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Thread: Visible Upgrade: Unofficial patch for Deus Ex 2

  1. #76
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lowenz View Post
    A frame cap is always a good thing for BORDERLESS WINDOWED mode
    OK, maybe I can squeeze it in...

    Quote Originally Posted by lowenz View Post
    I'll ask him about
    Thanks, that would save me some time.

    but the strange thing is that the lastest S.U. VSync (in dx8) is working well with FCU.
    Using a DX11 wrapper takes away the possibility to force the HBAO+ with GeForce GPUs, so can you first try to adapt the lastest S.U. tweaks to V.U. ?
    It's a bit counterintuitive but to have TDS and DXIW working in original DX8 mode is a really good thing....
    I'll see if I can figure out what the difference is.

    Quote Originally Posted by lowenz View Post
    Thanks, I'll read that and probably confuse myself.

  2. #77
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    There's no need of any wrapper, that modded D3D8.dll can do anything.
    But, as I said, it would be awesome if you can actually fix the problem game-side (in Thief DS it is already and somehow fixed :| )

  3. #78
    New Member
    Registered: Mar 2018
    Location: Germany
    Is there a way to restore the default font used in the game's UI? It gets replaced when the Texture Pack is activated...

    P.S. Recently had a strange FPS drop a few seconds after loading a savegame. Dropped from 60 to around 30 fps, with GPU load not nearly at 100%. OBS Studio turned out to be the culprit for some reason...

  4. #79
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    The texture pack has an option to disable the replacement font (on the tweak tool's Miscellaneous page).

  5. #80
    New Member
    Registered: Mar 2018
    Location: Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by snobel View Post
    The texture pack has an option to disable the replacement font (on the tweak tool's Miscellaneous page).
    Indeed, I hadn't noticed that. Thanks! :-)

  6. #81
    New Member
    Registered: May 2018
    Hi, I seem to have some issue with using Visible Upgrade. Whenever I try to run IW, the menu loads fine, but starting a new game results in a black screen after the character creation screen. If I run the task manager, I can see two instances of the game running, one of which is marked as "Not Responding". If I kill that one, wait a few seconds then alt-tab back to the game, it loads fine from there on. However, I've further found that the processes that are running the game are listed as "DeusExMain.exe", which as I understand, is not the correct name for the exe under the patch. I am confused as to why this is, since I have followed the install instructions to the letter several times. Either I'm missing something, or the installer has an issue.

    For clarity's sake, here's what I've done to install the patch:

    1. Download the Full version from ModDB.
    2. Reboot my machine.
    3. Shut down my AV (Bullguard Internet Security).
    4. Download IW via Steam.
    5. Run the game.
    6. Quit the game and Steam, and run the patch installer.
    7. Configured the installation, let the patch install and then configured via the Visible Tweaker.
    8. Run the game via the shortcut and changed ingame options according to preference.

    Despite this, I still get the issue I mentioned above. I have tried uninstalling both the patch and the game, and starting over from scratch several times, to no avail. At this point, I'm out of ideas.


    Win7 64-bit
    i7-4790K 4Ghz
    Geforce 1070 8GB
    16GB RAM
    nVidia driver version: 397.31

  7. #82
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Hmm, weird... First suggestion would be to disable AV but you already did that - unless it was only disabled during the installation? Can you run the unpatched game, without the VU?

  8. #83
    New Member
    Registered: May 2018
    I get the same issue with the unpatched game, too, but after running the game with my AV turned off (with no difference), a wave of inspiration hit me. Turns out, the issue lies with the ShadowPlay overlay from GeForce Experience. As soon as I turned that off, the game worked without a hitch. I don't know if it's specific to this version of Experience, or just my setup, but you may want to edit the installation instructions with that info, regardless.

  9. #84
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    I will - thanks for reporting it.

  10. #85
    New Member
    Registered: Jul 2005
    Location: Scotland

    Sadly I'm getting exactly the same issue as Idsertian, except in my case disabling Shadowplay didn't make any difference.

    Upon starting a new game and selecting a player avatar, the screen goes black with the DXIW cursor on it and nothing else.

    After maybe 10 seconds if I alt-tab I can see that Visible Upgrade Launcher has crashed.

    I have to use Task Manager blind to force "Deus Ex 2 Visibly Upgraded" to close, as the black screen obscures everything, even when alt-tabbing or Ctrl-Alt-Del.

    Steam version of DXIW
    Windows 10 Pro Build 16299
    Intel Core i7-5820K
    16GB RAM
    nVidia GeForce GTX 980
    nVidia Driver 397.31

  11. #86
    New Member
    Registered: Jul 2005
    Location: Scotland
    Figured it out. It's the Logitech Gaming Software, which I'm forced to name in full because LGS means something else around here

    Both my mouse and keyboard are Logitech. The software controls the fancy LED lighting on the keyboard and, presumably, some mouse stuff too.

    I don't know specifically what each of the DXIW exe files actually does but...

    When the Logitech Gaming Software is open (in the notification area that used to be called the system tray), when DXIW tries to close or suspend the "launch" process to start the main game process, it gets stuck. The "launch" process never closes, so there's an unresponsive "ghost" window sitting on top, never exiting, that holds the whole thing hostage.

    Not having the Logitech Gaming Software running allows the launch process to exit "gracefully" (or however DXIW handles it internally, probably nothing graceful about it at all) and the main game window to come to the foreground.

    The Logitech Gaming Software probably isn't the only software that can cause this issue, but in my case it's definitely the culprit.

    I can live without fancy keyboard lights for one game.

    Hope this helps someone.

  12. #87
    New Member
    Registered: May 2018
    Yeah, that's almost exactly what was happening to me, except I was able to alt-tab/ctrl-alt-del to the desktop without issue. I suspect that's a Win10 thing, though, as I've had similar issues with other games with that pos OS.

    EDIT: A clarification to my situation after reading the new note added by snobel: I don't actually need to shut off my AV for the game to run fine, just ShadowPlay. That may just be my setup, though, BullGuard can be weird how it picks what it will and won't flag.

  13. #88
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by stoo View Post
    Figured it out. It's the Logitech Gaming Software
    Thanks, I've added it to the list...

    Quote Originally Posted by Idsertian View Post
    I don't actually need to shut off my AV for the game to run fine, just ShadowPlay.
    Yes, but other users have reported the same issue with AV (Avast, at least). I've elaborated a bit in the first post to make it clearer.

  14. #89
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Thanks to all, for the hard work on this Visual Upgrade!

    Has anyone had an issue with the Pilot Beacon on the final Cairo visit, before leaving for Liberty Island? The sound effect is there but no Beacon, in the little alcove 2nd level of hanger 24. I've tried reloading the map and reloading from the previous level. Could be just a vanilla bug but going to try removing all the visuals before loading the map to see if it appears.

    Thanks for any tips.

  15. #90
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Odds are it's an original bug. But if you can upload a save I can look into it.

  16. #91
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Thanks for the reply, I didn't realize we could pass saves. It's too late this time, deleted it when I had no luck. It was game breaking so I started over.

  17. #92
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Wow, completely new game and it happened again. Game breaker unless there is some way to call Ava with command or hack. I've got a save file this time.

    Can't believe I'm going to say/do this but think I'll try it without the pack or unless you see something.

    Thanks for any tips

    Edit: The only other real issue I'm having is sometimes the weapons just won't fire.
    Last edited by Acleacius; 10th Jul 2018 at 03:54.

  18. #93
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Thanks - I'll have a look but I'm on vacation so it may be a while.

    If you do try it without the VU, of course try to replicate the previous attempts and if it works, upload another save at the same place, for comparison.

    Quote Originally Posted by Acleacius View Post
    The only other real issue I'm having is sometimes the weapons just won't fire.
    Weird. Never had or heard of that issue.

    Better post your Windows version and what version of the game you have (Steam/GOG etc).

  19. #94
    Level 10,000 achieved
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Finland
    Just tried this, works and looks great! Well done, snobel!

    Does anyone know how to rebind the Quickload key to F11 tho? F12 is for taking screenshots in Steam, and I like doing that, so I feel like I'm bound to end up loosing progress at some point because I wanted to snap a picture instead of just loading.

    Default.ini in the System folder has 2 lines for "F12__d=QuickLoad", but moving those to F11 did nothing.

  20. #95
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    The keybinds in Default.ini are for when first writing out your Options.ini file, in the game's folder in Documents. So that's the one to change. Except in this case there's apparently no effect. You can set "F11=QuickLoad", which will work, but setting "F12=None" will not - it's changed back by the game and even if you prevent that (by denying write permissions on the file, making it read-only is not enough), F12 is still hard-wired to quickload.

  21. #96
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Win 7, Steam and Visual Upgrade, all downloaded this week. The only major thing I did was edit the DX2Menu.ini to be a trainer of commands and skipped most of the side quests. I finished the second run as quick as possible.
    Here's a screenshot I posted in the Steam forums if it's helpful.

    henke you could try changing it in both files, then 'Read Only' lock them.

    Edit: Anyone know if it's possible to set the volume and be saved on the main menu, before loading a save? It's extremely loud.
    Last edited by Acleacius; 10th Jul 2018 at 13:05.

  22. #97
    Level 10,000 achieved
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Finland
    Thanks for the insight and suggestions snobel and Acleacius. Yeah I changed both Options.ini and user.ini files, set them to read-only, but no go. F11 does get bound to quickload, but F12 does not get unbound.

    btw I should mention I also had the black screen error others have encountered. Turning off Avira AV and Nvidia Shadowplay did the trick.

  23. #98
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: The other Derry
    Just dropping in to say thanks as well.

    I gave the upgrade a try but only got half way before going on holiday. No issues so far, and it looks really nice on my new 3840x1600 monitor. I appreciate the effort.

    One question: what are people experiencing for loading times? It's been >10 years since I've played IW, but I seem to remember them being quicker. You run into a lot of loading screens when doing quests around the hubs. I came up with a new challenge for myself in the hub levels: figure out how to complete all the objectives with the fewest level transitions without missing anything.

  24. #99
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Afaik, load times are quicker with the Visual Upgrade. The tiny levels and load times were the major reason for complaints about the game/design at release.

  25. #100
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Hope this isn't a known error I just missed. Running Unpatched DX IW, getting 'app error' 'can't find steam'. Then it starts my browser and loads the main Steam page. I'm definitely logged into Steam. Any suggestions?


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