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Thread: DromEd Basic Toolkit 1.13

  1. #101
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: College Place, WA
    I would say so. I haven't encountered any bugs in my testing, and haven't received any reports.

  2. #102
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: 28245 Cells
    The included version of 3ds to bin needs updating:

  3. #103
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Ireland
    Quote Originally Posted by R Soul View Post
    The included version of 3ds to bin needs updating:
    Came here to post this.
    Found myself late to the party.

  4. #104
    Registered: Jul 2006
    Location: Moscow, Russia
    At least not too late to be included in Tafferpatcher.

    BTW, is there a foolproof tool to create a BMP texture out of TTF font file to be suitable for Font Tool?

  5. #105
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Ireland
    Last edited by Nameless Voice; 19th Aug 2014 at 21:03.

  6. #106
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: College Place, WA
    Here's a new version: DromEd Basic 1.12 Beta1

    Updated 3ds to bin application
    Updated DEOCI to 1.41
    Added "Runtimes" directory containing *.ocx files required for 3ds to bin, Thief Objective
    wizard, and monolog viewer and installation instructions

    Thank you all, for your testing, please don't hesitate to post feedback on bugs, or improvements. =)

  7. #107
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: College Place, WA
    Minor update, DromEd & ShockEd Basic updated to version 1.13. See the Original Post for download links.

    Added "Particle Color Palette.jpg" to docs
    Added "Draw Link type..." and "Hide Link type..." to Show/Hide submenu
    Added New EAX values (22-25) to EAX menu
    Added "Reorder Scripts..." to Script submenu

  8. #108
    Registered: Oct 2003
    Location: Eagle, Idaho
    1.13 hosted at Ricebug's home.

  9. #109
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: 28245 Cells
    Why have you set alt+e to run unset editorcam_from_game before running edit_mode (EditMode.cmd)?

    editorcam_from_game goes in user.cfg, and once there alt+e only needs to run the edit_mode command. Unsetting editorcam... means the camera will return to the starting point when returning to Dromed.

    This probably won't affect people with existing installations because updated Dromed keybinds (from Default.bnd) won't get written to cfg#.bnd (and then user.bnd) if existing keybinds are already there. However I installed from scratch with Tafferpatcher, which uses this toolkit, and one of the first things I did was to go in game and re-set my T2 keybinds. This set alt+e to run EditMode.cmd. It's not hard to undo this with just one cfg#.bnd, but there are still three files to edit.

  10. #110
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: College Place, WA
    Alt+R returns to Edit Mode at the point you were in game mode.
    Alt+E returns to Edit Mode at the point where you entered game mode (if persistent_player_pos is set or at the starting point if it is not).

  11. #111
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: 28245 Cells
    Thanks for the explanation. I prefer to have it permanently set but it's reasurring to know it's a deliberate setup rather than a misunderstanding.

    Another thing to report:
    3ds to bin works best when there are no spaces in any of the paths it uses. This used to give me trouble building meshes but not normal objects, so it's probably something to do with meshbld always requiring command line parameters.

    Edit: I just looked in the Cmds folder. There is portalise.cmd and portalize.cmd (and optimise and optimize). The 's' ones should be removed.
    Last edited by R Soul; 11th Feb 2015 at 21:34.

  12. #112
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: 28245 Cells
    Another one:

    In Default.bnd you have this:
    edit bind ins+shift "brush_to_room 0"
    I don't think 0 is a good value because it makes it hard to select the underlying terrain brush. Percentages are no good but NewDark gives us an aboslute option.
    brush_to_room -0.2 gives it a 0.2 foot border, so we can easliy select terrain brushes with few overlap problems.

  13. #113
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: College Place, WA
    I'll consider removing the spaces or renaming the "3DS to Bin" folder/application in the next release.

    Portalize.cmd and Portalise.cmd (also, optimise.cmd and optimize.cmd IIRC) exist for backwards compatibility. If someone prefers the original DromEd Toolkit menus (bugs and all), or have their own custom menus, but want to benefit from some of the fixes to the bindings file, for example, they can simply move the contents of the cmd folder back to their thief root directory. Others might have their own custom cmds that call the old misspelled cmds as well. The files are TINY anyhow. They're literally just renamed *.txt files with a few lines of text.

    In my experience, I vastly prefer the cleaner look of no extra border around room brushes. The terrain selection problem can be solved by simply filtering out room brushes using the filters menu. In addition, fog and weather effects can "leak" into adjacent cells especially with extra borders around room brushes. Lastly, in very tight spaces (which I often work in, because I'm a masochist), room brushes with extra borders can cause sound errors, with sound leaking through solid walls.
    It might just be personal preference, but by default, I feel this is the better setup. Anyone can adjust their setup anyhow.

  14. #114
    Registered: Sep 1999
    Location: Texas
    Is this the toolkit master thread? IE will 1.14 appear on thread's first post? Thanks!

  15. #115
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: College Place, WA
    Yes. I've been meaning to look into revamping the toolkit with new features are in 1.23, but I haven't taken the time yet. Feel free to make any feature requests in this thread as well.

  16. #116
    Registered: Dec 2002
    Please look at the convict.osm in the Toolkit

    I have a suggestion for the menus
    Hilight-->"Hilight Unsnapped" does only 'hilight_check_snap'
    I think it's very useful to have a "Hilight Unsnapped Rotated" (hilight_check_snap 1) as well as "Hilight Snap Rotated" in the menu (hilight_do_snap 1)
    Like this:
    menu_hilight_10 Hilight RotatedBrushes:hilight_check_snap 1
    menu_hilight_11 Gridsnap RotatedBrushes:hilight_do_snap 1
    (maybe also with shortcuts)
    There's a Hilight Nonaxial command, but thats not the same as hilight_check_snap 1

    As for the complete processing feature: It's saving a done.mis at the end. It would be better to have a done.cow.
    Last edited by fibanocci; 22nd Jul 2015 at 08:56.

  17. #117
    Registered: Jan 2012
    Location: Gèrmany
    hehe it's me gain
    Thanks for still working on it.
    Well I would like say that I feel a lot like R Soul with his suggestions on the last page, but I wont bring them up again.

    With 1.23 Version it's possible to change the behavior of the right click menu for 3D and 2D Windows separately.

    Especially useful for quick/queue linking.

    Queue-Linking: Using the new 1.23 command quick-link function: Links multiple objects in a line or circle. Displays arrows between the queued objects.
    Quick-Linking: old know method by highlighting two objects.

    Others I found helpful:
    UVMapZylinder - Often needs a few tries to be perfect, via right click it would be much faster instead of always going through the menu panel.
    Setting Background Image - since BGSettings are not saved in the file but can be saved and loaded with a .cmd file I find this a really easy and intuitive way to readd the BG image after a restart. Menu.cfg needs to be changed to use a fitting cmd.

    Tried to offer some useful suggestions maybe we can find some other good ones together

    Heres the code from my menu.cfg
    ; ---------------------------------------
    ; Custom commands in viewport popup menus
    ; ---------------------------------------
    ; It's possible to add up to 16 custom commands to the popup menus in the DromEd viewports. The menu used
    ; in 3D viewports is separate from the menu used in 2D viewports.
    ; For 2D viewports define config vars "vpmenu_item<n>" (where 'n' is 1 to 16), one config var for each command.
    ; The numbers have to be sonsecutive and no numbers may be skipped. The format is the same as for commands
    ; in "menus.cfg", <command>:<command name seen in menu>, but there can't be multiple |-separated menu entries per
    ; config var.
    ; Example:
    vpmenu_item1 qlink_add:---Queue Linking---
    vpmenu_item2 qlink_add:quick-link add
    vpmenu_item3 qlink_create:quick-link create
    vpmenu_item4 qlink_del:quick-link remove
    vpmenu_item5 qlink_reset:quick-link abort
    vpmenu_item6 link_group @@<linktype>:---Quick Linking---
    vpmenu_item7 link_group controldevice:Link CD
    vpmenu_item8 link_group @@<linktype>:Link ....
    vpmenu_item9 :---Misc---
    vpmenu_item10 set_bg_image:Set Background
    vpmenu_item11 show_bg_images -1:Toggle Background
    vpmenu_item12 brush_centers -1:Draw Brush Centers
    vpmenu_item13 uvmap_cylinder:UV Map Zylinder
    vpmenu_item14 brush_to_cam:Move Brush to Cam
    vpmenu_item15 all_tree:Open ALLTree
    vpmenu_item16 align_object:Align Object (Cam Direction)
    ;As you might have realized the separators are functions too and will use a slot.
    ; For 3D viewports it works the same except the config var names are "vpmenu3d_item<n>".
    vpmenu3d_item1 :----------------
    vpmenu3d_item2 qlink_add:quick-link add
    vpmenu3d_item3 qlink_create:quick-link create
    vpmenu3d_item4 :---Show/Hide---
    vpmenu3d_item5 show_phys_models:Phys Models
    vpmenu3d_item6 show_phys_bbox: Phys BBoxes
    vpmenu3d_item7 show_vhots: VHots
    vpmenu3d_item8 rend_name_toggle 23:Obj Names
    vpmenu3d_item9 ---Tools---
    vpmenu3d_item10 uvmap_cylinder:UV Map Cylinder
    vpmenu3d_item11 brush_to_cam:Move Brush to Cam
    vpmenu3d_item12 texture_pal: Texture Palette
    vpmenu3d_item13 reset_brush_tx: Reset Brush Textures
    vpmenu3d_item14 all_tree:Open ALLTree
    vpmenu3d_item15 align_object:Align Object (Cam Direction)
    IMO the quick-link function would be kinda annoying to use via the menus since it's main use is for linking a lot together at the same time like Terr or TrollPoints but maybe you still want to add it.

    lcolor_picker and pcolor_picker should be included somewhere

    align_obj uses the camera direction. just replacing wall_obj without that info makes it not very intuitive to use. I would just add it as a 4th options.

    Since F4 is not used we could bind all_tree to it

    In the Editor Menu you can check and change the different vars it would make sense to have the create options there as well. Currently at Extras

    test_book_ex @@<text.str> <art> lets you check text files which is useful when experimenting with the new functions like decals when you have to check again and again and again.

    Another thing i'm missing in the highlight menu: hilight_autoclear

    For debugging setups these three commands are a big help: spew_relations; spew_metaprops; spew_stimulations

    Another thing I'm wondering about why are there sometimes random &-Symbols in the file? Like E&AX; &Textures.....

  18. #118
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: 28245 Cells
    That & is to underline the next letter in the menu so we can use the standart Alt + letter system to access menus. But it doesn't work in Dromed. I don't think the Dromed window is a proper Windows frame with some content inside it. The black area is the window (which matches the resolution set in the .cfg file) with the window frame added on to the outside. Or it might be that Dromed is listening out for command keystrokes rather than window control.

    I didn't realise you could edit the right click menu. Oh the power!

  19. #119
    Registered: Oct 2003
    Location: Eagle, Idaho
    So now, we can shift-click a bunch of troll points, select QLINK ADD, and it's done? Perhaps I'll copy your code and play around with it.

  20. #120
    Registered: Jan 2012
    Location: Gèrmany
    Quote Originally Posted by Ricebug View Post
    So now, we can shift-click a bunch of troll points, select QLINK ADD, and it's done? Perhaps I'll copy your code and play around with it.
    It works a bit different:
    You cycle through each object normally and add it to the queue (quick-link add)

    But there is a command which works with multi brushes its link_chain.
    Good: Works and is faster. Draws Arrows on completion.
    Bad: Order can get disrupted when not selecting correctly and you will only realize it when it's to late -> Have fun


    Another thing not sure how well that info has spread.
    You can have the DromeEd window in every resolution you want to have. To do that it must be registered in the cam_ext.cfg

    user_mode1 Width High 32 A B

    A B is the ratio of Width:High like 16:9 - So theoretically everything is possible.

    user_mode1 1908 1392 32 11 8 ;leaves sufficient space for the monolog window and texture palette.

    Now it can be used as valued entry in user.cfg or dromed.cfg.
    edit_screen_size 1908,1392

    This info should be documented somewhere.

    Is there a way to remember let dromed /windows remember the window positions?
    Last edited by Daraan; 6th May 2016 at 07:35.

  21. #121
    Dóttirin klæðist oft móður möttli
    Registered: Apr 2015
    Nice find, Daraan

  22. #122
    Registered: Oct 2003
    Location: Eagle, Idaho
    You cycle through each object normally and add it to the queue (quick-link add)

    Added (trolpts) to the queue. Now how do I CD link the complete patrol path?

  23. #123
    Registered: Jan 2012
    Location: Gèrmany
    Quote Originally Posted by Ricebug View Post
    Added (trolpts) to the queue. Now how do I CD link the complete patrol path?
    So first to make sure it's working, are there arrows drawn between the objects?
    If you finished your path: quick-link create and a popup menu should appear where you can select the flavour. If the last obj should be linked to the first to make a circle and if the queued objects shall not be removed for example adding a second link flavour. If ticked you still can add/remove/insert more objs into the queue.

    manually command its quick-link create flavour + optional parameters 1,2,3

  24. #124
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: 28245 Cells
    This could do with some fixes. Startup.cmd has the commands light_bright and lit_obj_toggle, which are deprecated (see modders notes). I don't think any lighting commands should be in here. Even if most of us immediately turn on the lights in Dromed, I prefer the initial view to have shadows.

    There's an old version of GoalMaster in there. I released a minor update so it's now version 1.01:
    DEOCI has been replaced with BinMaster:

    The Tools folder has something called 'OldDark Installs'. This must have been left in by mistake.

    Also in Tools is '3ds to bin'. The spaces must be removed from that folder name otherwise the program therein cannot create AI meshes (it calls a command line tool and the spaces in the file paths cause errors).

  25. #125
    Registered: Apr 2011
    A very minor issue, but in beta 4 default.bnd has:
    edit bind 9+ctrl "brush_color 3"                    ; terrain darkened when non-terrain brush selected
    This description is incorrect. "brush_color 3" colors by how far away in time they are from the brush/obj that was selected when this mode was activated.

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