If I want to deactivate the mod in some missions, how to do that?. May be an option to disable water effect would be great.
Ohhh! I see!
If I want to deactivate the mod in some missions, how to do that?. May be an option to disable water effect would be great.
Last edited by caqo; 9th Feb 2024 at 21:14.
i was told to reinstall the pack and uncheck the options for water/skies/etc that you dont want,i recently did that as i want to play all fan missions for how the author intended them to be played
Absolute noob question here! I extracted one of these water mod versions under my Thief Gold\MODS folder, so it looks like Thief Gold\MODS\natural (blin)\
However, trying it in the expansion The Black Parade, I am at a part with water and I loaded my game, I still see the original Thief water. How do I properly install the mod? How do I get AngelLoader to be loading this mod along with Black Parade? I must have not done something which is necessary to do. Appreciate any help.
For black Parade you shouldn't use any external textures or mods, actually you should disable ehancement packs, like EP or hdmod.
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Last edited by caqo; 9th Feb 2024 at 21:12.
Ya but I just wanted that nice water. I dont much like Thief's original water which moves at about 300 fps on modern systems lol, and looks really weird.
But let's say for other maps, how do I install these water textures? There's no notes about how to use these. I am lost. I tried putting the extracted files in a folder named waternew, under my MODS folder. And also adding it to cam.cfg like: mod_path mods\waternew
But none of this worked. Still just got the original water.
if you have an usermods folder in your TG folder, and see an usermods path in cam_mod.ini, extract the water pack into the usermods folder and it should work. note that there has to be no extra folder involved, meaning the water mod resources (fam, waterhw etc) need to go straight into the usermods folder.
alternatively, post your (original) cam_mod.ini here.
Thanks for the info about the usermods folder. This worked. Now I have put it under there as usermods\FAM\waterhw\ which is where these animated images should sit. It then worked since my cam_ini.cfg had usermods path in it.
Afterwards I noticed the game was still showing some back-and-forth variations between the new water and the original for a few moments, but I discovered inside FMs\TheBlackParade_1_0\FAM\waterhw\ they also included their blin and blout water textures (which from what I can tell, are the standard Thief water textures). So I deleted those and now the new water is the only one showing. Looks good.
The only slight issue is this new water texture is fairly dark compared to the original water which was quite brighter. I think I tried the version with Natural Water Color version from Gecko. But I see he has Light Transparent versions and a Crystal version, so I will test with those tomorrow. I have a feeling the Light Transparent one will be what I want. Just from the name of it lol.
Thanks for the help voodoo47!
yes, if there are conflicting or missing mtl files (the file where anim frames are set), you may need to delete the one you don't want (in this case, the water mod probably doesn't have a proper mtl, that means the BP mtl will take over. this is not an engine or load order issue, but a mod issue, its resources are not set properly - each animated texture inside a mod should ideally include a mtl even if it's technically not needed, to avoid this exact scenario).
no prob.
Thanks for the heads up. After I deleted the Black Parade's BLIN, BLOUT, GRIN and GROUT textures (including the un-numbered ones) and copying in these texture packs into usermods, it seems to be working flawlessly with Black Parade. I ended up using Wave Water after testing all those out. The Turquoise option for the green/sewer water, and the blue (only) option to replace the blue water. These seemed to work best with the waters in these maps. I was testing in the sewers at the start of map 2 for the green water. And map 3 near the start has some blue water inside a factory with waterwheels. Also a bit later in the map you're in a large underwater cavern area with blue water. In all these cases I found his "Wave Water" pack looked best. Much better than the original Thief waters for sure. The second best option I found was the Silent Water pack with Light Blue color option. But over-all I ended up on Wave Water since it had a nicer surface wave pattern.
Thanks for helping me out with this guys. I was just unsatisfied with the water experience in an otherwise fantastic map pack! Now I can go on and continue playing and enjoying it.
This mod doesn't work with TG![]()
followed the up to date instructions?
Mean use dmm.exe? It also doesn't work. I tried literally everything, even change path in cam_mod. But water from Tfix and Necro Age work.
EDIT. Any modification (even Tfix and Necro) make water green. And yes. I have clean installation.
Last edited by BruceD; 21st Jan 2025 at 15:11.
EP2 fix the water. It looks better, but not the way I wanted. Anyway, this should be enough. Thanks for the help![]()
you have to create a few folders and extract the mod manually for it to work (as instructed in the guide I linked). do not edit any cfgs manually.
screenshots if you want me to take a look, also the contents of your dmm.log file. but if you mean that the water looks different, then yes, it probably does, that's what mods do, so if it doesn't look broken (like neon green/greenscreen green), then it's fine, most likely. //loaded the mod (the first water pack), it works ok as long as the proper instructions are followed.
Last edited by voodoo47; 22nd Jan 2025 at 20:36.