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Thread: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. "Complete" sucks

  1. #26
    Registered: Apr 2008
    There are so many mods out there with vague names and vague descriptions that add up to "changed a bit of everything" that calling your mod "Complete" is an ingenious way to bring in everyone without the time and energy to compare them all.

    I recently had a great run of Shadow of Chernobyl with Autumn Aurora. I don't think I can play vanilla again, but you'll get plenty of people recommending that.

    There's also Anomaly which I think is currently the most popular of the free-roam everything-stitched-together that grew out of Call of Chernobyl/Call of Misery. It's standalone, free to download, and has its own mod eco-system. Please don't ask me which mods are best with it.

    Gunslinger was released recently for Call of Pripyat. I haven't tried it yet, but will do soon, and looking out to see which other modpacks it gets merged with.
    Last edited by Neb; 11th Jan 2021 at 20:42.

  2. #27
    Registered: May 2004
    I too played through with Autumn Aurora last summer and I loved it. On Twitter, it appears many Stalker fans swear by Anomaly these days, but I haven't tried it yet. I don't think you'll find a compelling consensus on what the "best" mod or set of mods is -- just people fighting with each other about what they swear is best.

    So I guess I'm sorta seconding Neb.

    In general, the Stalker mod world is a rabbit hole you could disappear into for months, so be careful.

    To make things more complicated, I think I may have slightly modded my Autumn Aurora install, but I don't remember for sure or exactly how. At some point I grew exasperated with all the possible permutations and decided to ignore further modding and just play.

    That worked.

  3. #28
    verbose douchebag
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Lyon, France
    Ain't nobody got time for all that!
    Autumn Aurora it is - thanks!

  4. #29
    Registered: Jun 2004
    Location: Los Santos
    Anomaly 1.5.0 + Update 4 + Hotfix 8 + Muh Immersion Addon Pack 1.5.3 Full

    Anomaly 1.5.1 just dropped it'll take some time for OnegRiot to update his pack.

  5. #30
    Registered: Jun 2009
    Check out Lost Alpha by Dezowave and Dead Air!

  6. #31
    verbose douchebag
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Lyon, France
    Went with Autumn Aurora - thanks for the suggestions.

  7. #32
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: melon labneh
    I've been feeling the itch to return to the Zone wanting a vanilla story but also an improved game experience: bugfixes, a little less wonkiness in the systems, better graphics and UI.

    Autumn Aurora seemed like the best bet but I just can't get past how monochromatic everything looks. I understand the zone is a lot of drab landscapes but I need a little bit of contrast.

    On the other hand there's Anomaly which, especially with GAMMA, looks great but is completely uninteresting to me since I want to play SoC and not a STALKER-based choose-your own adventure with crafting.

    Does anyone know of a modern modpack for the first game tuned towards single player experience that doesn't also completely change the way the game plays?

  8. #33
    New Member
    Registered: Jul 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by Briareos H View Post
    This addon for Autumn Aurora apparently adds back in some nice colours:

  9. #34
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: melon labneh
    Thanks, it looks exactly what I wanted! Pity I was too lazy to look into it a bit more earlier.

    In the end I played throught the whole thing with AA2, I had a good time but I think will likely play ZRP-only for my next playthrough in a couple years.
    I'm amazed at how well SoC holds up in terms of atmosphere, I really haven't seen anything like it since.

  10. #35
    Registered: May 2005
    Location: France
    Came to this thread because I was in the mood for some Stalker after playing Chernobylite. It was ok- worth a playthrough, but only made me long for Stalker.
    Ended up installing Anomaly and Gamma and am having a really good time. Thanks!

  11. #36
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    I got a new gaming laptop so have been look into what's been updated while I'm reinstalling a bunch of games.
    I noticed there are two big overhauls of Anomaly, Custom and HayZee.

    The team doing Custom though are apparently very toxic rascist types, as in they have a lot of racist & anti-Ukraine rhetoric and there's never ending & exhausting drama surrounding them, etc. Kind of strange for a mod project for a Ukrainian game. =L So I won't even bother linking to them.

    HayZee is the main alternative that isn't toxic.
    Here's the link to their discord to get it:
    I'm going to set some time aside to play it.
    The only thing I notice for now is it's already over 120 GB, and there's some discussion about version 2.4 vs. 2.5, as 2.5 introduces some issues.

    Well I'll report on it after playing it. I got into Anomaly a few years ago and liked it well enough, though not with the same magic I had with the first Stalker. But maybe I didn't get that deeply into it for it to click. But I want to see what this update has done. For 120 GB I imagine it does something!

    Here are two trailers.

    Last edited by demagogue; 23rd Sep 2024 at 21:57.

  12. #37
    Registered: May 2004
    Note that Complete 1.5 was recently released, ostensibly fixing all the AI problems with former releases:

    Has anyone tried?

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