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Thread: DromEd Basic Toolkit 1.13

  1. #1
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: College Place, WA

    DromEd Basic Toolkit 1.13

    Presenting The DromEd Basic Toolkit 1.13

    DromEd Basic is based on the Dromed Toolkit 1.0 by Nameless Voice and has been released with permission.

    DromEd Basic was originally created to be a Basic Toolkit for the original version of Thief1 DromEd. However, the project ballooned to include Thief1, Gold, and Thief2, as well as Newdark. Support for ShockEd was also added, and is available in its own standalone download. New functionality and support for Newdark has been added across all versions of Thief and DromEd. Despite its name, DromEd "Basic" is quite advanced, and includes new features, has had bugs fixed, and usability improved through the streamlining of its menus and easier installation with Newdark.

    Current Beta - Released 2019-07-21:
    DromEd Basic 1.14 (Beta4) - Mediafire
    ShockEd Basic 1.14 (Beta4) - Mediafire

    Past Versions
    DromEd Basic 1.14 (Beta2) - Mediafire
    ShockEd Basic 1.14 (Beta2) - Mediafire
    DromEd Basic 1.13 - Mediafire
    ShockEd Basic 1.13 - Mediafire
    DromEd Basic 1.11 - Mediafire
    ShockEd Basic 1.11 - Mediafire
    DromEd Basic 1.10 - Mediafire
    DromEd Basic 1.10 - Ricebug
    ShockEd Basic 1.10 - Mediafire
    DromEd Basic 1.09 - Mediafire
    ShockEd Basic 1.09 -Mediafire
    DromEd Basic 1.08 - Mediafire
    ShockEd Basic 1.08 - Mediafire

    Get latest Newdark here

    • Unified Newdark Dromed Menus for Thief1, Thief Gold, and Thief2 and ShockEd.
    • Support for ALL versions of Dromed & ShockEd, Newdark AND OldDark, and streamlined installation via file replacements included in .\Tools\. ShockEd Support is available through its own standalone download.
    • Several menu and binding bugs have been fixed, including the Alt+E edit_mode bug that prevented users from exiting game mode.
    • Menus have been streamlined through removing duplicate menu options, grouping similar commands together, and expanding menus.
    • All .cmds files have been moved to .\Cmds\ and no longer clutter your root Thief directory
    • Useful original commands have been added to the menus, as well as input through dialog boxes for command such as loading savegames, running custom .cmds files (such as those created by the Thief Objective Wizard), and the creation and editing of Quest Variables, among others.
    • The EAX menus have been streamlined significantly. Previously unlisted EAX types are now listed, with their DromEd names, Official Names, and EAX index number. The "eax_set_archetype" command has been added as well so you can easily set eax values for sets of rooms based on their room archetype.
    • Newdark menu options have been added for Newdark features, such as Loading DML files, exporting the Worldrep as an object, setting background images for use as blueprints and guides, displaying Object Vhots, Loading multibrush .vbr files with their associated textures, reconstructing lights, and rooms on stripped missions, setting increased lightmap resolution, increasing the world size, the ability to highlight rooms by their archetype and the new "Build" dialog.
    • Includes all utilities included in The Dromed Toolkit by Nameless Voice
    • A document that lists all the menu commands and describes their uses, found at .\Docs\DromEd Basic Menus Explained.rtf
    • Many other little goodies here and there

    Thief1/Thief Gold with Newdark
    1. Install Thief1 or Thief Gold, and ensure it is patched to its latest version (1.33 for Thief1, and 1.37 for Thief Gold).
    2. Install Newdark, and follow the instructions provided in .\Doc\T1.7z to get it working with Thief1.
    3. Extract the DromEd Basic Toolkit to your root Thief1 directory. Overwrite any files when prompted.
    4. For Thief Gold, also copy the contents of .\tools\Thief1 Gold Dromed\ to your root Thief Directory

    NOTE: Your Thief1 or Thief Gold install should be "optimized", by moving all *.crf files from your root thief1 directory to a subfolder named "RES" then editing your install.cfg file to change the "resname_base" to include .\RES (e.g: resname_base .\RES+D:\Thief)

    Thief2 with Newdark
    1. Install Thief II The Metal Age and ensure it is patched to its latest version (1.18).
    2. Install the Newdark patch
    3. Extract the DromEd Basic Toolkit to your root Thief2 directory. Overwrite any files when prompted.
    4. Copy the contents of .\Tools\Thief2 Newdark Dromed\ to your root Thief2 directory.

    Thief1/Thief Gold without Newdark
    1. Install Thief1 or Thief Gold, and ensure it is patched to its latest version (1.33 for Thief1, and 1.37 for Thief Gold).
    2. Extract the DromEd Basic Toolkit to your Thief1 directory.
    3. For Thief The Dark Project, copy the contents of .\Thief\Tools\Thief1 1.33 Dromed\ to your root Thief1 directory.
    4. For Thief Gold, also copy the contents of .\Thief\Tools\Thief1 Gold 1.37 Dromed\ to your root Thief Gold directory.

    Thief2 without Newdark
    1. Install Thief2 The Metal Age and ensure it is patched to its latest version (1.18)
    2. Extract the DromEd Basic Toolkit to your Thief2 directory.
    3. Copy the contents of .\Thief2\Tools\Thief2 1.18 Dromed\ to your root Thief2 Directory

    Added .\RES\Editor.crf which includes larger fonts for running DromEd in higher resolutions
    Added (disabled) lines to DromEd.cfg to enable larger fonts added to Editor.crf
    Added resolutions up to 4k to DromEd.cfg
    Added comments on brush_color commands to Default.bnd
    Replaced wall_obj with align_obj in edit menu and bindings
    Added Edit Script Data... to script submenu
    Added Replace Texture... to texture menu
    Added (disabled) Game Mode Backup submenu
    Removed unnecessary quest data fixes
    Moved OldDark Cmds to OldDark install directories in .\Tools\OldDark Installs\
    Added Remove Empty Groups, Dissolve All Groups, and Dissolve Empty Groups to multibrush menu
    Added Flow Groups... to show/hide submenu
    Added Shift+F8 brush_to_cam binding
    Hilight Unsnapped now hilights unsnapped angled brushed
    Steamlined install directions to be more idiotproof
    Added R Soul's ConvMaster and GoalMaster tools

    Added "Particle Color Palette.jpg" to docs
    Added "Draw Link type..." and "Hide Link type..." to Show/Hide submenu
    Added New EAX values (22-25) to EAX menu
    Added "Reorder Scripts..." to Script submenu

    Updated 3ds to bin application
    Updated DEOCI to 1.41
    Added "Runtimes" directory containing *.ocx files required for 3ds to bin, Thief Objective
    wizard, and monolog viewer and installation instructions

    Added disabled window resolutions for DromEd in User.cfg for easy setup.
    Added "redraw_always" to olddark startup.cmd
    Added "Toggle_book_autoreload" to startup.cmd
    Added EditMode.cmd
    Added EditModeAtPlr.cmd
    Changed "Parameters"->"Variables" in Editors Menu to reflect the actual window title
    Listed keyboard shortcuts for a number of menu options
    Added "Camera to" submenu to View menu
    Added "AI Cell" to "Camera to" submenu
    Added "Object" to "Camera to" submenu
    Renamed "Show" submenu in "View" to "Show/Hide"
    Added "Objects" to "Show/Hide" submenu
    Added "Creature Joints" to Show/Hide menu
    Reorganized Hilight Menu
    Added "Add Hilighted to Group" to Hilight menu
    Added "Hilight Non-Axial" to Hilight menu
    Merged Show "Non-Hilighted" and "Hide Non-hilighted" into "Toggle Hilighted Only"
    Added Quick Link submenu to Tools menu, moved Link group items into it
    Added Link Group Contains,TPath,TPathInit,DetailAttachement to quicklink menu
    Added "Set Animlight cutoff" to Extra Menu
    Added "Set Lightmap Parameters" to Extra Menu
    Changed F1, now opens command help dialog, instead of printing all commands
    Added Alt+R Returns camera to edit mode at player position
    Added Ctrl+I Spews info on selected brush to mono
    Added ';' deviously selects the default face of the currently selected brush
    Fixed Home binding to teleport to 0,0,0 as intended
    Added Shift+U selects active meonly area brush
    Added Shift+O toggle object rendering
    Added Shift+F1-F7: Filter Terrain, Light, Area, Room, Object, Flow, or None
    Added F9, 10 Play/Halt All Schemas
    Changed Ctrl+Alt+<#> to scale player speed to more usable levels
    Added Wall and Ceil object bindings to Shift+W, and Shift+C, respectively
    Replaced a few non-existent commands with correct ones (Draw Path Cells->AI_Draw_cells,
    Draw_AIs->AI_draw, draw_path_cell_links->AI_Draw_links, path_test->AI_Test_Cells,
    A few other fixes and enhancements

    Added "Open Template" menu option that opens .\levels\template.mis
    "Set GameSys..." now properly shows a file browser, instead of a dialog box
    "Drop Script..." now properly shows the drop script box instead of a dialog box
    Added disabled menu options for loading NVScript, VK's Script, and tnhscript
    Added disabled menu options for loading NVDebug, and playtesting difficulty
    Added disabled option in startup.cmd to load levels\template.mis on start
    Improved several dialog box defaults
    Removed some Newdark only commands accidentally included in the OldDark ShockEd menus
    Added updated Thieffont tool 1.2 by Telliamed
    Added Dark Engine Object Converter Interface 1.3.2 by R Soul
    Added an updated version of BintoE.exe. Old version renamed to "BintoE-old.exe
    General nitpicking

    Added the "Recent Files" menu option to the Newdark menus

    Initial Release

    Known Bugs
    None currently, please report any you find. However, after using "Alt+R" to return to EditMode at the camera position, Alt+E may start to return to EditMode at the camera position as well. This is due to the user.bnd file superseding default.bnd for Alt+E. Search user.bnd for "bind e+alt edit_mode" and replace the line with:
    bind e+alt "run .\cmds\EditMode.cmd"
    Thief, DromEd and everything else is the property of their respective owners.

    Special Thanks
    Nameless Voice, and all others involved in the creation of the Original DromEd Toolkit
    Last edited by AntiMatter_16; 21st Jul 2019 at 20:10. Reason: Updated NewDark version link

  2. #2
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Thief fan since ca. 1999
    Neat, I'll have to download this. I had noticed some redundancy in the menus, although I can't recall if it was because of me merging stuff from different versions of menus.cfg or what, being that there have been many versions of it over the years.

    By the way, this is kind of off-topic, but I was wondering if anyone has been able to enable the "recent files" thing from NewDark into Thief 2 1.18 dromed? Although I doubt anyone has, since probably everyone has moved over to NewDark Dromed by now.

  3. #3
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: College Place, WA
    Gaaah! How did I miss including THAT!?!
    Thank you for mentioning the Recent Files thing. I accidentally missed its inclusion! I'll see if I can get it to work in the original, but I'm VERY doubtful. I'll update a new version and release it later today, and I'd appreciate any feedback or other suggestions you have to give. =)

    Okay, I've uploaded a new version, 1.09. The only difference is the "Recent Files" menu option has been added to the Newdark menus.
    Sadly, the "Recent Files" feature only works in Newdark.
    Last edited by AntiMatter_16; 9th Jun 2013 at 15:05.

  4. #4
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Thief fan since ca. 1999
    There's one more edit you're going to have to make, unless it was an intentional change. In your version of menus.cfg, you left out the "open template" under menu_file

    Ah, I thought so.

    By the way, what is the new dbmod menu item?

    edit: I recommend removing the "@@convict" from the "script_drop" menu item in the Dromed 2 1.18 menus.cfg. That way, you can actually choose which one to drop from the list window that pops up. I've noticed that if I try to drop a script with your new menus.cfg, it just pops up a small string box.

    Oddly though, upon testing the menu without the @@Convict, the script_drop only works if you've got multiple scripts loaded and it also has a rather incorrect message of "no script modules dropped." That's actually not accurate, because if I go back to the drop menu it did drop the script. Dang you dromed trying to trick me! I guess that's why you have the @@Convict in there, but I rather like having the drop list.
    Last edited by sNeaksieGarrett; 9th Jun 2013 at 15:35.

  5. #5
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: College Place, WA
    The DbMod menu loads and applies *.dml files to the current mission. Dml files are external files that contain sets of changes to objects. DromEd doesn't load them automatically, because if you saved the changes they make would become permanent. The custom carry body models patch that R Soul made used DML files to specify the correct carry body models in the gamesys, and the concrete AIs in each mission that differed from their archetype. This allows you to apply changes to *.mis or *.gam files without having to redistribute the *.mis or *.gam file.
    Someone could create an ultimate difficulty mod in *.dml files, and they could be applied to any gamesys.

    I took a quick look through the menus in the old DromEd Toolkit, ShockEd toolkit, Original T2 Dromed, and T1 DromEd, and I'm not seeing an "Open Template" option. Yet, for some reason, this is very familiar. Am I blind, or what?
    Exactly what functionality would "Open Template" provide?

    The "no script modules dropped" is a DromEd error. Even if you enter the command correctly through the console it still says that. It's in every version of dromed, even Newdark. Go figure.
    I'm not sure what you mean by "list box". The menu option calls the command "script_drop" and opens a dialog box that accepts string input. I set "convict" to the default, but you can type the name of any script you want.

    Oh, I see what you mean now. For Thief2 1.18, the Script Drop down list is still included in the "Custom" menu. I couldn't include it in the "File" menu because any drop down, or additional menus between file and "tools" breaks the indicators in the "Shapes" and "Tools" menu. I kept the "Load Script" and "Drop Script" options in the "File" menu in addition to in the "Custom" menu because that's the established convention throughout all of the menus.
    Last edited by AntiMatter_16; 9th Jun 2013 at 16:37.

  6. #6
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Thief fan since ca. 1999
    Wow, so what you're essentially telling me is that I can create a .dml file and use that instead of modifying dark.gam? The old ultimate difficulty mods basically overwrote dark.gam, which to me seemed like a bad thing, although you could back up the old file first. That's neat! I remember reading something about .dml but didnt' really look into it further and I don't really understand how you'd even make one. That should be explained in the readme that came with NewDark, no doubt.

    The script_drop box you're referring to is a string box. The script_drop box I'm talking about is an actual list of scripts and you can highlight one then click OK to drop it. What I meant was that if you include the @@Convict in there it removes the functionality of being able to drop a specific script from the "list box" and so you have to manually type in which one you want to remove. As my dad says, 6 of one and half a dozen of another. Either way works, personally I prefer having the list box.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	listbox.jpg 
Views:	52 
Size:	234.3 KB 
ID:	1698

    Open Template is new, that came with the NewDark patch. Or at least I thought it did? Maybe it came with dromed toolkit. In any case, it isn't in any of the old menus.cfg files, no you're not blind. In any case, it opens a template .mis file from a folder called levels. start.mis to be exact. This is just a mission that already has StartingPoint and what not. I guess it's not really necessary though, because you could just force dromed to load a mission on start instead of having to go to "open template" when starting dromed.
    Last edited by sNeaksieGarrett; 9th Jun 2013 at 16:27.

  7. #7
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: College Place, WA
    Wow. Never realized that. O_o Thanks for letting me know! I'll do some testing with the other versions of dromed, and release a new version in a few days.

    As far as the template is concerned, at this point, I'm inclined to let the user manage their own templates. Creating your own template, and storing it in whatever named directory you want and opening it with the "Open..." command is still pretty feasible. =P If there's outrage and calling for blood though, I might reconsider.

  8. #8
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Thief fan since ca. 1999
    Yeah, testing it is a good idea, because I'm not clear if using just script_drop will cause the corrupt mission bug you were referring to. My guess it'd only happen if you use it on a mission that has only one script available. But I tested the list window without picking a script by hitting cancel and then re-opening it and didn't see anything weird in there.

  9. #9
    Registered: Aug 2004
    Location: netherlands
    I use open_template often. I have my startmis there with a row of buttons, levers,lights,, markers, all custom scripts loaded. I use it to easily test out stuff

  10. #10
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: College Place, WA
    My mistake. The mission corruption was with "script_load", not "script_drop". I edited the previous post to remove this misinformation. I don't recall encountering the problem myself, but the Thief2 1.18, and ShockEd 2.12 versions of dromed that are included apparently had patches applied to correct the problem. However, The Thief1 and ThiefGold versions of dromed are vanilla. If someone happens to know what patches were applied, and if they work on these versions of dromed, let me know. =)

    Also, I've fixed the "script_drop" menu option so it will bring up the drop script dialog. This feature went all the way back to Dromed1! Very cool. Let me know if you find anything else you feel should be tweaked or changed.

    I can't seem to find a version of the menus with the "Open Template" command. Could you tell me about how it's implemented?

    I'll need to make templates for each version of dromed. That'll be fun.
    I'll keep with the convention of storing the template in "levels" but will name it template.mis and make it read only.
    I'll load original scripts, convict and gen, with a starting point.
    Any objections?

    Hmm... depending on how Templates are loaded, it could be problematic if you're using newdark with an active Fanmission...
    Last edited by AntiMatter_16; 9th Jun 2013 at 17:39.

  11. #11
    Registered: Aug 2007
    Location: LosAngeles: Between Amusements
    Quote Originally Posted by AntiMatter_16 View Post
    I can't seem to find a version of the menus with the "Open Template" command. Could you tell me about how it's implemented?
    This is the File section of my menus:

    menu_file   &New:new_world | Open T&emplate:load_file fms\Template.mis
    menu_file_1 &Open...:load_file | Save &Cow...:run DoSaveCow.cmd
    menu_file_2 |Save &Gamesys...:run DoSaveGam.cmd|Save &Mission...:run DoSaveMis.cmd|mru_files:&Recent Files|sep
    menu_file_3 |sep|Add &Texture Family:edit_command add_family
    menu_file_4 Reload Schemas:reload_schemas|sep|Run Command...:run @@|sep
    menu_file_5 Recover P_Portal:load_file p_portal.cow
    menu_file_6 sep|E&xit:quit_game (Alt+F4)
    ; Toggle &AI:ai|sep|

    load_file is a DromEd command which loads the specified file. In my case, Template.mis in my fms subdirectory from my root.

  12. #12
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: College Place, WA
    Yeah, I already found it. It was there in front of me the whole time. Unfortunately, I'm running into some odd hitches.
    The File menu is so full at this point that the open template command isn't fitting...
    Last edited by AntiMatter_16; 9th Jun 2013 at 23:08.

  13. #13
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: 28245 Cells
    I notice you've put the original difficulty commands in the Game menu, which makes sense, but you've remove all references to the NVScript equivalents. These should be put back because they are much less likely to cause authors to accidentally delete objects when playtesting.

    I also think you should reinstate the menu items for loading custom scripts.

    File > Set Gamesys: I think you should remove the default suggestion of dark.gam. I don't mean any offense, but that's the worst possible thing to put in there because people could end up losing their original gamesys. Not a big problem if you've just added things, but it will cause problems if an author wants to change existing archetypes.

    Load Script: @@convict should actually be blank becuase you have Load Convict right underneath it. This would be a good place to include references to custom script modules (except for NVDebug which is best off with the Difficulty items).

    You've put back the load_family commands that were in the Toolkit but removed by the authors of NewDark. They were removed because the texture palette has been updated, and I think the new system (right click menu) works much better.

    In fact, I can't see anything in the textures menu that the new texture palette doesn't have. Maybe the menu should have just one line in the cfg file:
    menu_textures Fancy New Texture Palette (Alt+T):texture_pal

    I would also like to suggest removing play_schema dinner_bell from the .cmd files. The Mono window shows when the longer processes have finished, but if you're doing a lot of building, that frequent ding a ling a ling sound becomes detrimental to the state of resolve and inner peace that is required when constructing a mission.
    Last edited by R Soul; 9th Jun 2013 at 20:18.

  14. #14
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: ZylonBane
    Haven't had a chance to try this yet... has uvmap_cylinder been added anywhere?

  15. #15
    Registered: Aug 2007
    Location: LosAngeles: Between Amusements
    I added it to Extras on my menus along with the two background image commands. I haven't looked to see what AntiMatter_16 did.

  16. #16
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: 28245 Cells
    It's in the Shapes menu, although I've already become used to typing the command.

  17. #17
    Registered: Oct 2003
    Location: Eagle, Idaho
    Jason Otto also has some menu additions, which can be copied from his site:

    1. wr_export_obj exports a .obj file of the world rep. I’m using this to convert brushes to models. Complicated brush work can be reduced to a simple model with texture UV data in place. This command will even export brushes that have been stripped. Added to File Menu

    2. load_group_ex loads multibrushes with texture information. Brush must have been saved in 1.19 Added to Multibrush Menu

    3. uvmap_cylinder a variation on the new alignext mode of texturing that allows a texture to smoothly map over a cylinder. Added to Texture Menu

  18. #18
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: College Place, WA
    All those options have already been included.

    Yes! It's under the "Shapes" menu, right under the stair tool.

    @R Soul
    Thanks for you feedback you have some good suggestions.

    The original Menus included VK/Gaylesaver's "script", Telliamed's "tnhscript", and Nameless Voice's "NVscript". I've been reluctant to put in commands that reference scripts that are not included. I didn't include custom scripts because I didn't want to distribute outdated or incorrect versions, or a deprecated version after an update. Additionally, the Newdark menus are unified. Thief1, Gold, and Thief2 newdark scripts all use the same file. I unified them because it became an absolute nightmare to edit 8 different versions of the same file. The OldDark Thief1/Gold menus are the same as well, but OldDark Thief2 is a special kind of monster because of the special indicators that can't be move.

    I'll consider re-adding them, or at least NV-Script, because There are versions for Thief1 (though untested) Thief2, and SShock2. which will allow me to still use a (mostly) unified menu.
    NV's difficulty menu uses NVDebug, which is Thief2 only, which would add more complications to the menus. It would probably be workable to include it in the menus, but disabled.

    I'll remove the suggestion "dark.gam" from the "Set Custom GameSys..." command, but I don't believe it overwrites anything. As far as I know, it only sets the mission file to use the stated gamesys. The "Save Gamesys" command on the other hand would overwrite one's dark.gam.

    As mentioned in a previous post, the reason "Convict" appears in the default "Load script" dialog is because leaving the dialog empty, even if you press cancel, can corrupt a mission in older versions of dromed. It's there in all versions for menu unification purposes. It starts hilighted, so just pretend its not there and start typing.

    You might guess by now that the textures menus are there for unification purposes. Actually, there's another reason, I just prefer to use the regular menus. =P

    The dinner_bell schema will remain in the .cmds because they're also used for the OldDark menus, and because I prefer an auditory notice when longer processes are done, because I usually switch to doing something else for a while when doing a complete processing on a mission.

  19. #19
    Registered: Aug 2007
    Location: LosAngeles: Between Amusements
    It's easy enough to customize anything you don't like. Personally, I'll wait a week or more to make sure it has had a solid shakedown before I replace my current set of menus. Among other things, I added special menus for my personal texture families and will have to re-implement them in any case. Meanwhile what I have works fine for my needs.

  20. #20
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: 28245 Cells
    Quote Originally Posted by AntiMatter_16 View Post
    I'll remove the suggestion "dark.gam" from the "Set Custom GameSys..." command, but I don't believe it overwrites anything. As far as I know, it only sets the mission file to use the stated gamesys. The "Save Gamesys" command on the other hand would overwrite one's dark.gam.
    You're right, my mistake.

    I can see your reasons for keeping the dinner bell schema and the old-style texture menu, but I don't think you should complicate things by making concessions just for OldDark. I think it's best to assume everyone is using NewDark.

    eidt: I know the T2 multiplayer mod is based on 1.18, but people using Dromed for that version can use the menus from NV's Dromed Toolkit instead.
    Last edited by R Soul; 9th Jun 2013 at 21:52.

  21. #21
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: College Place, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by LarryG View Post
    It's easy enough to customize anything you don't like. Personally, I'll wait a week or more to make sure it has had a solid shakedown before I replace my current set of menus. Among other things, I added special menus for my personal texture families and will have to re-implement them in any case. Meanwhile what I have works fine for my needs.
    What kind of modifications do you make to your menus? I'd be interested to know, since if the commands you're adding are of use to you, I may find them useful enough to add as well.

    R Soul pointed out that you can load any available texture family through the new texture palette, so you still have pretty easy access to your textures without having to add any menus. I generally prefer to use the old style menus though, for some crazy reason.

    @R Soul,
    Actually I originally thought that adding the "@@dark.gam" to the set_gamesys menu option, it would just point to dark.gam by default in the file browser when it opened, but I didn't notice that it actually forgoes the file browser for a text dialog box, so it's good you pointed that out. =)

    The reason I started this toolkit, was because there's actually no original thief1 toolkit, and the scope of the project evolved to be a package with a set of menus whose layout is setup as identically as possible for every version of DromEd. I don't really feel I've made any concessions for the sake of OldDark, so I'm not sure what concession you feel I'm making.

  22. #22
    Registered: Aug 2007
    Location: LosAngeles: Between Amusements
    Quote Originally Posted by AntiMatter_16 View Post
    R Soul pointed out that you can load any available texture family through the new texture palette, so you still have pretty easy access to your textures without having to add any menus. I generally prefer to use the old style menus though, for some crazy reason.
    Not that I see any way to. You still have to load the family for it to be available to the palette. And you can't pre-load every family (I can't anyway) because even if you had enough slots it makes an unholy mess to navigate. I prefer to load and drop families.

    As to other customizations, I've mentioned a few in my posts above. Whenever I didn't like how the menus worked for my style of editing, I've tweaked them or the commands behind them.

  23. #23
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: College Place, WA
    To load a family in Newdark through the texture palette:
    Open the texture palette, right click on the window, go to Load->Family-> all available families

    To compress all unused textures:
    Open the texture palette, right click on the window: Unload->all unused
    To compress an individual family click on a texture in the family you intend to compress:
    Unload->Unused in family: currently selected family

    All the functionality should be there, or am I confused about what you meant?

  24. #24
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Thief fan since ca. 1999
    His point is that texture families must be loaded yourself and are not loaded already. That and the fact that having all families loaded at once makes it a huge mess to go through. Or at least, I think that's what he was getting at.

    Having said that, the new texture palette is much better than the old one, so I'm not so sure that's really a problem anymore.

  25. #25
    Registered: Aug 2007
    Location: LosAngeles: Between Amusements
    My point is that's wonderful and all and a big improvement over 1.18, but ... I have A LOT of texture families (something like 176 families at last count -- I have been collecting textures and making textures for years) and scrolling though all of that to find the one family I want takes a LOT of time. But with the menus, I can (and do) have families of families of textures, which makes finding the right family with the single right texture inside it MUCH easier.

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