For some reason there are multiple reports that tricking Steam to run the 32-bit .exe on a 64-bit OS yields a massive performance improvement, especially on low-to-medium boxes:
There are a couple of resources for performance to refer to:
Tweaks and fixes on the Dark Mod Forum
Benchmarks on the Dark Mod Forum
CPU: i5 4200M 2.5GHz
GPU: nVidia 745M 2GB
Laptop screen resolution: 1366 by 768
I'll see how it does hooked up to a 1080p screen later, and whether I can actually tell the difference on the higher detail settings. The game set itself to the "normal" preset, which has the textures and shadows at high I think.
I had fraps running but forgot to save a benchmark, however the immediate impression was that it was pretty smooth with little choppiness or loading delay.
There are comments on performance spread around, but please add something here if you get a moment...
1920 by 1080 update: Still very playable, even putting the shadow to high and textures to very high. I don't think textures make a great impact if you have a decent amount of graphics memory. FXAA is on and it looks decent enough. The only thing that slows it down is particle effects.
For me I can't see an obvious bonus from the 32-bit binary, but I have switched to 1080p without trying the same resolution with the 64-bit binary. Most unscientific...
For some reason there are multiple reports that tricking Steam to run the 32-bit .exe on a 64-bit OS yields a massive performance improvement, especially on low-to-medium boxes:
That may only apply for relatively old 64-bit processors, but I think I'll try it myself to see if there's a difference on higher settings.
I'm on a humble i3 @ 3.3 ghz so yeah, will prolly be trying it too.
i5-3570K (@4.0GHz) with a gtx680 and 8GB of RAM.
Win7 64-bit exe and OS.
1920x1080p screen.
All settings highest. Except using FXAA and not SSAA.
Benchmark runs at 60 fps constantly.
Minimum fps is a bogus number. It's established in the first few seconds. It's a semi-random number. Average fps keeps climbing after that, and ends at 59 fps.
A bit disappointing. I like engines that scale. I like it that after you buy new hardware 2-3 years after a game is released, you can still make the game look better. The Unreal Engine should definitely allow that to happen. The Crysis games are good examples of how a game can always make good use of newer hardware.
Crytek is unusually forward-looking mind you. Even 7 years after Crysis was released it can give a modern system a headache. I do find it a bit frustrating not to be able to get the best out of a game on release, because if it doesn't have a lot of replay value you've lost part of the experience. I suppose that's why I've often just ignored current games and bought things when they are a couple of years old. I have been pleasantly surprised by the 745M laptop GPU mind you. Possibly because after this the 7*M cards only have higher clock rates unless it's a SLI config.
I've got a core i5 (from several years ago), 8GB of ram, and a Radeon 7870 2GB. I found Thief extremely playable at 1920x1080 with all settings at maximum except SSAA. If I turn that on, it gets noticably choppy, but FXAA works well in place. The benchmark says 40fps average, but it fluctuates quite a bit. Although, there are more AI in the benchmark than in anywhere I've seen in-game so far, and that affects performance quite a bit.
Lenovo IdeaPad G780: Windows 8 64-bit, i3, 8 GB Ram, nVidia GT 635M.
Performance test (normal settings, 1600x900): 10 fps.
Something's wrong here.
I've also encountered some severe bugs. Lips, sounds and subtitles are completely off-sync in cutscenes. Swoop key (Space) DOES NOT WORK, although jumping and mantling works. I'll try to find some solutions on Monday.
I have created the following threads if people need help -
Tweaks and fixes thread is-
Benchmark thread -
Tweaking the streaming options ("bUseBackgroundLevelStreaming=FALSE" "UsePriorityStreaming=FALSE" "OnlyStreamInTextures=TRUE") yielded this, even though my textures and shadows are set to High:
Textures never really stream through their higher quality versions.
[Edit] Spent a good two hours tweaking and testing settings. Game turns into a constant load-fest at 0-2 fps when textures are set to Normal, even with the "MipFadeInSpeed0=0.0" "MipFadeOutSpeed0=0.0" "MipFadeInSpeed1=0.0" "MipFadeOutSpeed1=0.0" streaming settings tweaked. Those make matters better but 5 minutes and 100 feet further into the city hub, it all melts down into almost constant loading and pausing.
This is the only game I can think of where I'm midway between minimum and recommended specs and where I have to set textures to Low. I mean, come on, this is the UE3...
I'm on an i3 @ 3.3 Ghz, 4 gb ram, GTX 550 Ti 1 gb, Win 7 64bit.
Also, seriously, why the **** does the launcher that pops up when you start the game in Steam take 30 seconds to just appear?[/Edit]
Last edited by Curunir; 1st Mar 2014 at 10:11.
Sorry guys, been away way too long...Can't remember how to post new thread but I think this falls into this category anyway. I have questions. I'm running a Q9650 quad core processor running at 3Ghz, 4Gig ram radeon XFX 7850 on Windows 7 32 bit version. Can I run this game? It took on Dishonored & Bioshock Infinite without difficulty but the game specs I'm seeing for Thief 4 are higher than what I'm running. Does it have to be Win7 64bit? If so, I might as well get another hard drive and if I'm doing that, I might as well build a new system. I've always built my systems around the requirements for Thief Games. This last release, I'm trailing behind...Thanks to all!!
Yesterday I played Thief for 10 hours (with 32bit exe). Everything was smooth (Lenovo IdeaPad G780: Windows 8 64-bit, i3, 8 GB Ram, nVidia GT 635M.)
Today... I started the game and I am having 5 fps. It's unplayable. I have no idea what's wrong. The settings are the same.
Can anyone help me?
Weird - were you on low settings already or have you tried dropping the quality to see what happens?
Exactly the same happened to me. After I had reset the game to start in 32bit exe. it was running real smooth. But a day or so later it froze and crashed and has been running as if it had changed itself back to 64bit. I have checked to see if it was still set up to start in 32bit and it all seems ok. I also uninstalled/reinstalled through Steam, which was a ball-ache, but still the same.
I have also tried changing/dropping the quality but again no joy.
Any ideas?
Have you guys done a game cache integrity check? right click on the game in your steam games list, select properties and then local files, then you will see the option. I did this when I first installed steam and found 6 missing/corrupt files.
I have done several game cache integrity checks. but still no luck.
Couple of things to try
- did you guys go through the list of tweaks in my my posts in the OP before starting the game..?
- Put steam in offline mode, then disconnect from any networks and the reason for disconnecting is I would like to see if disabling your anti-virus app is causing the system drag. Don't forget to re-enable it before going online or checking any emails.
- Also have any of you run taskmanager when the game is doing a go-slow to see if any apps or resources are being hammered.
I went through the list of tweaks, put Steam into offline mode and disabled my anti-virus. Still no improvement. I'm just about to give it another go and will run taskmanager in-game to check. Back in half-hour.
Thanks for your help with this BTW.
Hmmm. Just booted up the game again and checked taskmanager while I was still on the first menu screen. It was telling me that CPU usage was 100%.
I have:
A brand new GeForce GTX 760 (bought it just for this game)
AMD Athlon 64 x2 Dual Core Processor 6000+
Win 7 Home Premium.
I know that the chip and the RAM are on the lower end of the recommended specs, but I would have thought that it would handle it.
As I said, after I had applied the 32bit fix it was running like a dream for around 24 hrs.
Any ideas?
Does anyone know how I can check to see if I have received the patch for the game?
How do I check which version I am playing?
If your on a PC, you'll be using steam and the patches get installed automatically.
Has Thief been patched since the release? If so, what does it do?
Don't know what was in that patch yesterday but it has sorted my machine right out. Getting up to 60 FPS now. Happy days!