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Thread: Thief Series FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (Technical / Purchasing / Etc.) - 2012

  1. #76
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales
    It doesn't sound as if you've seen the Sneaky Upgrade. Perhaps try that and see if it fixes the problem. If it doesn't, I'll move your post to a new thread where it should get more attention.

  2. #77
    Registered: Apr 2007
    Location: USA
    So my movies stopped playing and I checked this FAQ. None of the proposed solutions worked so I searched and found the Indeo Codecs. Not sure if someone wants to save and host them for other people to use, but here is the site.

  3. #78
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Thief fan since ca. 1999
    The indeo codec download is provided in this thread. Also, would you provide more information? What operating system are you running, thief version, etc.

  4. #79
    Registered: Apr 2007
    Location: USA
    So it is! I can't believe I missed that link. Anyways, I should've been more clear in my previous post. Installing the codec fixed my problem.

  5. #80
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Thief fan since ca. 1999
    good, glad it worked out

  6. #81
    Registered: Sep 2005

    I did managed to install the game (using TGTool), but have graphic problems:
    low details (the water looks solid, everything looks so dark that even in full brightness I can hardly see) and I can't read readables.
    I tried installing NewDark MOD ver 1.22 and Tafferpatcher.
    After installing Tafferpatcher the graphic is better, but I the readables are still blanck and some walls, floors and rooms/areas are all black, until I inter them (then the area I came from is totally black).
    I had no problem playing in this laptop with windows XP.

    Please help this poor taffer.


  7. #82
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Thief fan since ca. 1999
    You'd be better off posting this in a new thread so you get better exposure.

    Wait, so you are talking about Thief Gold? I see you mention TGTool, but then you said you used newdark/tafferpatcher. Tafferpatcher, as far as I know, is for Thief 2 only. Unless that has changed. I'm not sure what is going on, why things are black... Sorry I'm not more helpful, hopefully someone else will come around. I admit I am behind the times on this stuff, haven't been following the updates. Plus, with newer and newer hardware there's bound to be newer problems. It may just be that Thief doesn't work properly on your system.

    I would suggest posting this in a new thread and provided as much detail as possible, such as what operating system you are using, graphics card, etc.

  8. #83
    Registered: Sep 2005
    Thank 59sNeaksieGarrett
    I'm talking about Thief 2, but I was totally tired and missed the other options, so I tried TGTool first )

    I opened an new thread (at the Thief Series General Discussion forum), as you suggested.

    Thanks again

  9. #84
    Registered: Apr 2013
    Location: Ten, USA

    Newdark goes in T1and T2 folders?

    Hi, I'm getting a new desktop and I want to do clean installs of the game. So I've been reading up on the latest patches for each of the 3 games. So each folder has its own NewDark?
    And continue to use Darkloader as the FM 'hub' to play all the Thief fms?

  10. #85
    Registered: Sep 2004
    Sneaky Upgrade

    all have their own built in FM loader (FMselect). old loaders are not supported - they may, or may not work with, or without issues.

  11. #86
    Registered: Apr 2013
    Location: Ten, USA

    Any way to save the 'history' in Darkloader?

    I won't be using Darkloader on my new pc, but I want to save the list of fms with all the comments I've made. Is there a way to do that? I tried to copy and paste but it won't do that.
    Any suggestions would be welcome. I know I could copy them by hand but the list is very long

  12. #87
    Master Builder 2018
    Registered: Jul 2008
    The list of FMs with your comments is in the Darkloader folder. The file name is DarkLoader.ini. This is just a text file and any text editor (such as Notepad) will open it. It saves some other data as well, and you can either keep that or delete it.

    It will probably take a bit of time to go through it, depending upon how many missions you've played with Darkloader. A simple way to look through the file is to hit CTRL+F. This will bring up the "Find" dialogue. Enter the word "title" into the "Find what" field and hit the "Find Next" button. Just keep hitting Find Next to scroll through all mission titles.

    If you know how to work with delimited files, you could set this up in Excel and have it automatically arrange the data in the file into columns. Then all your comments would be in one column and the corresponding titles would be in another. You could then just delete all the other columns and keep those two.

  13. #88
    Registered: Aug 2014
    Location: In Cragscleft
    How do I stop the CD check on Thief 2?
    (Ie, when I start the game without a CD, it gives me, "There is no CD in the Drive." message, but the game runs without it after I push continue 3 times.

  14. #89

  15. #90
    Registered: Sep 2004
    TafferPatcher should solve it.

  16. #91
    Registered: Nov 2009
    Location: Ultima Thule
    Sorry if this has been covered somewhere, and I just didn't see it. OK, so I got Thief 2 from Steam yesterday. I used T2Tool to get it working better 'cause it looked awful. Obviously I couldn't install this version with Tafferpatcher, since I got this through Steam. But... the game is really, really, really dark. I can't seem to get it adjusted for the life of me! I went to get DDFix to see if that would work--but none of the links work because DDFix is integrated into Tafferpatcher (or so I seem to think...). Treat me like a first grade moron, and tell me what to do to make Steam version of T2 look good and work well. (Got some weird echoing stuff going on, but I got that sorted thankfully.) Help!

  17. #92
    Master Builder 2018
    Registered: Jul 2008
    You don't have to install it with Tafferpatcher in order to use it to patch the game. You can use Tafferpatcher to patch an already installed game.

    In the Tafferpatcher thread, in the first post there are instructions. Scroll down to the second entry under "How To" which is "Install compatibility patches". Start reading there and it should get you through it easily enough. If you have any problems, post in that thread.

    I don't know if there are any issues with using Tafferpatcher with a Steam these days, though I think there used to be some issues that were fairly easily corrected. I do seem to recall the need to start the game at least once (just start the first mission and then quit) before running Tafferpatcher. You might ask in that thread before doing the patching.

    Or you can just ask there about the darkness in the game. Voodoo47 or one of the other gurus there will no doubt have the answer.

  18. #93
    Registered: Sep 2005
    Location: Not Kansas

    TMA FMs through Steam-downloaded TMA?

    Is it possible to play TMA FMs through a Steam-downloaded TMA game? If so, how do I go about it? After I got my new PC about 4 years ago I never bothered with stuff like the Darkloader, etc. because I became too enchanted with all the newer games being offered. Suddenly I have this driving desire to replay some of the older TMA FMs as well as to check out the newer ones that have been created/released during my Thief hiatus.

    On a side note, I was rather amazed that a game that was released 16 years ago still has the power to provide me with such total immersion; I'd actually forgotten a lot of TMA, so it was almost like playing it for the first time. Again.

  19. #94
    Master Builder 2018
    Registered: Jul 2008
    Just to be clear, you are talking about Thief 2: The Metal Age, right? If your install has already been patched to New Dark, you can just use the built in fan mission loader called FM Sel.

    You should know, however, that to play the very newest FMs created with New Dark 1.23, your game will need to be patched to that latest version. This is easily done via Tafferpatcher if you haven't already done it.

  20. #95
    Registered: Sep 2005
    Location: Not Kansas
    Thanks, Tannar. I'm going to start with a few old favorites, but will definitely be downloading the patch as well.

    Edit: It worked. I'd forgotten how much I love this game! Thanks again!
    Last edited by Dia; 9th Feb 2016 at 19:03.

  21. #96
    Registered: Oct 2002
    Location: Germantown, MD--USA
    This is the first time I experienced this problem and I didn't see anything here directly addressing this problem.

    I'm running an Acer Aspire V, win8, quad-core procesor laptop. All kinds of RAM and HDD space.

    I installed Thief Gold and had no problems (using thefix, that is). Now I'm trying to install Thief II: TMA and the installer gets to about 14% and tells me it can't copy sound files from the CD to my laptop. Any suggestions?

    Many thanks in advance.

  22. #97
    Dóttirin klæðist oft móður möttli
    Registered: Apr 2015
    Try to copy to content of your CD into a folder on your Hdd and install Tafferpatcher. Point TP at that folder.

  23. #98
    Registered: Sep 2005
    Location: Not Kansas
    I have another question regarding FM Sel; how do I remove the FMs I've already played from the loader? I've tried removing the zip files from the designated folder (that FM Sel looks in to find TMA FMs), but they still show up on the FM Sel list. It's getting kind of cluttered in there. Thanks!

  24. #99
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales
    It's ctrl + right click on the mission title and select Delete from Db.

  25. #100
    Registered: Sep 2005
    Location: Not Kansas
    Thanks nickie.

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