Thanks for updating 
But I can't test it that much since I customized my installation very much. but I'll check whatever is new to me.
The first thing that irritates me.
In my normal installation (german) my convict.osm is from 27.03.2000 - 03.27.2000 (whatever) but only 123kb large
Your file matches my convict.osm from my english installation. 1999 and 1069kb.
EDIT: Just realized that I already copied an earlier version of your Toolkit into my English installation. Original file from CD (complete Collection): 07-18-2000. 123kb
I guess it's the combined version for T1/G. The convict.osm from my T1 Gold is 1167kb a bit bigger tough. Can't say if it matters using the T1 convict.osm since T2 has it's own gen.osm. Would this give access to the old scripts? (Always used public scripts when I needed one of these). Maybe someone who knows more about scripting could help answer these questions.
An additional setting i have there:
; setting for elliptic pick distance
elliptic_pick_mod 0.25
Don't know what does and where I got it.
settings I dindn't have:
8 channels by default and enable joystick
Different settings, these describe buttons positions afaik:
german: rect_loading 3,4,0,1,2
english: rect_loading 3,4,0,2,1
Can't see a difference here
Ok this one is interesting:
german: rect_newgame 4,5,6,0,1,2,3
english: rect_newgame 4,5,6,7,0,1,2,3
Adding the 7 into my line will rearrange the buttons in the NewGame menu. (It's a mess)
Test 1 - unedited file with the 7: english version looked fine
Test 2 - used the german line: looked fine as well
Test 3 - added the 7 again -> Messed up, even going back to the original setting with ctrl+z, the buttons were still wrong. Very strange.
EDIT here as well: Checked my original english files, there is no 7 in that line and it's rect_loading 3,4,0,1,2 as well.
Maybe needs further testing and more knowledge to assume which is the correct one. Maybe don't include this file
I also have more warning messages (in english as well), direct sound, DirectX, no d3ddevice EDIT: Have them in the english original as well.
Maybe later....
[...more comes with edit]
Here are missing some options. I don't know if you let them out intentionally but at least the description of the new obj_tree_as_room_create should be added.
I know this is a matter of taste but I would suggest setting the decimal to 3 instead of 4. 2 is definitely to less. 0.001 is already extreme small I see no point in adding another digit. Without further increasing the box size they
I have no idea if this setting is obsolete with the recent hardware but I still have it written in there:
;For the nVidia TNT, TNT2, GeForce:
;If the Scouting Orb isn't working properly
;use the alternate effect. Remove the semicolon
;from the next line.
Why is safe_texture_manager activated? When I tested it in the past I got crashes with this activated. Well others might get some when it's deactivated...
edit_screen_depth 16 is already set in dromed.cfg but shouldn't matter.
Setting the starting level/cheat can also be made available. Got these in both versions as well.
;uncomment exactly one of the starting_mission
;lines to start on that mission. To uncomment,
;remove the semicolon at the front.
;Running Interference
;starting_mission 1
;Shipping ... and Receiving
;starting_mission 2
;starting_mission 3
;starting_mission 4
;starting_mission 5
;First City Bank and Trust
;starting_mission 6
;starting_mission 7
;Trace the Courier
;starting_mission 8
;Trail of Blood
;starting_mission 9
;Life of the Party
;starting_mission 10
;Precious Cargo
;starting_mission 11
;starting_mission 12
;Casing the Joint
;starting_mission 13
;starting_mission 14
;Sabotage at Soulforge
;starting_mission 15
This file really makes a mappers work much more easier. Amazing work 
I definitely need to import some of the ideas especially the layout.
I don't really understand you menu_checkmark_cfg, well I can't say that I understand the whole option very good. It's for the dot checkmark If I understand it correctly. menu_checkmark_cfg 4 0 5 9 5 13 4 9 makes much more sense to me. Maybe you can explain to me what your setting is doing.
And here are a few of mine which would be a good idea to add, maybe I suggest something you already have and didn't realize. I will add the necessary code below you just have to find the right place for it
Uncomment the custom scripts: NV, tnh, KD, public... Even if they are not included in a standard installation these options are a big help. Those who are not familiar with the menu.cfg would never look there to activate it and those who don't know about the scripts might get interested.
Swap texture command
NVDebug!!!! Like the scripts this needs an extra file but it's the best thing for mission testing and this menu controls it. Btw. Why don't include the scripts in the Tool folder.
Colorpicker & Palett color picker. Gives back HSB or RGB
Show VHots
Camera Marker
Find starting point, sometimes very usefull
;Swap Texture
Swap textures:texture_change @@Texture1,Texture2
menu_script_4 ;Load NVScript:script_load nvscript ;T1, T2, SS2
menu_script_5 ;Load tnhScript:script_load tnhscript ;T2 only
menu_script_6 ;Load VK's Script:script_load script ;T2 only
Colorpicker (HSB):lcolor_picker|Palette Index Picker(RGB):pcolor_picker
;Find StartingPoint, obv. needs to be named correct. Decide if you want to include it somewhere or not.
StartingPoint:find_obj StartingPoint
;NVDebug, well just copied the part from NV's Toolkit version:
menu_playtest Set test difficulty (using NVDebug.osm):menu_diffnv
menu_playtest_1 Old-style force difficulty:menu_forcediff
menu_diffnv Load NVDebug script module:script_load nvdebug|sep
menu_diffnv_1 Debug Normal:quest_create_mis DebugDifficulty,0
menu_diffnv_2 Debug Hard:quest_create_mis DebugDifficulty,1
menu_diffnv_3 Debug Expert:quest_create_mis DebugDifficulty,2
menu_diffnv_4 sep|No Difficulty:quest_delete DebugDifficulty|sep
menu_diffnv_5 Drop NVDebug script:script_drop nvdebug
menu_forcediff Normal:quest_create_mis difficulty, 0|Hard:quest_create_mis difficulty, 1
menu_forcediff_1 Expert:quest_create_mis difficulty, 2
menu_forcediff_2 sep|No Difficulty:quest_delete difficulty
menu_forcediff_3 sep|Process Difficulty (NEVER SAVE AFTER!):process_difficulty