nice. do note that cam_ext.cfg or cam.cfg is fine as well, not just user.cfg. had a very quick look, and they seem to be working fine, though they tend to stay on the screen a bit more than necessary.
(Updated to v0.8)
This patch requires NewDark v1.22 and provides english subtitles for every conversation, monologue or movie inside Thief Gold. It could be a perfect starting point for full translations and a great help for people with hearings problems.
Just copy subtitles folder to your Thief Gold directory and write the line: your User.cfg.Code:enable_subtitles
For a more complex (or custom) sub configuration, you can read subtitles.txt and subtitles-sample.sub files.
Suggestion for your User.cfg:
Hammerites and haunts are prone to soliloquies. In missions like Cragscleft or Return to the Cathedral could be a good idea to enable the line:Code:enable_subtitles subtitles_extra_time 1000 subtitles_font_dir intrface\ subtitles_font_name fontaa29 subtitles_bg_textwidth movsubtitles_bg_textwidth subtitles_color_player 0 255 255 ;subtitles_hide_types erasing the semicolon.Code:subtitles_hide_types fx+bark+urgent
This is a beta version and requires testing. Any comments or bug reports would be apreciated.
Last edited by RobinG; 21st Aug 2014 at 04:14. Reason: Update
nice. do note that cam_ext.cfg or cam.cfg is fine as well, not just user.cfg. had a very quick look, and they seem to be working fine, though they tend to stay on the screen a bit more than necessary.
That's damn amazing! Is it okay for you if i include this feature as a option (ON / OFF) on my next TG HD mod version?
Although something I doubt I'll use on a regular basis, this is very fine work RobinG!
Klatremus' Supreme Thief Site - Walkthroughs, Loot Lists & Ghost Reports
Let's Supreme Ghost Thief - YouTube Channel with Thief Let's Plays
Thx for a file!
return to cathedral still bugging out heavily, completely unrelated subtitles being displayed now when the level is started.
In “Return to the Cathedral” haunts and apparitions are continually whispering from afar. I’m still looking for a solution, because it’s very confusing when all that text is displayed.
How to use the foreign syblols in subtitels? I think about polish letters like ą Ą ż Ż ć Ć ł Ł ó Ó ę Ę ź Ź
In fact, if you PSPad and use "OEM" format of text it will more easy
Write the file in ANSI format (with specials characters), when the text is finished convert it in OEM format and then save the file.sub (i have all time a copy .txt in ANSI format).
So it's work for Polskiego letters, Hungarian, Czech, French, Spanish... (but there is a limit because the font table of the dark engine is limitated if you see the font tool in dromed basic toolkit so some foreign characters may be not present).
Last edited by Le MAlin 76; 22nd Aug 2014 at 09:51.
Thx for a tipp, taffer! Codetyp ANSI and it works!
Amazing Job gonna try this out now.
Thank you for your work. I wanted to report that the subtitles for Undercover (the first cutscene) are out of sync.
By the way, do you have any plans for the release of a similar subtitles patch for Thief 2? There is a topic about them here already , but it only contains a link to miss1 file and no clear instructions on how to make it work.
Oh my, this sounds genuinely cool !
It could maybe help me with the full translation I'm doing for TG. I still haven't made the modified videos with permanent subtitles, so instead using patched TG for easier subtitling would be certainly welcome !
However, I still want to wait a bit until NewDark stops getting too regular updates. It will be easier to follow then, since I'll just start with the latest version and then work on subtitles, as long as the support for them will already be there.
I'm still working on polish translation. I have many guards, hammerites, servants + thieves dialogs and monologs in PL. I will send you all the files, when I'm done. Do you plan to release the same subtitles patch for TMA or/and T2X?
Hallo, it's done: the polish translation, already tested by Bruce on our polish forum. (I have to implement the fixes, but the v1.00 version you can find here:
Last edited by Synergy; 17th Oct 2016 at 17:37.
I see no reason why you can't publish your mod here. I'm sure it will be appreciated. I suggest that when it's ready, you start a new thread for it.
Last edited by Synergy; 17th Oct 2016 at 17:37.
I'm not sure I completely understand but would expect that if you are making changes/additions to someone else's mod, you will have got permission to do that from the mod creator.
I am interested in the same patch for TMA. The files I found on I would like to translate these in polish and publish on our forum. Synergy or the others - is it already done? If now, I can try to create these for myself. Can someone give me some tipps?