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Thread: TDS mini-campaign "THE CABAL": part 2 "Night of the Long Knives" by Ziemanskye

  1. #1
    Registered: Jan 2007
    Location: Moscow, Russia

    TDS mini-campaign "THE CABAL": part 2 "Night of the Long Knives" by Ziemanskye

    "Night of the Long Knives" - second mission by Ziemanskye for the Thief Deadly Shadows Mini-Campaign named "The Cabal"

    "A Free Man shall not think well of himself - but he shall see himself clearly. He shall not sleep soundly - but nor shall he be murdered in his sleep. A Free Man shall not be loved - but he shall be feared. He shall not be good - he shall surpass all notions of right and wrong. He shall be unbound by the Morality of the Slave." - writings attributed to the Overwarden.

    Thus, the Flesheaters are glad to present you the second part of Thief Deadly Shadows Mini-Campaign named "The Cabal". Welcome!

    A little advise to all the players: remember that you're free to move in almost every direction in this mission, for example, up to the roofs.

    Also we have a present for all who works with T3Editor: there are two versions of these mission. One of them contains custom meshes and textures, so it is for editing audience. The other is for playing only. So it's up to you to chose which one you're downloading


    - English
    - Russian

    (version for playing only):

    1) - thanks to Jason L Tibbitts

    2) - thanks to Komag

    3) - thanks to PsymH

    4) - thanks to DJ Riff

    5) - thanks to Brethren

    6) download in 7-zip compression - thanks to DJRiff

    (version with meshes/textures for T3Editor, it is playable through the GarrettLoader too):

    1) - thanks to Jason L Tibbitts

    2) - thanks to Komag

    3) - thanks to DJ Riff

    4) download in 7-zip compression - thanks to DJRiff

    (thanks to Clearing and The Dark Fate):


    Part 1 -

    Part 3 -

    Part 4 -

    IF YOU FORGOT, WHAT WAS IN THE PREVIOUS PART: - part 1 - titles - part 1 - intro - part 1 - cutscene
    Last edited by Tiens; 15th Feb 2011 at 01:53.

  2. #2
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia

  3. #3
    Classical Master 2008
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: Civitas Quinque Ecclesiae HU
    Already? Great, great, great!

  4. #4
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia
    Tiens, Night of the Long Knives or The Night of the Long Knives?

  5. #5
    Registered: Jan 2007
    Location: Moscow, Russia
    Quote Originally Posted by clearing View Post
    Tiens, Night of the Long Knives or The Night of the Long Knives?
    It is just "Night of the Long Knives" in the readme-file.

  6. #6
    Registered: Feb 2009
    Location: some ancient Cycladian island
    That was fast. Thank Builder!!!

  7. #7
    Registered: Mar 2004
    Location: Marlborough,England.
    A question...are there any weapons available anywhere in this mission and are there any healing potion vials, I have mixed it with a guard and a very angry hammer who has binocular vision and I haven't been able to find any shadows so I'm a bit low on health....if not I think I'll pass this bit and wait for the next...yes I did use the rooftops, but am finding that the far seeing guards eyesight is a little off putting...also I noticed on a few bits of roof that there was no sound..a bug?.

  8. #8
    Registered: Apr 2005
    Location: Scotland
    I'll be honest now, rather than waiting for any more issues to show up:

    It is quite buggy, the guards can see exceptionally well (but are fairly easy to get away from), and there's quite a few places where the sounds dont work properly. I got a bad case of Windows Vista part way into building this which completely crippled my ability to tweak, test and correct things.

  9. #9
    Awesome, I really enjoyed part one...

    congrates on the release Z...

  10. #10
    Registered: Oct 2010
    Location: Dark Radiant
    damn you guys don't waste time!
    thanks for this!

  11. #11
    Registered: Mar 2004
    Location: Marlborough,England.
    I'll be honest now, rather than waiting for any more issues to show up:

    It is quite buggy, the guards can see exceptionally well (but are fairly easy to get away from), and there's quite a few places where the sounds dont work properly. I got a bad case of Windows Vista part way into building this which completely crippled my ability to tweak, test and correct things.
    I feel your pain...dromed gets me like that, but...are there any other weapons in the level

  12. #12
    Registered: Feb 2009
    Location: some ancient Cycladian island
    I have been to the first objective's meeting pointallthough it was easier to go via the streets than rooftops- less complicated for me- and now I am heading west . So far I had frame problems in some places and indeed the AI's have sonar vision but I don't realy mind about these things.What is a disavandage for me so far is that you do not give anything to the player; up to now any way.No door or window to open and to find a little something inside, no secret(that I found anyway) on rooftops to make your travel intresting,nothing that makes a thief happy. And what is going on in this city?No one but guards outside, two dead women, strange-but nice- buildings, public and private with no doors(?) and readables that make no sense-so far- to me?I realy wish it is getting warmer on the way on!!Please, if at some point you consider about a revision, add some frobbable things and some loot on the way to keep people up and going.And some potions also One last thing; is everything sooo gray and almost washed out or is my pc to blame? Again, maybe it is too early in the mission to have an opinion, but on the other hand,since so much work is been done for this, the sooner you have feedback, the better, if you wish to change something

  13. #13
    Classical Master 2008
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: Civitas Quinque Ecclesiae HU
    Interesting - some parts of it are an excellent reimagining of Life of the Party, just with a lot more openness. Great vistas and facades, even if empty. The new interpretation of stealth can be frustrating, but the openness of the level makes up for it. However, I am stuck. I found the tavern where I was to go, but can't get in. The door is locked, there is a courtyard with lights cast on the floor but no way in, and can't climb up the roof from here (looks like banners don't work as ladders in this part). What next?

  14. #14
    Registered: Feb 2009
    Location: some ancient Cycladian island
    Quote Originally Posted by Melan View Post
    Interesting - some parts of it are an excellent reimagining of Life of the Party, just with a lot more openness. Great vistas and facades, even if empty. The new interpretation of stealth can be frustrating, but the openness of the level makes up for it. However, I am stuck. I found the tavern where I was to go, but can't get in. The door is locked, there is a courtyard with lights cast on the floor but no way in, and can't climb up the roof from here (looks like banners don't work as ladders in this part). What next?
    You do not have to go inside the tavern.

  15. #15
    Classical Master 2008
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: Civitas Quinque Ecclesiae HU
    Thanks, I figured that much, since there is no way in, not even from above. What then? I explored the surroundings, and even got chased around town by a guard, then a bunch of hammers, but did not find my target even though the objective says next to the inn.

  16. #16
    Registered: Feb 2009
    Location: some ancient Cycladian island
    Quote Originally Posted by Melan View Post
    Thanks, I figured that much, since there is no way in, not even from above. What then? I explored the surroundings, and even got chased around town by a guard, then a bunch of hammers, but did not find my target even though the objective says next to the inn.

    look around the tables at the inn's terrace

  17. #17
    Classical Master 2008
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: Civitas Quinque Ecclesiae HU
    Thank you - that did it, and let me complete the mission.

    Again, very interesting. Extremely ambitious, and in different ways from the first part. The city is to die for with the pure rooftopping experience. A lot of (but not enough) FMs do it, but none have come this close in openness and the sheer size of things of buildings you are leaping across. You've got towers that are really soaring above the roofline, the badass cathedral, and a lot more. I see it is not a completed design due to technical problems, which is too bad, but what is there is simply monumental.

  18. #18
    Registered: Feb 2009
    Location: some ancient Cycladian island
    You are wellcome Melan! Yes, we should have more rooftop missions

  19. #19
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Albertslund, Denmark
    Hmm, can't figure out what is probably the last objective. Where is that river you're supposed to jump into?

  20. #20
    Classical Master 2008
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: Civitas Quinque Ecclesiae HU
    Fairly simple: when you enter the side tower with the body, go forward, mantle on the railing, then jump down.

  21. #21
    Registered: Apr 2005
    Location: Scotland
    There's a deliberate design thing with the open doors: with such a large area I didn't want closed but opennable doors which would leave you frobbing every window/door in the level just to see which (if any) opened - it's much more readable at a distance if you just set the rule to "if it's open already, you can go in"

    As for the lack of frobbable things: I totally feel your pain on that - I would have loved to have made the place a lot more interactive, but without decent (large area) visibility controls in the editor, frobbale stuff was a lot more painful to the performance than I was willing to let survive.

    Basically, the art won in pretty much every case, though even then it could have done with more revisions.

    As for being a bit grey... That's because of the poor lighting: I did have an idea I wanted to try which might have helped with that, but Vista updated and now I can't even run the /game/ never mind the editor, so I never got a chance to try that crazy plan out.

  22. #22
    Registered: Feb 2009
    Location: some ancient Cycladian island
    Quote Originally Posted by Ziemanskye View Post
    There's a deliberate design thing with the open doors: with such a large area I didn't want closed but opennable doors which would leave you frobbing every window/door in the level just to see which (if any) opened - it's much more readable at a distance if you just set the rule to "if it's open already, you can go in"

    As for the lack of frobbable things: I totally feel your pain on that - I would have loved to have made the place a lot more interactive, but without decent (large area) visibility controls in the editor, frobbale stuff was a lot more painful to the performance than I was willing to let survive.

    Basically, the art won in pretty much every case, though even then it could have done with more revisions.

    As for being a bit grey... That's because of the poor lighting: I did have an idea I wanted to try which might have helped with that, but Vista updated and now I can't even run the /game/ never mind the editor, so I never got a chance to try that crazy plan out.
    Thank you Ziemanskye for the explanations.Vista is realy bad for the health.
    Any way just for the record, I am pretty sure that most of the players where going close to most of the doors/windows to see if they highlight any way, so you probably were "overprotective" about our playing convenience!
    I have never used this editor so I don't now its limitations and as for the design I can only say WOOW!
    you have made an amazing job.
    I 'm sorry Vista broke down your hard work.
    Some areas were so sureal and so out of a dream/nightmare that I would like to see them again if you manage to overcome the pc problems

  23. #23
    Registered: Jun 2006
    Location: Stuttgart, Germany
    The city was great and I would like to explore more of it in another (or updated) mission.

  24. #24
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Albertslund, Denmark
    Quote Originally Posted by Melan View Post
    Fairly simple: when you enter the side tower with the body, go forward, mantle on the railing, then jump down.
    Ahh, too simple, that's why i didn't think off it. Thanks for the help.

  25. #25
    Registered: Apr 2005
    Location: Scotland
    Part of why I wanted to have the "with editor stuff" version released was to see if anyone else actually wanted to make a more playable mission in this part of the city: since most of the buildings are static meshes, it's actually quite quick to re-arrange those, and they mostly use stock textures so would be fairly easy for people to use elsewhere - so I kind of expect pieces of it to start showing up elsewhere.

    (and trust me - the rest of the Cabal campaign missions get better from here out: you're going to like them: you get a lot more stuff to play with)

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