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Thread: TG FM: The Chalice of Souls (09/23/15) [Summer 2015 FM Challenge]

  1. #201
    New Member
    Registered: Oct 2021
    Finished all objectives in part 1 in less than 2 hours on expert..except finding sewers. Multiple windows/ledges and pipes causing constant issues jumping through, getting stuck and constantly having to reload. Spent almost half a week trying to find sewer key. Navigated through convuluted sewers to get to brothel. Once in brothel, took one step and alerted everyone. Spent 2 hours navigating through brothel, until I came across a homophobic note in fireplace. Uninstalled mission. It's not the 90s anymore. I read every single one of these books on stream. When you have to stop yourself mid sentence from reading it on stream and delete evidence of it by editing your vod.. kind of begs to question whether this should be in here or not. Just saying. ANyway. Mission was fine otherwise, but far too frustrating. Probably not going to finish it. Not a very satisfying conclusion to the series skacky started back in shadow politics. Very disappointed.
    Last edited by 1001games; 15th Dec 2021 at 06:24.

  2. #202
    Registered: Apr 2011
    Location: Lyon, France
    You are free to feel disappointed, however you saying the mission contains homophobic material goes way across the line. I never wrote anything homophobic and certainly do not endorse homophobia. The note in question is obviously meant to criticize homophobes and incel types, and this is corroborated by other readables including the Madame's ledger and her letter to this person. If you want to go around accusing me of being a homophobe at least have the decency to make an effort to understand what you're reading and to read other peoples' correspondence and writings.
    Last edited by skacky; 15th Dec 2021 at 06:55.

  3. #203
    Registered: Apr 2020
    Location: Germany
    Firstly, a very big thank you very much to czyys for posting about this FM in the "favourite atmospheric locations in FMs" thread. This is how I got back to it a second time.
    When I first played "the chalice of souls" about 1 year ago, I didnīt like it at all. I stopped the first mission about half an hour ingame and didnīt even try out the second mission.

    This time I enjoyed it to the fullest. The great quality in "snow as sole witness" and lots of thieves highway are exactly my cup of tea. The second mission was almost as good, loved the mysterious feeling it gave, the brothel turning out to be a keeperīs place in the past and finding the chalice in the water.
    What really stood out for me in both missions is the creepy feeling they give off, but no stupid undead appearing in any of the missions. Many FMs do it and it kinda ruins the mood for me.

    To the 3 authors a big THANK YOU for this great campaign

  4. #204
    Registered: Aug 2003
    Location: Sharon, PA, USA, Earth
    What on earth made you stop it the first time? Just curious. Happy you enjoyed it this time. One of the best releases ever in my book this.

  5. #205
    Registered: Apr 2020
    Location: Germany
    Well, I started playing FMs about 3 years ago and as you know there were/are a thousand FMs available. And i was playing through mostly all of them. So my pace was being rather fast. I guess this mission just didn't fit my pace, I got annoyed with it and stopped.
    That's why I give many FMs a second chance because I know I could like them more (or sometimes even less) depending on the mood

    And yes I agree. For me it's one of the best thief gold missions.

  6. #206
    Registered: Aug 2018
    How do I get past the statue in the crypt that instakills?

  7. #207
    Registered: Jun 2005
    Location: Ireland
    Quote Originally Posted by Tobey View Post
    How do I get past the statue in the crypt that instakills?
    There are two options:

    1. Frob the skull to your left as you enter the corridor where the statue is - this will “deactivate” the statue.

    2. Remain unseen - it is possible to sneak up to it and steal the items without it seeing you.

  8. #208
    Registered: Aug 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Snake View Post
    There are two options:

    1. Frob the skull to your left as you enter the corridor where the statue is - this will “deactivate” the statue.

    2. Remain unseen - it is possible to sneak up to it and steal the items without it seeing you.
    Thank you so much!

    Unseen! Fascinating. What would that entail?

  9. #209
    The Necromancer
    Registered: Aug 2009
    EDIT: never mind, had a previous save and it's fine now
    Last edited by Azaran; 11th Jan 2025 at 00:37.

  10. #210
    Registered: Jun 2007
    I'm getting consistent CTDs from this mission when approaching an area in the sewers. Of course, I can't be certain what it is because I can't get to it, but I suspect it's the brothel. I'm running without mods. I've looked back through the thread, but didn't find much. Out of 35 missions, this is the first I've any sort of problem with, and I'm not sure what to think here; please assist.

    EDIT: NM, I just skipped on ahead to the second mission, which was what I was really looking forward to anyway. I almost regret doing so now, because the brothel is...frustrating. I told myself going in that I wasn't going to sap any hookers, but before long I found myself in fact sapping hookers.
    Last edited by Vitro13; 21st Jan 2025 at 21:36.

  11. #211
    Registered: Jun 2007
    Just dropped by to say that *this* is how you make a Keeper compound.

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