Congrats, BeltzerDownloading.
Here comes my second FM.
Description : After the incidents in our town, the kidnapping and murders, my wife and I left home. But we had not gone very far when I fell down a hole in the ground...
This is a sequel to my first mission "Ransom". It is recommended that you play Ransom first if you have not already done so.
Screens Thanks clearing
Download Thanks flying_hope
Last edited by Beltzer; 3rd Nov 2011 at 05:18.
Congrats, BeltzerDownloading.
Thanks! Every day with a new mission is a happy day!
Yes,Thanks Beltzer, downloading now...
Thanks, nice mission! Ghostable.
Any mirrors ?
Mediafire and Megaupload are both blocked in my repressive country.
Downloading Now!
Congrats on your release![]()
Excellent! Thanks for the mission Beltzer!
I really liked the pegged legged guard haha! and the massive haul in the vault, wow the motherload.![]()
Need some help finding the key to the safe in room 4. I searched the gentleman and he only has the door key, searched the room and also Joe the guard's room, in case he has it but can't find it, a clue please? Thanks!
Nice link flying_hope - no party poker or anything else, just straight to it. Thank you.
Congratulations on the release Beltzer, look forward to playing it.![]()
Downloading now! I also need to let you know that the gamefront link is apparently bad. I hit it twice and got a page not found error. So I'm getting it from media fire instead.![]()
Very nice mission so far! I can't find the crystal ball. I'm presuming it's not in the crypt area as the objectives say not to go down there until you're done the other objectives. What am I missing?
Edit: Never mind. As usual, I found it right after I asked. In case anyone else has trouble check the office attached to the Master bedroom carefully.
Thanks for the mission, Beltzer! I had fun exploring the mansion.
Last edited by Nightwalker; 2nd Nov 2011 at 18:24.
I canīt install this mission with GarrettLoader, it gets an error, any idea how to fix this?
Beltzer: This is an amazing mission, your first was good but this one is great!!![]()
Thank you and please keep them coming!!![]()
Maika: Look under the desk in the office Nightwalker talked about
Thanks everyone for the compliments
Really glad you likes it. I'm already working on the next one.