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Thread: Sneaky Upgrade Editor Edition: Unofficial patches for T3Ed and friends

  1. #101
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Yeah, it should have been done at least ten years ago. But I've had a go at it a couple of times before and given up because it looked too complex. So even if there's only the one 'customer' it was still very satisfying to finally get it working.

    Btw. your TDM stuff looks impressive - do you have a WIP mission brewing, or are you still in the learning phase?

  2. #102
    Thanks, I got a sort of mission in the works, more like a standalone project though; adventure-type thing in victorian/19th century setting. The focus is on environment design, more than anything else. It took me around half a year to learn the basics and get what I want from the editor, and that was a pain, but at least I can focus on the important stuff now.

  3. #103
    Btw. does it mean Beleg can now work on merging all city hub locations into one map?

    Also, you've mentioned "an ongoing, very ambitious FM project". Will there be an announcement thread for it, and if so, when?
    Last edited by Judith; 17th Sep 2018 at 05:08.

  4. #104
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Judith View Post
    Btw. does it mean Beleg can now work on merging all city hub locations into one map?
    Yes, definitely! We just need someone to patch Beleg's life so that his day is upgraded from 24 to 100 hours.

    Also, you've mentioned "an ongoing, very ambitious FM project". Will there be an announcement thread for it, and if so, when?
    I'm sure there will be, but not anytime soon. The author prefers to stay under the radar for now.

  5. #105
    I keep my fingers crossed then! Btw. please share that patch when you're done, I bet most of us need it

  6. #106
    Registered: Jan 2009
    Location: Ukraine
    Congratulations! We can wait update from Beleg?

  7. #107
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Thanks! You probably shouldn't expect anything from Beleg for a good while. I think he wants to work on T3G but simply doesn't have the time.

  8. #108
    @Snobel I'm kind of curious, do you have a roadmap for all this? Do you plan to work on stuff like fixing player animations (or rather making new ones) or making a standalone material creator / model converter? That might spark up some more interest among mappers.

  9. #109
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by Judith View Post
    Wow... That almost makes me wish to go back to TDS mapping! Almost You managed to fix one of the most important things that made the community turn away from TDS mapping long time ago. That's huge achievement. I really hope that at least a few people will either start their adventure with TDS mapping, or will return to it at some point
    Snobel is DA MAN!

    Now we wait for the DXIW VU updates and, in future, maybe some of the fixes ported to Unreal 2 (loading times issue!)

  10. #110
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Judith View Post
    @Snobel I'm kind of curious, do you have a roadmap for all this?
    The deal I have with myself is, I work on whatever interests me the most at any given time. It's the only reason this project has stayed alive for so long.

    Do you plan to work on stuff like fixing player animations (or rather making new ones)
    Unfortunately I only know the coding part - my knowledge of game engines, the various file formats used etc. is quite limited. If someone else made better animations it would probably be easy to add them to the project as another option - but I can't make them myself.

    What I'd like most is removed 'body awareness' - getting closer to the classic/TDM style of movement. I think chopin42 (a.k.a. liszt17) solved that for his hyper-classic mod, so maybe I should get in touch and see if he'll share what he did...

    or making a standalone material creator / model converter?
    I could probably write the code but would need to collaborate with someone who knew the file formats involved very well.

    Quote Originally Posted by lowenz View Post
    Now we wait for the DXIW VU updates
    Yes, the VU has been neglected... But time is limited, and I know it'll be more limited for me in the coming year. That shouldn't stop you from posting feature requests in the VU thread - they'll go on the to-do list, even if nothing happens right away.

    and, in future, maybe some of the fixes ported to Unreal 2 (loading times issue!)
    That sounds very interesting. Links, please!

  11. #111

    What I'd like most is removed 'body awareness' - getting closer to the classic/TDM style of movement. I think chopin42 (a.k.a. liszt17) solved that for his hyper-classic mod, so maybe I should get in touch and see if he'll share what he did...
    Player movement in Liszt17's videos are indeed better, seems like he reworked them. That would be a significant change, if you manage to incorporate something like that in SU. I played first mission with latest SU, and the biggest problem for me was how jerky the camera movement was. Maybe I'm getting old, and I haven't played TDS in a long while, but after half an hour or so, I ended up with headache.

    I could probably write the code but would need to collaborate with someone who knew the file formats involved very well.
    I can't say I know these very well, but I remember a few important things that might be useful. First of all, it would have to be based on 3dsmax plugins included in T3Ed install. Also, I remember trying to run material plugin on other versions of max (2008, I think), and it worked, but the exported material file would result in black textures in game. The same thing happened when I used DX9 mode in 3dsmax 5.1, so I assume the material exporter just needs to be working in DX 8.1, and not later versions, to work with the game. Also, unless you can rewrite shaders, don't bother with specular slot, it just doesn't work. Diffuse, normal, emissive, cubemap textures, 1 and 8 bit alpha, all that stuff works as it should. Cubemap reflection isn't affected by normal though, no idea why.

  12. #112
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by snobel View Post
    That sounds very interesting. Links, please!

    It's a well known problem of Unreal 2! The abysmal loading times of the gameplay/story levels.
    And maybe the root of the problem is the same you found in DXIW and TDS.

  13. #113
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Ah, OK - I misunderstood. I thought it was the other way around. (Wishful thinking, I guess...)

    If it's the same problem in Unreal 2, then it would be an easy fix. I don't have time for more than two games, though... If someone else wants to have a look at it, I could probably explain what to do.

  14. #114
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Updated the first post with the version - fixing a SneakyTweaker bug, which has no significance in an editor context. So, no reason at all to update 1.1.9 to

  15. #115
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    I wish it were possible to somehow port the traditional first person perspective system from Invisible War into Deadly Shadows. That felt far more like Traditional Thief.

  16. #116
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Yes, that would be a huge improvement. But I've no clue where to even start with that.

    Has it ever been attempted to morph T3Ed into DX2Ed by replacing everything with DX2 gamesys files and extracted resources from the IBDs? Comparing the two set-ups might provide some insight.

  17. #117
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by snobel View Post
    Yes, that would be a huge improvement. But I've no clue where to even start with that.

    Has it ever been attempted to morph T3Ed into DX2Ed by replacing everything with DX2 gamesys files and extracted resources from the IBDs? Comparing the two set-ups might provide some insight.
    Hmmm, I might have attempted to overwrite some files in the past but really had no idea what I was doing. The only way to really pull it off might be if the source code for Thief 3 and DX2 ever surfaced. Not much chance of that ever happening sadly.

    The best bits of both engines could be merged together, optimized, and really turned into something amazing with the source code.

  18. #118
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Updated the first post with the 1.1.10 version, which now includes the various binaries from the 1.1.10 game edition and an updated readme. No other changes.

  19. #119
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: Lisbon Or Oslo (or Hell)
    Hi all. Are the .unr map files available for the gold edition?

  20. #120
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    I don't think they're online anymore but you could PM Beleg Cúthalion.

    Do you have any plans for them, or are you just curious?

  21. #121
    Registered: Mar 2020
    Location: London, UK
    So have fired up T3 again and found that even with SneakyUpgrade 1.1.10 an I am still get the jump-stuck-floating pose. I thought this has been fixed years ago, or am I missing a step..?

  22. #122
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    I'm afraid you are - I've never even attempted to fix it because I don't know how to approach it. I don't think anybody else has found a fix but I'd love to be wrong about that.

    Hopefully you're aware of the workaround? Select any arrow, then very briefly draw the bow. That'll get you unstuck, and the draw will be canceled when you let go so you won't waste an arrow. If you draw too far, hit Escape to cancel it.

  23. #123
    Registered: Mar 2020
    Location: London, UK
    I didn't know the full details of that work around, so thanks for that.

    Regarding the issue, it only happen for me when I try to mantle onto something, T1/2 and TDM have much better manteling so maybe start there..? Or if not that then the player animation..?

  24. #124
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    The problem is that I don't have the source code and figuring out the mantling mechanics etc. by reversing the binary is very difficult. (Someone get me the source code please. )

  25. #125
    Registered: Mar 2020
    Location: London, UK
    I understand, I think the movement mechanics of this game are the main thing that ruins it. Followed by the terribly low res textures and the wonky Ai animations. If T3 was ever made CC I would attempt to remake it in TDM.

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