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Thread: Pripyat photos on BBC today

  1. #1
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Land that youth forgot

    Pripyat photos on BBC today

  2. #2
    Registered: Feb 2002
    Location: Colorado
    Thanks for the link Tenkahubu.

    Brought back a lot of memories from when I played STALKER years ago. Can't believe how many of those places were in the game,
    what a good job they did representing those places.
    The Ferris wheel, the trucks, the swimming pool, the city buildings.
    Makes me wanna load up the game and run around everywhere again, after seeing those pics.
    Last edited by Vesper; 30th Apr 2013 at 02:59. Reason: typo

  3. #3
    Registered: Sep 2005
    Location: Not Kansas
    Great link, Tenkahubu. There are a few photos I'd never seen before or that were taken from different angles which were quite interesting. The photo of the train engine at Yanov brought back memories and, like Vesper, I suddenly had the urge to load up SoC or CoP again. Thanks for sharing.

  4. #4
    New Member
    Registered: Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Vesper View Post
    Brought back a lot of memories from when I played STALKER years ago. Can't believe how many of those places were in the game,
    what a good job they did representing those places.
    The Ferris wheel, the trucks, the swimming pool, the city buildings.
    I remember looking in awe at the Ferris wheel*. There appeared to be some artifacts in the higher compartments, but I never did figure out how to collect them.

    * In-game, not in real life.

  5. #5
    Registered: Jun 2004
    Location: Bar o' Gold, upr Swandam Lane
    Thanks for linking Tenkahubu.
    I noticed the BBC page links to the blog of the person who took the photos. There's more than just what the BBC page has.

    There's also a book release - Dark Pripyat. You can download a pdf version from the blog as well (free). The link to the pdf download (88MB) is on the following page.
    Apparently there's an interactive version of the book for iPad and a print version as well.

    I have just started to play STALKER SoC for the first time. I'll keep an eye out for locations in the book. I've only played about 90 minutes of the game so far.

    I do remember playing a few levels of a Call of Duty game once on my brother-in-law's Xbox360. I remember seeing the swimming pool and the ferris wheel in one level. I think the ferris wheel is at the end of a level where you have to hold out whilst waiting for extraction?

  6. #6
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Vienna, Austria
    Yes, that was COD4: Modern Warfare.
    Thanks for the link, I recently replayed Stalker:COP using the Misery mod. M-e-m-o-r-i-eeeeee-s
    Still such a good game series, still such a shame STALKER2 never came to be. There is always hope for Lost Alpha though

  7. #7
    june gloom
    Interesting thing to note, CoD4 came out the same year as Shadow of Chernobyl. What're the odds? I think the combination of those two releases (plus the popularity of Fallout 3) helped kickstart a post-apocalypse renaissance. Certainly Chernobyl is more well-known than it used to be.

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