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Thread: T2X and Thief 2 - version

  1. #1

    T2X and Thief 2 - version

    Hi folks!

    I recently bought Thief 2 from, but TX2 doesn't work for me. It installs OK but when I launch it, the screen goes black in preparation, I hear 1/2 a second of some sound, then it crashes back to the desktop.

    I wonder if anyone else with this version of Thief2 can get this mod to run?

  2. #2
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    That's probably not GOG related, but something to do with T2X using a different codec for the movies.

    Can you play the movies outside of the game? if not, look in the T2X installation folder for the VP3 codec and try reinstalling that. If that doesn't work, you may try ffdshow, make sure it's set up to decode VP3.

    If all else fails, renaming the "movies" folder should allow you to play the game (without movies).

  3. #3
    No luck with renaming the movies folder. They load OK in media player, too. I'll try something else later.

  4. #4
    Registered: Jul 2007
    Are you sure this is a purely T2X-related problem, i.e. are the OM's working normally?

    I'm under the impression that the GoG version comes with DDFix automatically installed. IIRC, it needs to be applied separately to T2X.

  5. #5

    Yup Thief 2 vanilla works fine. I just tried copying over the ddfix.ini file (as per the technical FAQ suggests), but that did not help.

    I really hope I can get this to work - it's the only reason I bought Thief 2 again, to try this mod out :-)
    Last edited by Merkaba48; 15th Feb 2012 at 07:47.

  6. #6
    Registered: Jan 2002
    Location: Yes / No / Other
    Just tried T2X with the GOG version and apart from copying the ddfix.ini to the t2x folder no special actions were required to get it to run on my system (Win7 64bit).

    Perhaps something went wrong with the setup of the darkinst.cfg in the t2x folder, or perhaps one of the current paths set in that file is too long. If you change the contents of that file to
    cd_path ..\
    install_path ..\
    language english
    resname_base +..\res
    script_module_path +..
    movie_path movies
    it should be fine.

  7. #7
    New Member
    Registered: Mar 2012
    Okay, I have to chip in here. I don't know if the previous poster solved the issue (in which case I hope they post to say how they did it) or if they just gave up, but I'm having the exact same issue. Bought the version just to play T2X, and every time I start it up I get about a half-second of audio and then it crashes to desktop. (The windows APPCRASH details links it to the thief2.exe file.)

    Thief2 vanilla plays fine. Yes, I have copied ddfix.ini over. The movies work fine alone. Many, many people have just bought this on, and those who are currently playing Thief2 vanilla will soon be turning to T2X. Please, help!

    FYI, Windows Vista.

  8. #8
    Registered: Jan 2002
    Location: Yes / No / Other
    What does your darkinst.cfg in the t2x folder look like?

  9. #9
    New Member
    Registered: Apr 2012

    T2X black screen

    Quote Originally Posted by addink View Post
    What does your darkinst.cfg in the t2x folder look like?
    I have the same problem as Cobalt. Black screen, can hear audio of waves, buoy and seagull and finally just crashes. The darkinst.cfg looks fine

    cd_path e:\
    install_path C:\Program Files\Thief2
    language english
    res_name_base C:\Program Files\Thief2\t2x\+C:\Program Files\Thief2\res\crfs+e:\thief2
    script_module_path C:\Program Files\Thief2\t2x+C:\Program Files\Thief2+e:\thief2
    movie_path c:\Program Files\Thief2\t2x\movies+C:\Program Files\Thief2\movies+e:\thief2\movies

    and I did copy ddfix.ini to the T2X folder with the same results. I have played numerous fan missions without any problems however this is the first one I'm running with an exe file and not GarrettLoader with a zip. I'm not running Thief 2 with GOG but the original cd game.

  10. #10
    Registered: Jan 2002
    Location: Yes / No / Other
    Hi lundy999,

    are you using T2X version 1.1?
    (you do if the t2x folder contains the file 'version_1_1_readme.txt')

    The best way to start T2X v1.1 is to use a shortcut, the t2x.exe is just there for backwards compatibility with v1.0.
    (If you don't have a shortcut, one can be easily created by right clicking Thief2.exe, selecting 'Create shortcut', then right click the newly created shortcut, select properties and set 'Start In' to the t2x folder, "C:\Program Files\Thief2\t2x" in your case)

    Apart from a superfluous backslash I don't see anything really wrong with your t2x/darkinst.cfg. However, just to be sure, change its contents to:
    cd_path e:\
    install_path ..\
    language english
    resname_base +..\res
    script_module_path +..
    movie_path movies
    this setup uses relative paths, in some cases the use of the shorter paths prevent errors.
    See if that solves anything.

    Also, again just to be sure, copy 'ddfix.ini' and 'cam.cfg' from the Thief2 folder to the t2x folder (again). If Thief2 is working with ddfix, then copying those two files should make sure t2x is using the exact same settings..

  11. #11
    New Member
    Registered: Apr 2012

    OMG! I must admit I was sceptical but I followed your directions on changing the darkinst.cfg file and IT WORKED! I did note in the original file there may have been some sort of control character at the end of the very last line. So I guess those very long paths must cause some sort of problem. I am using a shortcut and didn't have to change that. Now playing the game is another matter....

  12. #12
    New Member
    Registered: Apr 2012
    Forgot to say THANKS! I started the game and it is very good so far and everything seems to be working fine...

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