having put in the map and the shipping list...nothing happened for me either?![]()
I play on Normal difficulty. I can't make a copy of the papers mentioned in the main objective. I suppose that copy machine should be used for that purpose, but I can't make it work. When I put any of the papers in the "basket" on the side the machine starts making some sound but even after several minutes sound doesn't end and nothing else happens. Odometer on the device displays 0043, but I don't know how to interpret the digits - are ink and paper supplies fine or should I re-search the level to find some?
Note from the author of this mission:
I've released a new version of this mission that includes the following changes:
1. the "Don't knockout more than 4 people"-objective on "Hard" is fixed
2. for all those of you playing with the unpatched or somehow corrupted version of Thief 2 I've included a properly patched version of gen.osm.
The file can be found in the archive, inside a folder called "Updated Script". So if you can't get the copy machine working, copy the gen.osm from the archive into your Thief 2 folder and replace the existing file.
3. a chair with transparency issues in the 2nd floor office has been fixed
Here is the download link: southquarter.com
having put in the map and the shipping list...nothing happened for me either?![]()
Yeah, same problem for me. Though I haven't explored everything yet and I'll do that tomorrow.
Great mission all around though. It's like S&R all over again, but it's just about small enough and packed well enough to not get boring or repetetive.
Cool touches on some stuff, like flowers pooping out diamonds! That was pretty funny.
Ah, gotta go now. It's way too late here.
It worked fine for me. Put the map in the basket and pushed the lever to 2 and got a copy on the side of the machine![]()
It also worked fine for me.
Seeing that it's the first copy machine in the Thief world it's bound to have a few problems.![]()
Worked fine for me too, twice.
I just want to say how much fun this mission was for me. The attention to detail in referring back to S&R was spectacular on every level, and the gameplay was expertly crafted. Thanks, Steffen!
Also, another bonus point for starting the mission with the Assassins ambient. My favorite!
Make sure you place the paper in the front basket. Set the lever to 1 or 2 depending on picture or writing. Pick both the original and the copy from the side after pulling the switch. Be sure to remember which desk you picked up the map and the list from. When you place the paper on the correct desk you won't be able to frob it or pick it up. Continue to the next desk to get the objective for both pieces to click off.
I have found six secrets and am still short $910 loot. Where is the key to Ruvenos safe?
bedwine, is that depot #11? check by the bookcase.
I played through each difficulty, which is something I very rarely do, to try all of the objectives! I think I got the shipping labels applied for the correct amount, but there was no "complete" notification. I had to cheat to end, I was 3g short of the expert loot goal! I only got half the secrets (5), so getting more would complete my loot goal.
so far I've gotten:
2 in the office
1 in the 3rd floor greenhouse
1 in depot #11 (art dealer)
1 in depot #12 (chef)
Small secret hint: None of the rest is to be found in the small street section or the docks area.
Little bigger hint: 3 of the remaining secrets are small switches, and are all found inside the warehouse.
Bedwine: i wrote that my problem is about getting the copies, without it putting originals back doesn't make any sense, but I know I have to do that after making copies...
So, what's going on? Probably I doesn't have some custom scripts required or something...
About the missions connections (story and visuual) to S&R - I like them very much too. I think this one will get high notes from me in the contest. It's just that I wouldn't give it any notes unless I will manage to finish it
EDIT: I can see in FM's .zip archive that there are custom scripts included, so I guess that is not the cause of problem. So, what am I (are we) doing wrong that I(we) can't get the copies?![]()
I have no more labels with which to redirect shipping containers, are there some in the level I can use or do I need to start again and be more selective about which crates I redirect ?
Terrific entry this - very nostalgicParticularly impressed with the placement & timing of the AI paths: best I've seen in a long time!
Possible bug? Rather than be forced to ghost, I played on Hard - 3 KO's (owner, Bay 12 employee - oops- & 1 archer). Didn't kill anyone (the pirate was still alive when I left) but that Bonus objective was crossed out. Bit of a let-down.
Only 7 of 10 secrets - damn, they're well hidden.....
Copying documents - make sure you set to "1" (text copy) for the shipping schedule, & "2" (image copy) for the map.
I discovered that my recent instal of Thief2 suffered from the old problem of some basic scripts not working properly in some releases of T2. I replaced gen.osm in my T2 folder with the one I got some time ago distributed by RSoul (according to readme file). Then my problems went out - copy machine now works
So it was a problem with original scripts again. I forgot that my version of Thief suffers from that and replacing gen.osm is necessery, even after full instal.
I guess the problem I talk about is the one described in this thread...
Thanks for this one![]()
O.K. I succeed at finishing this one. Of course I will replay it on Hard and Expert later, but I can already say that I realy like the design of this one.
Especially I love the old style lighthouse - tower with the big fire burning high above the harbour. It realy adds much to the atmosphere.
it is an excellent mission however I still can't find any more labels to redirect shipping.
I'm on expert btw
You can always count on Intruder to build a mission that not only looks good and is solid but is also really fun. I loved the classic Thief 2 warehouse style gameplay in this mission and will definitely replay it many times in the future. The copy machine was a neat addition as well. If I had to pick the one thing I didn't like it'd probably be a KO limit - those are much worse than not allowing kills.. but I can still put it on a lower difficulty and blackjack away so it's really a minor thing.
Great work and thank you!
The blackjack limit was a Bonus objective, meaning it's optional. It was already canceled for me before I got inside the warehouse!![]()
Oh damn - I thought it was mandatory and I'd probably fail the mission within the first few minutes just by habit alone![]()
I have 7/10 and 2267 loot on expert.
The ones you have got plus #24, #21, #13(evil !) and another one in the office(3 total ?)
Still looking for the rest. Where is the secret in #11 (art dealer)? Got the key and safe open, but none is a secret.
No BJ's so far, but 3 dead anyway!
One jumped from the docks into the water, one was smashed somehow (no idea) and one I did crush with the elevator.
And 1 or 2 fell down the roof or the catwalk below. They should better watch their steps, I say !!
Oh, and the captain dropped into the storage area of the ship.
Lucky me that he is blind down there - for whatever reason - since I still had to deliver the letter.
Last edited by gnartsch; 9th Jul 2010 at 16:47.
Thanx, Fuod- definitely should have found that. Now have 8, but Bays 11 & 13 have me stumped!
I had gotten the one in the thieves' area, but forgot it during my tally. maybe that was my fifth, not the key for the safe in depot #11. the one in 21 is the exit form the greenhouse, right? I did find a new one (to me) on the the third floor: there is a book switch. is that one of your three "office secrets?" that, the one Fuod pointed out, and the evil one in #13 bring me up to 8.
I'm still short 2 secrets and 170g