Nice, finally something new![]()
This is a thread for a mission released for the NewDark 64 Cubed contest.
This title of the mission is: Way Home.
The author wishes to remain anonymous (for now).
Enjoy, and feel free to comment, discuss, or seek answers/help in this thread.
Get it HERE.
Nice, finally something new![]()
How do you got on to the first floor ( as in, the one above the ground floor ) on Hard difficulty? I've got the front door key but haven't completed all of my objectives, which seems weird.
Search by the frames of the windows in the room with stair to the cellar
Please remember, as Swiz did, to state which difficulty you're playing on if you need help. There's a difference in locations of some items depending on what level you're playing.
I am playing on expert. I have the front door key and enough loot. However I miss two objectives. I need to know more about the mirror and something abaout the alchemist. I have the alchemist's key but do not know what to use it for. Some help is appreciated,
ok i need help i got access to all floors and objective i need is to find out more about mirror other wise i did everything else
I found the ground floor key and the basement key. Where to go next? I'm playing on Expert.
BTW: I thought this mission started with some flukes, not being able to climb often, not able to read and take loot easily, especially in the crates, but more and more I got hooked and now I'm really into it.
But what's about those "water arrow kind of spots" on the ceiling, above a flowerplant in the room, where a man with a purple suit is standing???
Last edited by Gloria Creep; 2nd Apr 2013 at 23:25.
There're angels who playThief and angels who don't ........ both go to heaven ............
Dare to join .............
I am playing on Normal. Is there a stairway key? Also I found a lever where a note told me to look at the shadow of the shelf over the door. It moves a casket revealing a door but it doesn't frob. Do I need a key for this or is the a switch somewhere?
@ Long Finger and downwinder - Mirror Have a good look round the room next to the Red Room.
@ Long Finger - not quite sure but I think that what you need for the Alchemist is in the living room on the ground floor.
@ Gloria - that's not water, it's glass. You need to go up the stairs from the basement to a landing.
Now, finish on expert. I missed about 80 of loot.
stuck in the same place as gloria,if its a switch i cant find it
This is on Expert only. I'll pm you hawk.
What's about the alchemist? Looking for some info about him. Have already visited his laboratory.
Last edited by brush; 3rd Apr 2013 at 14:02.
Will do The Elusive One though hawk wasn't playing on Expert.
@brush - I'll repeat what I said earlier, I'm not 100% sure because my notes are just a little screwy but I think what you need is in the living room on the ground floor.
Thanks nicki, ...objective complete. Astonishingly, how much world fits into a small mission![]()
Thanks for confirming and yes it's great what can be done with a small space.
I still don't know what to do next.
Help please?
EDIT: found the switch. Thanks.
There're angels who playThief and angels who don't ........ both go to heaven ............
Dare to join .............
Go up the stairs from the basement and look very carefully around the landing. On the landing is a door to the ground floor hallway, a cupboard and some window frames.
Where do I use the top floor key?
There're angels who playThief and angels who don't ........ both go to heaven ............
Dare to join .............
Just try it on any locked door.
Thnaks Nickie.
I've been everywhere upstairs, found Alice's sister.
Need to find out more about the alchemist and what to do with the mirror.
There're angels who playThief and angels who don't ........ both go to heaven ............
Dare to join .............