I don't think there is. With your T1-2 history I'd recommend either enabling the Minimalist GUI mod or at least using the HUD scale (at 0.7 or so) and mirroring options to make the HUD more like the classic one.
Hmm, if you've already set up mouse/keyboard bindings to your liking, surely you swapped the mouse buttons there? Or is there more to it than that?I use a mouse left handed and T1/T2 has an option for that - is there one for T3?
There's an option for that in the SneakyTweaker, near the top of the Tweaks page.When T3 starts I get 4x T3 promo vids before the game menu - is there a way of disabling these and starting straight to menu screen like my T1/T2 setup?
Not that I know of. Doing some practice in-game is probably you best bet.And more off-topic - is there a thread on T3 playing techniques? Struggling with mantling, pipe jumps, and any other T3 specific techniques I need to learn... and probably soe T1/T2 game play techniques I might need to "un-learn"...