Congratulations on your release! I had a great time testing this mission and those that play it are in for a great experience!
I’m happy to release my first FM, which is a city-to-destination style mission.
Download Links:
UPDATED to 1.3 on Google Drive: Some additional fixes.
Version 1.3:
Mirrors by Southquarter and TaffersParadise below. Mirror by Clearinghouse on page 3. Before downloading, check to see version is 1.3.
Thank you Brethren, Lord Soth, and Clearing!
French translation now available!
Version 1.3 French:
Thank you Apiai for your long hours and help translating a mountain of readables and pics, and for walking me through it. Thanks also to Gaetane and Athalle!
Lootlist now available (thank you Jiasonz!)
File size is about 460mb due to a lot of custom content.
All necessary scripts to run the FM are included with the zip.
Many thanks to my beta testers Cardia, Itllrun10’s, Gloria Creep, and Ravenhook who have helped to sort out the bugs and improve the overall quality of the mission. Thanks also to ShalebridgeCradle for providing a good forum to test in.
But thanks most to you, you Taffers, for making and playing so many great FM’s over the years. I’m glad to be among your many fans, lurking here in the shadows.
I hope you will have fun & enjoy!
Last edited by pukey brunster; 26th Nov 2016 at 13:19.
Congratulations on your release! I had a great time testing this mission and those that play it are in for a great experience!
Nice, congrats! Anxious to check this out. Here's a mirror:
Updated link, Version 1.3:
Last edited by Renault; 14th Nov 2016 at 00:57.
Congrats on the release!
Congratulations on releasing your first mission! Well done! I'm looking forward to playing it.
Congratulations on your first FM pukey brunster. And thank you - tis good to see FMs still being made. Looking forward to playing![]()
Congratulations on the release! I'm looking forward to playing it![]()
Added this mission to taffers, looking foward to playing this :P.
Also updated the taffers with the loot list.
Updated to version 1.2.
Last edited by Lord Soth; 17th Oct 2016 at 18:06.
Hmmm, is there a way to ghost a sewer spider on the way to the inn? Or is there another way around him? I did manage to ghost 2 spiders guarding a lockbox in the sewers though.
Oooohhh...something for a chilly fall day.
Superb, atmospheric mission. I seem to be getting a little distortion from what I believe is the audio file of the rain in the courtyard with the singing drunk just outside the rendezvous Inn, but otherwise it's great so far. And what mad scientist has bred aquatic spiders? Not sure about ghosting them, I think I just outran them and dealt with them later when I had some broadhead arrows.
SQ link in the OP is 404.
When i go outside for the first time through the shipping door at the start, the ambient sound is such a loud hiss (maybe its wind or rain) its hurting my ears. Anyway to turn this off.
OK fixed this now, it seems that having audio acceleration on is not good for this.
Last edited by Lord Soth; 11th Oct 2016 at 08:56.
I've not got far but I just wanted to say very well done, pukey brunster. Excellent atmosphere and I particularly like the singing drunk who rather reminds me of me on a good day. Edit. One of the singing drunks.![]()
That moment when you hear music from The Seven Shades...
"Hmmm... I know who this guy is..." Oh, Benny, your lunch has better usesPsychic's place is very cool!
But is there a point in putting aspirine into the doctor's cup?
This is great fun.
Especially the learning center![]()
There are some issues with the pathfinding database. Some places aren't accessible for AIs that should be.
I've been playing it for more than 3 hours and I'm nowhere near done...
One complaint, though: whenever I descend into water, there is always someone nearby to hear the splash and second alert...
Last edited by marbleman; 11th Oct 2016 at 17:44.
Yes, sorry to break the ghosting in that area. On normal or hard levels that one spider is not there.. but if you're like me, no mission is worth playing if not on expert!
Last edited by pukey brunster; 11th Oct 2016 at 11:38.
Posted by Marbleman:If you have helped the good doctor with some aspirin, check downstairs as the little surgery room is now open. Pay special attention to the carnage on the floor ;-)But is there a point in putting aspirine into the doctor's cup?
Last edited by pukey brunster; 11th Oct 2016 at 11:35.
Hmm.. what areas are the naughty AI's wandering into I wonder?There are some issues with the pathfinding database. Some places aren't accessible for AIs that should be.
Glad you are enjoying it![]()
Last edited by pukey brunster; 11th Oct 2016 at 11:34.
Thank you for playing everyone! I will be checking in here and there from work (when I can sneak it in) in case anyone has questions.
Last edited by pukey brunster; 11th Oct 2016 at 11:53.