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Thread: Ladies and Gentlemen, raise your pledges...

  1. #1
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: the Sheeple Pen

    Ladies and Gentlemen, raise your pledges...

    ... please. (didn't want to sound too bossy there, I'm just quite terrible at coming up with good thread titles)

    This fund-raising campaign has been a bit disappointing so far. I'm glad that they've reached the base goal at last, but I was really expecting this project to easily reach the first few stretch goals at least. So I'm now considering raising my pledge to do my bit. I went for the cheap early bird option ($20) initially, and like I've said before, I wouldn't mind spending some more, but...

    ... in my opinion the affordable pledge rewards aren't really that interesting. Alpha/beta access (I don't want to "spoil" too much of the game for myself by playing an unfinished product), in-game trinkets (I don't even like the idea of having some "exclusive" items in the game), forum badges (TTLG is the only gaming forum that I visit) - the more interesting ones only start at $100. Now, some of you might say that I shouldn't be so selfish and only think of some rewards, but if I wanted to donate my money I could think of many better causes.

    But still, we're talking about a new Underworld game here, created by a team that's behind some of my favourite games of all time, so I'd love to do something to make it happen. I could go all the way up to the $200 tier (I don't care about figurines and stuff so that's the limit for me), but at first I must convince myself that spending $200 on a computer game isn't a terrible idea. To pledge or not to pledge - that is the question! Perhaps I'll do that on the last day if we're safely past the Tracy Hickman novel stretch goal and closer to something more interesting - no offense to Mr Hickman or his fans, I just think that the game itself should be the main priority here!

    Anyway, is anyone else considering increasing their pledge? Someone help me/us decide! Also, what pledge tiers have you folks decided to go with? (Just being curious!)

  2. #2
    Registered: May 2004
    125 and I'm at my limit. I'll have to focus on getting my BA, so I can't really work the next three months which means no tengo dinero, sadly.

  3. #3
    Registered: Apr 2000
    Location: Not France
    If everyone can up their pledges to the $75-100 range, which is not that much different than you'd pay for a standard AAA game, then we'd be hitting on some of the upper level stretch goals, including the editor/toolkit.

  4. #4
    If it's purely the game you're interested in, then don't pledge more than you'd be willing to pay for the game if it wasn't on Kickstarter.

    I agree that the benefits of pledging higher are mostly uninteresting. Or rather, you need to give them a *lot* more money to get anything of additional interest. That was what I found most disappointing about the pitch, as I suspect a lot of people might have been willing to go from $25 to $50 if there was a benefit to doing so.

    I think most Looking Glass fans have some motivation to support this campaign aside from the game itself, though. I wouldn't encourage anyone to spend more than they were comfortable spending (and certainly not just for a single game), but I do encourage people to consider how much value they've gotten from Looking Glass games, and whether on that basis they're willing to throw some extra money to OtherSide in this campaign as a way of saying "you know what, those games were incredible, and in retrospect I'd have happily paid more for them than I did; so here's some extra money now to say thanks, and to support the new company".

    That's pretty much my motivation for giving them more money than one game is reasonably worth. And looking at it the way I do means that if everything goes completely pear-shaped, I'm still ok with spending what I've spent.

  5. #5
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Wales
    Quote Originally Posted by Tomi View Post
    To pledge or not to pledge - that is the question . . . Anyway, is anyone else considering increasing their pledge?
    I can't increase because I haven't pledged anything yet, but the very good news from my point of view is that I will actually have some money in the bank tomorrow so I can make a small donation. Debts are too big to make it a large one but I had thought I wouldn't be able to do anything at all. It all helps, doesn't it?

  6. #6
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: the Sheeple Pen
    That was a very good post, Shadowcat. Thanks for that. You've almost convinced me to raise my pledge, but I'll think about it for a few more days.

    Quote Originally Posted by nickie View Post
    I can't increase because I haven't pledged anything yet, but the very good news from my point of view is that I will actually have some money in the bank tomorrow so I can make a small donation. Debts are too big to make it a large one but I had thought I wouldn't be able to do anything at all. It all helps, doesn't it?
    Of course, every little bit helps! But hopefully you can afford to spend $25 that gets you the game too, as this is surely going to be something quite special. If you're running on a really tight budget and want to save a fiver, the limited early bird PIONEER tier is also available every now and then when people raise/cancel their pledges. (For example there's one spot available right now as I'm typing this!)

    EDIT: and a minute later, that one spot is gone! But just keep checking every now and then...
    EDIT 2: aaand now there's a spot available again! it'll probably be gone by the time I hit the "post" button though...

  7. #7
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: Hong Kong
    A good cause buy I already upped my pledge by $45 before they hit first base. I will possibly add a little more if they get close to the lizard race tier

  8. #8
    Registered: Mar 1999
    Location: the City
    Based on what Shadowcat said, I've upped again
    belfong, the self proclaimed german tourist

  9. #9
    Master Builder 2018
    Registered: Jul 2008
    I pledged 50 at the start. I'd be willing to up it to 75, mainly for the stretch goal of the editor/toolkit if that might become a reality.

  10. #10
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Vertigo, DragonSand, Xeen
    Quote Originally Posted by twisty View Post
    I will possibly add a little more if they get close to the lizard race tier
    They are close to the lizardman tier.

  11. #11
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: the Sheeple Pen
    These last moments (37 hours left right now) of the Underworld kickstarter are going pretty well, I think! We're breaking the $750,000 mark any second now, and who knows, with a good last day push we could still reach some of those really cool stretch goals. The $1,000,000 milestone may be a bit too far away, but stranger things have happened...

  12. #12
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: the Sheeple Pen
    aaand we're at $750k! \/

    I sincerely hope that the lizardmen aren't as extremely annoying as the ones in Arx Fatalis.

  13. #13
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: Hong Kong
    They were one of my favourite races in UW so hopefully they will continue to be interesting.

  14. #14
    Master Builder 2018
    Registered: Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcat View Post
    I think most Looking Glass fans have some motivation to support this campaign aside from the game itself, though. I wouldn't encourage anyone to spend more than they were comfortable spending (and certainly not just for a single game), but I do encourage people to consider how much value they've gotten from Looking Glass games, and whether on that basis they're willing to throw some extra money to OtherSide in this campaign as a way of saying "you know what, those games were incredible, and in retrospect I'd have happily paid more for them than I did; so here's some extra money now to say thanks, and to support the new company".

    That's pretty much my motivation for giving them more money than one game is reasonably worth. And looking at it the way I do means that if everything goes completely pear-shaped, I'm still ok with spending what I've spent.
    Yeah, that works for me too. I just upped from 50 to 200.

  15. #15
    Registered: May 2004
    The digital protagonist tier (125$) gets all the digital add-ons now. So if you're not interested in the physical stuff, that's the place to be.

  16. #16
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: the Sheeple Pen
    So I've been thinking of this for the last couple of days, and I finally decided to do it. Went from $20 all the way to my upper limit $200. This game better be good now, and if it is, it'll be all because of me! I'll have my name in the credits to prove it, my name will be immortalized in the Hall of <s>True CRPG Lovers</s> Immortals, and sentinels will bow in my honor goddammit!

    Thanks to Shadowcat and others for <s>bankrupting me</s> convincing me to make the (hopefully) right decision! Looking Glass games have indeed provided me a lot of entertainment over the years, and in theory this new Underworld game should turn out to be good and so far I've had no reason to doubt that, so I'm hoping that this'll be a good little investment!

    The $800,000 mark has just been broken too... and there's still 13 hours left - go go go! I think that we'll reach $850,000 easy peasy (fingers crossed!), too bad that the next one after that is just the rather lame (in my opinion) "language localizations" one.

  17. #17
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    I also just pledged finally, not because I wasn't sure whether to or not, but because I wasn't sure which level was right for me. Also, because I'm a horrible procrastinator (just ask my wife). I finally went ahead and pulled the trigger a little while ago.

  18. #18
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: the Sheeple Pen
    Nice one Yandros! I hope that there are a lot more horrible procrastinators like you (and me)!

    I'm genuinely a little surprised that there doesn't seem to be more interest in this project. I suppose that we should be grateful that we've at least reached the base goal and we're getting the game, but when I look at some other kickstarters for games that I haven't even heard of (which doesn't really mean much these days, to be honest!) and many of them have managed to raise millions, I can't help but feel a bit disappointed. I thought that "Underworld" would still be a fairly big name among a lot more people, but looks like times have changed. Oh well. At least Renz is getting his bunnies.

  19. #19
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Yeah, but honestly I really hoped we would get the editor. I suppose they might release it later, but given the amount of work involved and not much ROI on it (for them) aside from the eternal goodwill of people who are into that, I find it unlikely. But then they are mostly LGS v2, so who knows.

    As for being surprised it hasn't been hugely successful, I'm not. Way too few people these days understand why Looking Glass was special, and why supporting these guys is important.

  20. #20
    Master Builder 2018
    Registered: Jul 2008
    What he said. Unfortunately.

  21. #21
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: Near Brisbane, Australia
    "these days"?

    I'm pretty sure you could have said that 15 years ago and it would be just as relevant.

  22. #22
    Classical Master 2008
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: Civitas Quinque Ecclesiae HU
    As a community, we should have pounced on the editor and gotten it released by hook or crook, but... guess those fires have mostly gone out.

    "Used to be the power. Now they're just a bunch of guys wishing for the old days. Kinda sad."

  23. #23
    So cruel, Melan.

    I certainly feel that OtherSide missed the optimal window for doing this, but I'm pleased that they're pushing towards $850K, given that at one point I thought $750K might be in question. The two things I wanted most were the editor and the Lizardmen. Thanks to the shuffle, we have the lizards... here's hoping that the editor happens regardless!

  24. #24
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Vertigo, DragonSand, Xeen
    Like Brethren said once upon a time, we gotta think a little bigger than just Underworld Ascendant.

    And I see he was right! The mere possibility that they can create just an awesome classic inspired game that succeeds, allows for them to make even more classic games. Since you guys have obviously watched all the streams and interviews, you know that they have hinted several times about making another real Thief game. They are clearly aware of what those other people have done to the Thief franchise, as they have mentioned it in every twitch stream so far. Please don't underestimate the very people who forged the industry we all enjoy today!

    Lets be the vigilant fans that we once were. Otherside is trying to shake up the industry, and if anyone can do it, it is them. Obviously, I can see from reading everyone around here, most have missed the supporting appearances throughout the KS by longtime industry game makers. I think this stems from the same old problem of so many people discovering this legendary company through Thief. They think that Thief is the only thing LGS ever did, and when they slowly discover the rich legacy, they often go into various states of denial. Its the "That's *MY* Thief" syndrome.

    I guess that since I grew up watching the industry unfold, it is far easier for one, such as myself, to instantly recognize and acknowledge the gifts that have just been laid at our feet.

    I can see that Paul Neurath wants back what is his.

    850k says he can try.

  25. #25
    Registered: May 2004
    Given that they'll continue to raise funds through the end of the year, that they're less than $200K from the editor level, and that Jeff Kesselman has expressed clear enthusiasm for creating and releasing a nice toolset for us, I think you guys shouldn't assume that possibility is off the table. It's not a guarantee, but I'd guess at this point there's still a really good chance it will happen.

    Just to echo what others have said... while I feel a strong nostalgic connection to both the Ultima games and the Underworld games (especially the first one), I pledged big ("Enlightened One") because I saw this as a genuine opportunity to personally help fund the rebirth of my favorite game development studio and to support their still-unique sensibility and design paradigm. I pledged partially for Underworld, but mostly I pledged for what lies beyond the Underworld if we help make Underworld a success.

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