It works now, thanks! Didn't have a chance to play with all those values yet![]()
You can set the aspect ratio for loading screens in the tweak tool, on the Display page. If you set that value to the aspect of your monitor, then the original loading screens will fill the screen completely. (Some people prefer that.)
For an FM with custom loading screens designed to look correct on 16:9 displays you'd need to include a SneakyOptions_diff.ini override file in the root containing:
They will then get letterboxed on 4:3 monitors.Code:[Screen] LoadingScreenAspect=1.78
That would probably be possible but also a lot of work... But the idea is interesting enough that I'll try to have a look at some point.Second thought: is it possible to have videos instead of screens during loading, like the looping background video in main menu?
It works now, thanks! Didn't have a chance to play with all those values yet![]()
Another beta, where "Radii View" is set as default.
@Judith: Hopefully you can test it a bit to check that I didn't inadvertently break something?
I just checked it, the Radii view works, but only in the Top viewport, and somehow editor stopped displaying grid in that view. It works but you can't see the lines. Other viewports are unaffected. Also, switching manually to Radii mode in other viewports doesn't mess the grid lines. Something's weird.
Arrgh...OK, I'll have another look.
If it's too much work, then leave it. It's not that big of a deal, just saves a few seconds now and then.
Just needed to not clear one bit too much and then call the same code for the other windows. Fixed version here.
Works perfectly in all viewports, great! And thank you![]()
Version 1.1.5 is out, making the beta features (Radii View in the editor, widescreen support and HUD disable in the 'opt' exe) official.
The installer now includes the tweak tool, and will by default make a desktop shortcut for it so that options can be changed for the editor installation. Because of the included tweaker and ffmpeg libraries, this installer is becoming a bit of a 'fat edition' too...
Edit: Updated to - The only changes are in the game exe.
Last edited by snobel; 6th Sep 2015 at 13:09.
Widescreen and tweaks patches: The Sneaky Upgrade for Thief 3, the Visible Upgrade for Deus Ex 2
Looks like it works great, no problems so far![]()
@Snobel, is 1.1.5 the version with the new briefing vids..?
Yes - the fat edition now has a seriously high virtual BMI...
Sorry I dont follow.. yes it included the vids and it is also quite fat :-P
Um... The editor version is actually 15 MBs, so it's hardly fat...![]()
Not in absolute terms, but it's almost ten times bigger than the previous version.
Updated the first post with the version, which now includes the T3MainReleaseVersion.exe patch from the game edition. No other changes.
Hi! I tried to install it, but it says: The chosen folder appears to be a Thief 3 game instal....
But it isn't. I tried to copy everything an another folder, but I still got the error.
How can I solve it?
It's important that the exe files are identical to the ones from the editor pack, and T3MainOptVersion.exe must be renamed or copied as T3Main.exe. The message pops up if the size of T3Main.exe is less than ~8 MB, suggesting that T3Main.exe is either the 'release' or 'shipping' version.
Thank you, I'll check that!
Edit:I have restored them all, but I still got the error![]()
You're sure T3Main.exe is a copy of T3MainOptVersion.exe? That's very weird - I'll have a look at the installer code tomorrow, to see if something else could cause it.
Obvious, but still: The path presented by the installer comes from your ION_ROOT registry value. In most cases that's your game install. So If that's your setup I guess you browsed to the editor install at that point?
Things that I tried: i have one big installation, the editor & game thogether.
Copy all the exes from the editor zip to a different folder, and rename opt version to main. Then I got the error: restore original exe...
Currently reinstalling the whole thing from 0
Edit: working now, but still I cannot build the flesh on on Beleg's museum map, I got the victoria error: num vertices MAX vertices blah blah
Last edited by chopin42; 12th Oct 2015 at 17:18.
Well, good to hear that it's working now.
Arrgh - I thought that issue was gone...It was a potential showstopper issue, so out of desperation I hacked the editor to simply ignore the error - with no serious consequences, apparently.
Have a go at finding the cause.You'll be a hero if you can fix it. Otherwise you can have a copy of the hacked editor if you want.
I think its a weird bug. I made some test:
First: deleted the upper (second) half of the map, then build-viktoria error.
Second: deleted lower (fisrt) half, then build, STILL got the error.
Last: I deleted ALL the map, included EVERITHYNG, then build...VICTORIA ERROR
So I think its not a problem with the map itself, more like it's a BUG with the editor.
SO, can I have your hacked editor, snobel?![]()
Last edited by chopin42; 13th Oct 2015 at 05:54.
I'll PM you a link...
Interesting news: I copied the whole map and pasted it to a new map, then built...finished without errors...
Our dear strange fcked bugged t3 editor...we love you![]()