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Thread: TFix: unofficial patch for Thief1/Gold

  1. #3276
    Registered: Sep 2004
    yes - choose the sky you want (ex Cragscleft = miss3.mis.dml under \MODS\T2 Skies), copy it to your FM root folder, edit the dml with notepad or similar and remove the entire fingerprint block;
       QVAR "origmis" == 1
    save and exit, and change the filename to match the FM mission file (so if myfm.mis, then the dml needs to be myfm.mis.dml). repeat the process if the FM has multiple mission files.

  2. #3277
    I have a setup that I haven't updated since early 2019. What kinds of updates have I/will I miss/missed from keeping things as they are? Like, everything works so far, but I have the Ultimate Difficulty mod for TG and 2 (don't even remember how I got it to work for 2 with the texture mod I use for it) and I'm scared updating will screw things up.
    Last edited by Gordon Frohman; 7th Oct 2024 at 18:39.

  3. #3278
    Registered: Sep 2004
    the way mods are loaded has changed completely, so if you have customized your mod loadout, then that will stop working almost for sure.

    why not just create a new, separate install?

  4. #3279
    I could. Just wondering if I'm missing anything extravagant from newer versions of TFix.

  5. #3280
    Registered: Sep 2004
    I think the most extravagant thing that was ever implemented was the actual proper hand model for the Constantine's sword, and that has happened ages ago. this is, by definition, a project of million little tweaks.

    that said, you always should use the latest version of the patcher.

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