Just yesterday I discovered that game prevents you from using holy water if you don't have any water arrows. You can use it all the time and it leaves only sound effect, but it's not being wasted. There is no holy water effect activated either. I grabbed 1 water arrow after using holy water in case I would have some infinite number of holy water. But no, game is too smart for that.
I think I knew most of these pretty early on, but might be one or two.. I think I must have played the T1 Demo about 75 times before the game came out. I knew most of what everything did by the time the game hit the shelves.
Just discovered the secret panel in Running Interference last night while I was getting Dromed to run on my laptop. I was taffing around in the room with all the goodies in it, near the beginning, and I just happened to accidentally click on that little switch below the table and my mouth dropped open. 20 years and I didn't know that panel opened up!!
How about this one?
If you rebind the default keybinds to make Run the default "move forward" instead of walk, you can actually get around much faster in a relatively silent mode. Even crouched, Garrett can move in this "Run" configuration at a little better than walking speed, and that's saying something in a huge game with long distances to traverse.
Moving along on tile? or metal? and Garrett's clanking feet gotcha down? See above, then while crouching, press the move forward "W" key, but let it go after a short pause. Practice in an area with no guards around. Keep pressing W, and letting go, and W again, and letting go. You can soon learn the right press-pause-press-pause combination to move the fastest. You can almost get a decent walking speed going! Be Warned, however: there is a risk involved, and Garrett will occasionally do a little stutter-step and "clank" right when you least expect it.
The trade-off is worth it in my opinion.
Only recently did I notice that the calmed burricks near the Quintus tomb are actually swaying to the music of the horn (usually, I don't pay attention to their idle animations).
Also, I had no idea the sandbags in Thief Gold could be thrown at people to KO them.
I had an interesting discussion recently - I recommended a good relative Thief Gold. Some weeks later he told me he just finished Undercover.
Me: "Yes, this was a hard one. I really had trouble finding all these switches in a five-minute mark."
He: "What kind of switches? I just glitched through the gate into the talisman storage room..."
Yes, to my confusion, this is possible. He even showed me an old speedrun video - a madman managed to finish this mission in about 90 seconds.
How did he even know to do that? Is he just exploiting his way through the entire game?
I only recently discovered that flash grenades work on the cameras in Thief 2. It seems kind of buggy, had a few occasions where the alarm went off anyway. But when it works it's useful
There´s one thing I have only noticed a few months ago (and that after playing thief for over 20 years ): That you can disarm a mine with your lockpick
Only noticed recently that you can't use your mechanical eye whilst your holding any arrows, but you can use it whilst holding a sword or blackjack. Anyone know why the difference? I'm guessing it has something to do with you need a free hand to focus your mechanical eye, but if you have drawn your quiver but are not actually firing an arrow surely your only holding the quiver in one hand and still have one hand free?
Last edited by fortuni; 19th Aug 2021 at 14:29.
Today I leanred that I can destroy burricks gas with broadhead arrow.
fortuni: I suspect the reason is that bow has it's own zoom.
it was only thanks to the noclip documentary that i realised all the electricity in thief 1 (at least) is extracted from captive (lightning?) elementals. the glowy balls on the top of the street lamps, and in the "collector" towers are elementals!
TIM STELLMACH: "I mentioned Ken Levine's early concept docs, kind of almost steampunk kind of retro tech kind of concept where we didn't want to have a fantasy world that was just the same as every other fantasy world out there. So he was developing the idea of this kind of retro technology based on elemental forces. There were ideas that were only partially expressed in the final game about use of like caged elementals as power sources and whatnot." — Thief & Looking Glass Studios - Noclip Greatest Hits, 0:30:48
Last edited by vfig; 27th Aug 2021 at 22:23.
I have just recently discovered you can take out the worker and combat bots in T2 by a water arrow to the boiler in the back.
Now I feel very dumb for not finding out about this sooner
Played Thief for years before discovering...
... all secret doors in librarys were the same.
When I started using dromed I found out that secret doors were an object. And there was only one bookshelf shaped one, and only one 'book' button.
For years I had been clicking on every shelf, just in case. Doh.