It was that easy, was it? Well, good to know - hopefully testing will show that good ol' T3Ed didn't decide to break something in the process...
Ah, OK. I thought copying the whole map meant copying everything. (Not being a mapper myself I don't really know anything. )
To be precise, you can successfuly copy patrol points, as any other placeable actors, but links between them will be lost. The same goes for navmesh and all the pathfinding data, but fortunately this can be rebuilt in an instant. Wonder it that's the case with triggerscript links as well.
Normal links are copied if the objects on both ends are preserved. Otherwise combining the maps would have been an even more troublesome task.
Updated the first post with the 1.1.6 version, which now includes the T3MainReleaseVersion.exe patch from the 1.1.6 game edition. The installer now includes the actual patched exe files, so it's less particular about the state of your editor install.
Last edited by snobel; 7th Aug 2016 at 15:59.
Widescreen and tweaks patches: The Sneaky Upgrade for Thief 3, the Visible Upgrade for Deus Ex 2
Been a while since I've done any map creation with T3ED but just revisited the ol' boy with a clean install, using this new and improved sneaky upgrade version. For the most part I am impressed with the improvements, so thanks for the great work, Snobel!
There are two issues that I'm having. The first is not so major, but just time consuming. When selecting any individual component of my map, it can sometimes take up to 30 seconds to highlight it. Yet if I use the CTRL-ALT and drag selection method or the select all in the Group Window it is almost instant (depending upon how much stuff is chosen). Is this a known issue? Or am I the first.
The other issue is much more severe. I had a few maps that I had started many moons ago which I thought I might take a look at again, just to refresh my memory. I copied them into the map folder and then opened them up in the editor with no problems. I played around with a couple of bits and did a complete re-build before saving the changes. Went back to it the next day and while opening the file into the editor, it froze on the loading pane. I left it for about 10-15 minutes with no change, so had to force the editor to close with Task Manager. Just in case it was a one-off, re-tried, same again. I tried opening another map, which opened fine, so re-tried the troublesome map. Failed again!
I have another computer, which I installed T3ED, but not the sneaky upgrade version. It loaded the "faulty" map without a problem.
So, using the other computer, I modified the map in many different ways, saving each one and trying it on my main computer until I could successfully open it. This took a lot of time, but I eventually pinned the problem down to a very small portion of the map, which when completely removed would load on my main PC.
If there are any log files or information that you might need from me to help you diagnose this problem, let me know.
Information you provide might be a bit too general. If by "30 seconds to highlight something" you mean it's hard to click and select something, then this is normal. Usually you should try pivots for geometry and meshes. Sprites should be easier to select. If you meant that it's 30 seconds between you click and select something and when it's actually highlighted on screen, then something might be wrong.
The second problem is even harder to identify, it might be differences in custom resources, changed gamesys etc.
Thanks for the reply, Judith. Sorry for the vagueness, it's a bit difficult to explain exactly. With regards the slow highlight, it's. I'm now wondering if this issue is related to the older Gamesys and Mesh data that I used to overwrite the one's supplied with the editor.30 seconds between when you click and select something and when it's actually highlighted on screen
As for the second issue, which I'm remembering more clearly now. I opened the map for the first time fine, I changed something and saved, then I opened another map. A bit later on, I re-opened the first map, added something to it and saved it, before quitting the Editor. After this, the map wouldn't open again without stalling the editor while loading the map. I didn't modify the gamesys or any resources, etc. I'm confused as to how, after deleting some completely un-related part of the map (AI and Patrol from a small area - which wasn't what I had added earlier) and saving it using the original Editor setup, it now opens in the Sneaky Upgraded Editor setup. And I've just found that this has happened to 3 of my maps which I was dabbling with on the same day.
I'm starting to wonder if somehow the maps got corrupted ever so slightly while being saved, but only enough to prevent Sneaky Ed from opening the map, but not the original Ed. Very bizarre.
Good to hear you're back - sorry for the trouble. Hopefully you have copies of the maps as they were? I've no idea what could cause any of these issues but if the faulty maps will load in the original editor, then it should be possible to track that down and fix it.
Do you have this issue also on your other PC, without the SU installed? If you do, then I guess it's 'normal' T3Ed behaviour. If not, then please test this issue together with the other one, as described below.
It would be good to establish that it's caused by the SU and not some difference in the environment. If you don't mind, try this on the problem PC:I tried opening another map, which opened fine, so re-tried the troublesome map. Failed again!
I have another computer, which I installed T3ED, but not the sneaky upgrade version. It loaded the "faulty" map without a problem.
- Using regedit, temporarily change your ION_ROOT value (at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Ion Storm\Thief - Deadly Shadows) to match the path to the editor
- Temporarily rename the SU version of T3Ed.exe
- Copy in the original T3Ed
- Run the editor using a "T3.exe -editor" shortcut and attempt to load the faulty map
- Copy in and rename this version of T3Ed instead, which is the 'alternate' (resource hacked) exe that the patched version is based on
- Run the editor again and attempt to load the faulty map
- Remove T3Ed.exe and rename the SU version back
- Run the editor again and attempt to load the faulty map
- Change your ION_ROOT value back
Please report back which of 4, 6 and 8 that work.
That seems like a serious issue then. What about copypasting the content of your map to a blank map? You'll lose some of the data of course, but all the geometry, meshes, textures, AI and other stuff should be there. You can save it as a text file as well, so you'll carry it over from one computer to another if you have problems with .unr files.
Last edited by Judith; 28th Jul 2016 at 05:23.
Well that was a fun morning... Not.
I started my day going through what you had said, Snobel. It didn't matter what I did, my so-called "faulty" maps still froze the editor while opening. So then I tried opening all of the original maps, one by one. It turned out that some of those would freeze while loading into the editor too. So when I had previously tested a couple of them, I had just so happened to pick ones that would open okay. Sods law!
So I took the decision to uninstall SU and delete my Thief3Ed folder and start with a clean install. I then copied all my own resources back in, bit by bit, testing the known "crashing" maps in the editor after each addition or change. Now, thankfully, everything seems to be okay, touch wood...
However, that first minor issue that I mentioned, about the slow selection, which also affects de-selection, and alt-clicking for the context menu too, remains. While so far the longest time I've had to wait was 14 seconds on an individual component being highlighted, it does make progress a tad slower. All my previous experience with the editor has been on Windows 7, as I have a new system with a clean Windows 10 Pro install, might this issue be to do with Windows 10? Or maybe it'll improve over time with use, I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for your suggestions guys, I appreciate the input. And I'm sorry for wasting your time. I should have known it was my install that was to blame and should have tried re-installing before getting in touch. I just don't understand how it became "broken" in the first place.
You're not wasting our time, such issues are really frustrating when it's hard to identify the source of a problem. I never had slow selection issue on Windows 7, so it might be the new system.
Same here, although—at least with the Inn map—it is two seconds for me (Win10, i7, GeForce Something, 64bit), still a bit too long for comfortable working... and longer than on my old Win7 setup. I get stack overflow messages from time to time but can usually "ignore" them.
There seems to be some indication that it's Win10 related? Is it reproducible with one of the original (or T3G) maps? If so, I can try to track down where that time is spent.However, that first minor issue that I mentioned, about the slow selection, which also affects de-selection, and alt-clicking for the context menu too, remains. While so far the longest time I've had to wait was 14 seconds on an individual component being highlighted, it does make progress a tad slower. All my previous experience with the editor has been on Windows 7, as I have a new system with a clean Windows 10 Pro install, might this issue be to do with Windows 10? Or maybe it'll improve over time with use, I'll keep you posted.
Do you believe that's Win10 related too? Or does it become more frequent with the size of the map?I get stack overflow messages from time to time but can usually "ignore" them.
True. And I'd rather have a bunch of false alarms than have a serious bug go unreported.
I did a few experiments with the hilight issue, using the T3G Cradle map, as it's the most complex one I have access to. One observation (must be common knowledge but I'll mention it just in case) is that the hilight time seems to depend on the zoom level of the view you're clicking in. Zooming in closely before clicking will reduce the time even if the other views show much more of the map.
The cause of the increased delay is apparently Win10 and how it handles DX8. Unfortunately there's probably no way to fix this other than using one of the DX8-to-something-else wrappers that have been discussed for the game. I tried a few, but the only one that works for me with the editor is this (the stable version), which maps to OpenGL. It works well with the game but has very bad performance. When used with the editor it reduced hilight time by ~40% for me. So it's likely that something like dgVoodoo can fix it completely eventually.
Or you could use VM with winxp or win 7. I'm using winxp for 3dsmax 5.1, which is a bit annoying, but you can get used to that.
Thanks for looking into the highlight issue.
I was starting to notice that, the more I was using the editor. Still odd, how selecting lots of items together is quicker than just one item. I guess I could attempt a VM, as Judith suggested, I do have an XP version ready to go. But I might just persevere for now....the hilight time seems to depend on the zoom level of the view you're clicking in.
Updated the first post with the 1.1.7 version, which now includes the game exe and tweaker from the 1.1.7 game edition. The installer has been updated in the same vein as the game edition - now the uninstaller for a previous version is run as late as possible instead of doing it up front.
T3Ed should now use 4 times the original stack space for all threads - hopefully avoiding the stack overflow errors Beleg reported above... (But if it's an infinite recursion bug then it won't help. )
Widescreen and tweaks patches: The Sneaky Upgrade for Thief 3, the Visible Upgrade for Deus Ex 2
Updated the first post with the version...
For a long time it's been possible to install the Editor Edition into more than one editor installation - e.g. to keep projects completely separate, or when needing a clean install to troubleshoot. But it was a bit of a mess, because a second installation would overwrite uninstall information, desktop icons etc.
Bringing installer code over from the game version in 1.1.7 broke the ability to have more than one install, so brings it back, but better: The first (primary) installation will get the control panel uninstall entry, program group and desktop icons. Subsequent installations will not, so temporary editor installs can be set up and deleted as needed. But as a consequence T3Ed must be run from an Explorer window, or an icon must be created manually, for such installs.
Widescreen and tweaks patches: The Sneaky Upgrade for Thief 3, the Visible Upgrade for Deus Ex 2
Updated the first post with the 1.1.8 version. Apart from the updated files from the game edition the only change is a fix for T3Ed hanging in the background when launced directly (i.e. executing T3Ed.exe instead of T3.exe -editor).
Widescreen and tweaks patches: The Sneaky Upgrade for Thief 3, the Visible Upgrade for Deus Ex 2
Bumping this thread, because it was no longer visible.
It would be a good idea to have this thread stickified in this forum, as all the other threads stickied so far are pretty much outdated and obsolete.
Version 1.1.9 is out...
In most of the previous SU releases, T3Ed hasn't seen many changes. Mainly for the benefit of an ongoing, very ambitious FM project, this release makes up for that, as most of the original annoyances have now been fixed:
- Property storage has been expanded from the original 61440 slots to 1 million in all executables
- T3Ed file browsers will now remember the last-used paths
- All logs have been moved to a dedicated folder, now always using the name "sound.xml" to prevent old sound logs piling up
- Removed attempts to make network connections, which would trigger a firewall message
- When exiting the trigger script manager in T3Ed, only scripts that have been edited are written out - much faster!
- T3Ed no longer loads Options.ini, preventing a Viktoria error caused by the MultiSampling setting
With the dreaded property storage limit effectively eliminated, much larger maps are now possible - although build time, loading time or something else emerging in T3Ed is expected to set a practical limit around 2-3 times the size of the T3G Cradle.
Here is an example, where the combined Cradle map from Thief 3 Gold has been cloned twice:
...and here it is running. After 3 saves the total max exceeds the original limit by a factor of 3.4:
Other new functionality in this version:
- New menu item in T3Ed: File > Export IBT and GMP
- New menu item in T3Ed: Build > Play Level with Game Exe launches the Release version without using a .bat file
- The game exes now use the same Options file (except for the Resolution setting)
- T3Main now has a "propstatus" console command to monitor property use (as seen above)
The IBT export function was available before but required you hold a modifier key while clicking a menu item - much more straightforward now. Additionally, for whatever reason, the IBT generation process fails to include one shader in the Kernel IBT, so the export function now takes care of that by copying any shaders that are referenced after Kernel_GFXALL.ibt has been closed.
The 1.1.9 Editor Edition installer has some fixes and will now help with setting up an editor install. (Following the installation instructions in the first post should now actually work...)
Last edited by snobel; 16th Sep 2018 at 13:07.
Widescreen and tweaks patches: The Sneaky Upgrade for Thief 3, the Visible Upgrade for Deus Ex 2
Wow... That almost makes me wish to go back to TDS mapping! Almost You managed to fix one of the most important things that made the community turn away from TDS mapping long time ago. That's huge achievement. I really hope that at least a few people will either start their adventure with TDS mapping, or will return to it at some point