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Thread: TDS mini-campaign "THE CABAL": part 3 "Heart of the Deal" by Judith

  1. #1

    TDS mini-campaign "THE CABAL": part 3 "Heart of the Deal" by Judith

    "That was really close! With Keepers being slaughtered in the streets everyday, I should have known that my name would soon show on the list. Blackguards are nothing but a bunch of thugs, but this Barracleugh and his fanatics managed to take me by surprise. I almost paid for it... Right now I'm on this shore by the inn, barely alive, and soaking wet. I have to pull myself through it, otherwise it might be the last night I'll ever see. After that I can think of a plan. Now that Barracleugh thinks I'm dead, it shouldn't be that hard. As a thief you must find goods in any situation..."

    Download links:
    Thanks, Jason!
    Thanks, PsymH!
    Thanks, DJ Riff!

    Thanks, Tiens!

    Known bugs: to avoid problems with objective checking, try find your gear before you proceed to the second part of the mission.

    This is part 3 of the campaign, you can find previous parts here:

    Part 1 -

    Part 2 -

    Part 4 - Knife to the Heart
    Last edited by Judith; 8th Feb 2011 at 11:00.

  2. #2
    Registered: May 2005
    Location: in some basement in West Yorks
    I'm looking forward to this! Thanks a lot, Judith!

  3. #3
    Registered: May 2009
    Location: Germany
    Thanks for this release, Judith !

    Looking forward to play it !

    However, the mirror-links are broken.
    Could you please correct them ? (Copy/Paste issue ??)

    They read like:
    and don't work

  4. #4
    Registered: Apr 2000
    Location: Not France
    Great to see this. I'll post a mirror up on Southquarter as soon as I've got it uploaded.

  5. #5
    Registered: Jan 2009
    Location: Ukraine

  6. #6
    Thanks for all the kind words guys I just fixed the download links, that was the copy/paste error like you said, Gnarsh. Thank you!

  7. #7
    Registered: Nov 2005
    Location: Europe
    Thanks, Judith!

  8. #8
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: North Carolina, USA

    Thank you for all your hard work, guys. Onto the Superbowl and then some sneaky adventuring!!!

  9. #9
    Awesomeness, got more thief this weekend that we can shack a stick at...

  10. #10
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia
    Congrats, Judith

  11. #11
    Ok Im stuck, I think...

    has anyone gotten as far as the meeting room, and is it the star chamber? if so when you have found a way into the vent above the start chamber via the upper storage room whats supposed to happen

    I waited there for over 2 mins and nothing happened...
    Last edited by bikerdude; 7th Feb 2011 at 01:26.

  12. #12
    You should see the meeting, if you have all the objectives checked. Alternatively, you can try to hide behind one of the statues in the Star Chamber. Last time I tested both solutions and it worked.

  13. #13
    Registered: Nov 2007
    Location: Bulgaria
    Hehe. Congrats for the release! Downloading...

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Judith View Post
    You should see the meeting, if you have all the objectives checked. Alternatively, you can try to hide behind one of the statues in the Star Chamber. Last time I tested both solutions and it worked.
    Still not working, but as you mention all objectives - I still havent found a a blackjact yet... so maybe thats whats causing the meeting room objective not to work..?

  15. #15
    Yup, but I'm surprised that you haven't come across it earlier. It was in the first part of the mission, in the city. I thought lockpics were harder to find so I put them in the second part of the map as well... I wish I could spare you the frustration Although the mission was designed so you can get back to the starting point if you really wish, it would be easier just to reload.
    Last edited by Judith; 7th Feb 2011 at 21:44.

  16. #16
    Gone, but never forgotten
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: France
    Same for me
    I have blackjack and loopick, the objective does not check so the meeting does not start

    Thanks a lot fot this fm
    Last edited by Lady Jo; 8th Feb 2011 at 02:38.

  17. #17
    Ok, to make things clear, location of the blackjack & lockpics: first pair of lockpics is hidden in the inn basement, along with the health potion. Barracleugh leaves the blackjack and the note on his last stop, in the grass under the tree. Another pair of lockpics is in the chest in a thug's room (the underground complex). When you get those, you should see the objective checked.

  18. #18
    Registered: Jun 2006
    Location: Stuttgart, Germany
    oO.. looks like I have to go back, too.

  19. #19
    Registered: Jul 2009
    Location: The Czech Republic
    It seems I am blind because I am totally unable to find the lockpics. Could you give more concrete hints? Thanks .

  20. #20
    Gone, but never forgotten
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: France
    I have not seen
    first pair of lockpics is hidden in the inn basement

    but I have the 2ème lockpick and the blackjack in the grass under the tree

    I must return to the inn to check the objective?

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by MaryO View Post
    It seems I am blind because I am totally unable to find the lockpics. Could you give more concrete hints? Thanks .
    Sure, take a closer look around the table where the potion and the note from lady Evelyn is (inn basement).

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Jo View Post
    I have not seen
    first pair of lockpics is hidden in the inn basement

    but I have the 2ème lockpick and the blackjack in the grass under the tree

    I must return to the in to check the objective?
    No, you should be able to complete the mission anyway. All lockpics have the same set of scripts attached, so it should trigger the objective check. I think that worked in the test phase, as we were trying all the possible solutions. I'll look into it this evening.

  22. #22

    What tree..?

    Any idea on my problem, or will I have start from the beginning and find a blackjack before I enter that area..?

  23. #23
    Gone, but never forgotten
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: France
    In the small garden when the man whom we follow stops (almost at the end of course)

  24. #24
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia
    Where is the key to open the basement door?

    edit: found it.
    Last edited by clearing; 8th Feb 2011 at 10:43.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by edudrekib View Post

    What tree..?

    Any idea on my problem, or will I have start from the beginning and find a blackjack before I enter that area..?
    I guess it would be easier for you to load a savegame from the city part or start again, rather that going back.

    A general note: to avoid future problems with objectives, try to complete your gear before you proceed to the second part of the mission.

    I lost my editor files due to a HDD crash long time ago, so it's impossible to provide any fixes at this point I will add this in the next version of readme.

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