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Thread: The Dark Forest and other projects

  1. #1
    Registered: Mar 2012
    Location: Moscow, Russia

    The Dark Forest and other projects

    Hi there,
    In this topic, I’ll be telling about my current DromEd projects and their progress. Those ones are many enough (7, to be precise). I understand that a few of them will never be completed due to some reasons. But it doesn’t matter how much I can do – it’s way important that I have fun during the process. Sometimes I want to build a forest, sometimes I want to build a town, sometimes I want to create new models. You see, I tire too fast if I do something concrete too long (I suppose, everyone does).
    I know that many of you wait for the “Keeper of Infinity” sequel. Well, it’ll be released in 2017.
    So, here are my projects and their progress:

    Keeper of Infinity 3: The Dark Forest

    The level’s design is 90% complete. Great news: I’ve checked the Model LoD property (NewDark 1.23), and it works excellent! I’ve managed to get about 100% performance boost on my own PC throughout the level. I’m using the vanilla grass for LoD.
    How this works: wherever the player is, (s)he will only see the objects of the current area/scene, but everything outside will be replaced by the vanilla grass. Nevertheless, when the player moves to another place of the level, the vanilla grass will be replaced by the trees and other decorations. But this transformation will be inconspicuous.
    I’m not sure: whether do I need to re-work KoI 1&2 the same way or not? I know that many taffers couldn’t play those FMs due to the lags.
    I can’t name the exact month for the KoI 3 release because I’m constantly distracted on my other projects that I’m interested in, but KoI 3 is definitely my high priority.

    Good FPS:

  2. #2
    Registered: Mar 2012
    Location: Moscow, Russia

    I always wanted more Rocksbourg, so I’ve decided to try to create something kindred (IMO).
    Darkbourg is a work name. Alas, this word is already in use somewhere in RL (although this shouldn’t matter for us taffers).
    Here, in this project, will be everything that have been missed and couldn’t be in KoI: narrow streets, dense buildings, a lot of mud flowing down the walls, rain and puddles with environmental maps (which I do like very much). Also, here will be a lot of exclusive custom objects.
    According to my plan, the texture set here will be poorer and more monotonous. It’s a different universe, and its protagonist isn’t Garrett.
    Status: 20% complete. Release date is unknown.

  3. #3
    Registered: Mar 2012
    Location: Moscow, Russia
    Keeper of Infinity 1 & 2 Reloaded

    My skills grow too fast, so I don’t want to leave these two FMs as they were released.
    I plan to split KoI 1 into 3 parts and KoI 2 into 2 parts. The detail level will be raised, but overall performance won't be harmed, thanks to LoD. The splitted parts will get new locations, game play, and plot. Perhaps someone would say, “Oh, forget this and focus on your new missions!” But I'll do what I want, no matter what, because these FMs should look better (and they can look better).
    The first part of “The Raven’s Nest” will be ended in the pawnshop, after your buying of the equipment. Thus, the bug with inability to get a new objective from Ol’ Flik will be fixed.
    The second part will totally be devoted to Konigsforst. The city will grow in size by three times, whereas its streets will become two times narrower. Almost all textures and lightmaps’ colors will be changed. Now, the player can “honestly” get inside the library, the inn, and the Captain’s manor, i.e. on foot. The scenario will be extended.
    Status: many parts are complete, so I will probably release it even in 2017.

  4. #4
    Registered: Mar 2012
    Location: Moscow, Russia
    L'Arsene Gold

    Last couple of years, I thought about animating some old FMs. I should say that, not all FMs, released for the last 10-15 years once I did like, I do like now. But L’Arsene is an exception. I’ve completed it 4-5 times, and every time I did this, I enjoyed it as the first time. Alas, the FM’s visuals are outdated, so I proposed Gaetane my idea, and she agreed! Theoretically, we taffers may see someday a rebirth of one of the best FMs.
    What I plan to change:
    - New textures,
    - New objects,
    - Increased details by several times (both by brushes and by objects).

    Without screenshots...

    King’s Story Gold

    Another lucky FM for a new life. Actually, I’ve started working on this project more than a year ago. Alas, ATM, the project is low my priority, although officially I don’t want to cancel it. Here, unlike with L'Arsene, I just want to renovate a few rooms (the most interesting ones, IMO), according to the real snapshots of the original Neuschwanstein castle.

    Last edited by Soul Tear; 18th Dec 2016 at 16:04.

  5. #5
    Registered: Mar 2012
    Location: Moscow, Russia
    Rowena’s Legacy

    I and other person (who is responsible for the scenario) have decided to create an FM dedicated to Lady Rowena. This mission should resemble the style and atmosphere of her FMs. Of course, there will also be a mysterious plot.
    There will be a forest and a castle. The forest is ready, whereas the castle has just exterior.

  6. #6
    Registered: Mar 2012
    Location: Moscow, Russia
    Enhancement Pack 3

    Not sure whether this idea is good or not – to release a standalone package or to include everything I plan into EP2 (this would be much easier, I suppose). On the other hand, I don’t want to argue with somebody and prove that, my models are very similar to the vanilla ones. My goal: to improve the most of the big (and a few of the small) objects in Thief 2. Currently, I’m re-working the objects from the first mission, while moving from one room to another.


    Now, taffer, you may wake up! That was just a dream – he-he!
    … Or not?

  7. #7
    The Necromancer
    Registered: Aug 2009
    Those shots look INSANE! I can't wait . It's still hard to believe that taffers have taken the Dark Engine to these levels. Looks like the potential is endless

  8. #8
    Registered: Jun 2004
    Location: Sea of Simulation
    Wow.You've got a full plate, everything looks wonderful and I cannot wait to play. Thank you ST.

  9. #9
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Germany
    The Dark Forest: HOLY SH*T !

  10. #10
    Registered: Apr 2000
    Location: Not France
    Super ambitious there Soul Tear, all the screens look phenomenal. I can't imagine how much time it must all take, I hope even half of those projects see the light of day. Great work.

    And btw, Gaetane is a "she."

  11. #11
    Registered: Jan 2005
    Location: in here

  12. #12
    Registered: May 2010
    Location: Taffer's Inn
    Amazing. I'm speechless!

  13. #13
    Registered: Jun 2015
    Location: Germany
    Looks Great Soul Tear, Good Luck with this Projects.

  14. #14
    Registered: Feb 2007
    Location: South Coast,England uk
    Wow...the dark forest looks awesome...I so want to get inside this forest....keep up your good work

  15. #15
    Registered: Oct 2012
    Location: UK
    Bloody hell... everything looks amazing. Can't wait to play whatever you can/want to finish. Have fun!

  16. #16
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: France (Lille)
    Excellent level design , you should team with Zontik, both of you share the same language, culture and high talented skills. I hope the gameplay will be accessible (easygoing) for all projects at least for normal difficulty.

  17. #17
    L'architecte de Rocksbourg
    Registered: Nov 2005
    Location: Narbonne, France
    Looks amazing, your forests are unbelievable.
    I wish you good luck with all these projects!

  18. #18
    Registered: Jan 2008
    Location: Horseshoe Overlook
    Visually stunning as always ST!! Can't wait to explore these worlds.

  19. #19
    Registered: Aug 2003
    Location: Deep in the Heart of Texas!
    WOW!! That forest is amazing. Your attention to detail is AWESOME!!

  20. #20
    Registered: Jan 2016
    This is godlike, just godlike.

  21. #21
    Simply magnificent

  22. #22
    Registered: Mar 2004
    Location: Canada
    Jaw hits floor! That forest is creepy as heck. Those screens are incredible so keep it going.

  23. #23
    Registered: Oct 2007
    Location: up the hill
    Without question, you put out some of the prettiest stuff.

  24. #24
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Dang. I feel entirely unproductive by comparison.

    Looking forward to playing this stuff!

  25. #25
    Registered: Apr 2014
    Location: Croatia
    Looks bloody amazing, but I expect nothing less from Soul Tear :D

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