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Thread: Videos: Let's Plays, Walkthroughs and Previews

  1. #1
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales

    Videos: Let's Plays, Walkthroughs and Previews

    Modding Instructions

    Thief Gold
    Thief II - The Metal Age


    Original Games Video thread


    Jump to: T2 - T3 - T2X - TDM - Previews



    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W

    Alcazar (marbleman)
    Assassin, The (TDPBest)
    Assassination, The (Nexus Letum)
    Autumn in Lampfire Hills (Squadarofl) (Nexus Letum) (FenPhoenix)
    Awakening, The (Nexus Letum)

    Between these Dark Walls (FenPhoenix) (vfig) (marbleman) (klatremus)
    Bloodflowers (Wizd3m) (Nexus Letum)
    Bloodstone Prison (Squadarofl) (Nexus Letum) (Gecko) (Aemmanyl)
    Blue Star, The (Shapeshifter1231) (Gecko)
    Burning Bedlam (klatremus)

    Calendra's Cistern (klatremus) (Squadarofl) (vfig) (klatremus - Supreme Ghost)
    Careless Hand, The (Nexus Letum)
    Castle Morgoth (Dale_)
    Castle of the Dead (darthsLair)
    Catacombs of Knoss (marbleman)
    Chalice of Souls, The (FenPhoenix) (klatremus: Part 1, Part 2) (Shadowdancer (rooftop climbing)) (marbleman)
    Chalice of Souls, The - Mission 2: Beyond the Secluded Passage (klatremus Pt 1, Pt 2)
    Circle of Strain (Wizd3m) (Aemanyl)
    Circle of Strain 1 (Nexus Letum)
    Circle of Strain 2 (Nexus Letum) (Aemanyl) (boylag)
    Circle of Strain 3 (Nexus Letum) (Aemanyl)
    Compulsory Egress (twhalen2600) (FenPhoenix)
    Crazy Priest, The (FenPhoenix)
    Cult of the Resurrection (Nexus Letum) (vfig)

    Darkness Walk with Us (twhalen2600) (FenPhoenix)
    Darkwalker (Nexus Letum)
    Dead Night, Sweet Delight (FenPhoenix)
    Dead of Winter, The (AlyssaBoettcher)
    Death of Garrett, The (FenPhoenix) (Nexus Letum) (kimibobae)
    Death's Turbid Veil (FenPhoenix)
    Deceptive Sceptre, The (Wizd3m) (Nexus Letum)
    Dirty Money: (FenPhoenix) (vfig) (marbleman) (klatremus)
    Dockland (Nexus Letum)
    Docks, The (Wizd3m) (Nexus Letum)
    Docks, All Aboard, The (Nexus Letum)
    Downtowne Funk (twhalen2600)

    Endless Rain (FenPhoenix) (klatremus) (marbleman)
    Escape the Bear Pits (Wizd3m) (Nexus Letum)
    Events in Highrock (yxlplig) (Nexus Letum)

    Fall of a Chook (Nexus Letum)
    Final Crusade, The (Nexus Letum)
    Fishmonger (Nexus Letum)
    Friends in Shadows (Nexus Letum)

    Gathering at the Bar (Wizd3m) (Nexus Letum)
    Garrett's Revenge (Nexus Letum)
    Gauntlet, The (Nexus Letum)
    Geller's Pride (Squadarofl)
    Gem, The (Nexus Letum)
    Gems of Provenance (FenPhoenix)
    Gerome of the Woodlands (Nexus Letum)
    Gold in Fort Knocks (darthsLair)
    Good vs Bad (sNeaksieGarrett)
    Guardhouse 2 (Nexus Letum)

    Hammerhead (Nexus Letum)
    Heart and Soul (Nens) (marbleman)
    Hush,Hush..Sweet Harlot (Nexus Letum)

    Immoral Immortal, The (Nexus Letum) (Mateusz Syzmanski)
    In and Out (twhalen2600)
    In the Loom of Doom (darthsLair)
    Inheritance (Nexus Letum)
    Invitation to Castle Morgoth (Squadarofl)

    Journey (Tuttocomb's Tomb) (Nexus Letum)

    Koobze (Wizd3m) (Nexus Letum)

    Lady Whitman's Disease (Nexus Letum)
    Library, The (Wizd3m) (Nexus Letum)
    Living City, The (Nexus Letum)
    Lone Rock Outpost (Dahenjo)
    Lord Bafford's Manor (Need Walkthrough)
    Lord Binclair (Nexus Letum)
    Lord Edmund Entertains (Nexus Letum) (Aemanyl)
    Lorgan's Web (Shadowspawn) (TDPBest)
    Lost City, The (klatremus)
    Lost Among the Forsaken (marbleman) (klatremus)

    Mages Area, The (yxlplig) (Nexus Letum)
    Making a Profit (FenPhoenix)
    Monastery of Saint Fera (Wizd3m) (Nexus Letum)
    Mystery Man, The (FenPhoenix)

    N'Lahotep's Tomb (Nexus Letum)
    Noble Death (Wizd3m)

    Oblivion (Nexus Letum)
    Odium, The (Wizd3m) (Nexus Letum)

    Payback (Wizd3m) (Nexus Letum)
    Phoenix hath Risen, The (darthsLair)
    Poor Lord Bafford (Wizd3m) (Nexus Letum)
    Prisoners Revenge, The (Nexus Letum)
    Prowler of the Dark (ykcaks) (Nens)

    Ranstall Keep (Nexus Letum)
    Retrieval (Nexus Letum)
    Return to Bafford Manor (darthsLair) (Ryan Smith)
    Returning a Favor (FenPhoenix) (vfig)
    Rogues Honour (Nexus Letum)
    Rose Garden (klatremus Pt 1, Pt 2)
    Rose of Bantry (Nexus Letum)

    Saving Private Rye Anne (Nexus Letum)
    Scarlet Cascabel, The (FenPhoenix) (Dahenjo) (marbleman)
    Secret Affair, A (FenPhoenix) (Nexus Letum)
    Sepulchre of the Sinistral (FenPhoenix)
    Serpentine Amulet, The (Gecko)
    Shadow of Doubt Campaign (Squadarofl)
    Shadow Business (Nexus Letum)
    Shadow of Lord Rothchest (Nexus Letum)
    Shadow Politics (Squadarofl) (vfig)
    Shunned, Fistral's Story (Squadarofl) (Nexus Letum)
    Skull of Lysander, The (Wizd3m) (Nexus Letum)
    Sound of a Burrick in a Room (marbleman) (klatremus)
    Stowaway (Nexus Letum)
    Sword of Drakul, The (Nexus Letum)

    Talisman of the Keepers (Nexus Letum)
    Tears of Blood (Nexus Letum)
    Temple of the Forgers (Nexus Letum)
    Trickster's Return, The (Nexus Letum)
    To Whom the Bell Tolls (darthsLair)
    Torben the Traitor (Wizd3m) (Nexus Letum)
    Tower of Illusion (Wizd3m) (Nexus Letum)
    Treasury, The (Nexus Letum)
    Turning the Tables (Nexus Letum)

    Uninvited Guests (Wizd3m) (Nexus Letum)
    Unforgiven (Nexus Letum)
    Unseen, The (FenPhoenix)

    Varyx Obelisk, The (Nens)
    Vigil, The (Nexus Letum)
    Virtual Asylum (Ducal-Hammerite) (Nexus Letum)
    Virtual Asylum (Sezip) (Nexus Letum)

    Wanted: Dead or Alive (Wizd3m) (Nexus Letum)
    Whistling of the Gears (marbleman) (klatremus)
    Working Late (FenPhoenix) (Klatremus)


    T2 Videos

    # A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z

    3 Distinct Adventures (Dale_) (Cardia)

    Abandoned Castle, The (Dale_)
    Abysses (FenPhoenix)
    Ack! There's a Zombie in the Basement! (Random_Taffer)
    All For a Night's Sleep (FenPhoenix) (Dahenjo)
    All Torc: (FenPhoenix)
    All Torc (Squadarofl)
    Amnesia (FenPhoenix) (Zaragendon)
    Among Two Storms (FenPhoenix)
    Ana's Secret (Cardia)
    Anna to the Rescue (Cardia)
    Art of Thievery (FenPhoenix)
    Artifact Returns, The (FenPhoenix) (Niborius)
    Ashen Age, The (FenPhoenix)
    Ashes and Dust (FenPhoenix)
    Aurumpendo (Dale_) (FenPhoenix)

    Bad Debts (Nens) (FenPhoenix) (vfig) (klatremus)
    Bad Hangover (FenPhoenix)
    Bafford's Bone Collection (SlyFoxx)
    Bath House (Nexus Letum)
    Behind Closed Doors (FenPhoenix)
    Benny's Dead (FenPhoenix) (vfig)
    Better Off Dead (FenPhoenix)
    Better Tomorrow, A (FenPhoenix) (Citizen Bishop) (TheRPGMinx Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) (SneakyGuy101)
    Black Frog, The (FenPhoenix) (klatremus Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5)
    Blackheart's Recording, The (assfax)
    Bloodmist Tower (FenPhoenix)
    Bloody Ruins (FenPhoenix)
    Bones Episode 1: The Old Quarter (Nens) (q3d7)
    Book of Prophecy Pt 1 - Dead Letter Box (Sxerks)
    Box, The (Sxerks)
    Breaking the Stone (FenPhoenix) (Dahenjo M1)(M 2 & 3)
    Breathing Corpses (FenPhoenix)
    Broken Heart (Cardia)
    Broken Triad (Random_Taffer) (FenPhoenix) (Nens Pt 1, Pt 2) (southquarter)
    Builder's Paradise, The (vfig) (Dahenjo)

    Calendra's Legacy (klatremus Act I, Act II, Act III) (Squadarofl Acts I, II, III) (quakis Act II w/through) (vfig)
    Canvassing the Neighbourhood, (FenPhoenix)
    Captain of the Guard (Random_Taffer + dev commentary) (The Mike)
    Careless Little Fly (kimbobae)
    Cash Box, The (FenPhoenix)
    Castle Michele (FenPhoenix)
    Cataclysmic Revelations (darthsLair) (TDPBest)
    Cathedral of St Vincent, The (darthsLair)(Cardia)
    Cell 6 (FenPhoenix) (Random_Taffer + dev commentary)
    Christmas Present ((FenPhoenix)
    Citadel of Douro (Cardia)
    Claire's Harbour (FenPhoenix)
    Coaxing The Spirit (FenPhoenix) (Niborius)
    Complicated Cargo (Squadarofl) (Zaragendon Pt 1) Pt 2
    Compulsory Egress (marbleman)
    Coterie of Smokers (FenPhoenix)
    Cracks in the Glass (twhalen2600) (marbleman)
    Cryptic Realms (FenPhoenix) (lavinic49)
    Crooked Town (Dale_)
    Curse, The (Squadarofl)
    Curse of the Skull Goblet, The (FenPhoenix)

    Darkstone Gem Chapter 1: (FenPhoenix)
    Darkstone Gem Chapter 2: (FenPhoenix Part 2)
    Darkstone Gem Chapter 2: Part 3 Point of Entry (DarkMax)
    Dead Night, Sweet Delight (FenPhoenix)
    Deadly Triangle, The (darthsLair)
    Death's Cold Embrace - Act I, Scene 1: Murder Most Foul (Klatremus)
    Death's Cold Embrace - Act 1, Scene 2: A Formula for Success (Klatremus)
    Death's Cold Embrace - Act 1, Scene 3: Rendezvous at the Harlequin (Klatremus)
    Death's Cold Embrace - Act 1, Scene 5: Fate Intervenes (Klatremus)
    Death's Cold Embrace - Act 2, Scene 1: Seeking Counsel With Shadows (Klatremus)
    Death's Cold Embrace: The Ritual (Klatremus)
    Death's Cold Embrace: Waking the Dead (Klatremus)
    Death's Cold Embrace: Cold Reception (Klatremus)
    Death's Cold Embrace: The Wailing Keep (Klatremus)
    Death's Cold Embrace: The End is Just the Beginning (Klatremus)
    Death's Cold Embrace (FenPhoenix) (vfig)
    Death's Turbid Veil (FenPhoenix)
    Deceptive Perception 1 and 2 (FenPhoenix) (Squadarofl DP1, DP2 ) (Blue Snow - DP2) (twhalen2600 - DP2)
    Den, The (FenPhoenix)
    Dire Return, A (FenPhoenix)
    Disorientation (ykcaks) (Nens) (FenPhoenix) (vfig) (klatremus)
    Double or Quits (FenPhoenix)
    Down with The Mechanists (FenPhoenix)
    Dracula Reloaded (FenPhoenix) (ThiefFMguy)
    Drymian Codex, The (FenPhoenix)

    Eclipsed (FenPhoenix)
    Emilie Victor (FenPhoenix) (Squadarofll)
    Escape Hammer Hill (darthsLair)
    Exile: Being Thief 2 (FenPhoenix)

    Fables of the Penitent Thief (FenPhoenix)
    Farm, The (FenPhoenix)
    Favour, The (Dale_)
    Feast of Pilgrims (Zaragendon) (vfig) (twhalen2600)
    Fever, The (FenPhoenix)
    Fierce Competition (Zaragendon) (vfig)
    Fletcher's Final Mistake (SlyFoxx)
    Flowers for a Friend (FenPhoenix)
    Flying Age, The (FenPhoenix)
    Focus, The (Zaragendon)
    Folly of Youth, The ((Nens))
    Forgotten Tomb (FenPhoenix)
    Fortress by the Sea (Squadarofl)
    Forty Eight (FenPhoenix)
    Frest World: (FenPhoenix)
    From Beneath the Sands (FenPhoenix)
    FTM Life (Cardia, Pts 1 and 2)

    Gathering at the Inn, CoSaS I (FenPhoenix) (Nens) (klatremus)
    Ghost Town (FenPhoenix)
    Gift, The (Cardia)
    Gladiator (ThiefFMguy)
    Godbreaker (FenPhoenix)
    Grand Opening (Nexus Letum)
    Greyfeather Gems Part 1: The Shipment, The (FenPhoenix)
    Greyfeather Gems Part 2: Rodamill, The (FenPhoenix)

    Hammerite Imperium: Seven Shades of Mercury (FenPhoenix) (ykcaks) (TDPBest)
    Half-Assed Wedding / Half-Assed Marriage (FenPhoenix)
    Harlequin, The (kimibobae)
    Heartcliff Islands (FenPhoenix)
    Heretics and Pagans (TDPBest)
    Heist at Hilbert's Highrise Hotel (vfig)
    Heist Society (ykcaks) (Dahenjo) (marbleman)
    Hidden Agenda (marbleman)
    Hightowne Museum (Aemanyl)
    Home Sweet Home (FenPhoenix) (vfig) (Dahenjo))
    Hunting Treasure (Cardia)

    In these Enlightened Times (FenPhoenix)
    Incubus (FenPhoenix)
    Information, The (Nexus Letum)
    Insanity's Crescendo (FenPhoenix)
    Insurrection (vfig)
    Into the Maelstrom (FenPhoenix) (vfig)
    Into the Odd (Zaragendon) (marbleman)
    Inverted Manse, The (vfig)
    Iron Heart (FenPhoenix)

    Job Well Done, A (FenPhoenix) (marbleman)
    John Dosio's Compound (Cardia)
    Just My Luck (FenPhoenix)

    Keeper Investigations (FenPhoenix)
    Keeper of Infinity Chapter 1: Bad Venture (FenPhoenix) (Soul Tear) (Dahenjo)
    Keeper of Infinity Chapter 2: Raven's Nest (FenPhoenix) (Soul Tear) (Dahenjo)
    Keeper of the Prophecies, A (FenPhoenix) (vfig) (klatremus)
    Keeper's Betrayal, A (vfig)
    Keyhunt (FenPhoenix) (Squadarofll)
    King Abedzen's Tomb (FenPhoenix)
    Kingsbridge (FenPhoenix)
    King's Story (FenPhoenix) (ThiefFMguy) (lavinic - Russian) (vfig)
    Korrigans, The (FenPhoenix)

    Lady Lomat's Flute (muzboz)
    L'Arsene (FenPhoenix) (Squadarofl)
    Last Caress (Fallschirm)
    Last Lighthouse Keeper, The (Random_Taffer) (FenPhoenix)
    Les Paolis (Cardia)
    Library of Babel, The (FenPhoenix)
    Lingering Whispers (FenPhoenix) (CerebralStatis)
    Lord Alan's Factory (Meowdori)
    Lord Bafford's Secret (darthsLair)
    Lord Beltzer's Mansion (assfax)
    Lost Castle, The (Cardia)
    Lost in the Far Edges (Soul Tear)
    Lost Souls (FenPhoenix)
    Love Story, A (FenPhoenix)
    Love Story II, A (FenPhoenix)
    Love Story III, A (FenPhoenix)
    Love Story IV, A (FenPhoenix)
    Love Story V, A (FenPhoenix)
    Lucky Hand, A (FenPhoenix)

    Mansion 48 (FenPhoenix)
    Mech Angelo (FenPhoenix)
    Mechanist Facility (Cardia)
    Melancholy in Porto (Cardia)
    Memoirs of a Dead God (FenPhoenix)
    Midday Escape (Sxerks)
    Midsummer Night's Heist, A (Dahenjo) (Psych0sis)
    Mine Saga (FenPhoenix)
    Mirror of Return, The (FenPhoenix)
    Mission 3 (Shadows of the Past) (FenPhoenix)
    Mission X, CoSaS II (FenPhoenix) (Nens) (klatremus - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
    Morbid Curiosity (FenPhoenix) (Klatremus)
    Mortuos Liber (Dale_) (FenPhoenix)
    Moth to a Flame (Random_Taffer)
    Mr. Turmoil (Cardia)
    M.S. Gold - Rust (FenPhoenix)
    Music of Sibel, The (ykcaks) (FenPhoenix)
    My Favorite Year (vfig)
    Mysterious Invitation (FenPhoenix)
    Mystery Man (FenPhoenix)
    Mystic Gems 2 (ykcaks)

    New Place for Ghosts, A (Cardia)
    New Sheriff, The (FenPhoenix)
    Night before Christmas, The (FenPhoenix)
    Night in Rocksbourg, A: A New Beginning (FenPhoenix) (Squadarofl) (klatremus)
    Night in Rocksbourg, A: Discovery (FenPhoenix) (Squadarofl) (klatremus)
    Night in Rocksbourg, A: Ink and Dust (FenPhoenix) (Klatremus) (Frère Staven)
    Nightmares (yxlplig)
    Nosferatu Vol 2: A Love Thief (Dahenjo)
    Nosferatu Vol 2: The Weird Sisters (Dahenjo)
    Nostalgia (FenPhoenix)

    Of The Sinister Awakening (FenPhoenix)
    Of Thieves and Rubies (FenPhoenix)
    Off the Record (Random_Taffer) (FenPhoenix)
    Ominous Bequest (FenPhoenix) (OB Gold Random_Taffer) (OB Gold Nens)

    Patriot Campaign (Black Secrit)
    Pereira's Mansion (Cardia)
    Pestis Cruenta (FenPhoenix)
    Pirates Ahoy! (FenPhoenix) (ChaosKnightt)
    Plagiarism (vfig)
    Playground of Doom (Cardia)
    Power of Suggestion, The (Squadarofl)
    Precious (FenPhoenix)
    Pursuance of an Inscrutable Reciprocity, The (vfig)

    Raven Creek (Dahenjo M 1 & 2 M 3)
    Relic - Left for Dead (yxlplig)
    Rebellion of the Builder (PLATOON72)
    Religious Conflict (Cardia)
    Rendezvous (FenPhoenix)
    Resonance (Drover Soitin)
    Rise of the Mechanists Part 1 (Cardia)
    Roofs of Gold (FenPhoenix)
    Rose Cottage (Random_Taffer) (FenPhoenix) (Dale_) (Lady Lilia Pt 1, Pt 2 Pt 3) (RPGMinxPt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3)
    Rowena's Curse (FenPhoenix) (vfig)
    Ruins of Originia (Dale_) (klatremus Pt 1, Pt 2) (Zaragendon Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt 7)
    Run! (FenPhoenix)
    Rustler, The (FenPhoenix)

    Saints and Thieves (marbleman)
    Saving Caroline (FenPhoenix) (Klatremus)
    Schizophrenica (FenPhoenix)
    Search for Crom's Blade, The (vfig)
    Secret of the Keepers (FenPhoenix)
    Servant's Revenge, A (SlyFoxx)
    Seven Sisters, The (FenPhoenix) (vfig)
    Seventh Crystal, The (FenPhoenix)
    Shadows In Our Blood (FenPhoenix)
    Shadows of Eidolon (Squadarofl) (FenPhoenix)
    Shoes & Dresses (FenPhoenix)
    Show Off (vfig)
    Sinful Opportunities (Random_Taffer)
    Sinkhole, The (FenPhoenix)
    Sly's UT Arena II (SlyFoxx)
    Snobs (FenPhoenix Part 1, Part 2)
    So Long Hammers (yxlplig)
    Sorrowful Farewell, A (FenPhoenix)
    Stones and Glass Houses (Squadarofl) (FenPhoenix)
    Stowaway (Nexus Letum)
    Sturmdrang Peak (Random_Taffer) (FenPhoenix) (kimbobae)
    Swindle Job, The (FenPhoenix)

    Teddy Bear's Curse (Cardia)
    Tell Tale Heart (darthsLair) (FenPhoenix)
    Temple of Death (Cardia)
    Temple of the Tides (FenPhoenix)
    Ten Little Taffers (vfig)
    The Odd (vfig)
    Theft in High Towne, A (Squadarofl)
    Thief Noir (vfig)
    Thief Trinity (yxlplig)
    Thief's Holiday 2004 (sNeaksieGarrett) (Blue Snow) (FenPhoenix)
    Thief's New Year, A (FenPhoenix)
    Third Time's the Charm (FenPhoenix) (q3d7)
    Till Death Do Us Part (FenPhoenix)
    Time for Change (vfig)
    Time for Culture (Cardia)
    To The End With Nothing: (FenPhoenix)
    Tower, The (Squadarofl) (FenPhoenix) (vfig)
    Tower in the Forest, The (FenPhoenix)
    Tower of Jorge (FenPhoenix)
    Tower of St Moria, The (darthsLair)
    Trail of Blood 2 (FenPhoenix)
    Transitions in Chaos Part 1- Conspiracies in the Dark (Random_Taffer) (ykcaks) (FenPhoenix)
    Tribal Breeze (Cerebralstatis)
    Troubling Transitions (vfig)

    Ultima Ratio (FenPhoenix)
    Umbelina (Cardia)
    Unbidden Guest (ykcaks) (BlueSnow)
    Under Templehill (Bentraxx)
    Unexpected Detour (DarkMax)
    Unfinished Business (SlyFoxx)
    Unfortunate Formulae (kingcade)
    Unholy Vivid Innocence (FenPhoenix)]
    Unnecessary Risk (SlyFoxx + Dev Commentary)
    Unseen, The (FenPhoenix)
    Upside Down (FenPhoenix)

    Vadrigar's Prison (Cardia)
    Vagabond (FenPhoenix)
    Vanishing Point (FenPhoenix) (vfig)
    Visit For The Knights, A (FenPhoenix)
    Vol de Nuit (Ame Chan)

    Way Home (FenPhoenix)
    Way of the Sword, The (q3d7)
    Waterlogged (Nexus Letum)
    What Lies Below (FenPhoenix) (Klatremus)
    What've You Found Little Fly (FenPhoenix)
    When Angels Refuse to Die (FenPhoenix) (Ame Chan) ((vfig)
    When Still (FenPhoenix)
    Where the Unknown Lurks (vfig)
    Whispers in the Desert (FenPhoenix)
    Who is Hugo? (FenPhoenix)
    Wicked Relics (Dale_) (FenPhoenix)
    Wooden Box, The (FenPhoenix)

    Yume no Rozen (Sxerks) (Arsheerek)

    Zealot's Hollow (FenPhoenix)



    Cabal, The Part 1: Furious Flames (FenPhoenix)
    Silence (FenPhoenix)
    Valley (Dale_) (FenPhoenix)

    Missions 1-13 (FenPhoenix) (Nens Details) (boylag) (Platinumoxicity (Ghosting))
    Developer Commentaries


    The Dark Mod

    Accountant 1, The (boylag)
    Accountant II, The: New In Town: (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Alberic's Curse (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    Arena, The (boylag)
    Awaiting the Storm (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    Away 1: Air Pocket (boylag)

    Bakery Job, The (boylag) (FenPhoenix)
    Banque Bienveillante, La (Bobbin Threadbare)
    Beleaguered Fence, The (FenPhoenix) (Airship Ballet)
    Betrayal (Airship Ballet) (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Blackgrove Manor (boylag)
    Braeden Church (boylag)
    Briarwood Cathedral Pt. 1 (boylag)
    Briarwood Manor (boylag)
    Builder Roads, The (Airship Ballet)
    Business as Usual (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    Builder's Influence, The (Airship Ballet) (boylag)

    Caduceus of St Alban, The (Airship Ballet) (FenPhoenix)
    Chalice of Kings, The (FenPhoenix) (Bobbin Threadbare) (Airship Ballet)
    Cleaning Up the Neighborhood (boylag)
    Cleighmoor (FenPhoenix)
    Closemouthed Shadows (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    Coercion (boylag)
    CoS1: Pearls And Swine (boylag)
    Creeps, The (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Crown of Penitence (FenPhoenix) (Airship Ballet)
    Crucible of Omens Prologue: Behind Closed Doors: (FenPhoenix) (boylag) (marbleman)
    Crystal Grave (boylag)

    Dead Drunk (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Deceptive Shadows (boylag)
    Down by the Riverside (boylag) (FenPhoenix)

    Elixir, The (boylag)
    Exhumed (boylag)

    Factory Heist, The (boylag)
    Fiasco at Fauchard Street (Airship Ballet) (klatremus)
    Flakebridge Monastery (AluminumHaste's LP) (Airship Ballet) (FenPhoenix)
    Full Moon Fever (FenPhoenix) (boylag) (marbleman)

    Gatehouse, The (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Glenham Tower, The (FenPhoenix) (Bobbin Threadbare) (Airship Ballet)
    Golden Skull, The (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Good Neighbor, A (boylag)
    Grail of Regrets (Airship Ballet)

    Hare in the Snare, The (boylag)
    Heart of Lone Salvation (FenPhoenix)
    Heart of Saint Mattis (boylag)
    Hidden Hands Initiation (boylag)
    Hidden Hands - Vitalic Fever (boylag)
    Hidden Hands - The Anomaly (boylag)
    House in Blackbog Hollow (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    House of Locked Secrets, A (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    House of Theo (Airship Ballet) (boylag)

    Illusionist's Tower (Airship Ballet) (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    In a Time of Need (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    In Remembrance of Him (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    In the Black (boylag)
    Inn Business (Airship Ballet) (boylag)

    King of Diamonds, The: (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    King of the Mountains (marbleman)
    Knighton Manor (FenPhoenix) (Bobbin Threadbare) (Airship Ballet)

    Langhorne Lodge (boylag)
    Let Sleeping Thieves Lie (Airship Ballet)
    Lich Queen's Demise, The (FenPhoenix) (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    Lockdown Part 1 (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    Lord Duffford's (boylag)
    Lord Edgar's Bathhouse (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Lords & Legacy (Drover Soitin) (Airship Ballet) (FenPhoenix)

    Mad's Mountain (Airship Ballet) (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Mandrasola (FenPhoenix) (Bobbin Threadbare)
    Marsh Of Rahena (boylag)
    Matter of Hours, A (boylag)
    Mission of Mercy (boylag)
    Mother Rose (FenPhoenix) (boylag)

    New Job, A (boylag) (FenPhoenix) (klatremus)
    Night Of Reluctant Benefaction, The (boylag)
    No Honor Among Thieves (Airship Ballet: M1, M2)(FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Noble Home, A (FenPhoenix)
    Not an Ordinary Guest (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    Now and Then (boylag)

    Old Habits (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    Old Habits 2 (boylag)
    One Step too Far (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Outpost, The (Airship Ballet) (boylag)

    Parcel, The (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    Painter's Wife, The (boylag)
    Pandora's Box (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    Patently Dangerous (demagogue) (FenPhoenix) (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    Penny Dreadful 1: The Grail of Regrets (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Penny Dreadful 2: All The Way Up (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Penny Dreadful 3: Erasing The Trail (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Perilous Refuge (boylag) (marbleman)
    Phrase Book, The (FenPhoenix) (Bobbin Threadbare) (Airship Ballet)
    Poets & Peasants (boylag)

    Quinn Co. (boylag)

    Rake Off (Airship Ballet)
    Rats Triumphant, The (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Ravine, The (boylag)
    Reap as you Sow (boylag)
    Reputation to Uphold, A (Airship Ballet) (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Requiem (FenPhoenix) (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    Return to the City (FenPhoenix) (Airship Ballet) (klatremus)
    Rift, The (Airship Ballet) (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Rightful Property (boylag)

    Sacricide CoS3 (boylag)
    St Albans Cathedral (boylag)
    Samhain Night (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    Score to Settle, A (Airship Ballet) (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Scroll of Remembrance (boylag)
    Shadows of Northdale, Act I (boylag)
    Shadows of Northdale, Act 2 (boylag)
    Siege Shop (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    Sir Talbot's Collateral (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Smiling Cutpurse, The (boylag)
    Sneak and Destroy (Airship Ballet) (boylag)
    Snowed Inn (boylag)
    Solar Escape (boylag)
    Somewhere Above the City (Airship Ballet) (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Sons of Baltona, The (Airship Ballet)
    Special Delivery (boylag)
    Spring Cleaning (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Swing (FenPhoenix) (boylag)

    Tears of St Lucia (ykcaks) (Bobbin Threadbare) (FenPhoenix) (klatremus)(Airship Ballet)
    Thief's Den (FenPhoenix) (boylag) (klatremus)
    Thief's Remorse (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Thieves, The (boylag)
    Too Late (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Training Mission (FenPhoenix) (klatremus)
    Transaction (FenPhoenix) (Bobbin Threadbare)
    Trapped (boylag)

    Volta and the Stone (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    Volta 2 (boylag)

    William Steele 1 - In the North In The North (FenPhoenix) (Bobbin Threadbare) (boylag)
    William Steele 2 - Home Again (FenPhoenix) (Bobbin Threadbare) (boylag)
    William Steele 3 - Cleighmoor Cleighmoor (FenPhoenix) (boylag)
    William Steele 4 - The Warrens (boylag)
    William Steele 5 - Commerce Bank (boylag)
    Window of Opportunity (FenPhoenix) (boylag)

  2. #2
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales

    Assault at the Gas Station (Sterlin0)
    Abominable Dr. Dragon, The (Bentraxx)
    Arac Attack (Bentraxx)
    Art of Thievery, The (Bentraxx)
    Bafford's Last Stand (Bentraxx)
    Bane 1 - Keep of Deceit (Bentraxx)
    Bane 2. Cult of the Damned (Bentraxx)
    Bloodmist Tower (Bentraxx)
    Book of the Prophecy Pt 1 (Bentraxx)
    Breaking the Stone (Hipbreaker)
    Bridge, The (T3leveldesign)
    Broken Hammers (Bentraxx)
    Broken Triad (Bentraxx)
    Burglary in Blackbrook (Bentraxx)
    By Order of an Unknown (Bentraxx)
    Cabal (str8g8 - Pt 1) (T3leveldesign - Pt 3)
    Calendra's Legacy (Bentraxx)
    Carnival (Anon)
    Cathedral of the Damned, The (Bentraxx)
    Cell 6 (FenPhoenix)
    Cistern, The (Bentraxx)
    Citadel of Wrath-Amon (Bentraxx)
    Clean out, The (Bentraxx)
    Clocktower, The (Bentraxx)
    Cloister of St Lazarius, The (Bentraxx)
    Creature Clash (Nexus Letum)
    Cryptic Realms (sensut)
    Curse, The (Bentraxx)
    Dance with the Dead (Bentraxx)
    Dead of Winter, The (Bentraxx)
    Debt Repayed, A (Bentraxx)
    Deceptive Perception (Bentraxx)
    Deceptive Perception 2 - Phantasmagoria (Bentraxx)
    Deceptive Sceptre (Taffersinn)
    Den, The (Bentraxx)
    Dracula Reloaded (Bentraxx pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4)
    Drymian Codex (Yandros) (Taffersinn)
    Durant (Bentraxx)
    Dyer's Eve (Bentraxx)
    Embracing the Enemy (jekajada)
    Equilibrium (Bentraxx)
    Exile...Being Thief 2 (sensut)
    Fable of the Penitent Thief (danelitodd)
    Fight Pub (Bentraxx)
    Firefly (Bentraxx)
    First Project, The (MZ Slip)
    Flying Age, The (Sterlin0)
    Freedom for Nepumuk (Bentraxx)
    From Beneath the Sands (Bentraxx)
    Garrett and the Beanstalk (Bentraxx)
    Garrett Takes A Cure (zappen)
    Garrett's Nightmare (Bentraxx)
    Ghost House, The (Bentraxx)
    Ghost Town (Bentraxx)
    Godbreaker (H3H3)
    Greyfeather Gems (Bentraxx)
    Happy New Year Mr Lambert (Bentraxx)
    Hammerite Imperium, Seven Shades of Mercury (Bentraxx)
    Haunted Hospital, The (Bentraxx)
    Having a Ball (Bentraxx)
    Heretics and Pagans (Bentraxx)
    His own Medicine (Bentraxx)
    Horns of Canzo Pt 2 (Sterlin0)
    Island of Sorrow (GaudiQ7)
    Insurrection (Bentraxx)
    Inverted Manse, The (Bentraxx)
    Karras Diary - Prophesies of Gold (Bentraxx)
    Keeper of the Prophecies, A (Bentraxx Hallucinations, The Last Hope)
    Koobze (DmitryVorobyev)
    Legend of the Four Elements 2, The Last Hope (Bentraxx)
    Library, The (juljusz)
    Life of the Party-Winter Edition(SneaksieGarrett)
    Living Nightmare, A (Bentraxx)
    Lord Alan's Factory (Bentraxx)
    Lord Alan's Fortress (Bentraxx)
    Lord Ashton Series (Bentraxx)
    Lord Beilman's Estate pt 1 (vladmidknightPt 1, Pt 2)
    Lord Fishkill's Curse (Bentraxx)
    Lord James Retreat (Bentraxx)
    Lost Crusade, The (Bentraxx)
    Love Story II, A (Bentraxx)
    Love Story IV, A (Bentraxx)
    Mask of Agamemnon, The (Bentraxx)
    Mistrz (Bentraxx)
    Morbid Curiosity (H3H3)
    Mother's Love, A (Bentraxx)
    Mystery at St Anne's Inn (Bentraxx)
    Mystic Lady, The (Bentraxx)
    Night Falcon (Bentraxx)
    Night in Rocksbourg, A (Bentraxx Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3)
    Nightmares (Bentraxx)
    Nightwatch, The (Bentraxx)
    On The Hammer's Tracks (zappen)
    On the Trail of a Fence (JayB)
    Pirates Ahoy (Bentraxx)
    Podroz do Krainy Biedakow (kilagorila)
    Radiant Garden, The (Bentraxx)
    Raid on Washout Central (Bentraxx)
    Ranstall Keep (Bentraxx)
    Rebellion of the Builder, The (Bentraxx) (ShaunMorin RotB 2)
    Reflections (Bentraxx)
    Resurgence - The Ancient Crown (Bentraxx)
    Retaliation (Bentraxx)
    Retrieval of the Soul (Bentraxx)
    Right up there in the Mountains, Evil Dead (Bentraxx)
    Reunion with Basso (zappen)
    Saints and Thieves (Bentraxx)
    Sammy pays his Dues (Bentraxx)
    Saturio Returns Home (Bentraxx)
    Scepter of Dor Am'al Part 1 (Bentraxx
    Search for Crom's Blade, The (Bentraxx)
    Secret Breaking of a Pyramid (Bentraxx)
    Seven Sisters, The (Bentraxx)
    Seventh Crystal, The (Bentraxx)
    Shadows of Eidolon (Bentraxx)
    Simple Enough (Bentraxx)
    Skygem Connection, The (Bentraxx)
    Space Thief (Bentraxx)
    Strain7 (MZSlip)
    T2X (chainsy)
    Taffer's Shooting Gallery (Bentraxx)
    Temple of Death (Bentraxx)
    Thief Trinity (Bentraxx)
    Thieves' Highway (Bentraxx)
    Through No Fault of my Own (Bentraxx)
    Tower of Illusion (Taffersinn)
    Train Spotting (Bentraxx)
    Transitions in Chaos: Conspiracies in the Dark (Bentraxx)
    Ultima Ratio (Bentraxx)
    Undead Reckoning (Bentraxx)
    United Bank of Auldale (Suprem Thief)
    Unusual Conditions (Bentraxx)
    Whispers in the Desert (Bentraxx
    Willow Island (Bentraxx)
    Zombie Killer (furriplay connec)

  3. #3
    Registered: Oct 2012
    Excellent work nickie.......are you going to keep the video thread and the mega thread separate from now on ?

  4. #4
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales
    Maybe. Maybe not.

  5. #5
    This is a great idea Nickie ! Thanks for your work ! And you know how i like videos

  6. #6
    Registered: Jun 2011
    Location: ���&#5671
    You can find Soultear's very own walktrough for his excellent mission Lost In The Far Edge here :

    Skacky did a lots of videos back in the days, you can find his channel here :

    There is this nice channel too:

    Also, I did a visual walktrough for Sperry's Campaign Shadow of doubt, it should be somewhere on my channel
    (Oh and Shadow of Eidolon is for T2, not T1 )

  7. #7
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales
    Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Squadarofl View Post
    (Oh and Shadow of Eidolon is for T2, not T1 )
    (Damn) I'm sure it started out in T2, I must have wandered off somewhere.

    Edit. OK, I've got Shadow of Doubt and Lost in the Far Edges up but the main reason for posting this while still a WIP is because I'm up to my eyes in beta testing and don't have time now to look.

    If skacky or anyone else would be kind enough to post links so I don't have to search and can just copy and paste, then that would be great.

  8. #8
    Registered: Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by nickie View Post
    Maybe. Maybe not.
    Nickie doing her Yandros (sign)post again ?

  9. #9
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales
    That reminds me, I haven't given him a slap for that yet.

  10. #10
    Registered: Apr 2000
    Location: Not France
    Great looking list, nickie, really easy to read and navigate. Keep up the good work.

  11. #11
    Master Builder 2018
    Registered: Jul 2008
    Very nice!

    Do you think the title should say "'Let's Play' Videos" or something like that?

  12. #12
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales
    Could do except some are called walkthroughs/reviews. And the first two are setup instructions for the games, installing patches and enhancements etc. There may be more of those.

  13. #13
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Quote Originally Posted by nickie View Post
    Maybe. Maybe not.
    Quote Originally Posted by fortuni View Post
    Nickie doing her Yandros (sign)post again ?
    Quote Originally Posted by nickie View Post
    That reminds me, I haven't given him a slap for that yet.
    I don't quite follow, but then again I'm quite sure I deserve a slap for something.

    Very nice idea and thank you for the work, Nickie!

  14. #14
    Registered: Jun 2009
    Location: UK
    Made an eight part walkthrough for Calendra's Legacy Act II a while back which could be included. Here's the first video & playlist: - Done
    Last edited by nickie; 11th May 2014 at 06:46. Reason: Added

  15. #15
    Registered: Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Yandros View Post
    I don't quite follow, but then again I'm quite sure I deserve a slap for something.

    mind you i don't think that deserves a slap !

  16. #16
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales
    Quote Originally Posted by quakis View Post
    Made an eight part walkthrough for Calendra's Legacy Act II
    Yes, that's on my list of additions although I did mean to add it in before posting. They're all in the 2nd post of the Review Megathread and is what got me thinking about videos in the first place - so it's your fault.

  17. #17
    Registered: Aug 2003
    Location: Sharon, PA, USA, Earth
    Nice list Nickie!

    My Calendra's Legacy, Act 2 LP can be found here as a part of my YouTube channel. - Done
    Last edited by nickie; 11th May 2014 at 06:46. Reason: Added
    Klatremus' Supreme Thief Site - Walkthroughs, Loot Lists & Ghost Reports
    Let's Supreme Ghost Thief - YouTube Channel with Thief Let's Plays

  18. #18
    L'architecte de Rocksbourg
    Registered: Nov 2005
    Location: Narbonne, France
    Quote Originally Posted by klatremus View Post
    My Calendra's Legacy, Act 2 LP can be found here
    And where is part 3 ?

  19. #19
    Registered: Jan 2014
    Fenphoenix - A Noble Home - TDM - Done
    Last edited by nickie; 11th May 2014 at 08:11. Reason: Just what is needed - thank you

  20. #20
    Registered: Aug 2003
    Location: Sharon, PA, USA, Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by DrK View Post
    And where is part 3 ?
    Hopefully coming in the next couple of weeks. I've done my test run and managed to successfully Supreme Ghost it for the first time. Just gotta find the time to record it.
    Klatremus' Supreme Thief Site - Walkthroughs, Loot Lists & Ghost Reports
    Let's Supreme Ghost Thief - YouTube Channel with Thief Let's Plays

  21. #21
    Registered: Oct 2012
    here are the T1/TG walkthroughs from youtube by Nexus Letum.....this woman is seriously cool

    T1 video walkthroughs

    The Treasury (Nexus Letum)
    Autumn in Lampfire Hills (Nexus Letum)
    Saving Private Rye Anne (Nexus Letum)
    Poor Lord Bafford (Nexus Letum)
    Shunned..Fistrals Story (Nexus Letum)
    The Trickster's Returns (Nexus Letum)
    Fall of a Chook (Nexus Letum)
    Rose of Bantry (Nexus Letum)
    Tears of Blood (Nexus Letum)
    Death of Garrett (Nexus Letum)
    Lord Edmund Entertains (Nexus Letum)
    Shadow of Lord Rothchest (Nexus Letum)
    Bloodstone Prison (Nexus Letum)
    Escape the Bear Pits (Nexus Letum)
    The Mages Area (Nexus Letum)
    N'Lahotep's Tomb (Nexus Letum)
    Information (Nexus Letum)
    The Vigil (Nexus Letum)
    The Awakening (Nexus Letum)
    Temple of the Forgers (Nexus Letum)
    Hush,Hush..Sweet Harlot (Nexus Letum)
    The Gem (Nexus Letum)
    Lady Whitman's Disease (Nexus Letum)
    Oblivion (Nexus Letum)
    The Sword of Drakul (Nexus Letum)
    Guardhouse 2 (Nexus Letum)
    Stowaway (Nexus Letum)
    The Gauntlet (Nexus Letum)
    Unforgiven (Nexus Letum)
    Virtual Asylum (Ducal-Hammerite) (Nexus Letum)
    Shadow Business (Nexus Letum)
    Circle of Strain 1 (Nexus Letum)
    Cult of the Resurrection (Nexus Letum)
    Darkwalker (Nexus Letum)
    Inheritance (Nexus Letum)
    Retrieval (Nexus Letum)
    Friends in Shadows (Nexus Letum)
    Circle of Strain 2 (Nexus Letum)
    Ranstall Keep (Nexus Letum)
    Events in Highrock (Nexus Letum)
    Hammerhead (Nexus Letum)
    Circle of Strain 3 (Nexus Letum)
    Talisman of the Keepers (Nexus Letum)
    Gathering at the Bar (Nexus Letum)
    The Prisoners Revenge (Nexus Letum)
    The Assassination (Nexus Letum)
    The Careless Hand (Nexus Letum)
    The Libary (Nexus Letum)
    Koobze (Nexus Letum)
    Deceptive Sceptre (Nexus Letum)
    Virtual Asylum (Sezip) (Nexus Letum)
    Journey (Tuttocomb's Tomb) (Nexus Letum)
    The Skull of Lysander (Nexus Letum)
    Uninvited Guests (Nexus Letum)
    The Immoral Immortal (Nexus Letum)
    Lord Binclair (Nexus Letum)
    Rogues Honour (Nexus Letum)
    The Living City (Nexus Letum)
    Payback (Nexus Letum)
    The Odium (Nexus Letum)
    Wanted-Dead or Alive (Nexus Letum)
    The Tower of Illusion (Nexus Letum)
    Bloodflowers (Nexus Letum)
    The Monestary of St Fera (Nexus Letum)
    Torben The Traitor (Nexus Letum)
    The Final Crusade (Nexus Letum)

    TG walkthroughs

    Gerome of the Woodlands (Nexus Letum)
    A Secret Affair (Nexus Letum)
    The Docks, All Aboard (Nexus Letum)
    Garretts Revenge (Nexus Letum)
    Dockland (Nexus Letum)

    T1 walkthroughs by others than Nexus

    Lorgans Web (Shadowspawn)
    The Mystery Man (FenPhoenix)
    The Sepulchre of the Sinistral (FenPhoenix)
    Returning a favour (FenPhoenix)
    The Immoral Immortal (Mateusz Syzmanski)
    Lord Bafford's Manor (Need Walkthrough)

    TG walkthroughs by others than Nexus

    The Phoenix hath Risen (Darthslair)
    Good vs Bad (sNeaksieGarrett)
    The Blue Star (Shapeshifter1231)
    The Unseen (FenPhoenix)
    To Whom the Bell Tolls (Darthslair)
    Return to Bafford Manor (Ryan Smith)
    Gold in Fort Knocks (Darthslair)
    Dead Night, Sweet Delight (FenPhoenix)
    Castle of the Dead (Darthslair)

    and here are 3 walkthroughs for TG that are in German, but there are no English versions available so you may wish to include them

    Returning the Lockpicks (VeniVidiRici)

    Das Artefakt (VeniVidiRici)

    A meeting with Cutty (VeniVidiRici)

    I don't thik this is a full walkthrough....but its worth watching anyway

    Lighthouse Shed (Anon)

    i have checked all of these after having saved this post and they all correctly link to the correct youtube vid so no need to double check them

    I also came across a no of walkthrough by 'TheMasterFoundry' but have not posted them as they are duplicates of what we have already, but if you want them just let me know

    As far as i can see that's all the walkthroughs available on Youtube for T1/TG

    think that's enough for tonight....more tomorrow....i need a glass of wine
    Last edited by fortuni; 17th May 2014 at 06:51.

  22. #22
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales
    Fantastic job - thank you so much!! I believe Nexus Letum is going through Komag's dvd so maybe one day we'll have a complete collection. The Master Foundry is Wizd3m and I think I've got all his. I don't have a problem with duplicates - everyone plays slightly differently and this layout is the same as the Review Megathread. FenAlternate is just an old FenPhoenix so I'm listing all those under the FenPhoenix name.

  23. #23
    Registered: Oct 2012
    @'ve put 5 T1/TG vids in T2 section

    T1 Mystery man
    TG Dead Night, Sweet Delight
    TG Returning a Favour
    T1 Sepulchre of the Sinistral
    TG The Unseen

  24. #24
    Registered: Jul 2013
    I make Thief FM videos occasionally. Since I don't have the equipment or the desire to record entertaining commentary, I try to make them informative. So I do walkthroughs with full loot and all secrets and bonus objectives.

    Events in Highrock (yxlplig)
    Mages Area, The (yxlplig)

    Relic - Left for Dead (yxlplig)
    So Long Hammers (yxlplig)
    Last edited by nickie; 19th May 2014 at 09:06. Reason: Added

  25. #25
    Registered: Oct 2012

    T2 walkthroughs from Youtube

    T2 Walkthoughs.....all believed to be so by the length of the vid, its says 100% or they expressly say so

    Waterlogged (Nexus Letum)
    Bath House (Nexus Letum)
    Stowaway (Nexus Letum)
    Grand Opening (Nexus Letum)
    Anniversary of Yan, The (VeniVidiRici)
    Retrieval (VeniVidiRici)
    Something up There (VeniVidiRici)
    After the Party (VeniVidiRici)
    The Clocktower (VeniVidiRici)
    The Golden Skull of Lord Frobb (VeniVidiRici)
    Squeeky's Secret (VeniVidiRici)
    Counter-Thief (VeniVidiRici)
    Arh!-There's a Zombie in the Basement (VeniVidiRici)
    Night at the Theatre (VeniVidiRici)
    Tcrap (VeniVidiRici)
    Turtle on its Back (VeniVidiRici)
    Chuffy Train! (VeniVidiRici)
    City Train, The (VeniVidiRici)
    To Send a Message (VeniVidiRici)
    Surrounded by the Metal Age (VeniVidirici)
    Chat Noir (VeniVidiRici)
    Sly's UT Arena (VeniVidiRici)
    OMG Get your Blackjack Back (VeniVidiRici)
    Easy Money (VeniVidiRici)
    Last Caress (Fallschirm)
    Escape from Blackstone Crypt (VeniVidiRici)
    Volcano Island (VeniVidiRici)
    Akhenaten's Tomb (VeniVidiRici)
    Vol de Nuit (VeniVidiRici)
    Space Thief (VeniVidiRici)
    Hedgerows & Hammerites (VeniVidiRici)
    Pirates Ahoy (ChaosKnightt)
    Unbidden Guest (BlueSnow)
    Under Templehill (Bentraxx)
    Unfortunate Formulae (kingcade)
    Tower, The (FenPhoenix)
    Incubus (VeniVidiRici)
    Gladiator (ThiefFMguy)

    couple of Qs
    1. 'Ranstall keep' comes up on my darkloader as a T1 fm, but is listed on taffersparadise and cheapmissions as a T2 fm what is it ?
    2. ditto 'Lady Whitman's Disease...file says it's T1 but listed on TP & CMs as T2
    3. The docks I have 2 in my darkloader ( T1)( T2) are they exactly the same or were there any differences...but can only find a w/t for T1 fm, if they are the same you might wish to stick the T1 w/t in the T2 listing as well

    more TG w/t

    Ochiru (VeniVidiRici)

    Project Hammer (VeniVidiRici)

    F (VeniVidiRici)

    Keeper of the Bell (VeniVidiRici)

    And another T1
    The Docks (Nexus Letum)

    Previews.....thought i would include these as you may wish to include demo's where there is no full LP available

    Creature Clash (Nexus Letum)
    Willow Island (Bentraxx)
    Equilibrium (Bentraxx)
    Ultima Ratio (Bentraxx)
    Taffer's Shooting Gallery (Bentraxx)
    Embracing the Enemy (jekajada)
    Saturio Returns Home (Bentraxx)
    The Inverted Manse (Bentraxx)
    The Haunted Hospital (Bentraxx)
    From Beneath the Sands (Bentraxx)
    Lord Alan's Factory (Bentraxx)
    Raid on Washout Central (Bentraxx)
    Pirates Ahoy (Bentraxx)
    Nightmares (Bentraxx)
    Garretts Nightmare (Bentraxx)
    Thief Trinity (Bentraxx)
    Ranstall Keep (Bentraxx)
    Reflections (Bentraxx)
    Mystery at St Anne's Inn (Bentraxx)
    Mistrz (Bentraxx)
    Insurrection (Bentraxx)
    Fight pub (Bentraxx)
    Retrieval of the Soul (Bentraxx)
    Sammy pays his Dues (Bentraxx)
    Right up there in the Mountains, Evil Dead (Bentraxx)
    The Skygem Connection (Bentraxx)
    Garrett and the Beanstalk (Bentraxx)
    Retaliation (Bentraxx)
    Saints and Thieves (Bentraxx)
    Scepter of Dor Am'al Part (Bentraxx
    Dyers Eve (Bentraxx)
    Cistern, The (Bentraxx)
    Durant (Bentraxx)
    Search for Crom's Blade, The (Bentraxx)
    Ghost House, The (Bentraxx)
    Mystic Lady, The (Bentraxx)
    Dead of Winter, The (Bentraxx)
    Rebellion of the Builder, The (Bentraxx)
    Mask of Agamemnon, The (Bentraxx)
    Abominable Dr. Dragon, The (Bentraxx)
    Cathedral of the Damned, The (Bentraxx)
    Den, The (Bentraxx)
    Seventh Crystal, The (Bentraxx)
    Clocktower, The (Bentraxx)
    Whispers in the Desert (Bentraxx
    Nightwatch, The (Bentraxx)
    Bane 2. Cult of the Damned (Bentraxx)
    Art of Thievery, The (Bentraxx)
    Broken Hammers (Bentraxx)
    Space Thief (Bentraxx)
    Train Spotting (Bentraxx)
    Thieves' Highway (Bentraxx)
    Temple of Death (Bentraxx)
    Through No Fault of my Own (Bentraxx)
    Unusual Conditions (Bentraxx)
    Curse, The (Bentraxx)

    sorry if i have doubled up with any you have already

    also i don't know a lot of these, so i will leave it up to you if you wish for any reason to exclude them from you listings

    also a couple are titled in non-English ie Vol de Nuit, you may know the English name as i didn't search too hard for them, but will have a look now

    also i watched a couple of VeniVidiRici vids, and although he's German he often makes vids with no commentary so are more than suitable for the English TTLG site ( but obviously i have not watched them all from beginning to end..i'm not that a**l )

    And i'm only up to jan 2002 on the Tafferparadise site........will open start again in new page so i dont loss any of the above by accident
    Last edited by fortuni; 17th May 2014 at 07:56.

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