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Thread: T3 FM: Night of Trickster (09.11.2015) Update: v3.0

  1. #1
    Registered: Jan 2009
    Location: Ukraine

    T3 FM: Night of Trickster (09.11.2015) Update: v3.0

    Night of Trickster" is a sixth part of "The Keeper" campaign.

    This mission is made using abandoned missions made by Dark Arrow (Swquarter17) and AsyluM (StmklMnt069). These works were resurrected, i just added some buildings and story line. I was happy to complete your work. Thank you for a good start andinspiration.


    - Added AIs.
    - Added AI routes and animation.
    - Removed excessive light sources.
    - Removed Nazi symbolics.
    - Added new models and sounds.

    Known Bugs:

    - No French language as Russian is instead of it.
    - I would also recommend avoiding quicksaving. This may cause some known glitches. Please use hard save slots instead.
    - If the game crashes on loading, add the content of "user_patch.ini" to your "user.ini file":



    - Grear thanks to Tiens for her help with the editor.
    - Glypher for correction of Russian texts.
    - SHB for translation into English.
    - Beleg for translation into German.
    - Krenim for Italian translation.
    - Models: Massimiliano Goi, Chuzhoi, Flux, Tiens, Ziemanskye, ShadowSneaker, Beleg, Nomad, Serge, str8g8, T4
    - Maps: Dark Arrow (Swquarter17); AsyluM (StmklMnt069).
    - Musics: M.Isham, B.Tyler, C.Henson, S.Sneaker, T1, TDM, DOOM 3, Painkiller, Dead Spase, Gigagooga, Tiny Tim, Tiens.
    - Textures: games TDM.
    - Textures&Matlib: authors Flux, Renzatic, Judith, str8g8, S.Sneaker, Chuzhoi, Nomad, Tiens, TDM, John P, T4.
    - Textures: sites;;
    - Testers: Glypher, Lolkab.
    - FM picture: Andrey "Nalex" Rybalko.
    - Thanks to Glypher, Clearing, DJ Riff for getting all the work and information required for this mission.
    - Clearing - hor constant P.R. for my missions!
    - And thanks to everyone whose works were used while working on my mission, but who I accidentally didn't mention.
    - Special thanks to Chuzhoi for his models made for my company!
    - Fortuni for his walkthroughs of my FMs


    Discussion of the topic is here.
    Last edited by Savar; 28th May 2017 at 12:44.

  2. #2
    Registered: Aug 2003
    Location: Deep in the Heart of Texas!
    Great news Savar!!

  3. #3
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia
    Great! Can't wait!

  4. #4
    Registered: Jan 2009
    Location: Ukraine
    Simon is dead

  5. #5
    Registered: Aug 2003
    Location: Deep in the Heart of Texas!
    Quote Originally Posted by Savar View Post
    Simon is dead
    I hope the mission is not dead I enjoy your missions very much Savar!!

  6. #6
    Registered: Jan 2009
    Location: Ukraine
    The mission is almost complete (95%)

  7. #7
    Registered: Aug 2003
    Location: Deep in the Heart of Texas!


    This is indeed great news thanks for the update!! I was a little worried!!

  8. #8
    Registered: Jan 2009
    Location: Ukraine
    Mission is up, and ready to go here. I hope you'll like this mission.

  9. #9
    Congrats on the release

  10. #10
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Siberia, Russia
    Congrats, Savar

  11. #11
    New Member
    Registered: Aug 2012
    Gratz on the release!

  12. #12
    Registered: Jan 2007
    Location: Moscow, Russia
    Savar, congratulations on release!

    Hey, people! I highly recommend you to play it. I really enjoyed while testing the beta-version. I bet, you'll be impressed. Also I was glad to see, how wisely Savar used all those new skins and custom objects, that I made specially for him. I wasn't sure in a success while creating all the staff for those new characters, but now I'm totally satisfied with the result. Savar did a great job!

  13. #13
    New Member
    Registered: Jun 2012
    A new mission by Savar? Oh boy, time to do some crate-stacking then! :P

    Seriously though, thanks for the hard work, Savar. I will definitely give this a try. Good way to spend my sunday afternoon.

  14. #14
    Summer Vacation Contest Winner 2010
    Registered: Sep 2003
    Location: PacificNorthWest...Near Forks
    Congratulations on your release Savar !

  15. #15
    I do recall saying I would never re-install T3, but as it Savar I will of course mac an exception

    Thank you for taking the time to make this mista.

  16. #16
    Master Builder 2018
    Registered: Jul 2008
    Thanks, Savar! And congratulations on the release!

  17. #17
    Registered: Jan 2009
    Location: Ukraine
    Thank you all for the congratulations!

  18. #18
    New Member
    Registered: Jun 2012
    Ok, I'm already stuck. Where is the key to the library? I found the hint that it was on this guy they caught and brought to the morgue. I've searched the morgue but couldn't find it.

  19. #19
    Registered: Jan 2009
    Location: Ukraine
    Koning Kaas
    Key to the library: the key is under the table in a pool of blood

  20. #20
    Im stuck..

    Found the thief, but where do I go next, can see any other ways to go or climb..

  21. #21
    Registered: Jan 2009
    Location: Ukraine
    You have to get inside the Cathedral of St. Mark. Find the lever opens the gate.

  22. #22
    New Member
    Registered: Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Savar
    Key to the library: the key is under the table in a pool of blood
    Thanks, I've found it. I looked several times there but never clicked around the blood.

    I've finished the mission on normal with 71% of the loot. I will definitely give it another try on a higher difficulty.

    I liked the mission and the new skins NaziZombies are cool, what else can I say?

  23. #23
    Registered: Dec 2005
    Location: swimming in pickled herring
    Downloaded! What a fantastic surprise, thanks Savar!

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Savar View Post
    You have to get inside the Cathedral of St. Mark. Find the lever opens the gate.
    Spotted the gates got a clue as to the location of said lever...

  25. #25
    New Member
    Registered: Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by bikerdude
    Spotted the gates got a clue as to the location of said lever...
    From the location of the thief you can get to a window with closed shutters, open them and climb through.

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