Question: it would be good for DXIW a change to a "deusex2.exe" main exe as you did for TDS?
If you get the issue again, try disabling the texture pack and see if it makes a difference. But if you're going to replay the game once more, please wait for the next version of the patch.![]()
Question: it would be good for DXIW a change to a "deusex2.exe" main exe as you did for TDS?
It's already using that name - unless you install with the Steam option enabled to get the overlay working. (In that case the exe name must be the original, or Steam gets confused.)
LOL, you're right! Maybe add the note about the exe change.
Hey, I literally created an account just so I could directly thank you for this, snobel.
Gotta say: superb work all around. I'd say you about did for Invisible War what Kentie's launcher did for the original Deus Ex.
It was the only way I could get the game running properly on my rig, since it wouldn't recognize my alterations to the .ini files, for whatever reason.
Didn't encounter any glitches so far whatsoever. Perfect timing, too, since I only started playing about 2 days ago.
8 hours in, really digging it. Here's to hoping more people try out this frequently overlooked gem.
Thanks - glad you find it useful.If you encounter any bugs that you can reproduce from a save, please do report them...
Just wondering does anyone have screenshots of what the different options in the unified texture pack look like,since its really hard to choose what I want when I have no clue what they look like and sadly John P's site is down the Mod DB Page has only one picture.
So I've been trying to get this patch to work for a while but to no avail. I am able to download and install the patch to my game, and have been able to change the main menu resolution and other options, but the moment I load a game or start a new game, the game shows a black screen where I can move the cursor but nothing else, and I usually have to end up restarting or hard booting my computer to exit. I have windows 10 64 bit with Nvidia GE 745 and my security is my default McAfee. How can i fix this!?
Try turning off AV. A couple of people using Avast AV have reported the same hang, and that turning off AV fixed it.
Btw. using Win10 you can usually get rid of a hanging fullscreen window without rebooting: Set up a second desktop. When the hang occurs, hit the Windows key, which will usually reveal the task bar. Then click on the desktop selector and drag the fullscreen window to the other desktop. Then use Task Manager to kill the hanging app.
Unfortunately (or fortunately) I can't turn off AV, it doesn't have that option. thank you anyway, especially with that trick with the dual desktops. I'll just play vanilla.
Thanks for the great tool, snobel!
Have found a couple of bugs:
* Alt-tabbing resets brightness/contrast to default values (very nasty bug, actually!)
* Enabling Bloom makes everything way too smooth, and all edges become very rough. Can it be fixed in some way? I'm afraid that it's oldstyle ineffective bloom implementation, but maybe some quick fix exists magically?
* In windowed mode, screen filckers when moving around (it was reported earlier), it's totally unable to play.
* Enabling Unified Texture Pack reduces loading speed dramatically, noticeable even on my NVMe SSD with 2200 Mbps throughput. Maybe some other texture loading/compressing method? IMHO it's pointless to save disk space in 2017.
* After enabling UTP, x8 Multisampling puts my GTX 970 to its knees (@1080p), while original textures work at ~300 fps. Strange thing that x4 works fine.
I can live with everythig but the first bug about brightness/contrast, actuallyAnyway it's a huge breakthrough compared to original DE:IW.
Last edited by phantasm; 17th May 2017 at 14:42.
For the bloom, disable the bloom, use dgvoodoo 2.54 + reshade 3.0.7 and customize your personal bloom![]()
Thanks for reporting the issues.
This sounds like it should be fixable.
Fixing this is unlikely, I'm afraid. But getting lowenz' suggestion working should be doable, as it is working for Thief 3.* Enabling Bloom makes everything way too smooth, and all edges become very rough. Can it be fixed in some way? I'm afraid that it's oldstyle ineffective bloom implementation, but maybe some quick fix exists magically?
I've noticed, but no idea what causes it. Will probably not be fixed unless I stumble on something useful.* In windowed mode, screen filckers when moving around (it was reported earlier), it's totally unable to play.
The UTP textures are loaded as individual files, where the original textures are loaded as part of the one big .ibd file. Nothing to be done about that, unfortunately.* Enabling Unified Texture Pack reduces loading speed dramatically, noticeable even on my NVMe SSD with 2200 Mbps throughput. Maybe some other texture loading/compressing method? IMHO it's pointless to save disk space in 2017.
Also unlikely to be fixable, but may improve if/when dgVoodoo gets working?* After enabling UTP, x8 Multisampling puts my GTX 970 to its knees (@1080p), while original textures work at ~300 fps. Strange thing that x4 works fine.
As I remember it, dgVoodoo should work, but you need a very recent version. (The version I've used was 2.53, I see there's a 2.54 out now.) ReShade may need a fix/workaround like the one in the latest version of the Thief 3 patch.have you tried it yourself? dgvoodoo only works in DirecX passthru mode, and reshade prevents game loading completely. maybe i'm doing something wrong, though...
If I have the time I'll have a look at some of this over the weekend.
I was wondering if anyone has access to the screenshots that show the differences between the different options in regards to the John P Texture Pack portion of the patch?It makes it hard to decide when you have no example to go on.
In VisibleOptions.ini
; Time in seconds between updates of the progress bar. Set it to 0 to go back to original (slow) behaviour, set it to -1
; to disable the progress bar completely. The default of 0.02 is slightly longer than a 60 Hz frame.
Thanks - I had completely forgotten that that option was already implemented, only not exposed in the tweaker.The VisibleOptions.ini file can be found through the Deus Ex 2 Visible Upgrade program group in the start menu. Setting that value to -1 should indeed make ReShade work (when used with dgVoodoo).
True for the default settings, but screenshots showing the alternatives would be nice. Apparently there used to be some on John P's site. If anybody has them (or would care to make new ones) I'll upload them on Mod DB.
still no luck on Win10 x64 (Creator's Update). did a clean install. dgVoodoo (2.54) only works in passthru mode (when disabling DirectX emulation). brightness/contrast/color adjustments don't work either.
during reshade installation it complains about DX8 mode and propmts to download additional D3D8.dll - but game fails to load when using it. if I leave D3D8.dll from dgVoodoo package, reshade doesn't show up in game and doesn't seem to work.
I know what main pack does a like it quite a bit.What I am looking for is comparison screenshots of the various multiple choice options.Like Biomodded Eyes or non Biomodded Eyes,and the like.The reason I asked is because they're used to be screenshots on the internet but you can't find them anymore.Plus I remember that one choices for Male Alex D give him this horrendous look of big bulging eyes and a pig like nose and I don't want that version.In short I am gonna use the visual pack its the not being able to compare between the different options like for both male and female Alex the rest I am all set on.
I have Win 10 too, but not yet 'creator's update' - guess that could explain the difference.
This may be due to Win10 pseudo-fullscreen mode. If so, it should be fixable using the DLL hack from the latest Sneaky Upgrade.brightness/contrast/color adjustments don't work either.
ReShade complaining about DX8 is a result of dgVoodoo DX pass-through. Better concentrate on getting dgVoodoo working before even adding ReShade to the mix. Could you try removing all files from both, verify that the vanilla game will run, then add only D3D8.dll from this version of dgVoodoo into the System folder? (This works for me - haven't tried 2.54 yet because of scary but probably harmless virus warnings...)during reshade installation it complains about DX8 mode and propmts to download additional D3D8.dll - but game fails to load when using it. if I leave D3D8.dll from dgVoodoo package, reshade doesn't show up in game and doesn't seem to work.
For the biomod eyes, Alex D outfits etc. your best bet is probably this: Make a quicksave just before the start of the initial conversation. Alt-tab to the tweaker, change e.g. the outfit, hit apply, alt-tab back, hit quick load. Start the conversation, hit Esc to skip ahead. Then alt-tab to the tweaker again and change something else. Make some screenshots while you're at it.![]()
ReShade 3.0.7 can only work in D3D9-D3D11.
dgVoodoo 2.54 works perfectly for me with the lastest OS updates.