This is awesome! Thanks for this; greatly appreciated.
TOW is good but I decided to make something that allowed the goals to be edited, and where the goal text and values could be kept in one place, and modified and rearranged at any time.
The result is called GoalMaster.
The download link is here:
Version 1.01, 28th Feb 2018
Last edited by R Soul; 28th Feb 2018 at 16:40. Reason: Updated to version 1.01
This is awesome! Thanks for this; greatly appreciated.
My Gosh... ConvMaster, then Goal Master...
R Soul! You're fit!
Thank you very much!
Looks great. I'll give it a run in 3-6 mos when I'm ready for goals.
Excellent! I love the title! It sounds like a soccer game for the ZX Spectrum.
Heh heh, that gives me an idea:
Great program R Soul. Easy to handle, fast in use and immediate ability to edit.
Indeed, I'm starting on the goals and scripting of mission 1 of Waterfront Racket tonight and plan to use this for the goals for all three missions.
Oh my god, this is amazing! Just as I'm getting into Dromed and making my first FM, this tool comes along... the bad thing: I'm probably not going to learn how to edit mission goals inside Dromed now.
Thank you very much!
sweet , thanks
This is really useful, thanks again.
There's a minor bug in this with the T1/G special loot tag, it adds an extra space before the objective number.
Code:quest_create_mis goal_special_ 2, 1
Bug squished!
See the first post for the updated download link.