builder's Academy: Books, Screen text, and "Readable" Objects

    - Books - How To by Master_Designer
    Description/keywords: A small guide to creating books; describes how to use custom texts in books, scrolls, etc. This tutorial is both for putting text in books, and putting text onto scrolls.
    Difficulty: Basic
    Applicability: DromEd 1 & 2
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Books - How To
    Southquarter: Books - How To
    The Builder's Academy: Basic Elements of a Level (incomplete version)
    Thief Underground: * Books - How To

    - Implementing Books by [unknown]
    Description/keywords: Using books in your FM; explains what you need to start using books in your mission.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Implementing Books

    - Book Art Tutorial by LarryG
    Description/keywords: To create some new Book Art.
    Found at:
    TEG: Book Art Tutorial
    TTLG Downloads: Tutorial package with tools

    - NEW TUTORIAL to edit ANY object, follow-up to 'Problems with Book' by BlackKnight
    Description/keywords: I undertook the task of making my own signs by using ThiefEdit,, and PaintShop Pro.
    Found at:
    TEG: NEW TUTORIAL to edit ANY object

    - Making a Smelter (So, you want to be a Smelter?) by A Little Mouse
    Description/keywords: Creating a smelter setup, like in RTC; a guide for creating a smelter. Can be used for an example of linking and machinery.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Making a Smelter
    Southquarter: Making a Smelter
    The Builder's Academy: So, you want to be a Smelter?

    - How tweq Moves the Dial or The Tweq Property by belboz
    Description/keywords: How to use the Tweq property to create effects such as object animations.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * The Tweq Property
    Southquarter: The Tweq Property
    The Builder's Academy: How tweq Moves the Dial

    - Two-Way Switches by Spike14
    Description/keywords: Ever wanted a door that can be opened with two switches, both of which stay in the same state no matter which one you flick? Read on!
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Two-Way Switches
    Southquarter: Two-Way Switches

    - DIY Pushable Stepladder by Fidcal
    Description/keywords: Gameplay is like having a tall barrel - you can only push so far so no problem with a player taking it and using it where they shouldn't.
    Found at:
    TEG: DIY Pushable Stepladder

    - Mobile Ladders by Dashjianta/Jyre
    Description/keywords: Movable Ladders. How to make ladders that you can place in your inventory and attach to bars in the game; a ladder which the player can pick up, carry around and put down wherever s/he wishes.
    Found at:
    Ranstall Keep: * Mobile Ladders

    - Escaping Spider by Dashjianta/Jyre
    Description/keywords: How to create a cage an AI can break out of. In Curse of the Carnival there is a spider in a cage that will break out and attack the player if you get too close.
    Found at:
    CotC Tutorials: * Escaping Spider

    - Making Object Roofs by R Soul
    Description/keywords: Make rooftops out of objects to allow greater complexity; will describe how to use an object editing program to make a rooftop, and in particular, how to map the texture(s) so that it looks like a terrain feature.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Making Object Roofs

    - Self-Assembling Cabinets With Multiple Doors and Drawers by LarryG
    Description/keywords: Details the approach I use to make dressers, wardrobes, cabinets, sideboards, and similar furniture items which have multiple individually working doors and drawers.
    Found at:
    TEG: Tutorial: Self-Assembling Cabinets With Multiple Doors and Drawers

    - Grappling Hook Tutorial by stikboy (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: To create a grappling hook that you can throw up to ledges (it drops a rope to climb!); how to make a working grappling hook. This sticks to ledges and deploys a rope.
    Difficulty: Advanced
    Found at:
    Thief Underground: * Grappling Hook
    Forum thread: New Fm (beta)/grappling hook demo

    Making a flame fit in a fireplace by R Soul
    Description/keywords: When the Flame object is placed inside a fireplace object, its particles tend to rise up through the top of the object, which looks silly. This tut explains how to fix this.
    Found at:
    TEG: Tutorial: Making a flame fit in a fireplace

    - Resizing Doors, Switches, and Other Moving Objects by CyberFish
    Description/keywords: Rescaling switches, doors and other moving objects is not actually all that hard if you know how the movement controls work.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Resizing Doors, Switches, and other moving objects
    Eidos Forum: Resizing Doors, Switches, and other moving objects

    - Improving the physics model by using multiple submodels by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: How to improve the realism of Thief's physics for non-standard objects such as shovels.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    The Nameless Tower: Improving the physics model by using multiple submodels
    Forum thread: TUTORIAL: Improving the physics model by using multiple submodels

    - Multi-switching by The Watcher
    Description/keywords: Explains how to control one or more objects (such as lights) using two independent switches.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Multi-Switching
    Southquarter: Multi-Switching

    - Candles That Can Be Turned On/Off With a Frob by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: How to create a candle archetype that, with minimal effort, can be used to make candles that the player can turn on or off simply by frobbing them.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    The Nameless Tower: Candles that can be turned on/off with a frob

    - Using Switches and Buttons by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: Explains the basic usage of switches, buttons, and levers.
    Difficulty: Basic
    Found at:
    The Nameless Tower: Using switches and buttons

    - How to Make Healing Food in Thief by sNeaksieGarrett
    Description/keywords: How to make food heal you like it does in Thief 2. (Thief 1/Gold)
    Found at:
    Sneaksie's Fan Missions: How to make healing food in Thief
    Forum thread: Tutorial - How to make healing food in thief tdp/gold

    - Exploding Barrels Tutorial by sNeaksieGarrett
    Description/keywords: How to make exploding barrels in Thief 1.
    Found at:
    Sneaksie's Fan Missions: Exploding Barrels Tutorial (.rtf file)
    PDF = Exploding Barrels Tutorial (.pdf file)
    Forum thread: Explodable Barrels

    - Elevator-type Movement of Objects by Avalon
    Description/keywords: Moving Targets (DromEd1); how to make those Bullseyes move?
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd * Elevator type Movement of Objects
    Eidos Forum: Elevator type Movement of Objects

    - Making A Store by Silver
    Description/keywords: Everything you need to know in order to make a shop where Garrett can purchase equipment before the mission begins.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Making A Store
    Southquarter: Making A Store
    The Builder's Academy: Making A Store

    - Messing With Models - TMA(T2) Tutorial by Danventry
    Description/keywords: A simple tutorial that I've made. I noticed I never found a tutorial about shapes, so this is it.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Messing With Models
    Southquarter: Messing With Models

    - Deleting All Objects From a Mission by [Unknown]
    Description/keywords: Delete all objects from a mission, or delete all objects of a certain type. This is useful if you want to re-use an old/abandoned mission.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Deleting all objects from a mission


    <a NAME="fx"></a>PARTICLES / FX

    - The Many Colours of Particles by Zail
    Description/keywords: A ref chart showing the numerical codes for the particle colors; a chart that displays all the colours used for particles using the default Thief palette.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * The Many Colours of Particles
    Southquarter: The Many Colours of Particles
    The Builder's Academy: The Many Colours of Particles

    - Shock 2 Grav Shafts by Disenchanted
    Description/keywords: Though this is meant for use in Shock 2, it should work in Thief 1/2 as well.
    Found at:
    The Builder's Academy: Shock 2 Grav Shafts


    <a NAME="prop"></a>PROPERTIES

    - On Control Devices by Trimfect
    Description/keywords: A guide to switches and triggers for experienced DromEd users; how to use control devices to create effects.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Control Devices
    Southquarter: Control Devices
    The Builder's Academy: On ControlDevices

    - Metaproperties by Blutch
    Description/keywords: A brief guide and explanation of metaproperties; metaproperties are characteristics that you can enable or disable after a certain event.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Metaproperties
    Southquarter: Metaproperties

    - On/Off switch in Inventory by Fidcal
    Description/keywords: A parrot fashion idiot's guide describing how to set up an on/off switch in the player's inventory.
    Found at:
    TEG: On/Off switch in Inventory

    - Inheritance - What’s the difference between a guard and a barrel? by R Soul
    Description/keywords: Explains how properties are inherited via the hierarchy.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Inheritance - What’s the difference between a guard and a barrel?

    - Thief 2 Pickpocket Count Bug by Winter Cat
    Description/keywords: Fixing Thief 2 pickpocket count bug. Thief 2 has a known bug which causes game statistics always to show one more pickpocket than is actually present in a mission.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Thief 2 Pickpocket Count Bug


    <a NAME="scripts"></a>SCRIPTS

    - An Introduction to Scripts by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: A script in Dark is a piece of code that is placed on an object to do something when certain things happen to that object.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: An Introduction to Scripts

    - Using Scripts in Thief by GayleSaver
    Description/keywords: This tutorial serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it is the definition of "scripts" for the Dark Engine. Secondly, it serves as a beginner's guide to using script.osm.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Using Scripts in Thief
    Southquarter: Using Scripts in Thief

    - Public Scripts by [unknown]
    Description/keywords: Many general-purpose scripts for all Dark Engine games.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Public Scripts

    - LgScript by Telliamed
    Description/keywords: Write custom scripts using Lua; LgScript is a custom script module for Thief, Thief 2, and System Shock 2. With it you can create your own scripts.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: LgScript

    - Spy and TrapSMTrans by GayleSaver
    Description/keywords: Describes the most powerful tools in the script user's arsenal and how to operate them.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Spy and TrapSMTrans
    Southquarter: Spy and TrapSMTrans

    - Extended Object Script Module by GayleSaver
    Description/keywords: A list of scripts. Constantly updated as the releases are updated. Currently, Release 1.2.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Extended Object Script Module
    Southquarter: Extended Object Script Module

    - Thief 1 Scripts by Trimfect
    Description/keywords: All of the scripts to Thief 1 listed and some explanations provided.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Thief 1 Scripts
    Southquarter: Thief 1 Scripts

    - The TrapTimedRelay Problem by R Soul
    Description/keywords: A useful script that could cause problems.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: The TrapTimedRelay Problem

    - Using InvCarryOver & InvLoadUp by Telliamed
    Description/keywords: How to carry over objects between missions (using tnhScript); how two missions need to be set up so objects in containers and in the player inventory can be carried over between them.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Using InvCarryOver & InvLoadUp

    - The Machines of Soulforge by Avalon (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: The Soulforge Machines Explained. A guide with companion demo mission describing how to make the machines of Soulforge. Note that the information in this guide can be used for much more than just manufacturing machines.
    Found at:

    - Soulforge Machines Tutorial by R Soul (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: Creation of the machines is made much easier by using Telliamed's explanations of mission specific scripts.
    Found at:
    R Soul's Website: Soulforge Machines Tutorial
    Forum thread: Soulforge Machines Demo & Tutorial

    - OSM Developer's Toolkit by Telliamed
    Description/keywords: A description of how to build an OSM module.
    Found at:
    Thiefmissions: OSM Developer's Toolkit


    <a NAME="skins"></a>SKINS & MESHES

    - Getting T1 creatures into T2 by Arcsim
    Description/keywords: DromEd 2 Only; importing characters and enemies from Thief 1 into Thief 2. Explains how to import a T1 creature into T2; Arcsim's Creature Conversion Tutorial.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Getting T1 creatures into T2
    Southquarter: Getting T1 creatures into T2
    The Builder's Academy: Creature Conversion T1 - T2
    Forum thread: New Tutorial: Converting Thief 1 creatures to Thief 2.

    - Importing an AI into Thief (Importing Meshes from 3DS Max into DromEd (Thief II) by Schwaa
    Description/keywords: To help you import custom meshes into Thief 2. The first section will cover 3DS Max mesh editing and how to align joints and planes, the second section explains file types and their uses.
    Found at:
    Low Poly Guild: Importing Meshes from 3DS Max into DromEd (Thief II)

    - Import AI From DromEd Deluxe by [unknown]
    Description/keywords: Describes how to copy an AI from DromEd Deluxe to be used in a stand-alone mission.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Import AI From DromEd Deluxe

    - Burrick Riders & Carryable Torches by Dark Arrow (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: A demo showing two burrick riders and different ways to use the carryable torches, with two tuts - AI that pick up a torch and put it back on the wall, AI that relight torches Pic1 - Pic 2
    Found at:
    Dark Arrow's Thief 2 Site: Demo -
    Forum thread: Burrick riders and carryable torches released!

    - Burricks for Thief 2 (Burrick tutorial V1.0) by sNeaksieGarrett
    Description/keywords: Explains how to import Burricks into Thief 2. I made this tutorial in 2004 so it's quite old.
    Found at:
    Sneaksie's Fan Missions: Burricks for Thief 2

    - Making a Custom Spellcaster by The_Thief
    Description/keywords: This guide to customizing a spellcaster can then be applied to all other creatures as well.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Making a Custom Spellcaster
    Southquarter: Making a Custom Spellcaster
    Forum thread: Creating a custom spellcaster

    - Fish by Apache and cdfbr (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: Creating fish that swim in water. This AI requires you to make a custom gamesys and water; how to create fish. Co-written by cdfbr.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    Southquarter: Fish
    Thief Underground: * Fish

    - Archer Tutorial (Non-skin Archer Tutorial) by Z
    Description/keywords: How to turn any enemy or NPC into an archer; to give a bow and arrows to a non-arrow skin/creature without altering the skin.
    Found at:
    The Builder's Academy: Non-skin Archer Tutorial by Z For DromEd 2

    - Re-skinning models by Genocide/Phantom
    Description/keywords: The fine art of re-skinning. This guide explains in detail re-skinning AI with Corel Photo Paint, Paint Shop Pro & Adobe Photoshop; re-skinning AI with various graphic editor programs.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Reskinning models
    Southquarter: Reskinning models
    Thief Underground: * Re-skinning AI

    - AI Skins (Re-skinning AIs) by And
    Description/keywords: Re-skinning AIs the easy way; AI skins, arming pagans.
    Found at:
    And's Thief 2 DromEd Stole My Life site: Re-skinning AI's

    - Creating Custom AI Skins and Texture Families by Thorin Oakenshield
    Description/keywords: A detailed tutorial explaining how to create custom textures and skins for Thief 2, using Adobe Photoshop, PaintShop Pro and Bright.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Custom AI Skins and Texture Families
    Southquarter: Custom AI Skins and Texture Families
    Taffers Tavern: Creating Custom AI Skins and Texture Families
    Forum thread: NEW Tutorial : AI Skinning and Custom Textures

    - Replacing AI Skins by Nathan
    Description/keywords: Provides an introduction to using AI skins in Thief and Thief2; if you have a custom skin you want to use, this is the procedure for getting it to work right in DromEd.
    Found at:
    Between Dreams and Shadows: Replacing AI Skins (d/l .ZIP & open .doc file)
    Forum thread: Skin Tutorial

    - How to make new BIPED Meshes for Dark Engine Games by Colourless
    Description/keywords: Aimed at the creation of BIPED Meshes (i.e. people). However, much of this is still relevant for other types of meshes as well.
    Found at:
    users.on: * How to make new BIPED Meshes for Dark Engine Games How to make new BIPED Meshes for Dark Engine Games

    - Skins Wanted (& Offered) - The Aristocrats - Now includes tutorial by Digital Nightfall
    Description/keywords: I'd like to go into both skinning techniques (finding reference photos, working with the photos in Photoshop, etc.) to maybe help along those interested in doing this.
    Found at:
    TEG: Skins Wanted (& Offered)


    <a NAME="sky"></a>SKY & WEATHER

    - Sky T1 by Datoyminatah
    Description/keywords: An informal guide for getting the sky to work in T1.
    Found at:
    Southquarter: Sky T1

    - The Sky Guide (The Incomplete Doc on Thief 2's New Sky Rendering Mission Parameters) by Looking Glass Studios
    Description/keywords: A guide to setting up Newsky in DromEd 2. Understanding the sky, stars, celestial objects, distant art and clouds.
    Found at:
    The Builder's Academy: The Incomplete Doc on Thief 2's New Sky Rendering Mission Parameters

    - Newsky Tutorial by Looking Glass Studios & raetsel
    Description/keywords: The "official" Newsky tutorial with a bit more added explanation (in red) by raetsel (stars - celestial - distant art - clouds)
    Found at:
    Official LGS Newsky tutorial: New Sky Rendering Mission Parameters
    Notes by raetsel: Raetsel's notes

    - Custom Sky by Zail
    Description/keywords: Making your own sky textures; how to apply custom textures to the sky brush.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Custom Sky
    Southquarter: Custom Sky
    The Builder's Academy: File no longer available at this site

    - More Sky Tips by Datoyminatah
    Description/keywords: Some more suggestions for getting the sky to work properly.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * More Sky Tips
    Southquarter: More Sky Tips

    - Sky Settings (OMs 1 & 4) by And
    Description/keywords: The settings used for the sky in the T2 Original Missions 1 & 4.
    Found at:
    And's Thief 2 DromEd Stole My Life site: Sky Settings

    - Importing a Skybox from Terragen by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: To convert an environment in Terragen into a usable skybox for the Dark Engine; the result is a nice looking distant scenery with a light source.
    Found at:

    - Improving Terragen Skyboxes (Refining a Skybox from Terragen) by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: To convert an environment in Terragen into a usable skybox for the Dark Engine. By merging the two best color reduction methods into a single color reduction, the best possible color reduction can be gained.
    Found at:

    - Creating Night Skies in Terragen (Night Skies from Terragen) by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: To convert an environment in Terragen into a usable skybox for the Dark Engine; creating a night time skybox for the Dark Engine, a nicer looking sky than the awful looking Newsky that most missions use.
    Found at:

    - Sunlight.doc (Using the sunlight parameters) by Looking Glass Studios
    Description/keywords: Sunlight setup.
    Found at:

    - Setting Sunlight to Match Sun Celestial Positioning by LarryG
    Description/keywords: What I have learned about setting up the sunlight direction to match the longitude and latitude of a sun celestial object.
    Found at:
    TEG: Setting Sunlight to Match Sun Celestial Positioning

    - Creating Moonlight by Darkwarrior
    Description/keywords: A brief tutorial on how to make moonlight/sunlight in your FM; this is a pretty neat, simple effect that ONLY works for Thief 2.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Creating Moonlight
    Southquarter: Creating Moonlight

    - The Weather Guide (The Thief 2 Weather System) by Looking Glass Studios
    Description/keywords: A guide to setting up the new weather in DromEd 2 (fog - rain - snow).
    Found at:
    The Builder's Academy: The Thief 2 Weather System

    - Lightning Effects by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: Clocktower-style lightning; when done right it's very impressive and adds a lot to the atmosphere of a mission.
    Found at:
    Forum thread: A New Tutorial: Clocktower-style lightning

    - AntiMatter_16's ultimate guide to weather effects by AntiMatter_16
    Description/keywords: (precipitation - rain - snow - leaves - fog)
    Found at:
    TEG: AntiMatter_16's ultimate guide to weather effects

    - Weather Effects in Thief 1 by Riff (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: There's no rain in Thief 1 but there ARE particle effects that can look like rain.
    Found at:
    DarKFate.Org: Weather Effects in Thief 1

    - Fog by Despot
    Description/keywords: How to include fog in your Thief II missions. For DromEd 2.
    Found at:
    Southquarter: Fog
    Thief Underground: * Fog Howto

    - DromEd 1.18 Architecture Tutorial (Ze Architecture Tutorial Supreme ) by Alexius
    Description/keywords: Collection of most useful DromEd functions regarding architectural creations (textures - tips - multi-brushing - objects - sky - distant art).
    Found at:
    TEG: DromEd 1.18 Architecture Tutorial


    <a NAME="sound"></a>SOUND

    - Thief 2 Ambients by Inkyape
    Description/keywords: A text file that lists all the Thief 2 ambient sounds along with some explanations for the more obscure titles; complete list of Thief 2 ambient sounds, with some descriptions.
    Difficulty: Basic
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * T2 Ambients
    Southquarter: T2 Ambients
    The Builder's Academy: List of T2 ambients
    Thief Underground: * Thief 2 ambient sounds
    Forum thread: Here you go: A list of all T2 ambient sounds.

    - Ambient Sounds List by And
    Description/keywords: A list of all ambient sounds in the Thief 2 OMs.
    Found at:
    And's Thief 2 DromEd Stole My Life site: Ambients

    - List of Garrett's Comments (T2 and T1/G) by Komag
    Description/keywords: A list of Garrett's comments in T1/G and T2.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * List of Garrett's Comments (T2 and T1G)
    Eidos Forum: List of Garrett's Comments (T2 and T1G)

    - Garrett's Comments (A List of Garrett's Comments in Thief 2) by SilentButDeadly
    Description/keywords: A list of Garrett's comments in T2.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Garretts Comments
    Southquarter: Garrett's Comments

    - Garrett Sayings by And
    Description/keywords: Garrett sounds; Garrett voices.
    Found at:
    And's Thief 2 DromEd Stole My Life site: Garrett

    - VO Traps Pt. 1 by Despot or Apache (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: The first installment of a two part guide to using VO Traps for player speech etc. This guide explains how to play back Garrett's comments in-game; VO Traps with Room Brushes.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * VOTrap pt1
    Southquarter: VO Traps Part 1
    Thief Underground: * VO Tutorial

    - VO Traps Pt. 2 by Despot (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: The 2nd installment of a two part guide to using VO Traps for player speech etc.; VO Traps without Room Brushes.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * VO Traps Pt. 2
    Southquarter: VO Traps Part 2
    Thief Underground: * VO Tutorial 2

    - VO traps by FR33Z0R
    Description/keywords: Tutorial that explains how to make sounds in TG.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * VO traps
    Southquarter: VO Traps

    - Ambient Sounds Tutorial by Sledge
    Description/keywords: A detailed tutorial for implementing ambient sounds in your level; adding ambient sounds to a map. The Complete Ambient Sound Guide - all anyone would want or need to know.
    Difficulty: Basic
    Applicability: DromEd 1 & 2
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Complete Ambient
    Southquarter: Complete Ambient
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See pp. 10-13)
    The Builder's Academy: Ambient Sounds Tutorial
    Thief - DromEd: * Ambient Sounds Tutorial
    Eidos Forum: Ambient Sounds Tutorial
    Thief Underground: * Ambient Sounds

    - Editing Schemas by Sledge
    Description/keywords: How to make custom schemas; this tutorial will hopefully explain a little bit more about how Schema Files work and getting sounds that you've made into DromEd.
    Difficulty: Advanced
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Editing Schemas
    Southquarter: Editing Schemas
    The Builder's Academy: Editing Schemas
    Thief Underground: * Editing Schemas

    - Schema Files by [unknown]
    Description/keywords: Samples of schema files and what it all means.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Schema Files

    - Ambient Sound and Atmosphere by Z
    Description/keywords: How to implement ambient sounds in your level as well as how to use sound for atmosphere.
    Difficulty: Basic
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Ambient Sound and Atmosphere
    Southquarter: Ambient Sound and Atmosphere
    Thief Underground: * Ambient Sounds (incomplete version)

    - Ambient Sound by LiquidEgg
    Description/keywords: Ambient sound is a very important topic which people should know about. Many people see it as the key to atmosphere in any level.
    Found at:
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See pp. 8-9)
    The Builder's Academy: Ambient Sound

    - Ambient Sound by FR33Z0R
    Description/keywords: Tutorial that explains Ambient sounds for TG and T2.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * AmbientSound
    Southquarter: Ambient Sound

    - Ambient Sounds Tips by frobber
    Description/keywords: Some things I've learned lately. Consider these tools, rather than answers.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Ambient Sounds Tips
    Eidos Forum Ambient Sounds Tips

    - Songs and Song Schemas by LarryG
    Description/keywords: This thread pertains to the original LGS song compiler and song player; all we needed was to understand the grammar of their schema files and how to use them.
    Found at:
    TEG: Songs and Song Schemas

    - Custom Sound Tutorial (aka What Sly learned recently) by SlyFoxx
    Description/keywords: About incorporating custom audio.
    Found at:
    TEG: Custom Sound Tutorial (aka What Sly learned recently)

    - Creating Seamless Ambient Loops by Yandros
    Description/keywords: How easy it is to create a perfectly seamless loop for use as an ambient in your mission, using Audacity.
    Found at:
    The Weary Taffer: Creating Seamless Ambient Loops

    - Custom Sound Schemas by Datoyminaytah, edited by Despot
    Description/keywords: How to define/create custom sounds schemas.
    Difficulty: Advanced - DromEd 1
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Custom Sound Schemas
    Southquarter: Custom Sound Schemas
    Thief Underground: * Custom Sound Schemas

    - Custom Sound Schemas by Datoyminaytah, edited by Despot
    Description/keywords: How to define/create custom sounds schemas.
    Difficulty: Advanced - DromEd 2
    Found at:
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See pp. 36-38)
    Thief Underground: * Custom Schemas

    - Ambient Sound by Masterthief30
    Description/keywords: How to add ambient sound to your missions.
    Found at:
    The Builder's Academy: AMBIENT SOUND

    - Creating a Custom VoiceOver (Creating a custom VO Schema) by Sluggs
    Description/keywords: For this tut, I'm creating a new thunder VO.
    Found at:

    - Voice Acting Tutorial by dlw6
    Description/keywords: This tutorial focuses on the technical side of recording and editing your own voice or others’ voices using free Audacity software for Windows and Linux, with a bit also about Windows Sound Recorder.
    Found at: Voice Acting Tutorial


    <a NAME="stimulus"></a>STIMULUS / RESPONSE

    - List of Receptron Effects by [unknown]
    Description/keywords: A list of Act/React receptrons linking to brief descriptions of what they do.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book List of Receptron Effects

    - Sources and Receptrons: A Beginner's Guide by Sledge
    Description/keywords: A comprehensive introduction to using and understanding Sources and Receptrons; a guide to S&Rs.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Sources and Receptrons - The Basics
    Southquarter: Sources and Receptrons - The Basics
    The Builder's Academy: Sources and Receptrons: A beginner's guide
    Thief Underground: * S&R: A Beginner's Guide

    - Sources and Receptrons 1: Teleportation and Timing by Totality
    Description/keywords: The first installment of a 4-part S & R tutorial. This one uses teleportation as an example to teach the basics of sources and receptrons.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Sources and Receptrons 1
    Southquarter: Sources and Receptrons 1
    The Builder's Academy: Sources and Receptrons, for teleporting and timing (version with pics!)

    - Sources and Receptrons 2: Temporary In-Game Store by Totality
    Description/keywords: The second installment of a 4-part S & R tutorial; highlights the steps necessary to make an in-game store where the player can buy objects mid-game at the cost of losing some loot.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Sources and Receptrons 2
    Southquarter: Sources and Receptrons 2
    The Builder's Academy:Sources and Receptrons 2, Temporary In Game Store

    - Sources and Receptrons 3: Leaving a Breadcrumb Trail by Totality
    Description/keywords: The third installment of a 4-part S & R tutorial. This uses a breadcrumb trail as an example; once Garrett has picked up the magic pouch it will drop glowing rocks at his current position while he has it selected.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Sources and Receptrons 3
    Southquarter: Sources and Receptrons 3
    The Builder's Academy: Sources and Receptrons 3, Leaving a Breadcrumb Trail

    - Sources and Receptrons 4: Permanent In-Game Store by Totality
    Description/keywords: The final installment of a 4-part S & R tutorial; to achieve a fully functional, permanent in-game store, where you can come back later and continue to buy things.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Sources
    Southquarter: Sources and Receptrons 4
    The Builder's Academy: Sources and Receptrons 4, Permanent In Game Store

    - Elevator Lights by Bumbleson
    Description/keywords: This S&R tutorial shows how to turn lights on when an elevator arrives on a certain floor, and off again when it leaves; this tutorial assumes you've already made a working elevator.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Elevator Lights
    Southquarter: Elevator Lights
    Forum thread: "Elevator Lights"

    - Cursed Treasure by Dashjianta/Jyre
    Description/keywords: Causing treasure to fly across a room when frobbed; treasure is affected by the curse by flying away from the player when s/he attempts to pick it up.
    Found at:
    CotC Tutorials: * Cursed Treasure

    - A permanent store in game V 1.2 by sterlino (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: A permanent shop in game; it's really easy and fast to build.
    Found at:
    The Keep of Metal and Gold: ShopInGame_Demo
    Forum thread: Hi, Shop in game Tutorial Update

    - In-game Shops by Nameless Voice (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: Explains how to create a fully functional in-game shop in Thief 2, in which the player can spend his loot to purchase items (Thief II only).
    Difficulty: Master
    Found at:
    The Nameless Tower: In-game Shops
    Forum thread: New tutorial: Ingame shops in Thief 2

    - New permanent in-game-store for Thief II by MadBull (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: Based on the one from Totality. I got his permission to create a different one because I didn't want the objects just being teleported in front of you. In this demo mission the seller brings you the item and if you haven't enough money for the most expensive item, you are still able to buy cheaper ones.
    Found at:
    A Thief's World: PIGS
    Forum thread: new permanent in game store is up

    - Drop Coins Here by Schwaa (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: To show you how to make a "drop item in a certain spot" objective using Sources and Receptrons and QVAR Traps.
    Found at:
    [ Drop Coins Here


    <a NAME="textures"></a>TEXTURES / TEXTURING

    - Thief 2 Textures by Looking Glass, compiled by Jesse Adams
    Description/keywords: Showing all the Thief 2 textures, grouped by family. Quite useful!
    Found at:
    The Builder's Academy: THIEF II TEXTURES

    - Thief 2 Textures by And
    Description/keywords: All the family textures; Thief 2 DromEd V1.18 Textures.
    Found at:
    And's Thief 2 DromEd Stole My Life site: Thief 2 DromEd V1.18 Textures

    - Custom Textures Overview by frobber
    Description/keywords: An overview of stock textures and how to create and add custom textures.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Custom Textures Overview
    Eidos Forum: Custom Textures Overview

    - Thief 2 Texture Families by MaD-SaM
    Description/keywords: A helpful guide to the textures used in T2. A brief description of what is in each family, but hopefully a helpful guide.
    Difficulty: Basic
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Thief 2 Texture Families
    Southquarter: Thief 2 Texture Families
    Thief Underground: * Thief 2 Texture Families

    - Converting Images for Use with Thief by TH€_THI€F
    Description/keywords: Importing your own art is easy - getting the palette to match is not. This guide shows you how to get artwork that you've made into dromed; importing Custom Artwork.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Custom Artwork
    Southquarter: Custom Artwork
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See pp. 40-42)

    - Importing a Custom Texture by R Soul
    Description/keywords: Importing textures and saving the changes.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Importing a Custom Texture
    Forum thread: Importing Custom Textures Tutorial

    - Improving Texture Quality by oRGy
    Description/keywords: Ever wished that your copy of T1 or Thief Gold had the same quality as T2? Now it can! It's possible to have Thief II quality textures and models in Thief I with the minimum of effort.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Improving Texture Quality
    Southquarter: Improving Texture Quality
    Thief Underground: * Howto make Thief 1 look 133t

    - Changing Textures In-Game by Govinda_Grings
    Description/keywords: How to change textures in Game; in-game texture swapping.
    Difficulty: Advanced
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Changing Textures In-Game
    Southquarter: Changing Textures In-Game
    Thief Underground: * In-game texture swapping (version with pics)

    - Converting textures in PaintShop Pro by Sensut
    Description/keywords: How to create Thief compatible textures in PaintShop Pro.
    Found at:
    TEG: Converting textures in PaintShopPro

    - Seamless Textures (Creating Seamless Textures from Photosources) by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: How I make seamless textures. The ability to make nicer textures is key to making better looking missions.
    Found at:
    Forum thread: New seamless texture tutorial

    - Custom Textures in Photoshop by Chiefdreams
    Description/keywords: Getting custom artwork into DromEd. (NOTE: Does not discuss skins). How to create custom textures using Adobe Photoshop.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Custom Textures
    Southquarter: Custom Textures
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See pp. 38-40)
    Thief Underground: * Custom Textures in Photoshop (version with pics)
    Forum thread: Custom texture tutorial (Photoshop)

    - GIMP Tutorial On Custom Textures by Hatching-a-plan
    Description/keywords: A step by step instructional tutorial on how to do everything to get your custom texture ready and imported into DromEd using the freeware program GIMP.
    Found at:
    TEG: GIMP Tutorial On Custom Textures

    - Texture Tutorial by [unknown]
    Description/keywords: How to create custom textures that can be used on terrain brushes. (families)
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Texture Tutorial

    - Creating Custom AI Skins and Texture Families by Thorin Oakenshield
    Description/keywords: A detailed tutorial explaining how to create custom textures and skins for Thief 2, using Adobe Photoshop, Paintshop Pro and Bright.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Custom AI Skins and Texture Families
    Southquarter: Custom AI Skins and Texture Families (no pics)
    Taffers Tavern: Creating Custom AI Skins and Texture Families
    Forum thread: NEW Tutorial : AI Skinning and Custom Textures.

    - Carpets by valkyre
    Description/keywords: Ever wanted to place rugs or carpets in your mission? Follow this guide to find out how!
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Carpets
    Southquarter: Carpets

    - Re-texturing Brushes In-game by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: How to change the textures on brushes in-game; how to retexture a brush in-game.
    Difficulty: Basic
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: Re-texturing Brushes In-game
    The Nameless Tower: Retexturing Brushes Ingame

    - Animated Textures on Objects by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: A guide to setting up animated textures on your terrain and objects. It is possible to animate any texture used in DromEd.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    The Nameless Tower: Animated textures on objects
    Forum thread: TUTORIAL: Animated textures on objects

    - Creating a Crate in Anim8or (Creating & Texturing a Crate in Anim8or) by Sluggs
    Description/keywords: To help you with texturing your models and learning to make them quicker.
    Found at:
    Low Poly Guild: Creating & Texturing a Crate in Anim8or

    - NVDoor01 by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: I will now explain how I created the texture NVDoor01.
    Found at:
    TEG: NVDoor01 (d/l .ZIP & click TutNVDoor01.htm or Tutorials.htm)

    - NVWoodPl02 by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: How I turned a photograph of some wooden planks into a seamless texture.
    Found at:
    TEG: NVWoodPl02 (d/l .ZIP & click TutNVWoodPl02.htm or Tutorials.htm)

    - NVWoodPl04 by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: How I turned a photograph of some wooden planks into a seamless texture.
    Found at:
    TEG: NVWoodPl04 (d/l .ZIP & click TutNVWoodPl04.htm or Tutorials.htm)

    - On/Off Window Lights with Matching Texture by R Soul
    Description/keywords: If the player can get inside the building and turn the lights off, it's a nice touch if the window lights respond accordingly.
    Found at:
    The Dromesday Book: On/Off Window Lights with Matching Texture
    Forum thread: Tutorial: On/Off Window Lights with Matching Texture

    - Making a Stained-Glass Window by Vigil
    Description/keywords: This tutorial explains how to make simple stained-glass window textures from scratch.
    Found at:
    The Well-Equipped Thief: Making a Stained-Glass Window
    Forum thread: This Thief fan makes stained glass windows

    - The Rough Stone Wall Tutorial by Renzatic
    Description/keywords: What I'll attempt to show you how to do through these tutorials, is to make your own textures from a variety of sources; it's time to learn Photoshop!
    Found at:
    TEG: The Rough Stone Wall Tutorial

    - Dirty texture tutorial by DrK
    Description/keywords: How to dirty/darken a texture, 3 easy steps with Photoshop.
    Found at:
    TEG: Dirty texture tutorial

    - Marks, stains, splashes, etc. by Fidcal
    Description/keywords: An easy way to make impressive, fully re-sizeable, variably-translucent stains, splashes, marks, as well as symbols, signs, graffiti, etc. that can be stuck on any surface at any angle.
    Found at:
    TEG: Marks, stains, splashes, etc.

    - Multibrush Texture Change Tutorial by Fidcal
    Description/keywords: Only texture numbers are saved in multibrushes, not names, so the textures can be drastically wrong when loaded.
    Found at:
    TEG: Multibrush Texture Change Tutorial

    - Common palette tutorial - The easy way to use Bright183 by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: How to use Bright to easily re-palletize groups of textures, by using some batch files I've written, and a new folder for each texture set.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    The Nameless Tower: Common palette tutorial - The easy way to use Bright183
    Forum thread: Common palette tutorial; the easy way to use Bright183

    - Realistic metal effect tutorial by Jason Waskey
    Description/keywords: Photoshop effects tutorials are a bit like recipes ... this tutorial is a step-by-step explanation; demonstrates how to get a realistic metal effect from black and white shapes (like text).
    Found at:

    - D2 Texture Problem by Whirlwind
    Description/keywords: Solve to the DromEd 2 texture problem.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * D2 Texture Problem
    Southquarter: D2 Texture Problem

    - [NewDark] Batch texture scale by various authors
    Description/keywords: A discussion of how to batch set texture scale in New Dark.
    Found at:
    Forum Thread: [NewDark] Batch texture scale


    <a NAME="tips"></a>TIPS

    - Some Common DromEd Mistakes (Running List of Common Mistakes) by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: A list of common mistakes most new authors make. How to build a better mission.
    Found at:

    - Quick Start Beginner's Guide by Despot
    Description/keywords: Some quick tips and suggestions for new authors; how to get started with DromEd.
    Difficulty: Basic
    Applicability: DromEd 1 & 2
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Quick Start Beginner's Guide
    Southquarter: Quick Start Beginner's Guide
    Thief Underground: * Quick Start Beginner's Guide

    - Basic Tips for DromEd by macros56
    Description/keywords: A list of easy-to-understand tips for beginning Dromeders.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Basic Tips for DromEd
    Southquarter: Basic Tips for DromEd

    - Ambient Sounds Tips by frobber
    Description/keywords: Some things I've learned about ambient sounds. Consider these tools, rather than answers.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Ambient Sounds Tips
    Eidos Forum: Ambient Sounds Tips

    - Tips to Lower a Screen Complexity or High Polygon Count by Komag
    Description/keywords: It's a very good idea to make some buildings taller so they cut off the long views.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Tips to Lower a Screen Complexity or High Polygon Count
    Eidos Forum: Tips to Lower a Screen Complexity or High Polygon Count

    <a NAME="traps"></a>TRAPS AND TRIGGERS

    - Basic Explanation of Common Trap Types by Komag
    Description/keywords: Brief descriptions of a few of the most common trap types.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Basic Explanation of Common Trap Types
    Eidos Forum: Basic Explanation of Common Trap Types

    - Choose Your Own Object - A Tutorial on Traps by Komag (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: This tutorial and demo will illustrate the use and purpose of various traps in DromEd; it demonstrates the use of traps such as relay traps, revert traps, require-all traps, etc.
    Found at:
    The Keep of Metal and Gold: KomagTutTraps
    Forum thread: New T2 demo mission (Darkloader ready) - Traps, with tutorial

    - Ceiling Traps by SilentSleep or Apache (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: Explains how to make ceiling traps after the manner of the Lost City.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Ceiling Traps
    Southquarter: Ceiling Traps
    Thief - DromEd: * CrushingWall Tutorial
    Eidos Forum: CrushingWall Tutorial
    Thief Underground: * Ceiling Trap Howto

    - Emit Trap by Baddcog or Apache (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: Explains how to set up traps that emit broadheads, magic missiles, etc.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Emit Trap
    Southquarter: Emit Trap
    Thief Underground: * EmitTraps

    - Teleporting Garrett by Dashjianta/Jyre
    Description/keywords: Setting up a switch to teleport Garrett to another place in the mission. While it is possible to set up a teleport for Garrett using S&Rs (Sources & Receptrons), this guide does not do so, but instead uses traps and triggers.
    Found at:
    Ranstall Keep: * Teleporting Garrett

    - Drop Coins Here by Schwaa (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: To show you how to make a "drop item in a certain spot" objective using Sources and Receptrons and QVAR Traps.
    Found at: Drop Coins Here

    - Triggers On Load by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: Triggering events each time the mission (re)loads; demonstrates how to have events triggered by the player reloading the game.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    [The Nameless Tower: Triggers On Load

    - Exit Rooms and Triggers by Komag
    Description/keywords: How to set up an exit room triggered when the player reaches it.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Exit Rooms and Triggers
    Eidos Forum: Exit Rooms and Triggers

    - Bounds Triggers and Destroy Traps by pbucko (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: Discusses BoundsTriggers and their use (aimed at Thief2, but should work in Thief1). BoundsTriggers can be used instead of the TrigRoomPlayer method and is a lot simpler to implement.
    Found at:
    Between Dreams and Shadows: Bounds Triggers and Destroy Traps


    <a NAME="water"></a>WATER, LAVA & FIRE

    - AM16's Ultimate Guide to Water 1.02 by AntiMatter16
    Description/keywords: A considerable amount of information on creating water and editing its properties.
    Found at:
    Mediafire: AM16's Ultimate Guide to Water 1.02
    Darkfate: AM16's Ultimate Guide to Water 1.02
    Forum thread: AM16's Ultimate Guide to Water 1.02

    - The Art of Water and Lava by Dashjianta/Jyre (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: A demo and tutorial on all things water and lava.
    Found at:
    Ranstall Keep Tutorials: * The Art of Water and Lava
    Taffers Tavern: Water and Lava

    - Lava by Apache (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: A how-to for implementing lava; first, create a regular body of water (look for a tutorial here).
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    Southquarter: Lava
    Taffers Tavern: Various Tutorials (See p. 48)
    Thief Underground: * Lava Howto

    - Create Water (or "Water Howto") by Apache (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: This guide details the steps required to create water in Thief.
    Difficulty: Basic
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Create Water
    Southquarter: Create Water
    Thief Underground: * Water Howto

    - Possible water tutorial by Fidcal
    Description/keywords: All the stuff I've learned about water recently.
    Found at:
    TEG: Possible water tutorial

    - Raising water and complex lift by Gregorius (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: Explains step by step how to make 1) REAL rising water which floods a closed room, 2) A Complex elevator with walls, ceiling and buttons inside.
    Found at:
    Thief-thecircle Downloads: The Sinking Demo
    Forum thread: The Sinking Demo

    - Dripping Stalactites (The Dripping Stalactite) by Dashjianta/Jyre
    Description/keywords: How to make water drip from a stalactite.
    Found at:
    Ranstall Keep Tutorials: * Dripping Stalactites

    - Water Fall Particles (Better Looking Water Fall FX) by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: Creating a waterfall from brush work is easy, but the base lacks realism. Addition of particle effects are the best solution; these are the particles that look the best.
    Found at:

    - Water by Master_Designer
    Description/keywords: To teach you how to add water to your levels.
    Found at:
    The Builder's Academy: Basic Elements of a Level

    - Spreading Blaze by Nameless Voice (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: How to have a fire spread along a path of oil when any one of them is lit with a flare; a fire that spreads.
    Found at:
    The Nameless Tower: Spreading Blaze
    Forum thread: Spreading Fire Demo?

    - NewDark: Particle effects - Bitmap Disk Fire by The Watcher
    Description/keywords: Covers setting up a new, particle-only Flame replacement in DromEd v 1.19. This can be placed just like the standard Flame, and will behave in the same way.
    Found at:
    Between Dreams and Shadows: NewDark/Particle effects - Bitmap Disk Fire

    - Making a flame fit in a fireplace by R Soul
    Description/keywords: When the Flame object is placed inside a fireplace object, its particles tend to rise up through the top of the object, which looks silly. This tutorial explains how to fix this.
    Found at:
    TEG: Making a flame fit in a fireplace


    <a NAME="weapons"></a>WEAPONS & EQUIPMENT

    - The Complete Loadout Store Tutorial by qolelis
    Description/keywords: This is a tutorial on how to set up a pre-mission store (or ”loadout store” as it's also called) as seen in many of the original missions.
    Found at:
    Mediafire: * The Complete Loadout Store Tutorial
    Demo: Demo campaign
    Forum thread: The Complete Loadout Store Tutorial

    - How to Carry Over Loot and Equipment by Apache
    Description/keywords: A real small demo and tut for T2 DromEd 2 on how to carry over loot and equipment from one level to the next. This is for FMs where a store just isn't realistic.
    Difficulty: Advanced
    Found at:
    Thief Underground: * Carryover
    Forum thread: Is anyone interested in a demo/tut on how to carry over loot?

    - Multiple Loot and Item Carryover (Multiple CarryOvers) by nicked (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: Showing how to carry over items and loot between multiple missions using tnhscripts InvCarryOver and InvLoadUp.
    Found at:
    Between Dreams and Shadows: Multiple Loot and Item Carryover Demo (d/l .ZIP & click readme.txt)
    Forum thread: Multiple Loot and Item Carryover Demo

    - CritterShots by ShadowTaffer
    Description/keywords: It's possible to make Garrett shoot saw blades, or bolts of fire, or magic missiles, etc.
    Found at:
    TEG: CritterShots

    - Projectile Tutorial by Dark Arrow (with ref. to demo)
    Description/keywords: Will teach you how to make Garrett and emitter trap, how to make AI's fire spells and how to edit the different spells in my spells demo.
    Found at:
    Dark Arrow's Thief 2 Site: Projectile Tutorial Demo:
    Forum thread: New spells for AI's and some for Garrett!

    - Magic Scrolls Which Produce Fireballs for Thief II by MadBull (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: Lets Garrett shoot big fireballs by using magic spell scrolls.
    Found at:
    A Thief's World:
    Forum thread: New permanent in game store is up

    - Quick and Easy Gas Bomb (like in Thief: Deadly Shadows) by Jason Otto
    Description/keywords: When you throw the frog egg now it produces a KO gas cloud just like the gas arrow, and the bomb is destroyed.
    Found at:

    - Longer Lasting Flares by Komag
    Description/keywords: Flares.
    Found at:
    Thief - DromEd: * Longer Lasting Flares
    Eidos Forum: Longer Lasting Flares

    - EMP Arrows by ShadowTaffer
    Description/keywords: A crude but workable method for EMP Arrows; use an arrow to put out electric lights without destroying them.
    Found at:
    TEG: EMP Arrow Tutorial

    - Knockout Arrow by TheCapedPillager
    Description/keywords: An arrow that knocks someone out on contact; arcs when shot and makes a thud when it hits them.
    Found at:
    Liquid Dream Design: The Knockout Arrow

    - Ice Arrow by TheCapedPillager
    Description/keywords: An Ice arrow which will freeze an AI for 30 seconds.
    Found at:
    Liquid Dream Design: The Ice Arrow

    - Ice Arrow by Jake
    Description/keywords: How to make an ice arrow that damages and freezes AI. T2, mostly.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Ice Arrow
    Southquarter: Ice Arrow
    Forum thread: Ice Arrow

    - Cursed Arrows by Dashjianta/Jyre
    Description/keywords: How to create the various cursed arrows in CotC. In the Carnival mission, many of the arrows Ryalla uses are "cursed" in some form or another. This tutorial reveals how the curses were implemented.
    Found at:
    CotC Tutorials: * Cursed Arrows

    - Guide Bag by Dashjianta/Jyre
    Description/keywords: Making a bag that drops crumbs when frobbed. The Guide Bag found in carnival was based on the Leaving a Breadcrumb Trail tutorial by Totality.
    Found at:
    CotC Tutorials: * Guide Bag

    - The Magic Rock by Dashjianta/Jyre
    Description/keywords: The magic rock is a special weapon which, when held in the player's inventory, causes any AI with whom the player comes into contact to die.
    Found at:
    Ranstall Keep: * The Magic Rock


    <a NAME="misc"></a>MISCELLANEOUS

    - Thief 2 Patch problems??? by Thorin Oakenshield
    Description/keywords: How to patch Thief 2 if you own the Premier Collection version. This will work for other versions too.
    Found at:
    DROMED CENTRAL: * Thief 2 Patch problems???
    Southquarter: Thief 2 Patch problems???

    - Colour Palette Change by Dashjianta/Jyre
    Description/keywords: How to change the entire 8-bit palette by replacing just one (T1) or two (T2) pcx files. All instructions given in this guide are based on Corel Photo-Paint 8, although pictures for PSP are also shown (thanks Dan).
    Found at:
    Ranstall Keep: * Colour Palette Change

    - Creating Random Events in DromEd by d'Spair
    Description/keywords: I found a very easy and working method to implement that randomness in the game.
    Found at:
    TEG: Creating random events in DromEd

    - How to Make a FM that Allows Playing as Two Characters by Haplo
    Description/keywords: To show how to create a mission that allows playing as two characters; my most recent mission, Among Two Storms, features a two-player mode in which you play as two thieves.
    Found at:
    Haplo's website: How to make a FM that allows playing as two characters
    Forum thread: Tutorial: How to make a FM that allows playing as two characters

    - Collapsing Bridge by Dashjianta/Jyre
    Description/keywords: How to make a collapsing Bridge; when you first start Carnival you will find yourself at a bridge which, after you cross it, collapses behind you.
    Found at:
    CotC Tutorials: * Collapsing Bridge

    - Lord Dalkstan's Bar by Dashjianta/Jyre
    Description/keywords: The Private Bar - Making the bar in Lord Dalkstan's room; this is a small private bar with pull-out arms that prop up the fold-down front, allowing access to the drinks within.
    Found at:
    Ranstall Keep: * Lord Dalkstan's Bar

    - How to Build a Free Controllable Vehicle by intruder
    Description/keywords: There are possibly other, maybe even easier, means to get a vehicle moving in DromEd. This is just my idea of getting it to work.
    Found at:
    TEG: How to build a free controllable vehicle

    - Controlling Devices with Multiple Switches by The Watcher
    Description/keywords: Say you want to be able to turn the lights on at one side of the room, walk to the door on the far side and turn the lights off with the switch next to that door.
    Found at:
    Between Dreams and Shadows: Controlling devices with multiple switches

    - How to get Thief Fan Missions via mIRC by Thorin Oakenshield
    Description/keywords: Using mIRC to download FMs.
    Found at:
    Taffers Tavern: How to get Thief Fan Missions via mIRC
    Forum thread: Tutorial for downloading FM's via mIRC

    - The vRand System by Nameless Voice
    Description/keywords: Explains how to create a vRand system to randomly perform only one of up to five actions.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Found at:
    The Nameless Tower: The vRand System

    - Several New Things by d0om (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: I will explain how the following stuff from the demo mission was done; third lockpick, Poison Sword, Making Garrett Affected by Posion, antidote, Poison Bomb, Combo door, Whoosy Up tube, Lantern Guard, teleport stuff, QVarTriggers and Traps.
    Found at:
    DarkFate: Several New Things

    - Quicksand Tutorial by Catalyst (stored in demo zip)
    Description/keywords: A demo level and mini tutorial describing how to create a quicksand effect, not to mention the fine art of giving water non-water textures; uses flow brushes to create quicksand.
    Found at:
    DarkFate: Quicksand Tutoria
    Forum thread: Quicksand

    - A Huge Collection of Tutorials
    Description/keywords: A large selection of tutorials covering most aspects of mission building. Includes All DromEd Central Tutorials as of its creation.
    Found at:
    Last edited by nickie; 4th Apr 2014 at 04:12.

  2. #2
    Registered: Sep 2008
    Location: Deutschland/Germany

    Last edited by zappenduster; 17th Apr 2010 at 03:08.

  3. #3
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Even here, I feel like a geek for knowing which one that is!

  4. #4
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: Toronto
    Quote Originally Posted by zappen View Post

    . . .yeah . . .wow I feel like a geek

    and thanks Phantom that's great!

  5. #5
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: The Crippled Burrick
    I was just getting ready to mention the sound tut I had done years ago but I see it's at the bottom of the list.

    I think his work here is done.

  6. #6
    Vertical Contest Winner 2009
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: The Great White North
    9907 is a classic, i actually laughed at the meta humor. i always strived to make my tutorial collection complete, this should help a lot.

  7. #7
    Registered: Feb 2008
    Location: on a mission to civilize
    Did Randy Smith (or any of the LGS crew) ever do an insider's guide, or the such, to Dromed? Of course I'm talking beyond the Official Tutorial from LGS.

    I'd be fascinated to read such a thing--or even an in-depth interview about using Dromed and level creation.

  8. #8
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Museum of the Ancients hosts the file "Thief 2 DromEd Docs" which contains the tutorial "DromEd Building Principles", written by LGS I believe. Don't know if it is what you mean but pretty interesting nevertheless.

    I believe I've got most (if not all) tutorials listed \0/. I've just included all NV's tutorials from The Nameless Tower websites. The sites are down but I forgot about this thread, where the offline versions can be downloaded.

    Sometimes I'm asking myself if it's worth it (i'm not even a dromeder ) but I guess I love this place too much and like to help keep it alive. To me FMs can benefit from this info and therefore it should be maintained and easily found.

    Glad you guys find it useful. No idea what "gar9907" means but I guess I'm not geek enough for that .

  9. #9
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: Between dreams and shadows...
    Quote Originally Posted by The Phantom View Post
    Sometimes I'm asking myself if it's worth it
    Definitely is! Your lists make finding out stuff so much easier and simpler

    Quote Originally Posted by The Phantom View Post
    No idea what "gar9907" means but I guess I'm not geek enough for that .
    It's the name for one of Garrett's comments (for use in voice overs). The comment in question is, "That was helpful."

  10. #10
    Registered: Feb 2008
    Location: on a mission to civilize
    Quote Originally Posted by The Phantom View Post hosts the file "Thief 2 DromEd Docs" which contains the tutorial "DromEd Building Principles", written by LGS I believe. Don't know if it is what you mean but pretty interesting nevertheless.
    I guess I was thinking of more of a "behind the scenes" in using Dromed and level creation, what the original builders themselves (personally) were thinking in their approach to level creation and what they thought of using Dromed--sort like what you'd find on a DVD's Special Features.

    Is this idiotic?

    It's starting to sound idiotic.


  11. #11
    Registered: Aug 2007
    Location: LosAngeles: Between Amusements
    Just sounds like Queue to me.

    Actually, it would be interesting, but the only such thing I know of is this interview. And it isn't exactly what you were looking for.

  12. #12
    Registered: Sep 2003
    Location: Sweden
    Great work. Shouldn´t this be a sticky topic? Or added to the Dromed FAQ?

  13. #13
    Registered: Feb 2008
    Location: on a mission to civilize
    Thanks, Larry! Regardless, it was an interesting read and much appreciated link.

  14. #14
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Museum of the Ancients
    The tutorial that Yandros recently announced, about Creating Seamless Ambient Loops, is now listed in this thread.
    Just as DrK's dirty texture tutorial

  15. #15
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Museum of the Ancients
    Nicked's ship building tutorial is added to the list.

  16. #16
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Museum of the Ancients
    The tutorial by Haplo, that explains how to make a FM that allows playing as two characters, is now mentioned in the overview on page 1.

  17. #17
    Registered: Jan 2010
    Location: Russia
    I need tutorial by tweq-properties.
    All links deads .

  18. #18
    Registered: Aug 2007
    Location: LosAngeles: Between Amusements
    Until The Dromesday Book comes back on line, try a search for "DromEd/Properties/Tweq" at The Dark Wiki. Unfortunately, The Dark Wiki has changed from what was an easy to use interface into a difficult to use one. But stick with it. There is good information there. I have no idea what is going on with The Dromesday Book.

  19. #19
    Registered: Jan 2010
    Location: Russia

    The Dark Wiki

    For what? That see only pictures?

  20. #20
    Registered: Aug 2007
    Location: LosAngeles: Between Amusements
    It depends on the property. Most properties listed at that website have more information than the screen shot of the menu. At the least, I think, they all identify the property id for reference in A/Rs. The tweqs' descriptions seem to be mostly marked "unknown." Oh well. NV had the best descriptions for the ones he listed when his website was up and running, but that is now history.

  21. #21
    Registered: Nov 2010
    Location: Salagne
    Damn, i have big troubles with CamVator tutorial.
    I made all what need: camvator with non-rendered, telebutton, terrpts and conv, but it just doesnt work ingame and i am just arrive without PhysAttachment to camvat.
    I don't know what to do. Maybe someone can help?

  22. #22
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: Between dreams and shadows...
    This is a tutorials list thread, please post your questions in a new thread in the forum.

  23. #23
    Registered: Jan 2010
    Location: Russia
    I'm looking for "AI -> Responses" tutorial.

  24. #24
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: 28245 Cells
    There are different types of responses, but all the properties are listed here, and many of them are explained.

  25. #25
    Registered: Jan 2010
    Location: Russia
    I'm no need list and short description. I'm need tutorial, full description.

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