I remember I had the same issue on my laptop once. I think I solved it by changing this option: https://www.nvidia.com/content/Contr..._Processor.htm
Greetings, new taffer here.
Is there a way to enable the latest stable version of TFix for Thief Gold to detect my dedicated GPU, instead of the integrated one? Thanks in advance.
I remember I had the same issue on my laptop once. I think I solved it by changing this option: https://www.nvidia.com/content/Contr..._Processor.htm
you should be able to change it under options/video/hw driver, if not, create a profile for the game, that link should indeed help you.
That did the trick, thanks!
just for the record, what exactly did the trick?
I am on Windows 11 and have an issue with loading FMs. I moved the files of my backup of a full Thief Gold installation to C:\Games\Thief 1 and then applied TFix_1.27b.exe to that folder.
The base game works fine (tested with a playthrough of Bafford's on Normal), but when I install FMs via FMsel and then click "play FM", FMsel simply closes, with no running processes remaining in Task Manager (tested with Mysteries of Tolham and Guardhouse 1).
I made sure the Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update and the DirectX9 redistributable from June 2010 are installed. I set no compatibility modes to thief.exe (though I tried if that would change anything after FMs were not loading).
Anything else I can try?
Update: I installed the latest Angel Loader and it loaded Mysteries of Tolham just fine. My issue seems to be with FMsel.
Last edited by <Username>; 1st Sep 2024 at 07:26.
anything useful in the logs?
ok yeah, non-power-of-two textures are bad, but it would be really strange for the FM to not load via FMsel, but load via Angel Loader. unless Angel Loader is doing something smart automatically, like sniping those textures before they are loaded.
will check that FM. //no issues with Tolham, no errors in the log, texture size related or otherwise (note - created the Tolham folder manually and extracted the zip manually, because that's how I roll). Guardhouse 1 seems to be editor only?
maybe do a new clean GOG/steam install (bit unclear what you used there, "my backup full install" can be anything), patch up, keep the mods off, extract the FM manually, see what happens?
Last edited by voodoo47; 1st Sep 2024 at 13:36.
Hi...I have reinstalled Steam Thief Gold, and run TFix, and wanted to use Akvar's ESERGAN textures, but they need to be put in a USERMODS folder that I thought TFix was supposed to create.
If I just manually make a USERMODS folder in the main TGold folder, the textures do not load.
(One other thing, the main menu is still all pixelated...wasn't there a feature in TFix that made it smooth and Hi Def?)
Can anyone let me know if I have done something wrong?
it's not necessary anymore, as the latest TFix includes a modmanager (dmm.exe) that allows you to manage all the mods fully. so each mod needs to sit in its own folder (assuming it has a proper structure, which may, or may not be the case) inside the mods folder, and then it must be activated using the modmanager (hires texture mods should have a high priority set).
as mentioned in the first post, most mods (and fan missions) will come with outdated installation instructions, if those are followed, things will inevitably break. some even need to be converted into a proper mod format before they can be used in the modern Thief environment (this may be as easy as properly extracting the mod, but not always, sometimes you need to move things around a lot).
Last edited by voodoo47; 5th Sep 2024 at 17:54.
there was a mod that made the readables a bit better I think, but good luck trying to find it.
not aware of any ini tweak.
Found the old DDFix description, which apparently had the ability to do exactly what I'm looking for:
DDFix is a patch (created by TimeSlip and updated by jermi) to allow Dark Engine games to run properly on modern hardware. It fixes the numerous problems introduced in modern graphics card drivers, as well as enabling 32-bit rendering to increase visual quality beyond even the original game. It also fixes fog in Windows 7 and Windows Vista, and enables support for widescreen resolutions.
In addition, menus and books/scrolls are no longer displayed in a hard-coded 640x480 resolution, but are instead displayed at the same resolution as the game, removing the annoying resolution-switching that has always plagued Thief.
Is this something that was/can be added back into TFix?
NewDark/TFix already does that (see single_display_mode in cam_ext.cfg), but that (DDFix) description is somewhat incorrect, what is happening there is they are upscaled to the same resolution. so display resolution switching is removed, but more detail is not magically gained (no matter whether you use DDFix or NewDark).
Ok, so is there a setting inside cam_ext.cfg (or other .cfg or .ini file) I can adjust to increase/upscale the UI Menu and books/maps/scrolls to closer match the in-game resolution?
Is my having thief_gold installed in the default x86 Program Files protected folder causing the issue in that TFix cannot set the UI resolutions correctly? (should I manually move the game folder to root of C?)
yes, and this is enabled by default.
so if you don't have it upscaled, you either have some weird issue going on (yes, program files bad), or you did not set your expectations right - again, this is just going to scale the screens, not increase the detail. you can verify simply by pressing the printscreen button when in the main menu, then check the pic in the screenshots folder - if it's NOT 640*480, then scaling is on.Code:; use a single resolution for both menu system and in-game, with normal double buffering (in fullscreen) single_display_mode 2
Is there a way I could make unconscious bodies un-solid? When I run through, their bodies always block the way.
yes, the easiest way would probably be asking someone for a custom squirrel script. some NVScript tricks probably would work too.
still not recommended to install a mod in any other way than giving it a proper structure and using the modmanager to load it.