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Thread: T2 FM: Morbid Curiosity (October 2016)

  1. #451
    Registered: Jan 2008
    Location: Horseshoe Overlook
    Quote Originally Posted by Brodo Swaggins View Post

    Speaking of...does anyone know what Pukey Brunster is up to these days? She seems to have vanished from the forums mid-2021. I hope she's okay. She's responsible for some of my favorite Thief experiences to date, would hate to learn she's no longer active in the community.
    Hello friends! Yeah, sorry for the super late reply. All good here and even began working on a new mission I hope will be both fun to create and for you guys to play. Life took me away for a bit because of, well.. life. Also got into several other games for a little while, my favorite of which being RDR2 (absolutely amazing) but my first love will always be Dark Project. Makes me happy people are still playing and enjoying this one, and hope to have something new for you in 2025!

  2. #452
    Registered: Sep 1999
    Location: Texas
    That's great to hear pukey!

  3. #453
    Registered: Jan 2006
    Location: On the tip of your tongue.
    Eyy great to have you back pukey - both your missions are among my absolute all time favourites, so a new mission is exciting news indeed!

  4. #454
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Texas
    Agreed. I can't wait.

  5. #455
    New Member
    Registered: Dec 2024
    I've been playing this as I enjoyed the Thiefy Christmas mission so much.

    I don't know much about the technical side of things and was hoping someone could suggest a solution to a problem I have with this mission.

    I tend to play missions very slowly as I like to complete them without help and I explore all the nooks and crannies. I've got to 9 hours of playing this mission (speedy isn't an adjective associated with me) and the only objective remaining is to return to the start.

    On the way back, I want to look for some secrets that I've missed but whichever way I choose, after about 9 and a bit hours the game freezes for a couple of seconds then crashes to Angel Loader.

    I've tried different routes and going back to older saves. I've deleted some of the very old saves. I've saved in various places after a restart. I don't run anything apart from the basics that come with Angel Loader. The freezes happen at various places, not just one or two.

    Is there some sort of time limit? (I can't see how there could be).

    Perhaps I should start again and move a bit quicker

    Any help would be appreciated.

  6. #456
    Registered: Jan 2006
    Location: On the tip of your tongue.
    There's probably a very slow memory leak somewhere. This can happen if, say, you're accidentally adding a metaproperty to an object via script every time something happens, and eventually there are too many copies of the metaproperty for the game to handle. No idea what the actual exact cause would be in this case, but something along those lines is the most likely culprit.
    Last edited by nicked; 19th Jan 2025 at 05:03.

  7. #457
    New Member
    Registered: Dec 2024
    Thanks nicked.

    I'll restart the mission in a couple of weeks and see if I can make it to the end.

  8. #458
    Registered: Jan 2006
    Location: On the tip of your tongue.
    I'm sure it'll go faster now you know what to do!

  9. #459
    New Member
    Registered: Dec 2024
    Quote Originally Posted by nicked View Post
    I'm sure it'll go faster now you know what to do!
    It sure did - just under 5 hours. 5 out of 6 secrets.

    I had a bit of fortune on this run as a Haunt had somehow managed to find its way into the Pagan area. There were two dead ape beasts and a dead mummy who'd also found his / her way in there. Maybe there had been a three way battle between Haunt, ape beasts and the mummy? Either way, I dispatched the Haunt for good measure.

    What an excellent mission!

  10. #460
    Registered: Aug 2001
    I am having the same game crashing issue Plumph is having but I crashed while in the Gallery. I too have been playing for over 9 hours. I don't want to restart the mission so I guess it ends right when I was going on the tour. Are there any fixes?

  11. #461
    Registered: Jan 2008
    Location: Horseshoe Overlook
    Quote Originally Posted by littlek View Post
    I am having the same game crashing issue Plumph is having but I crashed while in the Gallery. I too have been playing for over 9 hours. I don't want to restart the mission so I guess it ends right when I was going on the tour. Are there any fixes?
    I never imagined anyone would play the mission for that many hours, it's hard to imagine what anyone would do in so much time, lol. You should be able to finish it in about 2 or 3 hours. As Nicked said, there could be a slow memory leak somewhere.. this was my very first mission ever and I didn't know a lot about Dromed, and even now I wouldn't know how to track something like that down. If you want I can send you a save game tho, so PM me if you want

  12. #462
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by pukey brunster View Post
    I never imagined anyone would play the mission for that many hours, it's hard to imagine what anyone would do in so much time, lol. You should be able to finish it in about 2 or 3 hours. As Nicked said, there could be a slow memory leak somewhere.. this was my very first mission ever and I didn't know a lot about Dromed, and even now I wouldn't know how to track something like that down. If you want I can send you a save game tho, so PM me if you want
    I have a habit of ko'ing all opposition and then taking my time scouring for loot and secrets. I'd love a saved game. I'll PM you. Thanks.

  13. #463
    Registered: Mar 2015
    About the crashing issue, this mission's gamesys looks to be based on the DEDX gamesys, which is known to have issues with the metaproperty duplication that nicked has already mentioned (among several other problems). If the conditions that cause this are triggered and persist for enough time, the game will eventually crash. While it is difficult to say whether this is actually the culprit in the absence of a save, there is a generic fix available in the form of this DML, which is included in the T2FMDML package.

  14. #464
    Registered: Jun 2010
    Location: Post Glacial
    Great first FM Pukey Brunster! However, my game also crashed at about 6 hours of play. I got as far as placing the last “key” into a fountain and boom. The prior 3 saves would not load either. I didn't know of the dedx.dml at the time of the start of my game, so I may try again with the DML.

    Even though it crashed very near the end, I enjoyed the FM a lot. I did have to consult the walkthrough a couple of times (mainly for the map). I sort of hate looking at walkthroughs though because I can’t help but see spoilers for things later in the game that I wish I had not seen. The Rose puzzle was one of those.

    One part did make me a bit frustrated. The blessing pool puzzle. I understood what to do, but ran into a problem with the ”air” bush, which was what I chose to be the last to shoot. Air = Gas, right? So I shot it with a gas arrow and it didn't highlight and start glowing like the other bushes when hit. I thought there must be some other unknown arrow I needed to find. I had to watch a “let’s Play” to see the last hightlight does not occur, but the big blue crystal still becomes active. I haven’t tried a different order to see if the non-highlight occurs on the last bush chosen, or just the air bush. . I know. I know. A pretty AR thing to worry about

    I remember that I played this on another computer back when it was first released, but I didn’t remember any of the play except for the trophy statues. It was nice to have forgotten it and play it like it was the first time. I feel it’s worth another go, worling faster and using the DML just to finish it

    Completed on expert in 4 hours and short 977 of full loot. Of course it was much easier the 2nd time around (actually the 3rd counting 9 years ago). No glitches this time. I confirmed the blessing puzzle soes not highlight the last hit before activation.

    One fun thing about the earlier 6 hour long try is that the game started to get squirrelly with my bow and arrows. I was trying to shoot a rope arrow and the arrow turned into a sword with a skull at the hilt. When shot, is suck a skull into the targeted wood ! Funny.
    Last edited by bjack; 17th Feb 2025 at 01:35. Reason: Update

  15. #465
    Registered: Nov 2010
    Location: Alberta, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Jax64 View Post
    About the crashing issue, this mission's gamesys looks to be based on the DEDX gamesys...there is a generic fix available in the form of this DML, which is included in the T2FMDML package.
    If the T2FMDML mod is loaded will it protect all FM's that are based on DEDX? Or are there some that might require manually creating a DML?

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