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Thread: Thief Reloaded Contest Entry:The Deadly Triangle,T2 fm:2/5/2011

  1. #1
    Summer Vacation Contest Winner 2010
    Registered: Sep 2003
    Location: PacificNorthWest...Near Forks

    Thief Reloaded Contest Entry:The Deadly Triangle,T2 fm:2/5/2011

    Please post all of your questions here. You will notice the objective screen is quite full. The only objective that may not be visible is "Retun to your Home Turf" when you have completed all of the goals. The map is maxed out with brushes and objects, but functions well. All of the Objectives are easy, and they are frequent to help guide you. Think about how you would react if you were really Garrett in a real life situation. If you play this game with that attitude, you wont have any difficulty dealing with your ally friends:" The Hammerites" May the Builder be with you !"
    Get it here: This is a Revised Edition:5/6/2011 to fix the death bug of the HamSword.

    Runs fine with TafferPatcher and the enhancement pack. No problems discovered. Get the Enhancement Pack Here: If you have trouble with it loading, then disable the Enhancement pack by renaming the EP.Crf found in your Thief 2 directory.

    Edit: This Final Revision was tested by local Lan Group, and was found to be bug free. Good on Windows xp, home, pro, with all service packs. Windows Vista, and Windows7. Finally !

    Other features added in the Revised edtion: The Holy Sword of St.Markus now returns to the Sacred Keeper, the door shuts, no longer a key. Added a new sky with a Full Moon. Added Custom ambient in Cemetery Composed by ShadowSneaker. Increase the Abient Volume of 3 conversations. Added an AiWatchObj link. Added a new scroll in the High Priests Office to indicate where to place Artifacts. Added two new Conversations with Gore_Torn playing a Thief.
    The four books of evidence dont have to be read now to complete this goal. I didn't want to impose on the sucessful ending of the mission for failure or lack of interest in reading, and for a revisit, once the Story is known, no reason to read all of them again. Fixed several buggy conversations already existing. Fixed a couple room brushes, and aligned a few more textures.
    In the Final Revision Only.

    Reading all of the Books of evidence not necessary. in Particular :The DeNavan's Scroll must be read when you find him under the falls. All of the 4 secret scrolls must be read but are optional so the mission will still complete. Your stats will show completed secrets 4 of 4 even if you dont read them.

    Suggestion: Play in the order of Objectives to fully understand the Story. Not necessary to complete mission, but advised for beginning to understand the Story better. Not necessary at all if you dont want to follow the story as it unravels. It is good to wait and Visit Mr.Webster after you have obtained the Sword of St.Markus, so you have an option to help your Ally "Amilion", and he can help you destroy the Enemy, However I suggest as you enter the Cemetery to frob the "cemetery key" off of Amilion's belt right off, otherwise you will have to wait for him to relax for a few minutes after the fighting has finished, and at the same time do it un-noticed.

    A Challenge for the Warrior Garrett:See if you can Save The Hammerite Soldier "Amilion" from being Killed by Mr.Webster. Just wait until you have the Sword of St.Markus before you Visit the Cemetery. He will then aid you as an Ally in defeating the Evil. Unfortunately, there is no way for him to escape the Cemetery. An Important note: Frob the Cemetery key off his belt as you just enter the Cemetery, or after the Kill, just wait a few minutes for Amilion to Relax after the fight, staying unnoticed, you can then frob the key from his belt, and leave the Cemetery.

    Voice Actors: Yandros: The Bar Keep
    Antimatter_16 Bar Customer
    Yandros: The High Priest
    Edudrekib: The High Priest Overseer-Recording
    BrokenArts: The two ladies near Mausoleum
    Uncadonego:Commissioner, and Mr. Webster
    Rufus: The two ladies at Ramirez Mansion
    Rod: Mr.Webster's Thug Riley
    Rod: Otto
    Rod: Ramirez' Assasin
    Procession: Ed and Ray at the main
    Gore_Torn, Josh
    Rod: Murus

    Palette count reduced to 218, so the Enhancement Pack should work fine. If not then follow instructions below.

    If it does'nt work with the EP : Follow Haplo's Instructions the 9th post below, or just rename the EP.crf in your T2 directory, and restore it's original name and extention after you are through. Example: EP.Yey, should disable it, or as Haplo suggested EP.crf1

    A HINT for Pub Loot:After the Conversation is over the Bar Keep will walk out of the Pub and stand waiting for 50 seconds. This gives you an opportunity to slip behind the bar to grab loot. He comes back and repeats it again to give you a second chance.

    If Objectives are'nt ticking off. If you are using Windows Vista, it is recommended to use Darkloader v4.3
    In the beginning just wait for the Conversation to end and Look in the drain.

    A note about game play techniques

    This game was designed to use stealth, because you are a thief. You are a Wanted Murderer who has escaped from custody. The Hammerites are your allies, but remember that they are here to enforce their laws upon you. Get out of line, and they will react. Dont show your weapons to the Hammerites, because they could take it as a threat to them. Dont alert bystanders, as they are all hyped about the local murders, and if they see you, they may alert guards including the patrolling Hammerites. Dont leave bodies lying around, and try not to run anywhere away from guards who are chasing you. Stay in the shadows, and stay quiet. I have run through this game 3-4 dozen times, and never alerted any guards to my presence. Use your moss arrows in vents, and other places where you have to jump.

    As I posted in the begining of this thread :"Think about how you would react if you were really Garrett in a real life situation. If you play this game with that attitude, you wont have any difficulty dealing with your ally friends."

    Make saved games after each new objective using the save slots available. Once an Objective has been completed sucessfuly , you can fill that slot in with another new objective. If I mess up in game, or if there is an unexpected bug, I can easily go back without losing a whole of time.
    Frequent Saves !

    Spoiler Info if you are having trouble with :Destroying Mr.Webster:

    Do not read: this is the spoiler for the above:I have provided 2 invisible potions located in the Hammerite Guard Quarters, 1 in DeNavans house .In the Foot locker adjacent to the door. There is plenty of health located through out the mission, including 2 in one of the secret areas. Try to save at least one of the Potions for Mr.Webster's Skeleton. You can also use your water arrows to douse all of the torches in the Cemetary, and sneak up on your target. You will have to strike the Werewolf at least 21 times to defeat him with the Silver Sword, and the Skeleton the at least 16 . Spoiler video:

    At a request, I made Webster's Skeleton easier to destroy.

    Like all games, a Mastering technique is required. Dont expect to master the kill in one game, and please dont get discouraged. Use a plan, and of course the powerups I have provided. There are plenty of Health powerups throughout the mission. Since when is Evil Easy to Destroy ? Good Luck !
    Death Bug Repaired.
    One bug discovered: accidental death bug:It wont happen often, but I thought it should be posted, so you would know it not your fault and you did nothing wrong. Sometimes the Guards or Bystanders will become frightened, or just go off their patrol slightly and fall into the water, or will died mysteriously. When this happens the mission will fail. Go back to an earlier save and reload. It should resolve it. If not, then exit the game from DarkLoader, startup again, go back to your earilier save. Should be okay. Sorry for this, as I had to use hard Qvar Traps to insure the Hammerite failure of attacking an Ally. Bug Repaired use link above or here:

    Here is a fix for that should you have it: 5/5/2011 an update has been made and it is available here. If you have problem with megaupload and cant get the file, pm me and I will get it to you. or here:
    Last edited by darthsLair; 7th May 2011 at 02:23. Reason: to update, add, and correct info add ,Revision 5/6/2011

  2. #2
    Registered: Mar 2002
    Location: Bremerton Washington
    I get a Darkloader Crash when starting the game. Is anyone else having this problem?

  3. #3
    Registered: May 2005
    Mechs Delight reported a crash in the general Thief Reloaded Contest thread. He was able to solve the problem by deinstalling the Thief Enhancement Pack.

  4. #4
    NewDark 64³ Contest Winner
    Registered: Jul 2005
    Location: Locked Inside Dromed
    I'm kind of stuck in this.
    I'm basically done everything killed the end guy and all that, found all the loot and the secrets.
    However, I can't find the Rameriz ledger book. Though I have found the Black Book Evidence, however it as no effect on my objectives.

    I really liked the look and feel of the city in this one with the updated graphics and new areas. Though honestly, I don't even remember the original at all. It felt to me like playing a completely new level built from scratch. My only gripe is that it was possible to get the three artifacts even before going to the cathedral and learning that you were supposed to find them.

  5. #5
    Master Builder 2018
    Registered: Jul 2008
    Regarding Ramirez's ledger (black book), you have to read all the ledgers in order for that objective to complete.

  6. #6
    Classical Master 2008
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: Civitas Quinque Ecclesiae HU
    I get a freeze every time I get to the end of the ventilation tunnel at the beginning of the level and turn left. No enhancement pack installed, and other Thief FMs work without problems on that laptop.

  7. #7
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales
    Am I supposed to be able to get down that ladder near the beginning. I'm sure I haven't put any weight on lately but I seem to be too fat.

    Ah! I've lost weight overnight!

  8. #8
    Registered: Dec 2005
    Location: Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Mechs Delight reported a crash in the general Thief Reloaded Contest thread. He was able to solve the problem by deinstalling the Thief Enhancement Pack.

    As I contributed some voice acting to this I am anxious to check it out. Unfortunately I installed the Enhancement Pack some time back though I am guessing this instruction from the read me still stands ?

    --> Uninstallation <--

    To uninstall the Enhancement Pack, simply delete EP.crf. You may also want to remove references to it from your DarkInst.cfg / Install.cfg. If you installed using the quick installation instructions, a backup of your old .cfg file was made. Simply replace the modified DarkInst.cfg with the backup, DarkInst.cfg.epbak.
    I am half way through a few FM's. Will removing the EP mess up my saves or is it smooth sailing ?


  9. #9
    Registered: Sep 2003
    Location: Cambridgeshire UK
    Can you play it with the EP installed? We don't know for sure yet if it affects everybody using the EP.

    I'm sure there won't be any trouble with uninstalling. If there is, you can always re-install before using those saves.

    Saves themselves will not be changed by changing other things, although they may not work properly until you restore the environment in which they were saved.

  10. #10
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Location: The Inverted Manse
    To temporarily uninstall EP, just rename EP.CRF to something like EP.CRF1 (make sure you change the extension). This will not affect the save games or anything else.

    The crash with EP on is because the engine runs out of palettes. Many FMs crash with EP, for example Eclipsed and Rocksbourg 3.

  11. #11
    Registered: Dec 2005
    Location: Australia
    Yep, just tried it with the EP intact, just out of curiosity, and sure enough it crashed. Removed the EP as per instructions and works perfectly. No issues at all.

    Love the ambient music - we've all heard it many times before but it's been a while - I have to say it's one of the best things Brosius ever came up with.

    Now back to the streets...

    *Edit: Sorry, Haplo, you got in there before I read your post - thanks for the suggestion - I will try this technique next time.
    Last edited by Procession; 6th Feb 2011 at 07:46.

  12. #12
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales
    Well I'm still in the middle of this but just had to stop. It's hysterical. 'Well-played Taffer' indeed!

    There are a few lines I really didn't remember. But also, my compliments to the voice actors - very good indeed. I'd love to know who played which part.

  13. #13
    Registered: Dec 2005
    Location: Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by nickie View Post
    Well I'm still in the middle of this but just had to stop. It's hysterical. 'Well-played Taffer' indeed!

    There are a few lines I really didn't remember. But also, my compliments to the voice actors - very good indeed. I'd love to know who played which part.
    I played the voices of 2 guards in conversation named Ed & Ray.

  14. #14
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales
    Was that the kleptomania conversation?

  15. #15
    Registered: May 2005
    Procession, did you do the "... even their brains" line? The timing on that joke was perfect. I had to pause the game because I was laughing so hard. Overall, the voice acting in this mission is pretty good for a fan mission.

  16. #16
    Registered: Dec 2005
    Location: Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by nickie View Post
    Was that the kleptomania conversation?
    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Procession, did you do the "... even their brains" line? The timing on that joke was perfect. I had to pause the game because I was laughing so hard. Overall, the voice acting in this mission is pretty good for a fan mission.
    Yes, they were me. I try to slip in some humourous lines where I can

    Still haven't got to that part of the mis yet so it's hard to imagine it in full context but it sounds like it worked out - yay!

  17. #17
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales
    Indeed it did.

  18. #18
    Registered: Aug 2008
    Location: UK
    Me too I thought the conversations and voice acting was very good in this - adds a lot to the mission


    Quote Originally Posted by nickie View Post
    There are a few lines I really didn't remember.
    I found myself double-taking with a few of the guards' comments thinking "these sound new to me" ?

  19. #19
    Registered: Dec 2002
    Where can I find a rope arrow?

    Got it. Forgot the coins
    Last edited by fibanocci; 6th Feb 2011 at 10:39.

  20. #20
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales
    Quote Originally Posted by darthsLair View Post
    Read all of the Books and Scrolls to complete objectives
    I found a scroll somewhere that I can't read - is it one of the 4? Also, I'm not sure where the steps near the library shelf are to put the evidence.

  21. #21
    Registered: Aug 2008
    Location: UK
    Quote Originally Posted by nickie View Post
    I found a scroll somewhere that I can't read - is it one of the 4? Also, I'm not sure where the steps near the library shelf are to put the evidence.
    I am guessing you mean the scroll that you cant "open" to read - it just stays in inventory as a scroll? If so it's not one of the 4 and I suspect it's the one from the High Priests room - not crucial. Its the cathedral's small library you need for your other question.

  22. #22
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales

    Ah! The bookshelf.

  23. #23
    Registered: May 2003
    Location: Normally I'm in the batcave.
    I'm really enjoying this mission, but at the moment, I'm so damn confused.

    Okay, so I've spoken to the hammerite priest, got the mission to take back the artifacts. Then I headed to Webster's house and got the objectives to steal Ramirez's ledger and meet Webster at the cemetery. Thinking it was following the correct order, I meant Webster at the cemetery first. However, I'm REALLY confused as to how the cemetery meeting is suppose to go. When I approach the entrance I get a "Hide in shadows" message...I'm not really sure why being as the Hammerite just sort of ignores me even if I'm spotted. When I walk into the cemetery a gate closes behind me which I apparently need the key the Hammerite is carrying in order to open. After a while ghost-Webster steps out and talks to me...and then ALWAYS (I've replayed this conversation like 5 times) turns into a werewolf thing and attacks the Hammerite, and then me. Is this just suppose to happen? Am I breaking something by letting him transform? Why does he want to rip my spleen out right after asking me to help him? Was I suppose to stay hidden throughout this whole conversation so he would never transform, hence the "Hide in shadows" warning? Then why won't he talk to me unless I reveal myself? GOD I'M SO CONFUSED! Anyway, I need a little clarification here. I'm really enjoying this mission and don't want to break it (also, I realize this could be a problem with the custom scripts acting weird on my PC).

    After replaying this again, I'm pretty sure he is suppose to transform and attack you at the end of this conversation, being as you get a new objective after he kills the Hammerite (I'd have noticed that if I wasn't so impatient). It just kind of struck me as odd that he would transform into a werewolf and try to kill you right after telling you to help him kinda seems like something he should do after you get his book for him.
    Last edited by The Mike; 6th Feb 2011 at 15:13.

  24. #24
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales
    I had a small problem with that bit myself. First time around I lifted the key from the Hammerite so I was able to sneak out of the cemetery. When I thought I'd done it all wrong I tried again and couldn't get the key. And yes, that sodding werewolf got me. I jumped up on a sarcophagus and chucked a few water arrows around and sneaked out. Best way I found was to trigger the conversation and then hide in the dark. But the Hammerite sometimes attacks him and sometimes doesn't. Anyway, you need that key so you can get out and then come back later with a special weapon.

  25. #25
    Registered: Aug 2008
    Location: UK
    You've done everything right as far as I can see, The Mike!

    I am not totally sure what the "Hide in the Shadows" message is for - although there were a number of issues during beta testing in the cemetery and darthsLair may have introduced it to help with the gameplay or prevent a remote chance of the wrong thing happening. Webster will start his speech (etc) whether you are hidden or not - you haven't broken anything.

    If your objective was to come and meet him then you've done that - I suggest you make good your escape and continue with the other Objectives.

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