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Thread: Sneaky Upgrade: Unofficial patch for Thief 3

  1. #1976
    I'm new to T3 having only recently played T3 and first T3 FM (the Bridge) this week, after playing T1/T2 & FMs for the last 20yrs.

    Is there a T3 thread or specific Sneaky Upgrade post on better / best T3 setup or tweaks that should be applied? My setup is Win7, GoG T3 install (to D:/Games/Thief3) and Sneaky Upgrade (from memory all default settings) and using AngelLoader. I've also mapped T3 to a similar keyboard & mouse layout as I use in T1/T2. Muscle memory for the old player wasn't going to change.

    A couple specific tweaks -

    . I use a mouse left handed and T1/T2 has an option for that - is there one for T3?

    . When T3 starts I get 4x T3 promo vids before the game menu - is there a way of disabling these and starting straight to menu screen like my T1/T2 setup?

    And more off-topic - is there a thread on T3 playing techniques? Struggling with mantling, pipe jumps, and any other T3 specific techniques I need to learn... and probably some T1/T2 game play techniques I might need to "un-learn"...

  2. #1977
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BlackJack16 View Post
    Is there a T3 thread or specific Sneaky Upgrade post on better / best T3 setup or tweaks that should be applied?
    I don't think there is. With your T1-2 history I'd recommend either enabling the Minimalist GUI mod or at least using the HUD scale (at 0.7 or so) and mirroring options to make the HUD more like the classic one.

    I use a mouse left handed and T1/T2 has an option for that - is there one for T3?
    Hmm, if you've already set up mouse/keyboard bindings to your liking, surely you swapped the mouse buttons there? Or is there more to it than that?

    When T3 starts I get 4x T3 promo vids before the game menu - is there a way of disabling these and starting straight to menu screen like my T1/T2 setup?
    There's an option for that in the SneakyTweaker, near the top of the Tweaks page.

    And more off-topic - is there a thread on T3 playing techniques? Struggling with mantling, pipe jumps, and any other T3 specific techniques I need to learn... and probably soe T1/T2 game play techniques I might need to "un-learn"...
    Not that I know of. Doing some practice in-game is probably you best bet.

  3. #1978
    Quote Originally Posted by snobel View Post
    I don't think there is. With your T1-2 history I'd recommend either enabling the Minimalist GUI mod or at least using the HUD scale (at 0.7 or so) and mirroring options to make the HUD more like the classic one.
    HUD hasn't annoyed me too much, however will check out these options and see what they do.

    Quote Originally Posted by snobel View Post
    Hmm, if you've already set up mouse/keyboard bindings to your liking, surely you swapped the mouse buttons there? Or is there more to it than that?
    Ahh, sorry I didn't explain that too well. Yes I've switched the mouse button bindings for the game actions. However that doesn't help in the menu system or reading texts, etc. where the primary mouse button is still the left mouse button (as per a right hand mouse setup) whereas for a left hand setup, the primary mouse button should be the right button. After 30yrs using a left hand mouse setup, the right mouse button gets clicked first... not always a good idea in T3 menus.

    Quote Originally Posted by snobel View Post
    There's an option for that in the SneakyTweaker, near the top of the Tweaks page.
    Thank you; now fixed the no vids on startup. Other than slowing the whole game startup, the vids have an unusually loud volume level... gets your attention when playing with headphones / earphones !

    Quote Originally Posted by snobel View Post
    Not that I know of. Doing some practice in-game is probably you best bet.
    Yeh, it was more about game dynamics different to T1/2 that I might not know about. A few T3 FMs to play, so I'll get some practice.

    Thanks for the quick reply; appreciated.

  4. #1979
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BlackJack16 View Post
    Yes I've switched the mouse button bindings for the game actions. However that doesn't help in the menu system or reading texts, etc. where the primary mouse button is still the left mouse button (as per a right hand mouse setup) whereas for a left hand setup, the primary mouse button should be the right button.
    Makes sense. But isn't there a Windows or mouse driver setting that lets you swap the buttons for everything?

    the vids have an unusually loud volume level... gets your attention when playing with headphones / earphones !
    There's another tweak for video volume - at the bottom of the Tweaks page IIRC.

  5. #1980
    Quote Originally Posted by snobel View Post
    Makes sense. But isn't there a Windows or mouse driver setting that lets you swap the buttons for everything?
    Yes the PC / mouse is set up left handed using the Windows 7 mouse driver - ie the L/R mouse button functionality is flipped. However, T3 doesn't respect the left handed setup and uses a right handed mouse setup. Just an annoying quirk in T3 that catches me out on T3 menus, etc.

    I think T1/T2 do have a mouse switch under options > controls. However I think T1/TG/T2 does respect the Win mouse config as I don't have the options > controls setting flipped. So long ago that I setup T1/G/T2 that maybe I have changed something in a thief config file, who knows.

    Quote Originally Posted by snobel View Post
    There's another tweak for video volume - at the bottom of the Tweaks page IIRC.
    Ahh OK. Looks like I need to read thru the Tweaks options and see if anything more applicable to my setup. Thanks for the info.

  6. #1981
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BlackJack16 View Post
    Yes the PC / mouse is set up left handed using the Windows 7 mouse driver - ie the L/R mouse button functionality is flipped. However, T3 doesn't respect the left handed setup
    Amazing - I'll see if I can fix it, or else add a 'swap mousebuttons' tweak.

  7. #1982
    Quote Originally Posted by snobel View Post
    Amazing - I'll see if I can fix it, or else add a 'swap mousebuttons' tweak.
    Maybe someone else can confirm it is an issue and not a "mangled" T3 install / setup at my end.

    A fix / tweak would be great; thank you.

    I'm always amazed at the skills of the thief community and how they use them to continue to add tweaks, functionality and new FMs so many years on from the original game releases.

  8. #1983
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    @BlackJack16, please test this exe, which is hardwired for left-handed use.

    If it works OK I'll turn the fix into a configurable tweak for the next SU.

  9. #1984
    Quote Originally Posted by snobel View Post
    @BlackJack16, please test this exe, which is hardwired for left-handed use.

    If it works OK I'll turn the fix into a configurable tweak for the next SU.
    Apologies I don't have a lot of time today. I've only done a quick test on menus (load, save, exit, obj, gear, loot, etc) and mouse is working like a left handed mouse. Neat !

    One thing I noticed is the load/save screens have the message...
    'R-Mouse' Delete Game
    which for the new left hand configuration tweak is wrong. If that message can't be changed, then I think that would be a show stopper as would confuse a few users if they were configured for left mouse play.

    I haven't done any in game testing - I'm guessing I might need to flip my mouse bindings. I'll try and do in game testing tomorrow.

  10. #1985
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    There's no rush - I have a merged City test map to get released today anyway...

    There are texts defined for both "R-mouse" and "L-mouse" so I think swapping those can be done.

    And yes, you'll have to re-bind the buttons.

  11. #1986
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Try this version, which should fix the text issue.

    Edit: Link was updated - make sure you have "".
    Last edited by snobel; 12th Jan 2025 at 10:30.

  12. #1987
    Quote Originally Posted by snobel View Post
    Try this version, which should fix the text issue.

    Edit: Link was updated - make sure you have "".
    Downloaded v3 and other than I missed copying in the dll the first time and the antivirus software quarantining the exe 'cos it didn't know about it (as I retrieve it from the quarantine directory) testing has gone well.

    Some quick testing...
    . Left hand mouse setup (as per Win7 mouse setup) and I switched my in game L/R mouse bindings to my normal T1/TG/T2 and playing Lord Ravens Mansion.
    . Mouse working as expected in a left handed configuration in menus. ie the primary mouse button is the right button and this is correct for a left handed setup.
    . Mouse related text prompts in menus Load/Save screen and Gear screen have been switched so no confusion now. Unsure if any other mouse related text messages in menus.
    . Playing FM and I have right mouse button as e.g. blackjack and that is working correctly. Left mouse button as e.g. lockpick and that is working correctly.

    And laughing... it has tested the brain as I re-adjust to now having a left handed mouse setup working when playing T3.

    I'm not a great tester, so if there are specific things you need me to look at, please list and I'll work through them.

    Thanks for all your great work, appreciated.

    And slightly off-topic -
    When playing T3 and if I jump and miss the grab, I often end up with feet moving like in treacle (like stuck in the ground) and you can no longer jump and walking is slower. I'm assuming it is a technique problem in the way I play, or is this a known issue in T3? Apologies in advance if there is a "tweak" I should have turned on !

  13. #1988
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BlackJack16 View Post
    if there are specific things you need me to look at, please list and I'll work through them.
    I think you've covered it, thanks for testing... If you install a future SU then you'll revert to the right-handed setup but then just enable the new tweak in the SneakyTweaker.

    When playing T3 and if I jump and miss the grab, I often end up with feet moving like in treacle (like stuck in the ground) and you can no longer jump and walking is slower. I'm assuming it is a technique problem in the way I play, or is this a known issue in T3?
    It's very well known - probably the most annoying issue in T3. Luckily it's easy to get out of that state: Equip one of the arrows, then draw your bow partially and let go. If you time it right you won't waste an arrow. (And if you do draw it too far, just hit Escape.)

  14. #1989
    Quote Originally Posted by snobel View Post
    I think you've covered it, thanks for testing... If you install a future SU then you'll revert to the right-handed setup but then just enable the new tweak in the SneakyTweaker.
    Laughing, I'm sure the SU will catch me out the first time, but quick to apply the tweak. I'm already enjoying playing T3 FMs and not having to double check which mouse button I should be pressing. Muscle memory is back in action thanks to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by snobel View Post
    It's very well known - probably the most annoying issue in T3. Luckily it's easy to get out of that state: Equip one of the arrows, then draw your bow partially and let go. If you time it right you won't waste an arrow. (And if you do draw it too far, just hit Escape.)
    Ahh thank you for that... and it isn't just my bad playing skills! I've generally had a quick save so have done a re-load. I think I found walking down stairs seems to work too. The arrow trick will be quick and easy once I get my technique / timing right.

  15. #1990
    Registered: Nov 2007
    Location: Bulgaria
    Why is the Sneaky Upgrade reported as Crypto Miner by 1 vendor:

  16. #1991
    Registered: Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by pwyll View Post
    Why is the Sneaky Upgrade reported as Crypto Miner by 1 vendor:
    False positive. If there was a crypto miner it would show in more than 1

    Sent from my SM-S928U1 using Tapatalk

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