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Thread: Thief Series FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (Technical / Purchasing / Etc.) - 2012

  1. #1
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Thief fan since ca. 1999

    Thief Series FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (Technical / Purchasing / Etc.) - 2012

    Thief Series: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (Technical / Purchasing / Etc.)

    This thread is intended to provide answers to the most frequently asked questions of this forum.

    IMPORTANT NewDark Patch for Thief, Thief Gold and Thief 2 has resolved many of the issues reported below. Please see this thread for details.

    Technical Questions - Thief 1, Gold and 2.

    <a href="#buythief">Where can I get Thief 1/Gold/2?</a>
    <a href="#ebgames"> I don't have Thief Gold. I see that EBGames/GameStop has it for download. Should I purchase from them?</a>
    <a href="#t2gold">I found a website with Thief 2 Gold for preorder, is it coming out?</a> [OLD]

    <a href="#install">How do I install Thief on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7? </a>
    <a href="#gamersgate">What about installing the GamersGate edition?</a>
    <a href="#installdigital">How do I install Thief 1, Gold, or Thief 2 if I have the Steam release and want to install it into a non-protected(full priveledges) directory?</a>
    <a href="#hour">When I try to install Thief nothing happens!</a>
    <a href="#16bit">When I try to install Thief 1 or 2 I get the following error message: AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications.</a>
    <a href="#brokeninstall">How do I repair a broken Thief installation?</a>

    Running the games (Windows 2000 and up)
    <a href="#texturememory">Thief 1, Gold, and/or 2 freezes or shows a black screen (direct 3d device does not accurately report texture memory usage popup) on startup or when starting a mission; what should I do?</a> [OLD]
    <a href="#thiefrun">When I try to play Thief by clicking on the shortcut nothing happens or the game crashes!</a>

    Windows Vista and Windows 7 Related Issues
    <a href="#eax">I can’t enable EAX in thief.</a>
    <a href="#wmovies">Movies don’t work!</a>
    <a href="#ddfix2">DDFIX GUI doesn’t work.</a> [OLD]

    Patches and Patch Related Problems
    <a href="#nocd">I have patched Thief 2. Now, whenever I try to run Thief 2, I get a "Cannot find CD-Rom" error message, even if the CD is in the drive!</a>
    <a href="#widescreen">Thief has become dated with only having 4:3 resolutions. Is there a way to run Thief in widescreen resolutions?</a>
    <a href="#patches">Where can I get official patches for Thief and Thief 2?</a>
    <a href="#ddfix">What is DDFIX?</a> [OLD]
    <a href="#ddfix2">DDFix isn’t working, what should I do?</a> [OLD]
    <a href="#ddfcolors">After applying ddfix, Thief displays weird colors in game mode and I get a “resolution not supported” message at the top of the screen.</a> [OLD]
    <a href="#am16fix"> Are there any fan patches that fix bugs in the original Thief 2 missions?</a>

    CPU Core/Speed Related
    <a href="#hyperthread">Game Freezes/crashes within a minute / Running Thief on a Dual-Core System or Got a Pentium 4 with Hyper-threading, a Pentium 4 D or an Athlon 64 X2?</a> [OLD]
    <a href="#2fast">Help! Thief runs too fast!</a>

    <a href="#movies4">Game Stops Responding (Hangs) or Quits Unexpectedly When Introductory Video Clip Is Played</a> [OLD]
    <a href="#movies">My in-game movies (briefings and cutscenes) aren't playing anymore, how do I fix it?</a>
    <a href="#movies2">Scrooge's Permanent Movie Fix</a>
    <a href="#movies3">A third option for fixing your movies</a>
    <a href="#movies5">Movies on WinXP Service Pack 2</a>
    <a href="#freezingmovie">I've re-installed the codecs, but the first cutscene still freezes at a certain point and only the sound continues.</a>

    <a href="#graphics">Are there any fan created patches that improve the graphics or other aspects of Thief?</a>
    <a href="#texturepatch">I installed oRGy's texture patch for Thief1/Gold, but I'm having problems (textures are a solid blue, guards look funny, etc.). How do I fix this?</a>

    <a href="#multiplayer">Can I install and play the multiplayer patch onto the 'New Dark' version (unofficial patch 1.19 and above) of Thief 2?</a>
    <a href="#diskspace">Thief is saying it cannot play, because I do not have enough space, even if I have a lot of free disk space: how do I fix this?</a>
    <a href="#fog">I'm using an NVIDIA (TNT, GeForce, etc.) card. Why can't I see fog?</a>
    <a href="#radeon">ATI Radeon cards and fog in Thief II</a>
    <a href="#linux">Can I run Thief on Linux?</a>
    <a href="#screenshots">How do I take screenshots in Thief?</a>
    <a href="#clean">I'd like to take some "Clean" screenshots of Thief 1/ Thief 2. Is this possible?</a>
    <a href="#map">When I hit 'M' for the Map or press 'Escape' for the main menu, nothing happens but I can hear the map/menu music in the background.</a>
    <a href="#scroll">I really wish I had the scroll wheel functionality for inventory items in Thief 1. Is there a way?</a>
    <a href="#duelgfx">The screen in Thief 1 or 2 constantly flicker, I get visual anomalies and crashes, and I'm using more than one video card. What should I do?</a>
    <a href="#sounds">How do I extract the sounds?</a>
    <a href="#assets">How can I extract the assets from Thief 1 and Thief 2?</a>
    <a href="#blooper">How can I play the "Blooper Reel" mission in Thief Gold?</a>
    <a href="#t1diff">What's the difference between Thief: The Dark Project, Thief Gold, and Thief Platinum editions?</a>
    <a href="#gold">Is there any way to play the three extra Gold missions if I have the original Thief? Maybe download them from somewhere?</a>
    <a href="#transcript">Transcripts for all briefings and cutscenes</a>
    <a href="#manual">Manuals for the games</a>
    <a href="#enemyweakness">Thief Enemy Hit Point, Immunity and Weakness List</a>

    Technical Questions - Thief III: Deadly Shadows

    <a href="#buythief3">Where can I buy Thief: Deadly Shadows (AKA Thief 3)?</a>

    Issues with running Thief 3
    <a href="#t3intro">The Intro movie keeps repeating and I can't start a game!</a>
    <a href="#t3freeze">Thief 3 freezes (locks up) when using a widescreen resolution. What can I do to fix it?
    <a href="#t3corrupt">When I try to play Thief 3 it says I have corrupt files!</a>
    <a href="#t3flesh">I get the error message "Flesh Failed to Initialize" when I try to play the game.</a>
    <a href="#t3drivers">Which drivers work with Thief III?</a>
    <a href="#t3lockpicks">I can't use lock picks and ladders! The game freezes until I hit Esc / Jump / Use key</a>

    Windows Vista and Windows 7 Related
    <a href="#t3crash">Help, I'm on Vista and the game launches and loads, but soon crashes or gives me a black screen!</a>

    <a href="#t3patch">Are there any game patches, enhancement patches, etc. for Thief 3?</a>

    <a href="#t3savegames">Where does Thief III put save games?</a>
    <a href="#t3saves">How do I move saves from one computer to another?</a>
    <a href="#Wyndsav"> Is there a collection of save games for each level start, like what was provided for Thief 1 and 2?</a>

    Controls/Gamepad Problems
    <a href="#t3remap">I am unable to remap my keyboard controls!</a>
    <a href="#t3button">The game acts like a button is always being pressed! (usually "Up" or "Down" key). I'm not using any gamepad, but I have a USB Gaming Keyboard.</a>
    <a href="#t3gamepad">I want to use a gamepad / joystick but when I try to remap a key the game crashes to desktop!</a>
    <a href="#t3mouse">My mouse pointer is invisible or frozen in the center of the screen, but the menu buttons light up as I move the mouse around</a>

    Speed Issues
    <a href="#t3perform">Thief III runs poorly, what can I do to speed it up?</a>
    <a href="#t3amd">Help! Thief III runs too quickly!</a>

    <a href="#NOD32">I suffer from very long load times and am using NOD32</a>
    <a href="">Thief 3 Tweak Guide</a>
    <a href="">Thief 3 Tweaker</a>
    <a href="">Official Thief 3 Soundtrack Download</a>

    Thief Projects
    <a href="#fms">Fan Missions</a>
    <a href="#cosas">CoSaS</a>
    <a href="#darkmod">The Dark Mod – A fan missions toolset using the Doom 3 engine</a>
    <a href="#t2x">T2X</a>
    <a href="#thievery">Thievery</a>
    <a href="#nightblade">Nightblade</a>

    <a href="#still">Still need help?</a>


    Technical Questions - Thief I, Gold and II.

    <a NAME="install"></a>How do I install Thief (Original CD versions) on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7?

    Explanation of problem:
    Trying to install the game on these operating systems arises because Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista / 7 are based on the NT kernel, which is completely different from the DOS based operating systems of Windows 98, 95, etc. Thief's installer detects NT. So, when the installer sees the NT kernel, it assumes that the game isn't going to be able to run and quits the installation. The -lgntforce switch tells the installer to ignore the NT kernel and install anyway.

    Are there any Windows Vista or 7 specific issues?
    Yes. Do not install the game in any system-protected folder such as Program Files. Create a folder for which you have full read/write access. Somewhere like C:\Games\Thief2 for example would work. Sometimes it is necessary to run the game with administrator privileges. Also note that if you are using the Eidos version of Thief Gold you will need to follow Solution 3 below.

    OLD quote for when installing Thief Gold using the CD setup.exe:
    Quote Originally Posted by Sxerks
    Windows 7 - when installing Thief Gold and switching discs InstallSHIELD might popup and tell you that the "wrong volume is in drive...." insert CD1. Just ignore the popup and/or move it out of the way and insert CD2 to continue the install.
    Solution 1:NEW!
    This solution is the newer way of installing Thief and is recommended. TFix will help you install the old Thief1/Gold on modern systems and Tafferpatcher will install Thief 2 on modern systems. Tafferpatcher bypasses the Thief 2 CD setup and installs the game taking the assets directly from the CD. Note that both of these require you to already own legal copies of the CDs and will NOT provide illegal game downloads of Thief 1, Gold, or 2.

    For Thief Gold/Thief, use TFix by voodoo47. The link to the forum thread is here. The latest version of TFix now includes the NewDark patch should you want to install that as well.

    For Thief 2, use Tafferpatcher. The link to the forum thread is here. Please follow the installation instructions found on the forum thread. I also recommend installing the NewDark unofficial patch that was released in September of 2012. (Or at least announced by DrK on the TTLG forums.) According to the tafferpatcher thread, the latest beta version has it: "The new beta version contains the fan-made engine patch 1.19 for the game executable"

    Solution 2:
    Go to Start, then Run, then type d:\setup.exe -lgntforce, where d:\ is your CD-rom/DVD-rom drive. (note: That's -lgntforce with a lowercase "L")

    Note: You may not see the "Run" command in your start menu on Windows 7, so you will need to type in the search box the word "run." Windows should find the Program called Run. Just click on that and it should open the Run window.

    Solution 3:
    You may need to enable a compatibility mode on the setup.exe. Thanks to <a href="">humble48 and Renzatic</a> for the solution.

    <a NAME="gamersgate"></a>What about installing the GamersGate edition?
    There is a thread on the GOG (Good Old Games) forums about this. LINK

    <a NAME="installdigital"></a>How do I install Thief 1, Gold, or Thief 2 if I have the Steam release and want to install it into a non-protected(full priveledges) directory?
    You have two options.

    Option 1: When you go to install the game, in the setup window there should be “Chose drive to install to.” If you have more than one drive then you can tell Steam to install it to another drive. OR, you can simply tell it to install the game to another directory. When choosing your drive you can switch it back to C:\ and pick a new Steam library folder to install your game.

    Option 2: Install Thief Gold or Thief 2 using the normal Steam installation method. Once the game is installed, copy the entire thief directory outside of Program Files (x86)\Steam and into a new folder such as C:\Games\Thief2 or C:\Games\ThiefGold, depending on which game you are installing. NOTE: Program Files(x86) is only if you are running a 64-bit version of windows. If you are running a 32-bit version of windows, steam should be installed in Program Files.

    <a NAME="hour"></a>When I try to install Thief nothing happens!

    Solution #1: Try installing thief with tafferpatcher, here. This is the best solution because the installer bypasses the old setup from the thief CDs and installs the game using the files on the CD instead.

    Solution #2:
    Run the game with administrator privileges. You can either boot into an administrator account on your operating system, or right click the program (Thief.exe, Thief2.exe) and click the text "Run as an administrator" (vista and 7). Note: For Windows XP, it should say
    “Run As”

    Solution #3:
    Start the installer and leave it! On some configurations of Windows XP (or later) it can take up to an hour for the installer to start.
    (Not guaranteed to work. See other solutions.)

    Solution #4:
    Restart Windows in Safe Mode then run setup.exe -lgntforce as usual.

    Solution #5:
    If the above fails to give you results, you can install Thief <a href="">manually.</a> Please make note that Thief 2 needs darkinst.cfg to work properly, NOT install.cfg as The Brain said in the linked thread. Install.cfg is only used for Thief 1. Also, please do not ask for “no cd” patches as it is not allowed on this forum. This method still requires you to physically own a Thief disc.

    <a name="16bit"></a>When I try to install Thief 1 or 2 I get the following error message: AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications.

    Check out the following Microsoft article:
    <a href=";en-us;324767">Error message when you install or start an MS-DOS or 16-bit Windows-based program</a>

    <a NAME="brokeninstall"></a>How do I repair a broken Thief installation?

    Browse the Thief CD and double-click directly on the setup.exe file. Broken installations typically happen when the setup program crashes halfway, or when there was an attempt to uninstall the game by deleting the Thief folder manually. In both cases, some registry keys were left behind, so the interface (the one that pops up automatically when you insert the CD) will assume the game is installed and will not let you install it again. Running the setup program directly bypasses the interface and lets you install.

    <a NAME="texturememory"></a>Thief 1, Gold, and/or 2 freezes or shows a black screen (direct 3d device does not accurately report texture memory usage) on startup or when starting a mission; what should I do? - Very Old, may only apply to outdated systems. This may very well be obsolete, but the bit about safe_texture_manager may still be relevant. Leaving just in case.

    Explanation of problem:
    This is an error message (“direct 3d device does not accurately…”) that pops up when starting a level in Thief and Thief 2. You may not get an error message; you may see only a black screen. It primarily occurs on Nvidia Graphics cards running driver versions 5x.xx and above although there are several reports of it occurring on ATI 9xxx cards using new drivers.

    Please Note (old information):
    If you are using an nVidia card with drivers in the 9x.xx range then the fixes listed below will not work. At present the only solution is to downgrade your drivers to versions in the 8x.xx range or below.

    If you are running Thief 2 you should remove the semicolon ( from the line ;safe_texture_manager in the file user.cfg which you should open with Notepad.

    If you are running Thief 1 you should download one of the patches linked below that corresponds to your version and overwrite back up the installed Thief EXE, and then using the one from the ZIP file.
    • <a href="">Thief: The Dark Project v1.14 Direct3D Texture Error Fix.</a>
    • <a href="">Thief: The Dark Project v1.33 Direct3D Texture Error Fix.</a>
    • <a href="">Thief: Gold Direct3D Texture Error Fix.</a>

    <a NAME="thiefrun"></a>When I try to play Thief by clicking on the shortcut nothing happens or the game crashes!
    This is typically due to the user running Windows Vista or higher. When trying to run the game, nothing happens, or the user gets the pop-up “this program has encountered a problem and needs to close…” - Editor's Note (July 2013): Keep in minds these are old solutions. I highly recommend checking out DDFIX if you don't want to upgrade your Thief/Thief 2 installation to NewDark. If you do want to upgrade thief to NewDark, please see the red note at the top of this post (IMPORTANT) which should fix this problem along with some others for modern systems.

    Solution #1:
    Make sure you run the game in <a href="">compatibility mode.</a> Right click the executable (or Thief shortcut) and go to properties. Look for a compatibility tab. Choose Windows 2000, Windows XP, or even Windows 98. You might also try one of the other ones, such as Windows Vista even. There's also options to disable desktop composition, desktop themes, and display scaling, which might help as well. Keep in mind this may not work for you and is not a perfect solution.

    Solution #2:
    Run with administrator privileges. For Windows Vista, see <a href="">here.</a> - This should also apply to Windows 7. (Author's Note: I don't have windows 8, so I don't know if this applies to that as well.)

    <a NAME="eax"></a>I can’t enable EAX in thief.

    Windows Vista needs Creative Alchemy. This may apply to Windows 7 as well.
    “Creative ALchemy fixes any EAX related problems involving Creative sound devices. In fact, EAX can't be enabled under Vista without ALchemy being installed. Sorry I'm not aware of the Sensaura fix.” Thanks to <a href="">Dan</a> for this piece of information!

    <a NAME="wmovies"></a>Movies don’t work!

    Please see <a href="">here</a> for the solution.

    <a NAME="nocd"></a>I have patched Thief 2. Now, whenever I try to run Thief 2, I get a "Cannot find CD-Rom" error message, even if the CD is in the drive!

    This is a known problem with some versions of Thief 2. The copy protection on the CD was changed and is faulty, so Thief 2 will no longer work when patched. To fix this, you have to remove the copy protection.

    Download <a href=""> this patch</a> instead; it's a different version of the patch (larger than the normal patch file) which solves the fault copy protection problem.

    <a NAME="widescreen"></a>Thief has become dated with only 4:3 resolutions. Is there a way to run Thief in widescreen resolutions?

    Yes, there are two great threads on getting widescreen for Thief. One of them is the <a href="">original thread</a> by weak-ling, the other is a <a href="">nice page by Nameless Voice</a> that includes DDFix and a direct link to download the widescreen patch.

    <a NAME="patches"></a>Where can I get official patches for Thief and Thief 2?
    Try <a href="">The Circle.</a> Official patches and other tweaks are available there.

    <a NAME="ddfix"></a>What is DDFix? -[OLD]

    2013 Editor's Note: Please keep in mind that DDFIX is for Thief 2 1.18 and is not necessary if you upgrade Thief 2 to the NewDark patch. This is kept here in case there's something very specific you're trying to achieve that NewDark doesn't support or if you refuse to upgrade to NewDark Thief 2.

    Quick Explanation:
    “DDFix is a patch (created by TimeSlip) to allow Dark Engine games to run properly on modern hardware. It fixes the numerous problems introduced in modern graphics card drivers, as well as enabling 32-bit rendering to increase visual quality beyond even the original game.” – Nameless Voice’s <a href="">ddfix</a> thread. One important point to make: ddfix enables a multi-core fix if you’re using a dual-core processor.

    Please refer to the links below for more information, such as: download links, technical help, how to install, etc.

    <a href="">Bikerdude’s DDFix and Widescreen Discussion Thread</a>
    <a href=""> Nameless Voice’s DDFix and Widescreen Thread</a>

    <a NAME="ddfix2"></a>DDFix isn’t working. What should I do?
    There could be a few reasons why ddfix doesn’t work – but the main one is that you don’t have .NET Framework 2.0 installed, assuming that you use the GUI version of ddfix. This is required to run ddfixgui.exe. (However, with Vista you should already have .NET Framework installed thanks to Microsoft.) Note: Please <a href="">visit the thread</a> for ddfix if the below solutions don’t resolve the problem(s). New: If you’re using Windows 7, apparently there is a problem with ddfixgui and how it uses .NET. Please <a href="">use this thread</a> for help, or check the technical help or legacy gaming forums. (There’s a <a href="">ddfixgui fix for windows x64 versions.</a>)

    Solution #1:
    Assuming that you are using ddfixgui, try running it in admin/compatibility mode.

    Solution #2:
    Assuming that you are using ddfixgui, try the manual version or a pre-patched exe instead. See the note above. (Note: Once ddfix is set up in your thief directory and is applied to your thief executable, you do not need ddfixgui.exe in order for ddfix to work its magic. Just make sure ddfix.ini and its dll files are in your thief folder.)

    Solution #3
    Do you get this error: “DirectX version 7 or higher is not installed?” Visit <a href=""> this link.</a>

    Solution #4:
    Go to and search for .NET Framework 2.0. (Assuming your operating system is Windows XP or lower.)

    <a NAME="ddfcolors"></a>After applying ddfix, Thief displays weird colors in game mode and I get a "resolution not supported" message at the top of the screen.

    Explanation: Most likely you are running a custom resolution not supported by thief, and don’t have cam.cfg / ddfix.ini matching resolutions. This causes thief to resort to 640x480, displaying the "resolution not supported" message at the top. Depending on what resolution you are using, you may have to install the widescreen patch alongside ddfix.

    Please see <a href="">this thread.</a>

    “With a fresh install of Thief/SystemShock, you should run the game before installing DDFix so that the ‘cam.cfg’ file is initialized. This will enable DDfix to modify the resolution line in the cam.cfg file.”

    NEW! <a NAME="am16fix"></a>Are there any fan patches that fix bugs in the original Thief 2 missions?

    <a href="">AM16's Thief 2 Fixed 1.0e</a> - This patch has bug fixes for T2's OMs. Fixes things like mis aligned textures, incorrect physics dimensions on objects, unreachable loot, etc. See official thread for more details.

    <a NAME="hyperthread"></a>Game freezes/crashes within a minute / Running Thief on a Dual-Processor/Dual Core System or Got a Pentium 4 with Hyper-threading [OLD]

    2013 Editor's Note: This is all very old stuff. This question refers to older CPUs and mainly deals with systems that have dual-core processors. However, it's still relevant if you do happen to have dual-core, or even quad-core, etc. I recommend installing the NewDark Patch(see IMPORTANT at the top of this post) or using ddfix if you're keeping Thief 2 1.18. Both of these options have permanent solutions for the dual-core crash.

    When activated, Intel's Hyper-threading makes it appear that you have two CPUs. Pentium 4 D and Athlon 64 X2 processors have 2 cores on one chip - they are dual processors. Most computers (if not all) these days (21st century) are dual-core. Common names of dual-core cpus are AMD Athlon X2, Intel Centrino, Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Core 2 Extreme, etc.

    Solution #1:
    Make sure that Thief is set to only use 1 processor with High, or Realtime priority. Dark Engine games don't like dual processor systems unless they are configured in this way. Salvage has written a great FAQ on how to do it easily. You can find his FAQ <a href="">here.</a>

    Solution #2:
    You can use what is called <a href=""> DDFix</a>, which will automatically force Thief to run in one core (provided that you have DDFix set to disable multicores. In DDFix.ini you can set multicorefix to 1 if it is not already set.) Please see the DDFix thread for more information. Note: Keep in mind that ddfix may have its own set of problems – especially if you’re running Windows Vista.

    Solution #3:
    Try community member MoroseTroll's FlipTib program.
    FlipTib is a tool used to force a game to run with only one CPU core.

    Solution #4:
    Dark Engine Fix , "DEF"

    Try the DEF program posted by our forum member, clearing. Click for here link.

    Quote Originally Posted by clearing
    Dark Engine Fix (DEF) for Dual-Core/Hyperthreading

    Thief (1, 2, 3) & System Shock 2 Patch FOR DUAL-CORE / HYPERTHREADING SYSTEMS.

    – Thief (1, 2), System Shock 2 The system hangs after several seconds of playing.
    – Thief 3 Intro movie cycles, no menu shown.

    Dark Engine Games (Thief: The Dark Project, Thief Gold, Thief 2: The Metal Age, System Shock 2), and their level editors - DromEd & ShockEd - doesn't work correctly on dual-core system (or imitated by Intel Hyperthreading function).

    This patch is also suitable for Thief Demo, Thief 2 Demo & Silent Hill 2.
    Solution #5:
    Task Manager trick
    This is a quick fix, but it requires that you do it each time you start the game.
    Step 1: Start the game.
    Step 2: Alt + Tab out of the game.
    Step 3: Open Task Manager.
    Step 4: Locate thief.exe (or thief2.exe) in the processes tab.
    Step 5: Right click the exe, look for something about affinity.
    Step 6: When in the affinity menu, you should see some check marks and a list of CPU choices. (i.e. CPU 0, CPU 1.) Uncheck CPU 1, and any other CPU check boxes, except CPU 0. (It will probably be grayed out anyway.)

    Solution #6:
    Modify the "Target" option in your Thief shortcut to C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C start /affinity 1 Thief2.exe to dedicate the first CPU core to the game (or "/affinity 2" for the second, and so on).
    Note: Change Thief2.exe to Thief.exe in the event that you are doing the fix for Thief 1 instead.
    Note: This fix does not appear to work on Windows XP. (/affinity command does not appear to be valid on WinXP. Meaning, it is only on Windows Vista.)

    Solution #7:
    Download and install WinLauncherXP. This old program allows you to set the game to use one or more CPU cores (setting affinity) BEFORE launching the game. So, basically you use this program to launch Thief (or another game) and the program forces the game to run in one core. Check <a href="">this thread.</a>

    <a NAME="2fast"></a>Help! Thief runs too fast!

    Turn on v-sync. Make sure the refresh rate is 60Hz. Try also turning on full anti-aliasing. (<a href="">Reference thread</a>) Above solutions for crashing should also help this problem.

    <a NAME="movies4"></a>Game Stops Responding (Hangs) or Quits Unexpectedly When Introductory Video Clip Is Played [OLD]

    2013 Editor's Note: This is old and may be obsolete. See the other questions/solutions about movies. Your best bet is either DDFIX + indeo or installing NewDark for Thief/Thief 2.

    1. Rename LGVID.AX to LGVID.OLD
    2. Download and install the indeo 5 codec - <a href="">Found here</a>
    3. Click start, then run and type the following " regsvr32 ir50_32.dll "

    Solution (quite old):
    If you are running Windows XP with Service Pack 1 applied you may want to check out <a href=";en-us;327979">this page</a> at Microsoft, which includes an update that has reportedly fixed video problems with the Thief games.

    <a NAME="movies"></a>My in-game movies (briefings and cutscenes) aren't playing anymore, how do I fix it?

    *NOTE TO WINDOWS VISTA/7 USERS: The below method for registering the LGVID.AX file will not work on windows 7 64-bit, as first pointed out by gnartsch, here. This may or may not affect windows vista; this has not been confirmed yet. Please see solutions 4 and 5 below if you are using windows 7 64-bit.

    Solution #1:
    You have to reinstall the indeo video codecs. You will find them on Thief: TDP's disc, and on disc 1 of Thief Gold. If you have Thief 2, you can find them on CD2 (the file is iv5play.exe). In the past you could also download them from <a href="">this site</a> for free, but unfortunately the codecs have since turned pay-for. This problem often arises because of conflicts with some other programs such as Real player or Windows Media Player; the video codecs become corrupted and no longer work. There is an incompatibility between the Indeo codecs and Windows XP. If you wish to view the in-game movies and have Windows XP you must install the codecs every time you play Thief.

    Alternatively, Solution 2:
    <a NAME="movies2"></a>Scrooge's Permanent Movie Fix

    1) Locate (use "Search") the file named "regsvr32.exe". It is located in the Windows SYSTEM directory (if 9x/ME) or SYSTEM32 (if 2000/XP/7). Copy it to your Thief installation.

    2) Create a text document named "RegIndeo.bat" and copy/paste the following text:
    regsvr32.exe /s LGVID.AX

    3) Save it (The file extension must be .bat)

    Simply double-click on the file when your movies don't play.

    Note: it is not needed to repeat the operation in all your installed Thief/Gold/II, simply use one of them. The "registration" process will fix the problems in all installed Thief games present.

    *In addition, please note: the /s parameter mentioned above suppresses any confirmation or error messages so if you want to make sure it is working do not add the /s*

    <a NAME="movies3"></a>A third option if the above have failed (Solution 3):

    1) Press Start

    2) Press Run

    3) Type regsvr32 c:\your\path\to\Thief\LGVID.AX where "c:\your\path\to\Thief" matches your own path.

    4) You should get a message box pop up that says dllregisterserver in module c:\your\path\to\Thief\LGVID.AX succeeded.

    Solution 4:

    Step 1. Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt

    Step 2. Right click on Command Prompt and choose Run As Administrator before continuing.

    Step 3. When the command console pops up type regsvr32.exe D:\Games\Thief2\LGVID.AX where "D" is your drive letter and the path following is your thief directory (which is not necessarily games\thief2) and applies to both thief 1 and 2. Hit enter. When finished, you should get a confirmation popup that says it was registered successfully. You can then close the window by either hitting the X on the command prompt or typing exit in the console and hitting enter.

    Solution 5:

    Create a batch file called regindeo.bat (in notepad make sure to save as with file type of all files and type in the extension of .bat before hitting save) with the following:

    regsvr32.exe D:\Games\Thief2\LGVID.AX

    Where "D" is your drive letter, and the path that follows is where your game is installed, which may not be games\thief2. (Same applies for thief or thief gold.)

    Important note: If you are on windows vista/7 (xp?), you will need to right click the bat file and choose Run as Administrator in order for it to work. If you don't, the register of the dll will fail.

    <a NAME="movies5"></a>Having trouble with Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Thief Video Codecs?

    You may need to download <a href="">this version</a> of the codecs. Thanks Schattentänzer.

    <a NAME="freezingmovie"></a>I've re-installed the codecs, but the first cutscene still freezes at a certain point and only the sound continues.

    This is a reported bug in some European versions of Thief 2. There's a fan-made patch available at the Circle, <a href="">download it here</a> and follow the instructions in the readme file. That should sort things out.

    <a NAME="graphics"></a>Are there any fan created patches that improve the graphics or other aspects of Thief?
    Yes. There are tons and tons of threads, but <a href="">this one</a> should help…

    Some direct links:

    <a href="">Thief Enhancement Pack</a> – For objects in Thief. (Works with 1 and 2.)

    <a href="">Thief I and II Sound Enhancement Packs</a>
    – For sounds in Thief.

    <a href="">Hi-res (re)texture pack for Thief (NTEX)</a>
    – Warning: These textures change floor and wall textures, etc. They deviate from the original style of the textures from the game, so you may or may not like them.

    <a href="">T2 Water Texture Pack (32-bit dds textures)</a>
    - Changes the look of the water textures in Thief 2.

    <a href="">Thief 2 Sky Replacement Pack</a>
    - Hi-res texture replacements for the moon, clouds, and distant art. Realistic star field calculation as well.

    <a href="">The Circle User Patches</a> (e.g. Thief 2 AI meshes in Thief Gold)
    – Scroll down a bit until you see User Patches. You’ll find links for updating Thief 1’s low-poly AI meshes with ones from Thief 2. (They are changed accordingly for Gold, i.e., Bafford guards still look like Bafford guards, just “better.”)

    Modding installation videos

    <a NAME="texturepatch"></a>I installed oRGy's texture patch for Thief1/Gold, but I'm having problems (textures are a solid blue, guards look funny, etc.). How do I fix this?

    You have to install <a href="">Darkloader</a>, run it and let it optimize your Thief installation after you have installed the texture patch. Should be fine after that. (Get the texture patch <a href="">here</a>)

    <a name="multiplayer"></a>Can I install and play the multiplayer patch onto the 'New Dark' version (unofficial patch 1.19 and above) of Thief 2?

    No, as of this writing it is not possible. You will need Thief 2 patched to version 1.18 in order to play multiplayer. The developer of the multiplayer patch is not affiliated with the developers of "New Dark" and have not updated it to be compatible with version 1.19 or above. If you want New Dark for all it's improvements, then I suggest having two installs of Thief 2, one dedicated to multiplayer and the other updated with the latest version of thief using the New Dark patch.

    <a NAME="diskspace"></a>Thief is saying it cannot play, because I do not have enough space, even if I have a lot of free disk space: how do I fix this?

    Open the file user.cfg found in the Thief directory and add the line skip_starting_checks to it and save it. Please note, it may be necessary to create this file.

    <a NAME="fog"></a>I'm using an NVIDIA (TNT, GeForce, etc.) card. Why can't I see fog?

    Make sure fog is turned on in the Options screen. If it is and no fog appears in Life of the Party and Precious Cargo, go to the Windows Display Properties dialogue (by right-clicking on the desktop and choosing "Properties"), choose "Settings" | "More" | "GeForce" | "More" | "Direct3D" (or a similar sequence of tabs) and turn on "fog-table emulation".

    NOTE: Newer ddfix (post Timeslip updates) versions include an option to fix the fog. Please see the ddfix section of this FAQ.

    <a NAME="radeon"></a>ATI Radeon cards and fog in Thief II

    Steps to fix the fog:
    1) Download the program available <a href="">here.</a>
    2) Install it
    3) After the required restart, run the program and go to the Rage3D tweak tab. Double click "Direct 3D", then scroll down till you see the box "W Fog". Uncheck this box.
    Also make sure "Table fog", and "Z Fog" are both checked, and if they aren't, check them. Press OK. You should now be able to see fog in the game. (<a href="">Reference Thread</a>, with additional steps in case this does not work.)

    <a NAME="linux"></a>Can I run Thief on Linux?
    Yes, using the latest version of winex, you can. <a href="">This thread </a>reports that it works.

    <a NAME="screenshots"></a>How do I take screenshots in Thief?

    In Thief 1 and Gold the key is F10, in Thief 2 it is ALT+F10. This will create a file in your Thief directory called dumpxxx.pcx, where xxx is a three digit number. The screenshot keys can be altered in the control section of the options menu.

    *Solution #2: If you've installed DDFix, screenshots are taken with the PrintScreen (or PrtScn) button instead, and are saved as screenshotX.bmp, where X is a number.

    <a NAME="clean"></a> I'd like to take some "Clean" screenshots of Thief 1/ Thief 2. Is this possible?
    Yes, there are at least two ways mentioned on these forums. One of which is quite simple and all it requires is a file edit, shown <a href="">here.</a> The <a href="">other way</a> is a bit more work to set up.

    <a NAME="map"></a>When I hit 'M' for the Map or press 'Escape' for the main menu, nothing happens but I can hear the map/menu music in the background.

    If you are using an nVidia 8 series GFX card and 179.xx or higher drivers, the current work around is to set the Anti-Aliasing to either 0xAA (off) or 8xAA. So far this hasn't affected ATI cards.

    <a NAME="scroll"></a>I really wish I had the scroll wheel functionality for inventory items in Thief 1. Is there a way?

    Yes there is, thanks to <a href="">KoHaN69!</a>

    <a NAME="duelgfx"></a>The screen in Thief 1 or 2 constantly flickers; I get visual anomalies and crashes, and I'm using more than one video card. What should I do?

    Solution #1:
    To solve this issue try disabling ATI Crossfire or Nvidia SLI from the respective video control panel.

    <a NAME="sounds"></a>How do I extract the sounds?
    For Dark Project, Gold, and Metal Age, look in your Thief install folder, or on your games discs, for the RES\SND.CRF file.
    It's really a ZIP file, so use your compression/extraction software to extract it as a ZIP file to a separate folder.
    The files are all in the WAV format, and categorized in separate sub-folders.

    For Deadly Shadows, you will need to download Sound Drone [provide live link], create a restore point and install Sound Drone carefully as it requires changing your registry. When you run it you will be able to browse, play, or extract the sounds, which are mostly in the OGG format, but a portion are in WAVs, too. You may need to update your codecs if you have an older system.
    The install instructions state:
    "For browsing and extracting files from the T3 sound schemas. This was designed for DX:IW and will auto-configure itself to the DX install directory if you have it installed. To change this:
    1. Open regedit by going to Start, then Run, and typing regedit in the command line, then Enter.
    2. Find the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\DXIW Sound Drone\SchemaMetafile PATH.
    3. Change its value to the full path of the CONTENT\T3\Sounds directory in your T3 install."

    <a NAME="assets"></a>How can I extract the assets from Thief 1 and Thief 2?

    Please see the question above this one, it is the same process.

    Note: All assets for Thief are in .CRF files. These files are either located in the main folder of your Thief installation, or are on the game discs. Thief 1 traditionally stored its assets in the \thief directory (or wherever you have Thief installed to – this is also called the root directory.)

    For Thief 2, they should be in a folder called Res – if they aren’t, they should be in the root directory. (For fan mission purposes, people use Res to store all the CRF files instead of them being in the root directory.

    Note that install.cfg (Thief 1) and darkinst.cfg are referencing the CRFs, so don’t move the CRFs unless you change the paths in the cfg files, which can be opened in Notepad.)

    <a NAME="blooper"></a>How can I play the "Blooper Reel" Easter Egg mission in Thief Gold?

    1. Find the user.cfg file in your Thief Gold folder, and make a backup. (If you are afraid of messing with the file, otherwise it's not required to make a backup.)

    2. If the line ;starting_mission 16 is not in there, type or paste it in, minus the semicolon, anywhere on its own line. Otherwise, just delete the semicolon and SAVE the file.

    3. Start the game, skipping the Training mission.

    4. When you are done, add the semicolon back to the beginning of the line, and SAVE the file.

    <a NAME="t1diff"></a>What's the difference between Thief: The Dark Project, Thief Gold, and Thief Platinum editions?
    Thief: The Dark Project is the original game. Thief Gold features three additional missions and a number of improvements to the original ones. The full version of Gold has the level editor DromEd and a Goodies folder with lots of extras, including a behind-the-scenes video. Most of the time Thief Platinum contains both Thief: The Dark Project and Thief: The Metal Age in one package. Note that Thief Gold and Thief: Deadly Shadows are not included. There are some Platinum editions that contain only Thief: The Dark Project, only repackaged and patched.

    <a NAME="gold"></a>Is there any way to play the three extra Gold missions if I have the original Thief? Maybe download them from somewhere?
    Sorry, but no. The only way to play the Gold missions is to buy Thief Gold.

    <a NAME="t2gold"></a>I found a website with Thief 2 Gold for preorder, is it coming out? [OLD]
    Thief 2 Gold was being worked on when LGS went under, and was subsequently dropped. It's not going to get picked back up. The website is incorrect.

    <a NAME="buythief"></a>Where can I get Thief 1/Gold/2?

    NEW: Thief Gold and Thief 2 were added to's catalog, so you may want to purchase them from there as they are patched to work on modern systems.

    NEW: As of May 2012, all three thief games are on Steam now. (Thief Gold, Thief 2, Thief Deadly Shadows.) Link here.
    I'd recommend buying the thief games from either gog or steam, unless you are wanting a physical CD copy of the games. Note that Gog does not have any DRM, however steam itself is the DRM and will be needed to play. See below for more information on physical copies and the EBGames versions.

    Thief: TDP and Thief 2 are fairly easy to come by. Amazon has them. Thief Gold is tougher to find. You may want to buy Thief: The Complete Collection from Mastertronic. I think it includes Thief Gold. Links are below. You can also buy TDP from GamersGate. See link below.

    Both Thief Gold and Thief 2 are available at <a href="|thief|1|">EBGames.</a> Update (july 2011): Can't find thief on ebgames site. Looks like they have removed thief 1 and 2 from the site.
    ** Warning: EB Games download version is NOT compatible with FMs or any mods or patches. If EBGames is out of stock, try the various worldwide Ebay sites:

    Thief: The Dark Project / Platinum
    • <a href=""></a> (USA)
    • <a href=""></a> (UK)
    • <a href="">Sold Out Software</a> (UK)
    • <a href=""></a> (Canada)
    • <a href=""></a> (Deutschland - Deutsche Suche)
    • <a href=""></a> (Germany - English Search)
    • <a href=""></a> (La France - Recherche De Français)
    • <a href=""></a> (France - English Search)
    • <a href=""></a> (Australia)

    Thief Gold
    • <a href=""></a> (USA)
    • <a href=""></a> (UK)
    • <a href=""></a> (Canada)
    • <a href=""></a> (Australia)

    Thief II: The Metal Age
    • <a href=""></a> (USA)
    • <a href=""></a> (UK)
    • <a href="">Sold Out Software</a> (UK)
    • <a href=""></a> (Canada)
    • <a href=""></a> (Deutschland - Deutsche Suche)
    • <a href=""></a> (La France - Recherche De Français)
    • <a href=""></a> (France - English Search)
    • <a href=""></a> (Australia)

    Thief: The Complete Collection (Thief 1, 2, and 3)
    Sold Out Software (official mastertronic site)

    Thief: The Dark Project

    GOG (Good Old Games)"
    Thief Gold and Thief 2 The Metal Age

    Steam Store:
    Thief Gold, Thief 2, Thief Deadly Shadows

    A version of thief the dark project is available from the Eidos Store (LINK), but it looks like it is country specific. (You cannot buy from the store if you live in the USA apparently.) This may also be TDP, and not Gold. The wording of it is weird , “Thief the dark project – gold.” The US title was simply Thief Gold, so either A.) They mislabeled it B.) It’s actually regular old TDP, but they got incorrect information and put Gold thinking it was the Gold edition. Buy at your own risk.

    <a NAME="ebgames"></a>** I don't have Thief Gold. I see that EBGames/Gamestop has it for download. Should I purchase from them?

    No, based on documented problems in these forums with that version by members. The main reason is because if you are running a newer machine, the DDFix patch is just about required to play Thief (if nothing else allows you to play, or you want to use DDFix for its fixes) and DDFix refuses to run with the download version.

    Technical Questions - Thief III: Deadly Shadows

    <a NAME="buythief3"></a>Where can I buy Thief: Deadly Shadows (AKA Thief 3)?

    You can get it from GamersGate, Steam, or GOG. Links below. Thief 3 can also be found on and Deadly Shadows is also included in the Thief: The Complete Collection. (See purchasing info for Thief 1, gold, and 2.)


    Steam Store

    Sneaky Upgrade by snobel

    The Sneaky Upgrade contains various bugfixes and game improvements such as widescreen support. It also enables the use of the FMSel FM loader frontend with Thief 3, and provides some GUI tweaks. It should be tried as a first resort in case of problems with running the game.

    <a NAME="t3freeze"></a>Thief 3 freezes (locks up) when using a widescreen resolution. What can I do to fix it?

    Try the Sneaky Upgrade by Snobel, from here.

    Try this patch: Click - Broken Link as of July 26, 2013. Leaving here just in case it gets fixed/for archiving.

    <a NAME="t3patch"></a>Are there any patches or enhancements for Thief 3?
    Yes, <a href="">Version 1.1 Official Game Patch</a>
    You can also find the official patch from the Eidos Interactive Support site, here. There's also some FAQ stuff in there, however the entries are quite old.

    WIDESCREEN PATCHES (not official, third-party made)

    ’Thief 3 Sneaky Upgrade’ widescreen patch by Snobel: Click here
    Link: Click here OLD (posted by clearing) - Broken link, leaving here in case it gets fixed/for archiving.(july 26th, 2013)

    John P's "Thief Deadly Details" Hi-res texture pack: Click Note: John’s original site with the download has been removed. His patch is mirrored on the Russian website darkfate. Click the first link in the list on the page that mentions john p.
    Here’s the original thread: Click

    <a NAME="t3savegames"></a>Where does Thief III put save games?

    They are generally in My Documents\Thief - Deadly Shadows\Savegame folder. You can change the folder by modifying SaveGamePath registry key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ion Storm\Thief - Deadly Shadows
    If you have problems with saves in Vista, change the path to some non-system folder with full read/write access rights.

    <a NAME="t3saves"></a>How do I move saves from one computer to another?

    Explanation and solution:
    Saves are packed in folders that are named as some senseless letter-digit combination, and it is sometimes difficult to decide which of them you actually need. As Saves entries in the game are sorted by date, simply sort the folders in file manager by date and count them.

    Do not copy 'Current Save' folder, as it is a temporary save and won't work on another computer. When you copy a foreign save to your game, delete the file Saveindex.ion, so that the game would re-scan the save folder for new files.

    The Sneaky Upgrade has an option to save game names in plain text making them easier to find.

    <a NAME="Wyndsav"></a> Is there a collection of save games for each level start, like what was provided for Thief 1 and 2?

    Yes. A forum member who goes by the name Mr Wynd created some saves for download. Here is the original discussion thread:

    Here are direct links to the save games:
    From the Wayback Machine
    And here is a mediafire link

    Be warned that mediafire has ads, so be careful what you click on.

    <a NAME="t3remap"></a>I am unable to remap my keyboard controls!

    Try unplugging your gamepad and reconfiguring your keys then. There seems to be some sort of incompatibility in between the two. MS Natural Keyboards also occasionally have problems.

    <a NAME="t3button"></a>The game acts like a button is always being pressed! (usually "Up" or "Down" key). I'm not using any gamepad, but I have a USB Gaming Keyboard.

    Go into Device Manager (Click for help on locating this tool) and look under Human Interface Devices for two or more entries named USB Interface Device. What you want to do is double-click on each USB Interface Device entry; then look on the Properties tab and make sure that it says USB Gaming Keyboard next to Location.

    After you’ve located the right entries, right-click on them (and only them) and select Disable from the pop-out menu, answering Yes to any prompts. One of the entries will not have Disable as an option when you right-click on it — that’s the one that obviously should be left as-is.

    <a NAME="t3gamepad"></a>I want to use a gamepad / joystick but when I try to remap a key the game crashes to desktop!

    Make sure that all analog controls of your joystick are centered in neutral position before remapping any keys. It depends on the joystick model if the throttle knob must be moved to center position or full down. On the 'Controls' screen, click to remap "Move Forward" key. If it immediately changes to 'Joy Z axis', that means Z axis is not centered and the game will crash if you try to remap any other key.

    <a NAME="t3mouse"></a>My mouse pointer is invisible or frozen in the center of the screen, but the menu buttons light up as I move the mouse around!

    In the Windows font settings, try setting the size to Medium (or Normal) if it is set to something larger than that. If the size is already at Medium, try making it even smaller.

    <a NAME="t3perform"></a>Thief III runs poorly, what can I do to speed it up?

    Check out the <a href="">Thief 3 Tweak Guide</a> and the program <a href="">TDS Tweaker</a> by gazchap

    <a NAME="amd"></a>Help! Thief III runs too quickly!

    Do you have an AMD 64 CPU? If so you need to disable "Cool 'n Quiet" while playing Thief 3. This can be done like so:
    Go into Control Panel and set your power management options from "minimal power management" to "always on" whenever you play Thief 3.

    <a NAME="t3crash"></a>Help, I'm on Vista and the game launches and loads, but soon crashes or gives me a black screen!


    1.) Start with a completely fresh installation of the game. This will ensure that all files in the System folder are present and haven't been removed previously. Run the v1.1 Patch straight after installing as well.

    2.) Create a new folder for save games, preferably one can be accessed by all Users (eg. C:/SavedGames/Thief - Deadly Shadows).

    3.) Go to Start -> Run -> regedit

    4.) Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ion Storm\Thief - Deadly Shadows

    5.) Right-click SaveGamePath and click Modify...

    6.) Change this value to the path of the save game folder created earlier (eg. C:/SavedGames/Thief - Deadly Shadows).

    7.) Run the game

    <a NAME="t3corrupt"></a>When I try to play Thief 3 it says I have corrupt files!

    Are you running Windows 95, 98, 98se, NT4, or ME? These Operating Systems are not supported for Thief III, however there is a workaround, although the game may be unstable.
    <a href="">Reference thread</a>

    • <a href="">Download PE EXPlorer</a>
    • Backup "T3Main.exe" and "Default.ini" for patching purposes
    • Apply any patches
    • Open PE EXPlorer
    • Go to File > Open File > "T3Main.exe"
    • Go to View > Resources
    • Select Icon Entry and delete it
    • Save and exit
    • Open "Default.ini"
    • Find the line "LoadFromResourceBlockFiles=False" and change it to "True"
    • Save and exit
    • Enjoy game

    <a NAME="t3flesh"></a>I get the error message "Flesh Failed to Initialize" when I try to play the game.

    It is almost certain your graphics card is not compatible with Thief III.
    The following graphics cards are compatible with Thief III:

    • ATI Radeon 8500
    • ATI Radeon 9xxx Range
    • ATI Radeon X600, X700, X800, X1300, X1600, X1800, X1900
    • nVidia Geforce 3
    • nVidia Geforce 4TI
    • nVidia Geforce FX
    • nVidia Geforce 6xxx
    • nVidia Geforce 7xxx
    • nVidia Geforce 8xxx

    Unsupported cards include:
    • nVidia Geforce 2
    • nVidia Geforce 4MX
    • nVidia Geforce 4 GO
    • nVidia Geforce FX Go

    <a NAME="NOD32"></a>I suffer from very long load times and am using NOD32

    If you are eXPeriencing long load times (2min+) and using NOD32 try this:
    • Open the nod32 control center (nod32kui.exe)
    • Disable AMON and Imon.

    Important Note:
    "Disabling the AV monitor is good for diagnostics, but not as a permanent solution. If disabling AV fixed the issue, then put Thief3 and SaveGame folders into AV's ignore list. The tip can be applied to any AV software, not only NOD32. Kaspersky and Norton are known to slow the game down too. " - Courtesy of DJ Riff

    <a NAME="t3drivers"></a>Which drivers work with Thief III?

    <a href="">ATI Catalyst 4.8 and above</a>
    <a href="">nVidia Foreware 56.72 and above</a>

    <a NAME="t3intro"></a>The Intro movie keeps repeating and I can't start a game!

    4 solutions. Choose the one that you think is best. Solution 1 is the old way of doing it.

    Explanation and Solution:
    It is very likely that you have a Dual Core processor, such as an AMD Athlon 64 X2 or an Intel Pentium "D" which is the cause of the problem.
    The solution is to set Thief III to use only one core. This can be accomplished by entering the Processes tab of the Task Manager when the game is running, right clicking each of the Thief III-releated processes (T3Main.exe, T3.exe), selecting "Affinity" and unchecking one of the CPUs.

    You can make this change permanent by following Salvage's guide he wrote for <a href="">The Dark Engine</a> (Thief 1, Gold, 2 and System Shock 2) and making the changes to T3.exe and T3Main.exe

    Solution #2:
    Try community member MoroseTroll's FlipTib program.
    FlipTib is a tool used to force a game to run with only one CPU core.

    Solution #3:
    Dark Engine Fix , "DEF"

    Try the DEF program posted by our forum member, clearing. Click here for link.

    Quote Originally Posted by clearing
    Dark Engine Fix (DEF) for Dual-Core/Hyperthreading

    Thief (1, 2, 3) & System Shock 2 Patch FOR DUAL-CORE / HYPERTHREADING SYSTEMS.

    – Thief (1, 2), System Shock 2 The system hangs after several seconds of playing.
    – Thief 3 Intro movie cycles, no menu shown.

    Dark Engine Games (Thief: The Dark Project, Thief Gold, Thief 2: The Metal Age, System Shock 2), and their level editors - DromEd & ShockEd - doesn't work correctly on dual-core system (or imitated by Intel Hyperthreading function).

    This patch is also suitable for Thief Demo, Thief 2 Demo & Silent Hill 2.
    Solution #4:
    Try the Sneaky Upgrade

    <a NAME="t3lockpicks"></a>I can't use lock picks and ladders! The game freezes until I hit Esc / Jump / Use key

    Solution #1
    Turn on V-Sync both in driver settings (for both t3.exe and t3main.exe) and in game settings.

    Solution #2
    Sneaky Upgrade


    Useful resources

    <a NAME="fms"></a>Fan Missions
    The <a href="">FAQ thread</a> for our <a href="">Fan Mission</a> forum has all the information you will need.

    Thief: The Dark Wiki, <a href="">Resources</a>
    “This is the library of all informational resources in the Thief games. Books and scrolls lists and contents, mission briefings and cut scenes transcriptions, conversations and so on can all be found here. Those who seek knowledge can just pick a category below and read the vast amounts of information within.” –Dark Wiki excerpt

    <a NAME="transcript"></a>Transcripts for all briefings and cut scenes for Dark Project, Gold, and Metal Age
    <a href="">Here.</a>

    <a NAME="manual"></a>Manuals for the games

    Thief TDP manual <a href="">html version</a>
    <a href=",255,226">pdf version</a> | MIRROR: Thief Wikia, pdf
    Thief TMA manual <a href="">pdf</a>
    Thief DS Manual, <a href="">pdf version for PC</a>
    And also:
    Thief TDP default keybinds [needs a new link]
    Thief TMA default keybinds [needs a new link]

    <a NAME="enemyweakness"></a>Thief Enemy Hit Point, Immunity and Weakness List
    <a href="">Here.</a>


    Thief Projects

    <a NAME="cosas">CoSaS</a>
    CoSaS is a fanmission campaign, still in development. An unofficial eXPansions for Thief 2, if you will. The first two missions for CoSaS, "Gathering at the Inn" and "Mission X", are now available. <a href="">Visit the CoSaS website.</a>

    <a NAME="t2x">T2X</a>
    T2X is a full 13-mission fan-made campaign, released May 2005! You can check out its <a href="">website</a> for info.

    <a NAME="darkmod">The Dark Mod</a>
    A total conversion to Doom 3 which promises to create a Thief-like engine and a Thief-like world for fan missions authors to create scenarios in. <a href="">Visit the website.</a>

    <a NAME="thievery">Thievery</a>
    Thievery is a mod for Unreal Tournament, aimed to provide a multiplayer experience in a Thief setting. You can download it from its <a href="">website.</a>

    <a NAME="nightblade">Nightblade</a>
    Abandoned at this time! From the makers of Thievery, a follow-up which uses the Unreal 3 engine but promises to be a departure from the original. <a href="">Visit the website.</a>
    Note: This is old hat. I don’t think nightblade will ever be finished. Please see the website for latest news. You may have to search the forums to find out more current information.


    <a NAME="still">Still need help?</a>

    There are several things you can do if this FAQ does not answer a question
    you may have.

    • <a href="">Search the forums.</a> TTLG has been around a while, and many many solutions to problems have already been found. You might be able to find an answer to your question simply by searching.

    • Ask for help in the forums. <a href= "">Pick the relevant forum to ask your question.</a> In the post, include what (if anything) you have already done to solve the problem, and, in the case of a technical problem, your system specs.

    • Ask for help on IRC. We may not always talk about Thief in #Thief, but we will rarely refuse help to somebody who comes in needing it. You can get to #Thief by using the java chat client found <a href="">here</a>, or pointing your IRC client to the StarChat network ( (NOTE FOR AOL USERS: AOL users are required to register their nick before they can talk on the StarChat network. If your nickname is not registered, go <a href="">here</a> for further information and a form for registration.)

    Thanks for this FAQ go out to Alchemist, Azal, Biohazard, BobPage, David, Daxim, deadman, gazchap, Grundbegriff, Myoldnamebroke, Myrmex, sailoreagle, Salvage, Scrooge, Schattentänzer, TBIRDMAN from the Eidos forums, twisty, undetected, vurt, Zaphod, jtr7, sNeaksieGarrett, ZFGokuSSJ1, Al_B, gnartsch, nickie, anyone we've forgotten(!), and of course Looking Glass Studios. Thanks everyone!
    Last edited by nickie; 12th Mar 2014 at 13:39.

  2. #2
    Registered: Jul 2006
    Location: Moscow, Russia
    Go to Start, then Run, then type d:\setup.exe -lgntforce, where d:\ is your CD-rom/DVD-rom drive. (note: that's -lgntforce, lowercase "L". If you're unsure, copy and paste it from here.)
    Why don't you type it in uppercase? Windows applications don't care.

    Or use Lucida Console font:
    d:\setup.exe -lgntforce

    Is it just me, or all external links don't work? They all look like this:
    If you are experiencing long load times (2min+) and using NOD32 try this:
    • Open the nod32 control center (nod32kui.exe)
    • Disable AMON and Imon.
    Disabling the AV monitor is good for diagnostics, but not as a permanent solution. If disabling AV fixed the issue, then put Thief3 and SaveGame folders into AV's ignore list. The tip can be applied to any AV software, not only NOD32. Kaspersky and Norton are known to slow the game down too.

  3. #3
    Registered: Sep 2004
    'bout time someone decided to update the FAQ

    did a quick check:
    -many links do not work
    -some info is still outdated/incorrect

    -the FAQ recommends trying win9x compatibility mode.this has never worked,it only made things worse.
    -t3 needs to be patched to run properly on multicore cpus,either with DEF or mention of the widescreen fix,and no mention of John P's Collective Texture Pack (essential if you want that nasty xbox stench to go away).

    the graphics issues section needs to be reworked-while the fixes still work (well,in theory),I think it is time for the FAQ to be geared towards ddfix as much as possible-most users will need it anyway (remember,last graphics cards that were capable of running dark engine games without ddfix were the x1000 series from ati and the 7xxx series from nvidia),and even those with 4+ year old machines can benefit from it greatly..basically,unless you are running the game on a dedicated legacy pc (pentium3 with nvidia tnt2/ati rage pro/3dfx voodoo3 running win98se),you should use ddfix,no excuses.

  4. #4
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Thief fan since ca. 1999
    I am fully aware that there are brokken links, I just didn't get to fix them all yet. Thanks anyway though.


    - Ah, that's a good idea regarding the lucida font.

    - AV software: I agree, disabling AV software is never a good idea, unless it's temporary. This was copy-pasted from the old FAQ.


    - All of the data is from the old FAQ, plus some new additions. That's why there's still outdated data. I wanted to post the FAQ so that it'd finally be up here, and then later would come the revisions.

    - As far as t3 goes, I'll update the information.
    (It needs patching? Really? I would think a more modern game such as t3 wouldn't have that issue. What specifically happens when you try to run it without any patches? Does it fail to run on a dual-core, or is it a speed issue?)

  5. #5
    Registered: May 2005
    Location: Shenzhen, China.

    Awesome work Sneaksie ! Hope this gets sticky-ed !

    Also about the DDFIX. ATI often inadvertently break and (occasionally) fix DDFIX compatibility with each monthly release of their Catalyst Control Panel and Drivers. If you are prepared to have sucky performance in alot of your new games, you can just rollback your Catalyst Drivers to the last compatible version.

  6. #6
    Registered: Sep 2004
    – Thief 3 Intro movie cycles, no menu shown.
    I have exactly that,both with the original cd version and with the anthology (dvd) version.that means I'm unable to play unless I fix the game so it will run only on one core..I'm not aware of any version of t3 that runs on multicore cpus right out of the box (maybe someone will prove me wrong?).

  7. #7
    Registered: Aug 2005
    Location: The limbo region of hell
    Great job Sneaksie! And long overdue. Hopefully it will be stickied in the appropriate places.

  8. #8
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Thief fan since ca. 1999
    I was hoping this would be stickied by now.

  9. #9
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Moscow
    Quote Originally Posted by sNeaksieGarrett View Post
    I was hoping this would be stickied by now.
    Assuming that they update news on the front page once in four years, I guess you have to wait a bit... But keep up the good work.

  10. #10
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    You might PM Dave and GBM, Sneaksie. They might not have realized this thread was intended to replace the old sticky.

  11. #11
    Registered: Oct 1999
    Location: UK
    Quote Originally Posted by voodoo47 View Post

    I have exactly that,both with the original cd version and with the anthology (dvd) version.that means I'm unable to play unless I fix the game so it will run only on one core..I'm not aware of any version of t3 that runs on multicore cpus right out of the box (maybe someone will prove me wrong?).
    I'm running T3 on a quadcore out of the box. Never given me any problems and neither do any of the other Unreal Engine games that are supposed to need patching to run on multi-core (Deus EX, UT etc). Thief 1 & 2 however do need the fix, otherwise they crash when trying to load a level.

  12. #12
    Registered: Sep 2004 or amd?

  13. #13
    Registered: Oct 1999
    Location: UK
    Quote Originally Posted by voodoo47 View Post or amd?
    Intel Core 2 Quad.

  14. #14
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: NYC
    still not stickied? when it is, it needs to be stickied in ThiefGen also...

    took me forever to find it to give the link to someone... though I suppose it would have helped had I remembered this Legacy Tech Help section existed heh

  15. #15
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Windows 7 - when installing Thief Gold and switching discs InstallSHIELD might popup and tell you that the "wrong volume is in drive...." insert CD1. Just ignore the popup and/or move it out of the way and insert CD2 to continue the install.

    Another thing, if you use darkloader to "optimize" Thief Gold it will use the wrong directory for the CRFs, in the install.cfg change
    resname_base C:\games\ThiefG\RES
    resname_base C:\games\ThiefG\crfs
    Last edited by Sxerks; 19th Dec 2010 at 13:29. Reason: darkloader prob

  16. #16
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Thief fan since ca. 1999
    Interesting, haven't encountered that install error before. Although I haven't actually installed thief gold on this machine, just already had the directory.

  17. #17
    Registered: Sep 2004
    confirming the darkloader+thief gold problem.

  18. #18
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia

  19. #19
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Thief fan since ca. 1999
    Thanks, added.

  20. #20
    Registered: Nov 2009
    Location: Ultima Thule
    Is this ever going to get stickied...?

    Should be, dammit!

    (Edit message if you feel linguo inappropriate, but sticky this thread!)

  21. #21
    Registered: Oct 2004
    Location: Sweden & Florida

    The widescreen patch...

    Quote Originally Posted by clearing View Post
    What will that do to the thief.exe file that is there for the "broken CD" version ?

  22. #22
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Thief fan since ca. 1999
    Aren't you thinking of Thief GOld or thief 2? TDS is Thief 3.

  23. #23
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Thief fan since ca. 1999
    Because this thread still has not been stickied, unfortunately I need to bump this so that people can see it. The thread has already been bumped to the second page due to other threads overshadowing it as time goes on...

  24. #24
    And still no word on what the deal is? At least it's here. I've got it bookmarked, and I just now linked a thread here for a person on the Eidos forums who's not had luck installing T1/T2.

  25. #25
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Thief fan since ca. 1999
    Feel free to PM a moderator about it as I've already given up on that. I've already tried, and didn't get anything out of it. I even tried PM'ing pavlovscat, but she didn't get back to me on the subject.

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