Great job! Look forward to trying these, thanks![]()
Gecko's HQ Water Mod Pack
Today i want to release all my Thief Water Mod packs!
If you want to use the water textures from this pack for your own purposes,
feel free to use it
But it would be nice if you just mention my name in your credits
The option "ani_rate" was adapted for each water mod in the .mtl files!
Update Bonus - Natural color versions:
Natural color version - "HD Natural Water Mod"
Video Demo:
Natural color version - "HD Silent Water Mod"
Video Demo:
Natural color version - "Silent Water Mod"
Video Demo:
(Natural Color versions are not included here! Download it above)
HD Natural Water Mod Pack
Demo Videos:
It does not show all colors
The HD natural water pack includes three different color textures.
(There is also a 1024 x 1024 pixel version!)
Textures are transparent!
colors: blue, green, turquoise
underwater texture included: yes
HD Silent Water Mod Pack
Demo Videos:
It does not show all colors!
HD Silent Water Mod
The HD silent water pack includes two different textures.
One texture version is only light transparent!
colors: dark blue, dark blue (transparent)
underwater texture included: yes (only transparent)
Crystal Water Mod Pack
Demo Videos:
It does not show all colors!
Crystal Water Mod
The crystal water pack includes three different color textures.
Textures are only light transparent - red is NOT transparent.
colors: blue, green, red
underwater texture included: yes
Silent Water Mod Pack
Demo Videos (ani_rate was a bit too slow there!):
It does not show all colors!
Silent water Mod
The silent water pack includes five different color textures.
The textures are transparent.
colors: dark blue, light blue, green, red, colorless
underwater texture included: yes
Wild Water Mod Pack
Demo Videos:
Wild Water Mod
The wild water pack includes six different color textures.
All textures are NOT transparent!
colors: blood red, dark red, light blue, green, brown, colorless.
underwater texture included: no
Wave Water Mod (Pool Water) Pack
Demo Videos (ani_rate was a bit too slow there!):
Wave Water Mod (Pool Water)
The wavewater pack includes two different color textures.
The textures are transparent!
colors: blue, green
underwater texture included: yes
Oil Water Mod Pack
Demo Videos:
Oil Water Mod
The oil water pack includes two different color textures.
The textures are transparent!
colors: dark blue, green
underwater texture included: yes
Download all 7 Water Mods - 1 Click
Last edited by Gecko; 26th May 2022 at 09:40.
Great job! Look forward to trying these, thanks![]()
Those look awesome! Too bad almost all are just too saturated to look realistic.
Cool. Thank you!
Thank you!![]()
Gecko, could you show me crystal lava mod just like crystal water mod? How can I use diffrent water mods? I would like to see wild water mod in rivers, crystal "lava" and natural water in pools. Is it possible to have 3 diffrent water mods in the same time?
Update: "Wave Water Mod" - now is correct green color included [grin files]
Update: "HD Silent Water Mod" - added new "shining blue" color
Update: "Oil Water Mod" - added also "red" color
THX @ clearing! But now you have to update all the download links on your "dark fate" site because they have changed. That happens automatically with google drive...sry!
This is ALL for free ... and itīs work of many days ... after thousands of tests!
Did you read that there are also different colors available on some mods?
I can try to make some softer blue color versions (more dark) too.
@ Mixthoor
You can use also 3 different water mods for sure. For example in your own Fan Mission
But the way you want it ... it does not work! I think you mean to use it on original missions right?
Last edited by Gecko; 19th Jan 2014 at 15:37. Reason: quietly ^^
that's why one should never link to google drive directly, and link the forum topic instead. I get 10+ share requests on old TFix versions a day, mostly from russian users (and unfortunately, it's not possible to create automatic responses for share requests).
god knows how many rogue mirrors for old versions that people shouldn't be using are floating out there.
Last edited by voodoo47; 14th Jan 2014 at 18:13.
Update Bonus - Natural color versions:
Natural color version - "HD Natural Water Mod"
Video Demo:
Natural color version - "Silent Water Mod"
Video Demo:
Natural color version - "HD Silent Water Mod"
Video Demo:
Last edited by Gecko; 16th Jan 2014 at 09:26.
The Natural Color versions are actually what I was hoping for.
I don't know if this a resource loading priority bug for NewDark or what the deal is but there are conflicts between water textures when loaded from an FM's own custom \fam\waterhw resources and if you specify one in your mod_path in cam_mod.ini. What happens is that you get like 4/5 frames from the mod_path textures and then 1/5 frames from the FM's custom resources. It looks really jarring. This is fixable by setting whatever water you want displayed as an uber_mod_path, as then you'll not see the FM's custom water textures pop in.
didnt know how to activate the water mod in the folder even with edited cam_mod.ini.
is there a special way to use these .png files?
Last edited by Mischievous Taffer; 20th Feb 2014 at 12:54.
@ Mischievous Taffer
Could you post your cam_mod.ini please?
Also i need the information - on which folder-path did you copied the .png water files...?
Last edited by Gecko; 25th Feb 2014 at 07:16.
Right now, its standard. nothing is added in it.
; these are mod paths that override the active FM in the search order
;uber_mod_path mods\UpToDateOSMs+MyGemMod
; these are normal mod paths which are applied after the active FM in the search order
;mod_path MyBowMod+.\TexturePack
Even using the tool, i still get the annoying water flicker problem where it plays the frames from 1 water type and then it plays some animation of another water type. Any odea how to fix this?
that probably means Gecko forgot to specify the number of frames in the mtl file. as soon as that's corrected, it will work properly.
That's true. But you can add this by yourself.
Open up the .mtl file with notepad and add ani_frames + the number of water frames.
For example if there are 83 "blin_" image files = ani_frames 83
This new water mod will be included to the Thief 2 HD Mod v1.0!
Watch the video in 1080p to see the full water quality
Hey Gecko when 1.0 releases will there be a similar video where you showcase the new look of all the levels as you did for Thief Gold HD. I actually didnīt use the HD mod for T1 but just enjoyed watching that video alone :P
That must be the best looking water I've ever seen in a game without water physics! Kudos
This type of water is included in the T2 HD mod as standard.
Updated all download links! Should work again.
Last edited by Gecko; 26th May 2022 at 09:43.