Congratulations on the release, Fieldmedic![]()
Three weeks since Fredham set me up on that bankjob. He said it would be an easy job, said he had an inside contact. Little did I know that they would betray me and make me take the fall. I can not say I am innocent, I tried to get into a sealed off place full of gold and here I am, locked in a small cell in a gold mine. The punishment fits the crime I guess... The story takes its beginning when the lord of earth desided to drive his fist down on this place. I can't describe it. There was just a hideous crack and the whole mountain started to shake as if the rock king decided to roll over. Three bright flashes and smouldering green smoke seeped through the air. I believe the whole mine complex have fallen asunder. Luckily my cell is still intact and I am still alive and breathing...Haven't seen the guard for a while. Maybe he succumbed to the earthquake...I hear a noise. Maybe it's the guard coming to serve me my daily crusts...But...What is this!
This is my first map and it is a quite unique map, architecturally speaking and it is not meant to be realistic in all manners. It has certan unreal elements to it and some strange nooks.
8 weeks
x As you start as a captive you have no equipment from the start,
which means some ghosting.
x All clear windows are breakable
x FPS-drops at certain spots.
x Sometimes ambient sounds from two different locations
play simultaneously after reloding.
Henrik Swenson who's made some ambient music. Custom sounds taken from a custom sound CD, no particular name of the company.
Fidcal - Has answered my many questions along the way.
Bikerdude - Betatesting and assistance on visportaling.
Also thanks to my other betatesters; Sotha, Chiron and Baddcog
Congratulations on the release, Fieldmedic![]()
Yes, looking forward to playing this one!
Meanwhile, another mirror at
Are there lockpicks in this mission and if so where?![]()
This was fun and really difficult until I found the lockpickI had to backtrack a long way to find them and the mission is really huge.
Liked it a lot thank you Fieldmedic
I've made it out of the mine, and never found a use for the chest key or how to get the lid off the crate marked "coins".
now I'm in the tower, can someone give me a tip for the first room? the zombie just stands by the door and I can only get past by taking some heavy hits.
also: getting up to the upper floors - did I miss a stair key?
I've rope-arrowed up to the tower and caused the floor to crash down. the zombie on the other side of the wall is always waiting for me by the door and I don't know how to distract him. I have tried just pushing past and running up the ladder, but always lose a bunch of health so I'm trying to find a better way. any advice on that?
once up the ladder I poked around a bit and found a locked metal door I'm assuming is the stairs up. I have to be very careful of confrontation with my low health, so searching for a key has been difficult.
still wondering about the "chest key" and how to open the crate marked "coins."
If you wait in the dark corner the Zombie should start his rounds again and you can sneak inside. The metal door is not the way, think rope arrows and windows the chest key probably opens a chest somewhere up in the tower, does it have a name? About the crates just take the lid up as any other thing and put it aside, it´s not locked. Hope this helps a little![]()
[QUOTE=MrMunkeepants;2009729]I've rope-arrowed up to the tower and caused the floor to crash down. the zombie on the other side of the wall is always waiting for me by the door and I don't know how to distract him.
You can also remove some boards on the wall from the left side of that door where the zombie waits, then run up to the ladder and get upstairs before he has a chance to react
thanks for the tips; I got up to the area with living Builders, then up to the battlements.
the priest (in red) has a locked desk I can't pick open, and he doesn't seem to have a key on his belt. I'm guessing I need to get in there for the information objective.
on the battlements, I still need into the central tower. the Battlements Key doesn't open those doors or the cabinets under the stairs. hints on opening any of those?
I'm pretty good at Thief, but the Dark Mod has ways of making me feel like a clueless newbie![]()
thank you Kitty, I hadn't pulled out every article of clothing to look under them. with all the frobbable objects in TDM, it gets a little overwhelming searching for one specific thing.
I finished without ever finding a use for the Chest Key; I picked it from a haunt, but all the chests either need lockpicks or other keys. there was a room by the chapel that I couldn't get into, either, just upstairs form the sitting guard... oh well![]()
I just finished this amazing mission!!It just kept expanding into more areas to explore. Loved every minute of play! and it was laid out well enough that I did not have to get any hints from the forum. THANKS Feildmedic for several hours of fun!!
Thank you so much for your positive feedback
I've got to confess
spoiler:The chest key got bugged in the final release. I did some copying of the stuff in the mines before release and the chest key got the name chest_key2!With the chest still operated by chest_key it ended up so that the chest_key2 became absolete. But the chest is still pickable...The actual chest we're talking about is the one in the room with a huge sloping rock in the ceiling and with a haunt walking about. It's that haunt who is carrying the chest_key2...
spoiler:And to get into that locked room in the priest quarters, try an outside approach, through the window
sorry but these files "PK4" how to open?![]()
You just place the pk4-file in Doom3/darkmod/fms and start The Dark Mod. Then the mission will be available for install under "New Mission".
I sneaked the entire mission, but some of those builders really, really needed a small, hard, black thing on the back of their neck. Is there one in the mission? If yes then I must have missed it. Any way, the mission defines vertical axis very well. Congratulation on the release.
While practicing my bow aim I found out that killing the priest on top of the tower fails the mission. There is not such an objective about this. Are there any differences between difficulty settings?
stuck,need help!
I am out of the mines and have picked up a load of arrows below the tower..I have rope arrowed to a little trap door at the top which wont open and is not pickable..
I have sent the lift down beside the platform and then called it back up and jumped on the roof and I can see a zombie through the wooden beams but how am I supposed to get in/up there?
I may have missed something a key or do I blow it open with something?
I am gradually working my way through the TDM releases .. its been new and I WANT to like it...Where has the humour disappeared to? its not here in TDM! seems to have been lost,it now feels like a cold,heavy version of what Thief used to bewhen I go back and play T2 its like meeting an old friend.Is this how its supposed to be,was it voted on that it should be this bleak,and there is no room for humour?,...dang perhaps I shouldnt say this
,and maybe you will all tell me that "This isnt supposed to be Thief"?...
I'll go get me tin hat on![]()
ok thank you Kittykat