There are several. See
Important Resources for Mission Authors
at the top of this forum. Inside you will see Guide to Custom Resources for DromEd.
Is there a Object Repository where we can get custom objects? If not, would anyone like to upload theirs for others to use if I create a site? it could contain the .bin/txt files in a zip and maybe a jpg with a picture of the object. Just a thought.
Thief Object Repository:
Or try:
Last Count: 1000+ Objects
Last edited by vincentlancon; 9th Jun 2016 at 16:46.
There are several. See
Important Resources for Mission Authors
at the top of this forum. Inside you will see Guide to Custom Resources for DromEd.
I'll just mention now that I'm in the process of reorganizing that thread. Once I'm done it should be much easier to locate whatever you're looking for.
It still won't address the issue of missing the forest for the trees (i.e., putting important things in a sticky is a guaranteed way to make most people miss them).
I agree. I'm open to suggestions. I can't think of a better way to do it except maybe go back to having multiple stickies but make the titles all caps and in bold, like:
But then we're still stuck with them being stickied. People are still going to just fail to notice them. Maybe we need animated titles with blinking lights.
Seriously though, maybe I should at least change the title of the existing sticky to something like:
Personally, I would separate objects, meshes, mesh skins, and fam textures into their own categories. They really are quite different from one another. Admittedly, that would make for some duplication of site references as many sites have resouces from more than one of these categories. But from the standpoint of looking for something specific, it is easier on the person doing the looking.
Another good reference would be for downloading scripts ... is that already there? I think it should be at a high level in the TOC.
As to leading the blind pigs to the acorns ... well, each new developer will either find it on their own or have to be told, just like now.
That separation has already been done. That was the first thing I did. And I see no problem with duplicating links from one section to another if more than one kind of resource is found at the same site.
I don't recall, but if not I'll add a section for scripts. Might need some help finding links to them all, though. But not yet. When the time comes for that I'll post about it.
I would never ask anyone to do this but it would be nice if there was a catalog like page that listed resources by item type. For example whenever I am looking for a specific object I have to search through every Thief related site for that object. If I wanted to find a valve I could just click on valve and a list of every valve made with thumbnails and links to the page of each one would be shown.
That would be great.
I like the idea too. I think the site should be run by several people, or by everyone like a wiki, so it doesn't grind to a halt when one person's interests change.
That might be too large an undertaking, but I'm willing to take a look and see what it would entail while I'm revamping the Custom Resource thread. Just getting that thread organized is a big job and I can only work on it sporadically. But I'll keep it in mind as I go.
If there were such a wiki, I would join and upload a pile of my custom objects for folk to use. I've never liked packaging up objects, but such a wiki might make it less painless ... The trick will be getting the architecture of the wiki sorted out so that we could just upload and go back to our day jobs instead of making the sharing act a day job in its own right.
I have created a test site, how about something like this, i can add any number of editors willing to help.
I suggest categories as well as the search engine. What might work best is to mimic the object hierarchy (Creature, Vegetation, Locks, ...) maybe down to two or three levels.
Also a standard format for uploading to the site is needed. Think about how you want objects to be given to you so that they will populate the site as easily as possible. Remember contributors shouldn't have to be editors. And editors are volunteers so make it easy for them too.
That's very promising. Hopefully there will be much more to come.
I cannot login. I'm already registered on Wordpress but that username/password doesn't work. Is there another means of registering?
I'm registered now. I suggest we focus on objects made by authors who are no longer active on here. Their objects are the most likely to vanish if their websites go down.
Targa's objects are on thiefmissions so they'll be up for ages, but some on the Low Poly Guild have already gone.
If you want to upload an object from your computer, and it's not already zipped up, you can use my ObjectZipper program to zip up all the required files. It won't take a screenshot for you but it won't forget any textures either. The program can make object packs (i.e. multiple objects in one zip) but it's better for the OR to keep them in their own file.
Last edited by R Soul; 13th Apr 2015 at 21:19.
how can we get a shot of the object , i saw a tut with an object viewer but could not find the executable?
Put into a mission and take a picture? That's the only way that you know the bin is any good anyhow.
anyone else who wants to contribute/edit on the site send me what you want your login to be and an email to send you the password in a Personal Message and I will add you. The more we get maintaining the site and adding the better it will be.
I've been adding object categories as Larry suggested. I don't think more than one subcategory is ever needed, and in some cases I've omitted them. Still, it's work in progress so any suggestions are welcome.